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Please Save Warframe


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2 hours ago, Scionis said:

the Devs keep pushing the Plains

They're pushing the Plains with this Prime Vault thing so that they can get metadata to fix it, not because they want to force you to like it

(Not that this was a good idea; more than one poster on these forums isn't playing the plains not because he doesn't want to but because it crashes his computer. He's literally locked out of the prime vault because of that)

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Its not that we need another plains for the Corp...Oh whait we do need something for the Corpus!
I mean i cant remeber when the last Corpus enemy was released. (for the people who want to know it was the Ratel in update 20.0.0).
While Grineer get Gouls and other new fancy things the Corpus are still mostly unchanged (no planetary differences).
There are now news on the Spidertank concept.
Corpus Elit Crewmen still miss their Elit blue (i really miss this blue it gave them a bit colour).

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Kind of agree with OP, playing vanilla Warframe and playing POE are two different experiences. I'm not against open maps but developers should not abandon non-open map part of the game entirely. For now vanilla Warframe(old-good corridor horde shooter) is stagnating without new content, any new game modes, any new tilesets, none of events or operations, nothing.

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Justo ahora, Atekron dijo:

Kind of agree with OP, playing vanilla Warframe and playing POE are two different experiences. I'm not against open maps but developers should not abandon non-open map part of the game entirely. For now vanilla Warframe(old-good corridor horde shooter) is stagnating without new content, any new game modes, any new tilesets, none of events or operations, nothing.

Agree, more than 60% of players come from vanilla Warframe and we want new experiences based on this type of game. I have a very decent pc, i can run PoE (with some issues sometimes), i play PoE sometimes too, but most of my time im playing other maps and modes. PoE its not enough, it has only a few modes, and may be the future but not the present. And so it is, that DE is somehow forcing the players to play there in, maybe the future but not the present. Maybe the new open world of Venus its fine, i hope so, and that they ve learned from PoE. 

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18 hours ago, Scionis said:

Of course Warframe is much more than a FPS :).


Yeah, it's a TPS. 

Warfame has more in common with Diablo and Phantasy Star Online--especially the latter--than DOOM or Quake. 

It's a coop third person collection game. Like all so-called 'looters' there's a lot of grind to find the loot you want. It's a cornerstone of this sort of game and has been very well established since 1996. There is a very long list of these sorts of games. It's just most are isometric RPGs of various sorts. PSO gave us the same mechanic with a third person view. These are the evolutionary roots of WF. 

If you don't like this, then this game isn't for you. 

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21 hours ago, Scionis said:

This was one of my favorite FPS of all time.  I played Destiny and loved it, but this had something else.  Plains is my least favorite part of the game, and I don't want to play it.  As a matter of fact I don't.  I don't do the missions there, I don't do the bounties there.  It isn't because I don't want the loot, it seems at this time there is some of the best loot available in the game, but I absolutely hate it.

While this could be a rant about why I hate the plains, instead I post--"why this will cause Warframe to end".  Warfarme is awesome, but because of its futuristic, action-acrobatics, skill-required missions set on interstellar ships in space.  Gameplay, weapons, skins, artwork...absolutely fantastic.  I don't want to go to ancient city with no technology and fish, mine, etc...  If I wanted that I would take a time machine back to high school and play WoW.

But way does Warframe need saving?  That is because the Devs keep pushing the Plains, and that is how Warframe will die.  Everything awesome about Warframe is being discarded to work on a replacement for World of Worldcraft.  I don't want to play a terrible game like that, I want Warframe back.  Space Battles, new interaction modes, and I wouldn't mind a PvP that actually motivated players to work together rather than reward individual performances.

Right now the Devs have gotten a lot of "positive feedback" for the Plains, that means the following two things will happen:

#1 The release of an exact duplicate of the Plains except for Corpus, because that is the only race left.  This release will be subpar, and split the small audience of Plains' current players between the two.  There won't be an increase, it will be more the same, and this second one will be a complete failure.  "8 out of 10 in reviews of the Plains" I heard.  This one will be a 5.  And no one will know why, but this is the reason.

#2 A third release that duplicates the failure in #1.  How can the second release be so bad, everyone will ask themselves.  And that is because we aren't listening the feedback for the Plains.  We'll think that #1 was fluke and the "Plains is just awesome" maybe it was the landscape, the missions, the bosses, the fights, new enemies, new factions, whatever.  Any delusion will sound good to justify the release of a 3rd Plains.

DE will have spent two years avoiding new content.  No new content means loss of player base, by the time they realize this, most players will not be playing anymore, and those that "Like the Plains" will move on to the next game which offers a better MMORPG feel, because Warframe hasn't mastered that and the current player base doesn't want it.

Well, since we have to save Warframe as lone tenno.

Well, guess no choice left, I've to go final Getsuga Tenshou this time!

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On 06/02/2018 at 7:47 PM, Scionis said:

  ...split the small audience of Plains' current players...

There are always half a dozen busy/full Cetus instances up at any given time that I've visited, and currently I've seen about 30 instances as people flock there to relic farm. Whatever you may think of the plains, you can't really argue it only draws a small audience.

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On ‎06‎/‎02‎/‎2018 at 7:47 PM, Scionis said:

that is how Warframe will die

melodramatic much?

DE have a long history of introducing things and then the moment something new pops into their head, discarding it completely. when the Venus Landscape comes out, PoE will be a ghost town. it'll be occupied mostly by eidolon hunters, once you've gotten everything else all that's left is killing Terry (and soon his two larger friends) for funsies. the reason PoE is getting investment now is because it's still the latest thing. this will all change eventually.

nobody is forcing you to take on the plains. you can still play the Starmap to your hearts content.


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I know someone who was put off playing the game due to PoE. Whenever I've spoken to him about it, he says its just so grindy.

I mean, whats the rest of the game then? Dont get me wrong, I enjoy it but it does involve a lot of grinding. Now, I've barely touched the plains up til this point, so I guess this unvaulting isnt so bad for me.

I think the other irony is I met him on Elite Dangerous, which honestly remains the most colossal grindfest I have ever experienced. A highly enjoyable grindfest, but a grindfest nonetheless. Which, for me, just confuses me even more about the complaints of Plains being "Grindy"...

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All that gloom and doom does not seem necessary to me considering that Warframe is the second most played F2P game on steam, right behind Dota 2. I don't think there's any reason to worry here : warframe won't die anytime soon. You can't save what's already thriving.

As for your concern about PoE and other stuff, they have more their place in the feedback subforum with a much less clickbaity and alarmist title.


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