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Dev Workshop: Warframes Revisited Part 2


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4 minutes ago, Hixlysss said:

If that was true why repeat mentioning the buff to mag's energy?

From the original thread:

Polarize - Shards created by Polarize now scale based on power strength, as well as the percentage of damage done to that specific enemy.

Crush - Each stage of crush emits a shield heal from Mag. Restores shields to nearby allies per damage instance, based on the number of enemies affected.

Mag has seen many changes over Warframe’s history - her major rework in 2016 reinforced her role as a fragile crowd control caster, widening her usability across all factions. Although she performs well in the right hands, some of the synergies introduced in that rework did not have quite the impact we wanted. Plus as a starter frame, we want new players to feel like choosing Mag is a more viable option.

Increasing the damage of shards created by Polarize should give Mag more kill power. Additional shield restore on Crush also offers a way to passively support your team while clearing crowded rooms!"

No statement of energy buff

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First of all, it is my opinion that changes aiming to rejuvenate dead abilities should not be rolled into augments. Augments should not be mandatory; an ability should be able to stand on its own.

Secondly, I'm guessing the previous iteration of Resonating Quake was still too useful? So either the damage on the singular RQ cast will be ridiculous enough to actually kill high level enemies (in which case people will probably complain about it almost as much as the original one) or we'll end up with yet another forgettable and overly expensive CC ult. Also see the above: where does all this leave the base ability?

As for Ember... For a relatively accessible caster frame, I don't think putting weapon buffs in her base kit is the way to go. What's wrong with just doing good damage with your abilities alone? Assuming intended progression you already have Rhino at that point, who can make your weapon (and everything else) better; adding elemental damage is the least versatile way to do it, especially if it's fire. Like it or not, Ember's range coupled with her mobility is what defines her; if you take that away from her, it will take more than a bit of extra utility for her 1-3 to keep her alive.

In all honesty, if you hate the idea of a large sustainable AoE so much, just remove RQ and WoF completely. Give Banshee an exalted sniper rifle and Ember a channeled heat beam with infinite punch-through or something. It'll be better than leaving us with crippled versions of the current abilities.

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11 hours ago, [DE]Connor said:

Spectral Scream damage now affected by Vex Armor damage buff.


can you consider EFFIGY for the following

-effigy also scale off vex armor Scorn/Fury so that it can affect enemies at sortie 3 and higher without corruption

-Effigy has innate 50% rage absorption on self so that its energy cost is subverted/ a battery (also helps its survivability)

-Effigy also casts the vex aura so there is a secondary buff station as you parkour??

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Mag still needs something for her survival. So, why not add in a mechanic in where she generates random magnetic anomalies (like you see in sortie missions) when she casts an ability, if she goes and stands in that anomaly then she gets overshields that stack up to whatever maximum, gets bonus magnetic damage, and she also becomes negatively polarized. If she uses her Polarize to polarize enemies then they become negatively polarized and any enemies or projectiles that come too close to her will be repelled back (due to the magnetic force). 

Also, can we get her Crush to be able to let her move around somewhat while in the animation instead of making her an easy target? Changing the animation and making a faster cast time would also be incredibly helpful. Her Magnetize also could use a minimum duration and feels like it has too many diminishing returns in this sense, by setting a minimum duration it could scale a bit better off of duration mods and doesn't end too soon when using it against bosses.

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Banshee changes are very lackluster. Right now it looks like the new Resonating Quake should be the normal version of Sound Quake. Why not add some synergy with Sonar and/or Silence? Now it seems like I could swap Banshee for Chroma if I want to boost weapon damage for the whole team and get much tankier frame in exchange.

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9 minutes ago, Uzkost said:

Excuse me sir that's Mesas' ability.

Now that you've mentioned it... Aside from the fact you don't really aim with it, it can't reliably score headshots, it has a hard-capped range of 50m, and it consists of twin pistols - yeah, Mesa basically has an exalted sniper rifle.

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I would still like to see some skill synergy with Crush where during the Crush Animation casting Polarize traps everyone caught by crush into a sphere and places them wherever you're aiming the reticle. Would like it if casting Magnetize during the the Crush animation causes all Shards to orbit you and provide damage reduction and damaging enemies close to you. Would like to see Pull actually pul enemies into Crush during Crush's cast animation if they are outside of Crushes range and you're aiming at them.

I feel the changes to Ember won't be enough because they don't address her survivability. There needs to be some incentive to getting up close to enemies with World on Fire at full ramp up. More damage won't mean anything if you're dead from trying to close with the enemy. 

Overall, love the changes though.

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5 hours ago, Nathalieh said:

I don't even know what you are trying to say here, the longer a chroma stays in a mission the easier it is to get to the buff cap.

I’m sorry, I probably could have worded that out better. What I’m saying is that compared to chroma’s vex armor duration loki’s Invisibility duration instantly turns him invisible as soon as he casts it as opposed to not getting the full benefit right away, which is why I can support Chroma having recastibility (more so for the armor, maybe the damage output might have to be reset) . In Chroma’s Case he’s vulnerable after each time he recasts his vex armor during the beginning of its cast. Now so long as you can afford to recast it you don’t need to worry about becoming vulnerable as often. Currently, yes he’ll get his buff cap faster against higher levels, however is also more likely to get one shot at the beginning for his cast if not enough shield regenerated in time. It’s makes Chroma somewhat of a clunky tank. It’s a nice quality of life for Chroma as a tank. But like you said, I do hope this inspires  DE to make more quality of life changes to other frames. Like being mobile while casting and in some cases recasting abilities during their duration so they would feel more fluid and less clunky in gameplay. I still don’t see why trinity can’t spawn more than one pool of life (and that there isn’t a giant global health blast on the enemy’s death. So if one ally shoots it down everyone in range still gains some health).

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So... why not have Ember's range+power both grow with this energy cost increase?  Would feel actually rewarding to use instead of nerfing two incredibly affecting things and buffing one useless thing....

Also why not make fire blast affected by range to make that ability more useful too?  Seeing as you don't seem to be willing to help with Ember surviving at all at least making her still able to do some damage with range still having meaning would be nice.

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hace 11 horas, [DE]Connor dijo:

Reduced energy cost of Bladestorm ticks.

I was wondering why it was so expensive, I never was a fan of Ash before and after his "rework", but I found it surprising how it depleted my energy by casting it on a group of 10-ish mobs when I was testing it in the Simulacrum.

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10 hours ago, (Xbox One)DevilishSix said:

I am right there with you.  It's cool that her fireball is better and leaves napalm, but that does not help a glass cannon who is losing her range CC or having energy drain at Valkyr speeds.  That energy drain needs to be about one half or at least two thirds of what was shown on the dev stream.  Plus there is no survivibility so how could Ember fans be happy with this.  I know I am not.

That's the best part about this. No Ember fans want these changes.

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