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Conclave always empty... Whats is missing?


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Hi there...

I have being playing warframe for some time in Xbox One and really miss the possibility to do some conclave. The servers are always completely empty and I wonder why that's happening...

For me... The answer is a easy... it's simply "avoidable"! There is no great specific content or loot that could be found only there and this is why nobody plays PvP. 

I think that you guys from Digital Extreme could create some additional content or event focused in Conclave or at least, increase the lootable items (quantity and quality) in order to drive some players there! 

How about you, Tenno? In your point of view, why we don't have players in Conclave (talking about Xbox One scenario) and how to bring them to PvP? Don't let the amazing PvP simply desapear!!

Thank you!!


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There are PvP exclusive content like conclave skins and such. Nothing too crazy though but still. 

I've had some really fun times in conclave playing with friends. But alone it's just sooo boring. The general gameplay of Warframe just doesn't fit a PvP game mode imo. 

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8 minutes ago, (PS4)reddragonhrcro said:

Most of the playerbase simply doesn't enjoy the conclave, it's not that there isn't enough content but rather that people don't like pvp.

Of course that the majority enjoy PvE, however... The content was already created and now is completely useless!
What about the guys that, like me, enjoy to put some bullets in their friends sometime? Don't be so selfish...

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1 minute ago, (Xbox One)Yamanishi1 said:

Of course that the majority enjoy PvE, however... The content was already created and now is completely useless!
What about the guys that, like me, enjoy to put some bullets in their friends sometime? Don't be so selfish...

Then play with your friends? Why would random people want to play something they despise just to give a near-dead mode some population? 

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I wonder is maybe they mixed pvp and pve elements, if they could get something interesting. Make some special survival maps that spawn enemies, as per usual. However, there are two teams of three Tenno, and they must work together to outlast the other team. I honestly don't know if it'd work, but that's the only thing i can think of...

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11 minutes ago, NightBlitz said:

the game is 99% pve, most playes arent going to stop slaughtering hordes just so they can fight another player...

Maybe a huge part of this 99% didn't had a chance to evaluate if they like or not PvP... Anyway, I got your point. Maybe, the PvP was a mistake, but it's very anoying have a mode that I can't participate.

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3 minutes ago, aligatorno said:

Then play with your friends? Why would random people want to play something they despise just to give a near-dead mode some population? 

This is a important point... The coop is the "heart" of warframe, even on PvP I would like to fight side by side with some friends against other players (and, I must confess that is hard to find 8 guys on-line available to play somehting that will not help you to get any loot as Conclave does) 

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I started playing warframe for it had no pvp as I can't stand that crap allways end up with to many cheaters in those modes as they to lazy to learn to aim.  After a year or so they added pvp for the loud crowed that demaned it and it have expended some sense then. But for me no matter what they add I will not enjoy it. The closest thing I like in pvp is the opticor mode for that reminds me of my server I made in medal of honor allied assault that was sniper only on close qauater maps. But even that Will only get me to play 1 or 2 matches before I need a long break from it.

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I like Pvp to the point of being pretty competetive in some games current and past.

Just not in this game. It's not just that WFs playerbase isn't really into pvp, it's that WFs pvp just isn't very good/suited to task. The pvp orientated players that are here are likely playing other games that are actually good for their pvp fix.

That said, what's wrong with the rewards that are there though. I'm not on board with anything that would negatively impact the elements that WF does get right and does well. changing it from "avoidable" as the op puts it to unavoidable sounds like a pretty terrible idea. But if the rewards are sucking too much I don't mind that changing. :shrug:

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6 minutes ago, EchoesOfRain said:

I wonder is maybe they mixed pvp and pve elements, if they could get something interesting. Make some special survival maps that spawn enemies, as per usual. However, there are two teams of three Tenno, and they must work together to outlast the other team. I honestly don't know if it'd work, but that's the only thing i can think of...

It would be interesting... Increase the difficulty and add some really new mode is a good way to bring attention! This mode would be similar in some ways to warzone from HALO, a very different and non explored mode that warframe and many other games would try to avoid the same thing over and over and over again. 

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1 minute ago, (Xbox One)Yamanishi1 said:

It would be interesting... Increase the difficulty and add some really new mode is a good way to bring attention! This mode would be similar in some ways to warzone from HALO, a very different and non explored mode that warframe and many other games would try to avoid the same thing over and over and over again. 

To be honest, I kinda got the idea from CoD Zombies. They experimented with a 4v4 zombies mode, and there was actually some deep strategic play. You wanted to get more kills and points while pressuring the enemy to use their points. You wanted the enemy team to die so that your team can win, but you may need the enemy's help getting through the wave.


If I remember right, Mogamu tried something similar with a friend of his a long time ago in one of his videos. They went into a high level survival, and they simply tried to outlive each other

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37 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Yamanishi1 said:

For me... The answer is a easy... it's simply "avoidable"! There is no great specific content or loot that could be found only there and this is why nobody plays PvP. 

I think that you guys from Digital Extreme could create some additional content or event focused in Conclave or at least, increase the lootable items (quantity and quality) in order to drive some players there! 

So basically you're saying:
"Hey lets put some exclusive weapons (or gods forbid) a warframe that you are forced to grind away at PvP at no matter how much you dislike it!"
Which should be a hard no.

I didn't come to warframe to be forced into unavoidable PvP just so I could continue to do and unlock stuff in PvE, I got that enough in Destiny 1 with their legendaries that required spending hours upon hours in the crucible to unlock the next stage of the quest that would get you the weapon.

It's a good thing that PvP is entirely avoidable.

Also DE has done PvP events in the past.  They had some decent cosmetic rewards for your liset and such.  They still weren't that popular because it was PvP events in a game that the majority of the player base prefers PvE.

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3 minutes ago, Ghogiel said:

I like Pvp to the point of being pretty competetive in some games current and past.

Just not in this game. It's not just that WFs playerbase isn't really into pvp, it's that WFs pvp just isn't very good/suited to task. The pvp orientated players that are here are likely playing other games that are actually good for their pvp fix.

That said, what's wrong with the rewards that are there though. I'm not on board with anything that would negatively impact the elements that WF does get right and does well. changing it from "avoidable" as the op puts it to unavoidable sounds like a pretty terrible idea. But if the rewards are sucking too much I don't mind that changing. :shrug:

Maybe "avoidable" is not the right word but the rewards are so poor that don't make you even think in spend time on that mode... I confess that there is a lot of alerts with mission modes that I simply hate, but I complete them because I need the loot. Why not do the same in conclave? Some alerts would be great just to get a more different experience sometimes and, if you really don't like the mode, simply ignor the alert.

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il y a 8 minutes, Ghogiel a dit :

It's not just that WFs playerbase isn't really into pvp, it's that WFs pvp just isn't very good/suited to task.

And how do we fix this? By making DE notice that there is potential in the mode and it could use an update... Oh wait, that would require effort on the community's part. Sorry, I almost forgot how badly people were angry over friendly fire mode in nightmare missions just because it stopped them from using their Synoid Simulors, when all you needed was some better aim and a team that wouldn't troll you.

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What is Conclave missing?

1. Advertisement

    Many players don't even know Conclave exists. Many people end up in Conclave by accident when they approach the terminal in the orbiter and don't realize it's PvP.

2. Separation of PvP and PvE gear progression

    You can't get weapons or warframes except for the 3 starters from Conclave. To get gear you can use in PvP, you must do a lot of PvE. This turns down PvP players who are interested in Warframe for just Conclave (they exist- Warframe's top post in /r/gaming is a high level Conclave GIF).

3. A good tutorial or practice mode

    You need to use both mobility and aim simultaneously to be successful in Conclave. You need neither to be successful in PvE. This leads to a huge gameplay difference between the two despite all of the mechanics being identical with no good way for a player to practice mobility and aim outside of Conclave matches.


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*sigh* this thread again,

no, we don't want or need content locked behind a game-mode that was shoehorned in just to please an extremely small sub-set of the community

we've had events that had items locked behind conclave, nobody was happy, PvE players felt forced into a game-mode they didn't like and more experienced conclave players were unhappy about the influx of players who didn't know what they were doing.

couple those feeling with garbage ping/host advantage that conclave brings (especially with an influx of people who don't usually play the mode) and it just makes for a bad time had by all

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4 minutes ago, Tsukinoki said:

So basically you're saying:
"Hey lets put some exclusive weapons (or gods forbid) a warframe that you are forced to grind away at PvP at no matter how much you dislike it!"
Which should be a hard no.

I didn't come to warframe to be forced into unavoidable PvP just so I could continue to do and unlock stuff in PvE, I got that enough in Destiny 1 with their legendaries that required spending hours upon hours in the crucible to unlock the next stage of the quest that would get you the weapon.

It's a good thing that PvP is entirely avoidable.

Also DE has done PvP events in the past.  They had some decent cosmetic rewards for your liset and such.  They still weren't that popular because it was PvP events in a game that the majority of the player base prefers PvE.

Unavoidable is not the right word... Imagine that nowadays we already (me, at least) do some missions that we simply hate in order to get the loot that it has. You are not forced to do this, but if you want... You can try and receive a decent loot! C'mon... Don't be so selfish....

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I just started playing it and I can see why people never give it a fair chance.

Your weapons feel ineffective, your powers are all different, you move slow and your oppenents just swoop in and eviscerate you in a second. It's hard to shift gears from trying to find the best weapon and mod combinations to actually just getting good at aiming and dodging.

Took me a few games before it clicked but now I enjoy it immensely and in just two days I've managed to reach the title of Hurricane with Teshin. Since the player base is pretty small you start recognising names and it's really satisfying when you finally start to catch up with the guys who always seem to beat you.

Conclave really needs a tutorial, some shinier rewards and maybe some extra advertising.

Edited by Maqabir
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Just now, (Xbox One)Yamanishi1 said:

Unavoidable is not the right word... Imagine that nowadays we already (me, at least) do some missions that we simply hate in order to get the loot that it has. You are not forced to do this, but if you want... You can try and receive a decent loot! C'mon... Don't be so selfish....

You can do the daily and weekly conclave quests to get (arguably) decent loot.


No one bothers. Because everyone hates conclave. It is basically a mess. 

There will always be ways to cheese conclave prizes. We had conclave events a while back. Most people did them. Very few did them properly. So, I am curious as to how you would implement decent conclave stuff in a way we could not cheese it.

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