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Update 22.12.0: Warframe Changes Feedback Megathread


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Here's my take on what would allow Zephyr to be the insanely fast and fun bird she should be. I'm not going to talk about the other abilities in this post.

1: Tailwind can now be canceled by bullet jumping, double jumping or sliding.
2: Using Tailwind now gives you a charge of bullet jump/double jump.

That's it. The hover mechanic needs buffs as well, and dive bomb is garbage, but this is the change i'd love to see the most.

This would allow you to fly in any direction, with amazing speed, do great stunts and have maneuverability other frames can only dream of. Hell, you could even give Zephyr's bullet jump a unique animation, like Limbo's dodge.

Thank you for reading.

PS: I still want a permanent T4 fissure on void survival/defense/intercept, DE :(

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23 minutes ago, The_Legend27 said:

I mean even if they don't give the damage back, it's kinda really important they give his scorn back. They already said he had a small playerbase, but now hes just worse than other tanks like inaros or rhino. If they don't want to kill chroma entirely they need to give the old scorn calculations back, if not just make it better than it is now, cause right now hes just not tanky in comparison.

Yeah, those are just my hopes. Knowing DE they listen to majorities of players on what to nerf, not the actual users of said item. (I never used Chroma to Eidolon hunt but use him a lot elsewhere)

All he really had was a bug in calculations with elemental damage on weapons. Other than that he would be fine.

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Hello DE, ill just start off with saying wonderful work on this update.

Now after doing some testing with atlas ive noticed that even after picking up enough rubble to reach the maximum armor he doesnt seems to have any "rock armor" anywhere else than his right arm and right leg. Is this a intentional design choice or is it a visual bug? If it is a intentional choice would it be possible to change it so that he has rock armor all over him instead of just his right side cus it looks really akward.

And on another note thank you sooooooo much for the hydroid change. Its bumped him up to being my favourite frame. This is what ive dreamed of for him ever since he got his rework and it is beautiful. The only thing that keeps him from absolute perfection in terms of fun gameplay now is that his tempest barrages delay between cast and effect is a tad bit to long, the delay being juuuuuuust long enough to slightly disrupt the flow of combat for me. But man that is such a minor thing i dont care, im having th time of my life with my little death from below sipping around the feilds of battle :)

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a little idea to fix chromas vex armor:

give chroma his old armor back (old formula) but making vex armor split between teammates. so when chroma goes alone he is tanky as allways but when having all teammates closeby the buff is split by 4. (so similar result like how its now)

same gues for the fury buff. fix the dmg exploit with double and triple dipping and make it split up for each teammate in range. 

making Vex Armor balanced when chroma goes alone and supporting his team when going with friends.

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54 minutes ago, DeadlyCreation said:

a little idea to fix chromas vex armor:

give chroma his old armor back (old formula) but making vex armor split between teammates. so when chroma goes alone he is tanky as allways but when having all teammates closeby the buff is split by 4. (so similar result like how its now)

same gues for the fury buff. fix the dmg exploit with double and triple dipping and make it split up for each teammate in range. 

making Vex Armor balanced when chroma goes alone and supporting his team when going with friends.

Don't forget your idea for spectral scream



Edited by Maka.Bones
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The biggest complaint I'm seeing about Ember is her survival. I thought I'd throw out an idea real quick to replace her current, unpopular passive:

Everytime Ember casts an ability, she sets herself on fire. While she's on fire, she gains a set amount of damage reduction as well as a small health regen that matches or slightly exceeds the amount of self damage she receives from the Heat DoT.

Enemy heat procs can still trigger the effect, but the health regen wouldn't scale with those procs. It only exists to counter her own self-inflicted procs.

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Alright DE, after testing the new reworks here are my experiences and opinions. Note I only tested the changes I was interested in, so this is not a complete review. I underlined my main complaints that I feel need to be addressed as well as the changes I suggest, but remember that the underlined part is just a snippet, please read the full review to get my opinion.

TLDR; Zephyr and Atlas need to be looked at once more, otherwise the changes are not too substantial.


·        Atlas

o   Rubble helps him heal, and the bonus armor is nice, but the decay rate is way to fast, and feels tedious to keep active. MY suggestion would to make it work like Nidus’s stacks, where they don’t decay and help bolster some of his other powers. The more rock armor he has, the more armor he receives up to a cap, but then help cast his abilities to make them stronger. (Where else do the giant rock monsters come from?)


o   Petrify needs to be his first or second ability. To make Rubble work it can’t be locked behind his 3rd ability. I like that it is a one cast, but that one cast at the moment is too expensive.


o   His other abilities are fine and I like the bonus AOE petrify on Rumblers.


·        Ash

o   I really like the addition to his 4th (yay no more vomit cam!), but I wish it was less tedious. I find myself missing targets a lot, which can be frustrating. If you are set on having this target ability, may I suggest it also allowing the player to see through walls, making him even more of a stealth assassin. Personally, I would like this playstyle more.    


·        Banshee

o   Res Quake was fun while it lasted, but I personally like the changes to it. In testing though I found the ragdoll effect it has to be awful, since ragdolled enemies don’t seem to take damage. If you got rid of the ragdoll effect it would be fine and help the new power.


·        Chroma

o   Vex Armor as an aura is fantastic, but give him back his armor. Its called Vex ARMOR after all. Otherwise his changes are great and I look forward to playing him more.


·        Ember

o   Ok so her double damage is good and all, but she lacks the CC that a lot of people used her for. I never personally used her as a damage dealer, so I’m going to need to readjust my current play style. My suggestion would be to bring back her range and get rid of the double damage in favor of bypassing or stripping armor, since at those temperatures the armor should be melting off of them. Then you could make her more synergistic in a team setting. Instead of taking all of the kills she would be de-buffing the enemies for herself and teammates, making her great in either solo or group sessions.


·        Mag

o   Polarize still needs to scale better, but the additions of the shards definitely helps Magnetize. However, the shards should have some other factor other than help Magnetize, like Atlas’s Rubble or Nidus’s stacks. Adding this type of mechanic would be beneficial to new players as well, as it introduces this type of mechanic to those who choose Mag as a starter frame.

o   Granting Overshields is great and a welcome addition to her kit, giving her a little more survivability.


·        Zephyr

o   Ill be honest when I say that I never played Zephyr until today, but as a new Zephyr player here are my thoughts on her rework.


o   Tailwind is not good. Its really not. I press a button to get sent into a wall at a bagillion miles per hour, and I can’t even control where I go. Then if you charge it for an absurd amount of time she hovers 10 feet in the air where she gets immediately shot down. In places other than POE this ability is downright dangerous and unusable. My suggestion would be to make Tailwind a push of wind like Banshee’s 1st and if you charge it, it propels her forward and buffs her bullet jump. She gains added speed when she bullet jumps and if she looks up while gliding she gets propelled upward, giving her more of a glider feel. If you have ever played one of those gliding flash games you know what I mean. Also allow her to do unlimited midair bullet jumps while this is active. This would definitely help her overall usability and give her actual flight.


o   Air Burst is ok, but I would rather have it be like a short Inaros spin, giving the AOE desired for and if its charged it propels her upward, like a bird talking flight. This would also help emphasize the idea of making her tornadoes more powerful.


o   Tornado skill is good, but I want it to hold enemies within it rather than on top. Also firing into the Tornado needs to act more like Magnetize, with visual cues to see the damage being dealt.

o   Turbulence is nice and doesn’t need to be changed.


Ok there is my feedback, hopefully you can address the changes suggested with Zephyr and Atlas. Otherwise I really liked most of the changes that you made to these Warframes. Most of the changes I suggested are easy fixes and shouldn’t be to hard to implement. If you made it this far, thank you for taking the time to read through this. Let me know what you think.

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 Pretty awesome changes, I didn't expect them to be so fun xD


 So far, The 2 changes I enjoy the most are Atlas' and Mag's. I love Mag and this makes her so much better!


 As for Atlas... Well, It's been some time since I last stopped to look at him in the Arsenal. The changes to him are really good, as a tanky Warframe he had no way of recovering his own health.

 I think Atlas needs some polishing, though.


Atlas Rubble Mechanic

 There is no pickup assist for Rubble. These are really hard to pick up, you must be standing right on top of them.


 Rubble has no Physics. Flying/Airborned enemies leave Rubble floating in the air, these are even harder to pick up.


 I think the Rubble armor should decay slower over time, or just not decay at all. It's just armor after all which Atlas loses when taking damage.


Atlas Petrify

 Atlas' New Petrify has a small delay before taking effect after pressing the ability key, right? But it doesn't allow you to aim the ability meanwhile.

 It should allow the player to aim the ability after pressing the ability key, Just like Atlas could move his head and aim the ability before the change. 


Atlas' Petrify could use more width at the very start of the ability (Right in front of Atlas). A melee enemy can easily be missed when trying to use Petrify of him from a very short range when said enemy walks to the side of Atlas.


Atlas' changes are very good as I said, it requires abilities combinations to work as intended. I find myself running out of energy very easily though.

Maybe his energy costs are a little too high for ability combos?

Edited by 0meg4x
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Ok after some time playing with the reworks....

Bladestorm is cheaper which is nice
Still has the 'motion sickness' wiggle to mark - personally I'd prefer a line of sight cone that would also help with the next issue.
Still got the issue that other players kill targets before you even get a chance to trigger bladestorm again.  It's the time it takes to mark then retrigger which is the issue here.  If we could mark and trigger with one press instantly we wouldn't have an issue with all the marked targets being killed by allies.  If all my marked targets get killed before I trigger it again it kind of defeats the point of of using it.  

Due to the above issue of others killing my targets when nearby I found myself literally just running off into the distance as fast as possible thend wiggling my mouse a little with 4 active and then pressing 4 once I'd run past enemies and leaving my clones to do the kills....

[edit]Ash teleport automatically takes you into bladestorm if it's active, can you make it so it only does this if you're pointing at the target.  I kept wanting to use fatal teleport on an enemy to only find myself in the bladestorm animation which was quite annoying.[/edit]

Ok seems like it's going in the right direction but it has some issues that need fixing.
Petrify is far too expensive, 75 energy at base for what is essentially a spam it on all enemies ability is too high when you have issues with the speed of decay on the rubble armour.
There's a dead spot between you and the petrify 'beam' where the enemy doesn't get petrified.. can you move the point of petrification closer to atlas.
Rubble armour decays far too fast, I've never seen it maxed out and I've literally had it run out in the space between me killing one set of enemies and the next set getting to me.  I originally thought this scaled with duration but it doesn't.
Needing to pick up the rubble is excessively annoying and needs to just automatically be added to us... I spent far too much time running round picking it up to try and keep the armour up.

Personally I'd like armour to be closer to what I wrote earlier:
The stone armour needs to last longer, I'd personally prefer a mix of rhino's iron skin, nidus stacks and negation swarm (inaros augment) where it basically acts as a layer which takes the damage (or percentage of it) before atlas does, just like iron skin on rhino.  It would still be built up like it is now with petrify but it should lose the countdown and would decay based on damage.  You could refresh the armour at any time by petrifying an enemy killing them for the rubble, like how you can refresh negation swarm by holding 4.

[edit]I'd also like to see landslide automatically generate some armour when it hits any enemy, even if it's just a 25-50% chance of it happening, needing to spam petrify all the time isn't always possible in the middle of a fight[/edit]

I've done another post where I said about first impressions but having tried it myself after witnessing others doing it you've made RQ even more annoying and just as restrictive as the old one (which I personally had no issue with)

The new RQ on it's own is pretty lacklustre, no real duration which is made even worse by the fact that I spent most of that duration putting it down on the ground and no real crowd control because the enemy gets up right away after being knocked over.  The fact we can move around when it's active is kind of mute when it's over before we really have a chance to move....

Damage isn't particularly high on a single hit either but what can be done is we can basically just spam 4 for the entire duration of the round.  In essence RQ went from a press 4 and wait with a single 'tone' to a spam 4 as much as needed, maybe with energy pizza's, while getting the constant 'thump' of it being triggered along with maybe a 'pulse' from an energy pizza.  

Can't really comment too much on this as I don't play Chroma much but I did try it out briefly.  
Spectral scream is kind of useless, I tried with a fire build chroma and the damage being done was so minimal it might as well not have been active.  Considering we have no other weaponry to fall back on when this is active it really needs to do more than tickle the enemy.  

Vex armour does seem like it needs a buff as well, the changes have took away chroma's 'tank' niche and he was already fairly limited in what we used him for.    


Basically everything I said would happen in the original discussion threads has come true in regards to wof (not that I actually wanted it changing in the first place).
High level players with all the mods have just extended the range at the cost of power strength and can just run though the low level maps like they used to with maybe a small reduction in overall range....end result, other players still can't get any kills.  Mind you this approach does limit the level of enemy we can attack.  

The range reducing over time has totally killed any usefulness of a firequake build which was the main way to use ember wof at high levels.  The enemies are shooting at us from outside the reduced range and the doubled damage isn't doing much at higher levels either because it's heat damage.  DE said itself that ember is a high damage but squishy frame but at high levels she isn't a high damage frame yet she's still squishy so we can't really go 'head first' into a fight like say inaros and rely on active crowd control to keep her alive.  

In essence what DE has done is nerfed the bit that didn't need nerfing (firequake) while not fixing the bit they were supposedly going to fix...

DE can 'easily' fix the high level issue by changing the way firequake augment works.  Instead of just being knockdown it can also stop the range reduction and because I know DE likes 'balance' the damage output from WoF can half (overextended has already reduced power strength anyway).

Haven't had a chance to play her yet so I'll comment on it when I have.


Haven't had a chance to play her yet either but I doubt it can be any worse than before.  


Honestly, I feel that discharge (note I run a capacitance augment build) needs to be reverted back to the old one.  I was needing to do multiple casts just to get the same outcome as I was getting before the removal of the damage cap.  
The reducing duration over distance AND the reducing damage over distance as 'balance' to removing a damage cap is just too much of a nerf to it's usefulness imo.  I couldn't even get my damage as high as when I had the cap with the 'reductions over distance'.  Mind you I was saying before the rework I didn't feel it needed the reduction over range....

So my vote is put it back to the old setup with a cap like many others are saying.

Still feel that he needs a base sprint speed buff to 1.25 and the cost of carrying the shield removed.

Tail wind on the plains is ok but anywhere else it's kind of pointless
Air burst causes ragdolled enemies which personally I hate
Tornado is still just as annoying as before because it whirls the enemies around at the top.  While it's been improved with the damage amp from bullets it's not exactly helpful if you're only using melee.  This could easily be fixed if it pulled enemies down to a single point a bit like how vaubans vortex and nidus larva works.  


Edited by LSG501
addition to ash and atlas and typo fixes
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On 2/9/2018 at 6:45 PM, [DE]Danielle said:



World On Fire 
- 5 seconds after casting, a percentage will begin counting up on the ability icon. As this percentage scales from 0% to 100% over 10 seconds, the ability’s energy cost and damage dealt both grow to double, while the ability radius shrinks to half. 

Ember is the original damage caster frame, offering low survivability in exchange for high offense. Her ultimate, World on Fire, is unmatched in terms of widespread lethality - while many Warframes specialize in certain mission types, Ember’s specialty is “anything under level 30”. By simply bullet jumping through levels with World on Fire active, enemies become a non-factor, making Ember a ubiquitous pick across most of the Star Chart. Like a mobile Resonating Quake, this monopoly on kills can leave squadmates struggling to keep up, in an attempt to see the enemy before they melt. These changes increase lethality at higher levels, while addressing the ability’s huge range.

World on Fire will continue working similarly to how it does now, but with changing effects over time. The gradually increasing energy cost should encourage most players to toggle the ability when needed, instead of the current “set and forget” approach. Players who can afford to run the ability at max charge may need to get more up close and personal, but the increased damage should help Ember out against higher level enemies.  World on Fire is still very capable of clearing rooms and sweeping hallways, but should now be applied more deliberately!


If the issue with WoF is the bullet twirling then why doesnt the solution involve that?

You can BT from beginning to end in any stage in this game without anyone touching you. People dont turn on WoF because it's needed, people turn it on just because they can. To get exp and a few pickups.

So if the issue is the BT then lets have a solution that involves that.

Let's turn WoF into a volcano type of ability where the longer your stay in one are the wider the range of the eruption gets. Once you start BT away then the range drops down so if you are just flying through the stage you are not hitting that many mobs around. Once you stop it the eruptions start growing again.

Maybe have it so what when you are BTing it works like OG WoF. Which is essentially what Nezha has now.

Because like you said, Ember is a caster with low survivability. Having her spend MORE energy and then make her move closer to the enemy is adding two things at the same time a caster with low life should not be getting.

OR.... remember Overheat? How about bringing back that ability into the new WoF? As the range is reduced you start getting some damage reduction to compensate.



- Changed Dive Bomb augment into a Tail Wind augment - now reads: “Each enemy hit increases Tail Wind damage by 25%. Damage resets upon landing.”


DUDE! Bring back Diver Bomb Vortex. That augment was super useful. Recode that card into the game to work with the new method of divebombing.

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Regarding ember just another idea to toss out there.  If they want to stop her from what she was doing maybe this idea would work.

Instead of decreasing the range and increasing the damage overtime, decrease the damage and give her damage reduction over time while keeping the cost increase.

you could even bring back the overheat animation gradually as damage decreases and damage reduction increases.

Also it would be real cool to get her old WOF cast animation back. The one she had before it was changed to match her fireblast. It can still be the same speed, the animation was just really cool.

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Another issue in regards to Atlas (Since I brought this up on reddit I might as well do it here as well):

For some reason, enemies that are petrified through Landslides augment and killed do not drop rubble for Atlas to use. I'm assuming this is a bug, so I'm bringing this up to make sure you are looking into this. 

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I tend to keep my feedback to myself, but with DE turning over a new leaf in communication, I felt obligated to do my part. To try and be as unbiased as possible, I've avoided reading the feedback of others until after this post was made. I apologize if many of my points have already been brought up.

For convenience, I suggest further changes to Atlas and Zephyr



Ash has never been my favorite frame, but I quite like his current state. Ash succeeds in remaining relevant even into high level content, and can now be adapted into a lot of distinct play styles. Smokescreen is still a touch short in duration, but I feel there is sufficient trade offs for it now. While testing Ash, I did run into a curious interaction: Since Ash will teleport to marked enemies even if they leave his range, if an enemies is knocked into the void (caused by Wyrm in my testing), Ash will still  teleport to them and can easily pass the void out boundaries. I'm not sure of the best fix here. Making enemies that leave ash's range be unmarked would be a huge nerf to tactical blade storm selection over wild mouse spinning. Perhaps making the unmark radius something like 3 times the base radius?


Rubble is a lot of fun both mechanically and aesthetically, but currently needs some tuning. It decays way to fast to be sustainable in most cases, and there is some difficulty with pickups. First and foremost, the decay rate should scale with duration, this provides options to players and matches synergistically with combo changes suggested below.

Ore Gaze nerf is warranted, but FAR overdone. Since petrify can no longer be snapshotted with energy conversion, stacking power strength for Ore Gaze is far harder then it used to be on Atlas. This combined with natural talent being a mandatory mod makes building for Ore Gaze more disinsentivised than ever. Of note, it is no longer physically possible to hit 100% increased on atlas without equipping all 7 power strength mods AND coaction drift. While Atlas has far better QOL for petrifying enemies and it integrates far better into the playstyle of Atlas, it appears to be slower than the old petrify for the lowest tier of enemies.

This is not the first time a lootframe has been downright nerfed. Hydroid's 4 had it's range stealth nerfed during the rework, but no reasoning was ever given for this. I'm OK if the decision was made that loot abilities are bad for gameplay by encouraging camping and limiting frame choice, but I would like this better communicated if so. I had great hope that the new Atlas would be the antithesis of normal loot camping. The movement of landslide encourages actual movement instead of staying in one place, but, as it currently stands, Ore Gaze is a dead build. This is coming from one of the only people who actually ran Ore Gaze before.

In addition, the energy costs for Atlas have fallen by the wayside. I'm one of the only players I've met that actually invest in efficiency, but even with primed flow, fleeting expertise, and streamline, Atlas still chugs energy at an unsustainable rate.

In an attempt to fix these problems, I suggest the following changes:
Have Ore Gaze moved back up to at least 30% (preferably more) maintaining the 100% cap. This allows a build with Growing Power, Blind rage, Intensify, and Transient Fortitude to achieve the 100% additional loot that is standard across other loot frames (Ivara, Hydroid, old Atlas), while still requiring significant investment in both modspace, and drawbacks to build QOL.
Have all of Atlas's moves benefit cost less based off of the landslide combo counter. All abilities will reset the combo counter, but only landslide can increase it. This solves the energy problems of the kit. Removes the anti-synergy of landslide+petrify and encourages players to choose between stacking duration, or needing to think fast and plan ahead to be successful with Atlas.
Possible modifications: Landslide could instead only increases the counter on kill. This makes maintaining counter meaningful and actually challenging.
Other abilities benefit from counter. Tectonics has 1/2/4/8 times the health based on combo counter(multiplicative with health bonus from petrifying a wall). Petrify can only petrify stronger enemies at higher combo. Rumblers produces 1/2/3/4 elemental stone brawlers.


Resonating quake needed to go, but I'm still not certain how the changes stack up. The new resonating quake provides usual build restraints with similarly usual ramifications. The expansion time is constant, so a resonating quake lasts longer as range increases, but duration has no effect (wording is strange here, but it basically doesn't matter with the now singular resonating quake pulse)
Overall, resonating quake is cheap enough to be spammable and still nukes Hydron (speaking of which, the new Hydron ramp is wonderful addition). A quickly thrown together build with 15/105/145/303 (and natural talent) was able to spam 4 with pretty manageable energy drain. Overall the range is worse, the damage is about the same and 100% uptime with a trinity is now possible (admitably untested).  Testing it on low level exterminates (Telesto) showed it was not near as fast as old ember/equinox, so I'm not concerned that the new banshee would be hazardous to the health of the game.


The vex armor scaling was a necessary evil both for the short term, and the long term scaling of the game.
I do not think the defense nerfs to ice chroma were warranted and am not happy that such a major change went un-noted in the patch notes, but am not the most qualified person to speak on defenses. I generally run squishy builds with <=1 mods for defenses. Even after the nerfs, ice chroma doesn't get one hit by one hit by level 150 bombards in the simulacrum and that's good enough for me.
Vex armor can now be snapshotted. Combined with the growing power and energy conversion, chroma is still incredibly strong offensively.

The spectral scream changes are honestly questionable. I was one hitting grineer butchers up to level 80, but heavy gunner's weren't getting one hit past 15 or so. Further, the rehit time on spectral scream is terrible. Either enemies die in one hit or you stand around looking like a fool for about a second. (This problem also exists with Gara, but Gara can at least buff her damage till it doesn't matter). In addition, the funky non-linear scaling makes it very unappealing to actually invest in spectral scream.


The low level cheese strats can be real off putting to new players, and a nerf to range is probably the best way to go about it. I'm real troubled that the fix discourages snapshotting, but my testing shows it doesn't matter too much.

Fireball seems to have a real limited use case. The only time I remember a nightwatch napalm style hitbox being useful was the hemacyte fight and ember already has fireblast that does a far larger range with no charging time.

I love the idea of the fire blast changes and my testing seems to show that multiple instances of fire blasts stack and deal significant damage. I wasn't able to get enough data to see how ember compares to volt but I imagine the ease of setup will still give ember a significant new use case.

Without any changes to my build, I was able to easily run through mid-low level missions with no energy troubles at all, but the range was a bit iffy. Swapping the build around to have overextended and augur reach results in 100% damage that is 290/205 (N.B. I assume in my math that the WOF scaling is multiplicative), or close to 30% more damage and range that is only slightly less at 132/145. Test runs brought it to about the same performance I remember from WOF, but still leaves me wishing I was playing equinox instead.


I honestly think using Gara solely to use mass vitrify as a wall is criminal misuse of one of the best frames in the game.
I'm not seeing any UI indication of wall health other than a 12 indicating the number of standing segments, but the tankyness of mass vitrify is significantly increased. I ended up having to wait 4-5 minutes for Akkad enemies to break the wall and I run a reasonably low strength (135%) build
Running grineer sorties showed the results scale reasonably well into high level content.


The Hydroid rework wasn't my cup of tea, but this changes allows active puddle play and is a wonderful improvement to the frame.


Having Chroma's synchronized durations only made mirage stick out like a sore thumb. I'm happy with the changes.


After being my first frame, Mag has basically gotten no love from me.
The polarize shards seem to still do abysmal damage in my testing, but I might be missing something.
While I don't own it and couldn't do any testing, counter pulse seems very usable now. 4 seconds isn't very long but can be just enough time to get behind and off a pesky bursa.
Crush got more than a slight speedup. It's now quite snappy and actually usable in combat. The shield heal is a pretty nifty mechanic. While it will never compete with a frame like trinity, it feels like a proper 4th level ability that could change the tide of the fight. I would personally prefer it be castable in mid air, but the other improvements cater to mags usage as a starter frame and new players to warframe are unlikely to aim-glide+crush through hallways to save their friends.


I've long joked about rhino's viability as a nuker, but I was still only doing about 50% of level 100 heavy gunners health with setup conditions that are basically cheating. I don't expect people to intentionally use Iron Shrapnel to attack enemies, but if the old knockback was anything like the current wyrm knockback, I consider this a great improvement


Like Mag's Crush, Discharge has been in a sad state for a long time. The latest changes fix that problem. Though it was never intended to be a great ability for nuking, it no longer penalizes you for running greater power strength. It may not be as strong as avalanche or mass vitrify, but using discharge feels impactful now and will kill enemies at mid level.


As a Zephyr fan prior to the rework. I'm real happy with her current state, but have a couple of concerns.

The momentum conservation on tailwind is cool, but makes Zephyr near unplayable anywhere that's not the plains. I'd ask not just that the functionality to cancel Tail Wind with crouch return, but also that doing so stops the conservation of forward momentum. This allows for granular control even in tight corridors.

Air burst is way too slow to actually use on it's own. As much as I would like for Air Burst to move at roughly Lanka speed, I'd be happy if it was at least buffed by tailwind. 

Turbulence got a new animation and it's real stylish, but the cast time now takes roughly twice as long. It's honestly a fine way to tune back the power of tailwind, but I would like confirmation if it's intentional.


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I think DE should give Ember back her range, but make it so that the further enemies are away from her, the less damage they take (they still get heat proc'd though, that heat proc chance should scale with ability strength like it does already). 

If putting range back on WoF is off the table, then I would suggest that as Ember's damage grows in WoF, her targeting cap of five increases too (perhaps fully remove it once she hits 100%?) and that she gets damage reduction as her damage amps up as well. This encourages Embers to leap into groups of enemies as otherwise they risk getting shot from afar as their WoF range is reduced. Turn her from a Fire Caster into a living Fire Ball that has to be running through enemies to ignite them.

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If DE doesn't want players to use easy WOF sweeping, I think Ember needs another build of her abilities.

An example

1.Fireball adds herself or other warframes to independent 100% heat damage(without Fireball Frenzy).Ember's concept is heat damage. It must not be combined.She will be able to use Fireball to attack enemies or increase her damage many times.

2.Accelerant inrease its range to 30m and stun enemies 5 seconds or more. It will be her main survivability.

3.Fire Blast has 90% damage reduction and its duration decrease to 10seconds.It buffs squad damages and be useful in emergency cases.

So Ember changes to buff her damage with Fireball, stops and debuff enemies with Accelerant and help other players with Fire Blast.

How about it?

Edited by (PS4)gloriaperpetua
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vor 9 Stunden schrieb Maka.Bones:

Don't forget your idea for spectral scream



thanks for reminding.

yes spectral scream idea:

DE make it a literally SCREAM. what do i mean? it should attract enemies attention. as a result chroma could tank for the team, defending the objective etc.


make chroma tanky again and use spectral scream to attract enemies. as a result chroma would "buff" the team by taking the DMG they were supposed to get. on top if that it would help out vex armor to get triggered. (btw if you need balance - turn of the recastablility)


PS. you could remove the aura from vex armor because chroma would buff the team by defending them. so, if you allways wanted to make chroma a team player this is a way. just make him a protector in the literal way. as a result you could make chroma tanky again because it wouldnt make the whole team indestructable, it would just help chroma at defending the team

Edited by DeadlyCreation
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Been playing with Ember after forma-ing in another polarity for an experimental accelerant build, but also using my old WoF build.  Here's what I noticed:

  • The increase power drain is completely negligeable with maxed Streamline and Fleeting Expertise, especially on lower level maps because you can get enough power from kills to ignore any penalty increase.
  • The range penalty is negated by bullet jumping over the level like an ADD rabbit... or doing the same old "get in front and incernate the enemies" exterminate routine
  • Firequake is an utterly useless mod
  • Firequake WoF builds can now be adapted by dropping Firequake and adding in Augur Secrets making them significantly better on low level maps, but significantly worse on higher level maps.

IMO, the changes to WoF are a complete and total screw up as DE failed spectacularly to reign in the Ember AFK play as it's not going to have any meaningful impact on the majority of players - and makes things actively worse for the lower level players that happen to be in party with an Ember player.

DE really needs to either completely revert the WoF changes, or have Firequake use the old WoF code as the augment (so WoF functions VERY differently with the augment).  The old Firequake CC would play VERY nicely with the rest of changes.

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  • Rubble: Good mechanic, but but could still use a little tweaking. My thought: Any amount of rubble which goes over the full-health cap will turn into armour, instead of being either health or armour. That way if you've lost like 1-10 life thanks to, say, toxin procs from Ghouls, you're not still stuck with a decaying armour counter - let it spill over.
  1. Landslide: Good, good.
  2. Tectonics: Scales with rubble and can be buffed with petrify, both good. But could be better.
    • A) Nobody's ever going to decast to roll on purpose, unless it's low level content and they're just messing around but I feel it could actually be useful.
    • B) Only access to one bulwark at a time - most useful with aug, but even that only ever sees use on Hieracon.
    • Solutions:
      • Build Tectonic Fracture into the base ability, and make the rolling boulders a hold-cast. Rework aug into Basilisk Bulwark, where it gives you only one bulwark but causes that one bulwark to detonate in a petrifying area of effect when enemies break it, similar to summoning Rumblers. Roller balls with Basilisk Bulwark will detonate when they've hit four enemies, petrifying in an aoe.
      • Alter rubble scaling away from operating like normal armour scaling: Every 250 rubble increases Bulwark health by +100%. At 1500 Rubble, your Bulwark will be 6x healthier than it would normally be.
  3. Petrify: Ore Gaze being nerfed to 25% was a mistake, I think. Given how much more valuable energy is and how tight builds can get, Blind Rage becomes a much more expensive mod to put on Atlas, even assuming that you still want a strength build after the rework. At worst, maybe it should be 40% before mods.
  4. Rumblers: Good, good.



  1. Spectral Scream: Better, but still ultimately feels more like something you'd do in gimmick builds, even after Vex Armour's Fury, much like Atlas's roller ball. I really feel that, at least, it needs to more than anything have guaranteed status, or at least scale status chance with power strength, and status proc duration with duration mods.
  2. Elemental Ward: Where to even begin with this one. Alright. Ice still by-and-large remains the de-facto element largely due to the armour boost which feeds into Scorn. That's not to say that ice should be nerfed but, given that there's only 3 other elements, maybe buffing the rest doesn't seem like that bad an idea. Although one thing I'm sure everyone could agree on: Mirror its range with Vex Armour. Having one be smaller than the other is absurd.
    • Heat: Quality of life, tune down the visual aspect - you literally can't see anything below you with any amount of range on it. Potency... it overlaps with Spectral Scream; redundant. Most useful for health bonus. Status chance in an aoe, one tick per second, 10% chance base. Extremely disappointing. Strongly recommend scrapping aoe status effect for health regen - don't just add extra health, top it up, too. Maybe 10 base hp regen. Just a nice boost - main draw being extra health cap. Not strong enough to outright replace other HoT's like Renewal or Ravenous, but with its own unique perks.
    • Toxin: Incredibly lacklustre. Holster speed is a nice bonus at best. Reload speed doesn't even get particularly high unless you put on all duration mods. The radial toxin proc within 5m is a joke, even against Corpus. Completely pointless. Strongly recommend increasing fire rate/attack speed along with reload speed, and giving guaranteed toxin procs on hit, like an AoE Penance buff.
    • Electric: Not the worst, as demonstrated by Zanagoth, but not the best either. Shields, not being nearly as potent as health for an Armour Monster like Chroma, are going to sit tidily in nice bonus territory - basically not something you'd use the element for. The electrical discharges, however, have an okay stun property but rely on striking a Chroma who isn't using Ice or Heat, which limits viability in higher level content. Given that shields are, generally speaking, a poor alternative to health, I hereby strongly recommend mirroring Heat's health bonus with a +200% property, and lowering shield recharge downtime and increasing recharge speed in addition to the shocks.
  3. Vex Armour: Good, good.
  4. Effigy: Energy cost is too high. Is unfortunately expected to actually kill things. Is a channeled ability, but has a life value of its own. All issues or inconsistencies.
    • If it stays channeled, make Effigy immortal and reduce the energy cost associated with using it - losing so much armour is already a massive sacrifice. Would strongly advise making it a duration-based ability that could be deactivated, however. Suggest 1 minute base duration at Rank 3.
    • To get a chance of extra credits from enemies Effigy kills is too limiting. Solution: Make an aura around Effigy with 15m hard lower cap but 20m at base, within which enemies that are killed guarantee credit drops of 2x usual drop value.
    • I really feel like Effigy should benefit from Elemental Ward and/or Vex Armour. With the credit boost zone, it would incentivize staying close to maximize the ability without making it mandatory to stay by it.
Edited by Ardhanarishvara
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On 2/10/2018 at 11:51 AM, An8rchy said:

So, heres my opinion with ember:
We all know that Warframe lets us do our own builds right ? We build how we want and thats ok, Well with the Ember nerfs that won't happen anymore  let me explain.
If de wants us to use Wof at all after this nerf, you gotta have both streamline and Fleeting expertise. more so, if you want to get a good range at base, you will put stretch, also ember needs duration so P continuity is a must. 
If you have been counting thats 4 mandatory mods. Yes, you can recast wof to reset drain and range, but, who here remembers why Wof is a toggle now ? it was changed because players hated having to click buttons on a timer. This is the same as Mesa, but heres the difference,
 Mesa can actually scale, has a 95% dmg reduction, and a Squad wide cc.
Yes, the dmg is great and might help her kill stuff at now, lvl 50-60 easier. but at what cost ? struggleing for energy ? getting shot because the range of wof is smaller than melee range ?
I want to suggest things but, to me Ember has to go to the drawing board and rethink, keeping what the players like and starting new on what they dont.
I will be using spoilers now since the post might get too big.

Fireball being replaced by a Fire Wisp:

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This ability has to go, by seeing how ember is designed, she is a glass cannon, she has to be able to sustain herself, deal dmg and be nimble.
Holding a fireball to get a napalm isnt any of those. (also draining more energy but i will skip that)
So heres what i suggest:

Fireball is replaced for fire wisp
These wisps give the following effects:
r5 firewalker buffs (at base, can increase with power strgh)
Dmg reduction capped at 70% (based on power strgh, base should sit around 40%) (shes a glass cannon, she cant have as much as Mesa or a tank but not too little where its useless)

The augment will let you:
Cast it on team mates
Dmg reduction on teammates is reducted for 40%
Gives heat dmg to caster and teammates that were casted

What i want to achive with this change is, keep the niche of fireball, that gives heat dmg with the augment, but also make ember a team player, giving a small dmg reduction as overheat, but making her more mobile.


Accelarant remaining as it is:

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I dont have much to say here, Accelarant is on a good spot. so no changes here besides the augment, this one is hard cuz accelarant is already a pretty good ability, but i really dont know what to say to make it a choice instead of a direct buff or useless augment 


Fireblast chaging to a Naplam:

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This is another ability that has to go in my opinion, The augment is a glorified 1 wave of wof.  

I would change this to some sort of soft napalm (will explain later)

You would cast it and if there was enemies at:
50% of the range, they would get knockdown and have a 75% heat proc
for the rest of the range, they will get a stagger and a 25% heat proc
(im not talking about dmg here cuz i want a mechanic not an actual nuke)

For the augment i will keep the initial idea

50% of the range they will get a knock down and a 25% heat proc
the remainer of the range, they will also get a knockdown but not heat proc chance

The idea i want to give with this is, Either this ability is a panic button (un-augmented) or a controled cc (augmented)



World on fire staying as it is, but giving it synergies and changes:

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People have already spoken on how much the nerf on this ability kills Ember, but theres the problem of low lvl missions, In my opinion, ember shouldnt suffer because of it when theres way worse frames that can do it faster and better, with that said, this is what i propose

Fuctions the same as this nerf but 2 things, range and drain

Range is buffed from -50% to -20%
The drain is buffed from 2x to 0x
The reason for this is that, ember is a Caster, and needs both range and low drain to make use of abilities and survive. but i will give a +drain counter further on the ability

Wof Builds a meter (I will call it Fire for the sake of writing)

On deactivation of wof, each 25% of the meter is converted into 1 stack
The stacks work as an incentive to not use Wof 24/7 but not forget about it completly

The stacks are used whenever you cast one of the 4 abilities:

-Fire wisp (Fireball) If theres is at least 1 Stack available, it will be consumed while granting Fire wisp to grant +10% (additive) of Dmg reduction (this will work with the agument giving your teammates more dmg reduction, but it will cost 1 stack per teammate)
-Accelarant   If theres at least 3 stacks, the duration is increased by 50% and so is the casting speed
-Napalm (Fire blast) If theres at least 5 stacks, Napalm will leave a fiery ground (Like hallowed ground) that ground will have 50% of the range of Napalm and a base 10 sec duration (duration mods will increase it)
-World on Fire   If you have 10 stacks, Wof will have 2.5x drain, no Range debuff on cast. Every 5 secs it will cause a explosion that will cause a scorch area (around 10m base, 10 secs duration) for the duration of the cast

And the Augment will be pretty much the same but changing a few things Wof itself

Every 2 seconds that the ability is casted, a heat wave will be casted, this wave will 100% panic enemies with heat procs but also remove 1% of enemy armor
As the ability is running, the more range it gets, but the more drain it gets too.

What i wish this ability to be, is the bread and butter of Ember, yes you can still clear low lvl missions, But so can other frames with way more efficency, I want the rework to be a way for ember to join the "I can scale" frame group.
Again, giving 2 options with the augment in hand.
Having wof for stacking "Fire" or having some cc and debuffing at the cost of more drain over time (you gotta know when to cc and not spam cc)



Some Final notes for who actualy read this:
Yes, some of these could be too op, but yet again, its suggestions, the ideas could be cool and all it needs are value changes.
Hopefully someone likes the ideas and thx for reading you beautiful tenno!


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An important detail that I feel users should understand is that DE is by-and-large unwilling to do complete ability overhauls. Tweaking existing abilities to do new things is one thing, but replacing even a single ability is rare all on its own - Super Jump was obsoleted by bullet jumping, Rhino Blast was merged into Rhino Stomp, Overheat compromised their intent for Ember, and Dive Bomb was merged into Tail Wind. Any reworks which rely on replacing or completely overhauling even one ability are less likely to be taken seriously, and a full rework is, in all likelihood, completely off the table altogether.

Believe me, I'd love for a complete overhaul of Ember with Inner Heat or Vulcan Stacks or what have you. But it's probably better to suggest within the limits of as few and as small changes as possible.



  • Passive: I appreciate that this wasn't altered in any way. While some people might not like it, once you figure out a neat little trick with a certain oft-overlooked weapon, it really starts to shine. If anything, I'd like to suggest that some self-damaging status-focused heat-only sidearm be introduced in the future.
  1. Fireball: I love love love the fire trap function. Although admittedly I do wish that it would get a pass that allows for pre-charging, along with other similarly charged abilities, where you can put in the energy early and set it to charge up without interrupting the rest of your combat, then release the fully charged version for free (or at least standard cost after efficiency) when you need it, rather than having to stop combat every time you want to use it, when it would be lovely to be able to set it to charge between engagements.
  2. Accelerant: Great ability. Didn't need any changes, didn't get any changes.
  3. Fireblast: I really feel like this ability compromises Ember's core play structure. Consider: It's a stationary ring of fire that can't be modded. Yes, it adds heat damage when being shot through, but exactly what area of it counts as enough to be shot through? Why would Ember, one of the game's squishier warframes, bother to stay in one place to take advantage of this function? I suppose you could place it at a doorway, but... it honestly feels a bit lacklustre to me. I would much prefer for it to be an expanding wave of flame that scorches the ground (a little like Oberon), causing it to deal damage to enemies that walk through the wave and/or step on the scorched ground. Then again that's fairly unlikely.
  4. World on Fire: Maybe being on fire could slow or even stop the energy drain, even if you're not getting energy back?
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Chroma's elemental ward (2 buff) doesn't seem to work at all, i went for electric elemental and moded for 299% strength and the damage i do is still the same, same goes for allies, tested it with a sniper that did 699 dmg before buff and it did 699 after buff aswell. Same thing with rhino stomp, 1200 dmg before buff and after buff, tested in simulacrum and on the field and got the same result. Am i doing something wrong? it doesn't apply to abilities or weapons for either me or allies

The buff says i should get 299 shields, 74% status chance and 29.9 damage multiplier but i only get the shields, allies aren't even getting the shield.

Please check on this DE and tell me if i'm doing something wrong or if i understood the ability wrong.

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vor 1 Minute schrieb Ryk_the_Wizard:

Chroma's elemental ward (2 buff) doesn't seem to work at all, i went for electric elemental and moded for 299% strength and the damage i do is still the same, same goes for allies, tested it with a sniper that did 699 dmg before buff and it did 699 after buff aswell. Same thing with rhino stomp, 1200 dmg before buff and after buff, tested in simulacrum and on the field and got the same result. Am i doing something wrong? it doesn't apply to abilities or weapons for either me or allies

The buff says i should get 299 shields, 74% status chance and 29.9 damage multiplier but i only get the shields, allies aren't even getting the shield.

Please check on this DE and tell me if i'm doing something wrong or if i understood the ability wrong.

if you are talking about electric: if an enemy is attack you you absorb the dmg and (if an enemy is close by) release an elecric shock on that enemy. the dmg multiplier is meant for this shock. this shock is getting stronger

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