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Dev Workshop: Warframes Revisited


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Just now, DroopingPuppy said:

Yep, and I don't requires taht to them. I just expect them to be not hampers the teammates and the process of the mission.


For example, even consider Limbo is the best troll frame, if he puts catastasis on the mission just for protecting mobile defense target then I don't, and can't blame him, for the mission doesn't requires a kill(unless it is a Void Fissure mission, which we need to kill some enemies).

yet you blame Frost for putting up a protective globe. Come on man, you are fighting something that doesn't need a fix. Its not Frosts fault you want to shoot everything. He is just doing his job in a Defense mission and that is where that frame should be.

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1 minute ago, Padre_Akais said:

I don't see anything wrong with bringing back Overheat personally.

But, let's all remember why it got removed...

Players asked that it be removed in favor of offensive buffs.

DE, in this case, gave players just what they asked for.


I remember the removal of Overheat was just as 50/50 with the community as this change.

Funny how history repeats itself.

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Just now, BadWeatherGaming said:

yet you blame Frost for putting up a protective globe. Come on man, you are fighting something that doesn't need a fix. Its not Frosts fault you want to shoot everything. He is just doing his job in a Defense mission and that is where that frame should be.

If he puts it on Infested missions, however, he protects nothing but enemies, actually.

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1 minute ago, LlednarAtreide said:

I like their spirit! New year, new adjustment. But here's my mega-wishlist, please consider DE~ :sun:

  Reveal hidden contents


  • [Smokescreen] base AoE increase and reduce enemy accuracy by 20%. for up to 12s


  • [Landslide] now grant Atlas damage reduction, instead of damage immunity. Landslide energy cost increased per consecutive combo (capped at 5)
  • [Petrify] can be used without holstering Atlas weapon.


  • [Sonic Boom] can now hit critical weak spot generated by Sonar.
  • [Sound Quake] now stagger enemies at 20% chance (before 100%), Deals bonus damage if the enemy affected by Silence.


  • [Elemental Ward] base Aura range increased up to 20m
  • [Vex Armor] effect now transferred to Sentry while using Effigy. Chroma no longer gain Vex Armor buff while casting/using Vex Armor while Effigy is active.
  • [Effigy] this ability can now be tapped [tap 4] to cast effigy roar. Effigy roar now taunt enemies. Hold 4 to return. [Guided Effigy] Sentry now follow Chroma at default, tap [X] to hold position, while following Chroma deals 2000 damage per second in its path. (no longer roar upon arrival/stop)


  • Their S1 now inherit current Augment effect. [Augment reworked], now increase their respective elemental damage dealt by 25/50/75/100% to targeted enemies for 40s.
  • [Accelerant] now grant 30% cast speed to all allies in range. [Flash Accelerant] reworked, now overheat self and allies primary and secondary weapon to deal extra 40/60/80/100% Heat and gain 50% Fire Rate.
  • [Fire Blast] Ring Radius now scale with POWER RANGE. [Fire Fright] Reduce Ignited [Heat status effect] enemies armor by 20%.
  • [World on Fire] as the range get reduced, max enemies hit increased to 10.


  • [Slash Dash] no longer provides invulnerability. Each cast increase combo counter by 5, damage now scale with combo counter. [Surging Dash] automatically cast another dash with 40/60/80/100% damage if enemy killed upon hit.
  • [Furious Javelin] duration increased to 10/15/20/25s
  • [Exalted Blade] added Charge attack. Slam attack now cast additional [Radial Javelin] with half energy cost.


  • Rework his passive. Spawn tentacle each time Hydroid or his allies attacked by an enemy at 50% chance. Max tentacle 7.
  • [Tidal Impunity] duration increased to 6/8/10/12s.
  • [Undertow] puddle and grab range now scale properly with POWER RANGE, note: puddle range with 250% POWER RANGE now has 10m range instead of 6.32m [Curative Undertow] now heals energy instead of health at the rate of 2/3/4/5 energy per second.


  • His passive [Sarcophagus state] can now consume Sand Shadow to instantly restore a percentage of health. Siphoning damage increased to 150 and can be increased by [Provoked Mod]
  • [Devour] max Sand Shadow 3. Deals extra damage if the enemy affected by [Desiccation]




  • [Ballistic Bullseye] reworked, now store damage for 2/3/4/5 shots. note: Without augment, [Ballistic Battery] stored damage can only be used for 1 shot.
  • [Shooting Gallery] No longer jam enemy weapon. Additionally, increase ally weapon accuracy by 30%.
  • [Shatter Shield] damage reduction reduced to 10/15/20/25%. Now has a fixed 50% chance to reflect incoming bullet. [Staggering Shield] stagger chance increased to 40/60/80/100%.
  • [Peacemaker] Initial damage and fire rate reduced by 50%. Max bonus damage and fire rate still the same. Maximum damage potential is reached after 100 gunshots.


  • [Blazing Chakram] base range increased up to 20m


  • [Larva] Max enemies latched fixed to 8 [previously infinite]


  • Rework her passive. Grant 50% damage boost to enemies under Confusion and Mind Control. Additionally, Nyx receive damage reduction if hit by them.


  • [Rip Line] now pull Valkyr to full distance if targeted to terrain.
  • [Hysterical Assault] Rush toward enemies up to 30m range and deal 100/150/200/250% damage.


  • Passive, now grant 50 flat bonus armor, additionally disable ground trap within range.


  • Passive, Combo counter duration increased to 6s. Additionally increase Melee combo multiplier to 0.75.
  • [Iron Jab] Base range increased to 20m. Deals extra damage if [Primal Fury] is active.
  • [Defy] When triggered, can now spawn one Wukong Clone to attack nearby enemies with currently equipped weapon.
  • [Primal Fury] Now has 4m base attack range, affected by POWER RANGE and Melee Mods. Each attack has a 40% chance to spawn Wukong Clone which last 12s to continuously attack nearby enemies. Clone deals 20/30/40/50% damage and immune to enemy attack. Each clone attack increase Wukong combo counter. Max Clone 10.


Thank you four your support these past years!

I like that idea, may reduce range but increases the number of enemies that get the proc. Add that with maybe a 50% increase in dmg and I think that is a good spot for her to sit at and everyone be happy.

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1 minute ago, Robutt said:

I remember the removal of Overheat was just as 50/50 with the community as this change.

Funny how history repeats itself.

You mean the forum player base was always a vocal minority with the habit of not reading wiki, providing credentials, confusing feels/options for facts or testing things before they speak?

No way.

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1 minute ago, DroopingPuppy said:

If he puts it on Infested missions, however, he protects nothing but enemies, actually.

I have never seen anyone want to shoot from far away on infested. Most teammates are in the entrance ways melee or shooting every enemy that comes their entrance. Half the time Frost doesnt even get enough enemies at the objective to be relevant and plays last defense if he does that.

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1 minute ago, phoenix1992 said:

You mean the forum player base was always a vocal minority with the habit of not reading wiki, providing credentials, confusing feels/options for facts or testing things before they speak?

No way.

It's kinda why I rarely post.

I just like to enjoy the game.

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On 2/2/2018 at 8:03 PM, [DE]Connor said:

World On Fire - 5 seconds after casting, a percentage will begin counting up on the ability icon. As this percentage scales from 0% to 100% over 10 seconds, the ability’s energy cost and damage dealt both grow to double, while the ability radius shrinks to half.

At first glance it seems Ember's total damage output remains unchanged, just becomes more concentrated, but that is not the case! The area of a circle is πr2. In other words, shrinking the radius by half reduces the area by three quarters. So five seconds after casting, Ember's going to be dealing double damage to only one quarter of the enemies, slashing her total damage output by half while bumping the energy cost to double. This change was designed by someone who either really hates Ember or doesn't understand high-school math.

Edited by SordidDreams
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I'd be (at least more) okay with this change if having WOF active reduced the costs of her other abilities (see Smoke screen),
since now Accelerant spam will have to take on more of the wide-range CC load that it used to share more evenly with Firequake.

Also, lol Fireball / Fireblast, those of course don't get changed in any way :(

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This is what happens when DE allows for miss representation of a frame.

9/10 of the "nerf Ember" weekly topics came from people with close to non experience or the desire to learn and improve.

1 hour ago, Keltik0ne said:

Well, its a straight up nerf, since the only reason people were using embers later on was for the WoF aug CC effect, so most were at 40% power str anyway.


This is a person that plays Ember. They would not care if WoF does 0 damage as long as FQ and Fire proc is applied, because this is the only thing that keeps you afloat.
Hell remove the damage from WoF, integrate FQ in it and remove the enemy cap and actual Ember players will be happy af.

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7 hours ago, (PS4)godlysparta said:

Yes, and please survive an entire Sortie with only Ember without WoF. TBH, any frame should be useful at Sortie level at least. Her WoF makes it just a bit easier. Seriously though, make Ember a late game viable frame. Unlike other Ember players, I use Ember for high levels. I can tell you very well that making her get closer to the enemies will instantly get her killed and make her completely useless. Increasing costs is absolutely fine. Reducing range however, is another problem. Ember is squishy. She’s not Chroma or Inaros who can take a few hits from level 100 enemies at close range. Please stop treating her as such. The problem isn’t her damage now, it’s her survivability. Her Firequake was literally the only thing that was keeping her up.

then how do u keep players from activating a huge aoe nuke at below level 60 and killing the fun of other players?

also, why the hell would u be doing sorties solo with a caster? thats like solo tanking a boss in an mmo with an elemental mage.... ur gunna get rwkt

people ask for things to not get touched, but dont understand what the changes really are and or how to use a frame, they even showed in the dev workshop how to use the frame, keep in mind, they did a bad job of it but it was enough to get the devs point across, that even ember can do 10 mins of mot with the lowered range (granted they sucked at dodging so they died sooner then that but that was on them)

Edited by (PS4)Spider_Enigma
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48 minutes ago, -QUILL_PETER- said:

Community: WoF has too much and not enough damage.
DE: We've given WoF less range and more damage.
Community: WTF Ember nerf

Because Warframe's forum community is well known for thinking and researching before they speak.

(And De has done nothing wrong)

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its 2018 and DE still likes to sugarcoat their nerfs by never showing how the math works, and instead shows how "They work better" by pointing out the good change and explains the negative change less detailed or sugarcoated with vague explanation.

Edited by Xsoskeleton
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GJ DE, keep silencing every criticism


i knew you would delete my post after tons of upvotes.



ps. if anybody have my old post (Page 2) saved or can tell me how to show the cached version of it PM me

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20 hours ago, [DE]Connor said:


Landslide - Does bonus damage on petrified enemies. Killing petrified enemies with Landslide generates bonus rubble. We have also increased the contact radius at max rank from 1.5m to 2m.

Suggestion: Tectonics Fracture rolled into Tectonics by default, and make casting Landslide at a wall skip the energy cost and send the wall rolling along your facing.

I mean, it's always been pretty weird that Landslide has nothing to do with the obvious landslide ability, and Tectonic Fracture kills a wonderfully amusing but rarely actually useful toy for a fairly needed "should have been this way in the first place" patch.  Sure, we couldn't cast multiple walls because of using the same button to "deactivate for roll", but that was never the right way.  Landslide can push on those occasions where it'll be fun (or when you need to get rid of a wall), and you can just use Tectonics to place your walls like one would expect a normal ability to work.

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To make it clear, i actually like ember, and this thread is because i like her enough that im willing to accept she has flaws that need to be worked, i don't want her to become a frame for people to just sit on while they're AFK but a frame people can actually strategise around, and have more use than just destroying low level mobs by simply activating WoF, the more they can balance her and scale for mid to end game, the better it is for everyone who likes, this makes her more viable for content she was previously useless for, which means you can play her more often, what do people not understand about this?

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The probel with this Ember nerf is that it hits one nail right in the head (WoF being incredibly boring for everyone but the ember player) but misses all of the others. 

Ember has scaleability problem where at some point she needs the range to be able to CC enough to stay alive. At Sortie level, not some bonkers 300+ content. 

She'd need a complete overhaul to be honest. WoF nerf was a long time coming for sure, the problem is that it should've been accompanied by a rehaul of her other skills so that she could get some more inner kit sinergy (even for just more damage) and some kind of in-game effect besides her 4 current skills which are basically 1) damage to 1 guy 2) everyone takes more fire damage 3) pitiful damage to a lot of guys 4) decent damage to some guys. 

You see there's nothing in her kit that provides a gameplay element. It's all fire-and-forget damage... 

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Just now, Glavenusaur said:

To make it clear, i actually like ember, and this thread is because i like her enough that im willing to accept she has flaws that need to be worked, i don't want her to become a frame for people to just sit on while they're AFK but a frame people can actually strategise around, and have more use than just destroying low level mobs by simply activating WoF, the more they can balance her and scale for mid to end game, the better it is for everyone who likes, this makes her more viable for content she was previously useless for, which means you can play her more often, what do people not understand about this?

To make it clear, you play star chart content and have never played Higher tier solo OR you have no idea how range, WoF and FQ interact. 

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