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Update 22.12.0: Warframe Changes Feedback Megathread


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5 minutes ago, DeadlyCreation said:

if you are talking about electric: if an enemy is attack you you absorb the dmg and (if an enemy is close by) release an elecric shock on that enemy. the dmg multiplier is meant for this shock. this shock is getting stronger

so basically chroma's 2 on electric increases the shock dmg and on cold reflected dmg? meaning that his 2 is kinda useless in terms of ally buff unless i care about deff buffs?

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vor 2 Minuten schrieb Ryk_the_Wizard:


so basically chroma's 2 on electric increases the shock dmg and on cold reflected dmg? meaning that his 2 is kinda useless in terms of ally buff unless i care about deff buffs?

yes his 2 had a pretty bad range so buffing teammates is pretty much impossible

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I gave my "feedback" for Ember before the change took hold - and guess what, it is still the same.

1. Flat damage does not scale, Flat Fire damage even less.
2. Accelerant is not changed.
3. Fireblast's new "bonus" does not matter due to the fact that it has hard lock on it's range.
4. WoF's damage scales badly, there is 5 enemy cap, it is toggle and the range cut off does nothing for afk Lith Embers, because they can just slot in Overextended.
5. Passive is still poop.
6. Base values on HP/Energy/Armor/Sprint are still poop.

Edited by phoenix1992
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I’m with phoenix on this.


Y’all didn’t actually prevent low level stomp Ember. You just made Ember trickier to use at high levels, but without a corresponding increase in power. That’s all.



Now, I've been moderately critical of the Ember changes, so why don't I also cheer the heck up a bit?

- Oh lawd, the buff to the Prisma Gorgon. I love that gun. I love it so much. Oh god. This is the most palpable, perceivable buffiest buff I've ever seen in the game. So good.

- I'm gonna break with what appears to be a bit of a majority opinion and say that I like putting the Unvaulted Relics in Bounties. They're all nice and neat together, you can chain Bounties by just flitting in and out of Cetus, you can pick up multiple Relics per Bounty, it's pretty good. Decidedly ok. Remarkably acceptable. Daycent.

Edited by BornWithTeeth
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I honestly don't find Chroma to be very much fun anymore, either to build or to play.  His vex changes nerfed his damage and armor into the ground when all it really needed was a fix for the elemental double-dipping bug.  His 1 is still a terrible terrible ability that costs way too much, and he now doesn't have the duration needed to maintain his 4 if he wants to be a team buffer - a 4 with anti-synergy with his kit and quite questionable worth to begin with.

The only thing he had going for him before was the feeling of satisfaction from investing a huge amount of time and energy into getting his vex built up in return for a massive damage payout.  Leave combat, regen shields, recast, self-damage, and jump back into the fray for about 40-50 seconds of absolute dominance.  Now it's just watching his vex buff timer, trying to make sure you have enough energy to recast it again every 30 seconds, or else you'll have to try to rebuild the pitiful boosts it provides from scratch.  While vex being recastable is a really great thing in terms of QoL, it kinda highlights how awful the rest of his kit is because none of it is worth using rather than saving the energy for recasting.  And this is with an Arcane Energize + Arcane Grace + Hunter Adrenaline build.  I've got way more energy than most.

His 1 still feels like a glorified ignis.  I'd be better served by bringing an actual ignis.  At least then I wouldn't be wasting energy.  In my opinion, the ability should be changed to a snap cast like atlas's petrify was.  Have it launch a number of arca-plasmor-like projectiles and leave behind patches of elemental effects that persist for duration (like nightwatch napalm, mutalyst moa spooge puddles, and caustacyst trails).  That way it doesn't tie you up with a channel, uses less energy, and leaves behind deployable effects that can have strategic impact in battle.  Lay down a patch of shocking electricity in a doorway and all enemies entering there get stunned and damaged.  That would be fun to use, and still fulfills the fire-breathing-dragon fantasy (something nobody cared about to begin with, because the ability has always been terrible).

His 2 wasn't changed at all.  With the massive nerf to his ehp from vex, fire ward has become the defacto standard.  Ice ward really stinks as it's a lesser version of vex, calculated the exact same way (additively), with some added bullet reflection.  It's completely redundant, and doesn't compare at all with the total EHP gained by fire ward or the offensive capabilities of toxin and electric wards.  Toxin and electric have both lost the majority of their EHP in the vex nerf, although they do work a little better offensively now that range is a favored stat.  It would make more sense if the buffing range values of Ward and Vex were the same.  Currently, you can be in range of Vex, but not Ward.

Reverting scorn to a multiplicative bonus would un-nerf his EHP in all elements.  But, it'd make for some interesting effects if the team-wide buff was multiplicative.  Boosting his base armor could also un-nerf his EHP without affecting the team buff aspect, but it would leave fire ward as still the unequivocally best element to use.  There IS precedent in other frames to leave vex as multiplicative, and simply fix the double-dipping bug.  Valkyr, Rhino, Nova, Volt, Banshee, Harrow, Ember, Oberon, Frost, Saryn, and Mirage all provide buffs and debuffs that amplify damage in a multiplicative fashion.  Even frames that open enemies to stealth bonuses like Ivara, Excal, and Inaros are able to amplify damage with a 2x multiplier.  Making Fury a multiplicative bonus with no double-dipping bugs would be balanced given the enormous investment it requires to maintain, and the extremely limited means of sharing the buff.  Compared to Rhino's roar, Fury (as an additive bonus) provides diminishing returns on power strength, requires far more modding investment in order to reach the same potential as others, only buffs weapons, varies in potency according to the weapon used and the mods on the weapon, requires allies to remain very close to Chroma at all times, and requires taking damage to build up and spending a TON of energy to maintain.  It's not a fun ability to use because it amounts to building the buff up and then simply maintaining it by pressing 3 on a timer.  Other buffing abilities like roar, covenant, sonar, elemental augments, etc at least have the benefit of time-critical usage.  Oh, a juggernaut showed up, everyone bust out your damage buffs which will provide immediate and full potency.  Chroma - mine's up already because I've had no choice but to recast it every 30 seconds for the past hour.  In terms of the rationalization behind the nerf to begin, Eidolons still die incredibly fast to skilled teams, of which Chroma is becoming much less a warranted part of.

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I'd just like to bring up that Spectral Scream can easily be a decent CC/Dot Stacking ability if the status chance was 100%. If that were the case, we would be able to diable crowds of enemies while taking any potential damage taken to us through Vex armor(Once scorn numbers are fixed up), making Chroma a decent utility/tanky warframe for team comps. The fact that manuevering is a lot easier now would certainly enforce this playstyle. 

As of right now, Spectral Scream hardly does any damage and isn't reliable enough for CC utility. Why case it under Vex armor when I can get a better effect with my weapons?

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Warframe Changesに関して、改善の要望



そんな中、今回のWarframe Changesを受け、率直な感想と、改善を要望させていただきます




















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@[DE]Danielle YO!

So in the patch notes it says this for Atlas:

- Killing petrified enemies with Landslide generates bonus rubble. We have also increased the contact radius at max rank from 1.5m to 2m.

I have been testing this for the past few days and I can verify that when you One-Punch a Petro it only gives the standard 75 rubble? Is this a bug or a mistype on the notes?

I thought maybe it drops 2 rubble but as far as I can tell it only does the standard one 75 point rubble.

Also I can understand the energy and decay rate are to balance the POWER behind Petrify but could it be modified a little? Not talking a ton just a wee little bit so that it feels longer and feels like it costs less.

Still going through the changes and LOVE EM! Just one thing I saw :) Back to Testing! FOR SCIENCE!!!

Edited by IgnisAmulek
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My simple request to the "new" Discharge due to range and stun fall-off gives the power of choice back to the player:

Exalted lightning strike.

Have melee mods affect and stack on top of the original Discharge damage vs this straight damage buff/nerf which is a bit myopic and kit-compromising.

Animation: "Ground Slam" melee attack, minimal recoding needed.

The change essentially follows the exalted blade (Excaliber) and exalted pistols formula (Mesa) and exact values are easily tweaked.

It allows veterans the freedom to explore variables that suit their wide range of playstyles and within the confines of channeling Discharge THROUGH their melee into the ground as a centered lightning strike still creates a unique exalted effect that does not infringe on Mesa/Excaliber.

PLEASE consider this!

P.S.  More than ever, the changes beg for a Volt base speed increase, even if it means a decrease in Speed "2" power values.

Sincerely, Silverback73.

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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About volt discharge

When an enemy is alone discharge waits 4.5 seconds until it starts to do damage to it

If an enemy 2 is in range of that enemy 1, then enemy 1 deals damage to enemy 2, and 2 deals damage to 1. But enemy 1 wont deal damage to enemy 1 and enemy 2 wont deal damage to enemy 2.
Worst of all if all enemies within range of that enemy 1 die, he has to wait 4.5 seconds until he can start damaging himself

Correct me if I'm wrong but I believed the idea here was 4.5 seconds after discharge was cast, enemies start damaging themselves as well
but as of right now enemies only start to damage themselves 4.5 seconds after they're alone


Edited by Arceus_80
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7 hours ago, Ardhanarishvara said:

An important detail that I feel users should understand is that DE is by-and-large unwilling to do complete ability overhauls. Tweaking existing abilities to do new things is one thing, but replacing even a single ability is rare all on its own - Super Jump was obsoleted by bullet jumping, Rhino Blast was merged into Rhino Stomp, Overheat compromised their intent for Ember, and Dive Bomb was merged into Tail Wind. Any reworks which rely on replacing or completely overhauling even one ability are less likely to be taken seriously, and a full rework is, in all likelihood, completely off the table altogether.

Believe me, I'd love for a complete overhaul of Ember with Inner Heat or Vulcan Stacks or what have you. But it's probably better to suggest within the limits of as few and as small changes as possible.



  • Passive: I appreciate that this wasn't altered in any way. While some people might not like it, once you figure out a neat little trick with a certain oft-overlooked weapon, it really starts to shine. If anything, I'd like to suggest that some self-damaging status-focused heat-only sidearm be introduced in the future.
  1. Fireball: I love love love the fire trap function. Although admittedly I do wish that it would get a pass that allows for pre-charging, along with other similarly charged abilities, where you can put in the energy early and set it to charge up without interrupting the rest of your combat, then release the fully charged version for free (or at least standard cost after efficiency) when you need it, rather than having to stop combat every time you want to use it, when it would be lovely to be able to set it to charge between engagements.
  2. Accelerant: Great ability. Didn't need any changes, didn't get any changes.
  3. Fireblast: I really feel like this ability compromises Ember's core play structure. Consider: It's a stationary ring of fire that can't be modded. Yes, it adds heat damage when being shot through, but exactly what area of it counts as enough to be shot through? Why would Ember, one of the game's squishier warframes, bother to stay in one place to take advantage of this function? I suppose you could place it at a doorway, but... it honestly feels a bit lacklustre to me. I would much prefer for it to be an expanding wave of flame that scorches the ground (a little like Oberon), causing it to deal damage to enemies that walk through the wave and/or step on the scorched ground. Then again that's fairly unlikely.
  4. World on Fire: Maybe being on fire could slow or even stop the energy drain, even if you're not getting energy back?

I just think they're too lazy to overhaul abilities, but theyre obviously capable of doing it. In the previous Mag rework, they completely revamped Shield Polarize into the Polarize we have today. Why can't they do the same for her 4 or other Frames abilities. It's not like Warframes are weapons and we just throw the majority of them away once we get the MR for them. They stick with players even after DE puts Frames in the vault and resells them after a time passes. Who's going to buy nerfed Prime Warframes who can barely last past starchart level enemies ?

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I've tried to use Chroma again, against Teralysts, but his first three abilities feel like a waste of energy right now.

In this not-spoiler, I will detail what I believe will save Chroma.


1: Detach his Elemental Mastery passive and make it accessible like Vauban's utility grenades or Ivara's arrows.
-This will inadvertently remove the need to pick one energy colour and focus fashion around it, but adding more energy colour slots (3 more, one for each other element) is optional.
2: All abilities used by Chroma should gain extra damage from any elemental damage mods on equipped weapons, except Vex Armor.
-This will increase the likelyhood for Spectral Scream and Elemental Ward to kill things, and would be a welcome addition.
3: Spectral Scream should have a Pelt Roar charge attack.
-Sounds suiting this already exist. He takes a breath, then screams, stunning enemies like the pelt would, but with a longer duration. This will give Chroma utility he needs.
4: Remove buff cap on Vex Armor on Chroma, restore half of its original capability, and change the percentages.
-Note: These changes only apply for Chroma, not the team buff that comes with it.
-Also note: Chroma's Spectral Scream would receive the original damage value buff, considering it currently serves only to paint status procs on enemies.
-This would make sustaining Vex Armor a necessity.
-Current percentage values are misleading (500% Scorn/DMG buff may look big, but I don't see any extra damage happening; similar case with the armor/resistance buff).
5: Introduce a new, Sentient-themed passive (status damage type resist).
-After Value of Damage Type is received by Chroma, he becomes increasingly resistant to that damage type until it's not the damage type that's hurting him most.
-Could be a stacking percentage system which only works when the pelt is worn.

As long as 2 and are introduced, at the very least in a manner like this:

-Chroma's powers gain extra power strength/damage from any weapon mods which have status chance and elemental damage respectively.

-Chroma's Vex Armor has no limit, allowing Chroma to focus on a continuous Vex Armor build which allows him to survive like he used to, but not his allies, because the version they will be benefited by will still have the upper limit.


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On 2/9/2018 at 8:47 PM, PsiWarp said:

First thing first: Thank you DE for bringing us quality content time and again. You hardworking folks deserve much pats on the back for your dedication to your crafts and masterpiece of a game!

I will update this post with my feedback as I plow through the changes perform testing in public matchmaking and the Simulacrum. There's so much to go through, everything feels familiar yet fresh. Let's begin!


  • Rubble
    • Atlas has always had difficulty staying alive against high level enemies without using Landslide's invulnerability period or hiding behind Tectonics. Rubble providing both health restoration and bonus armor helps address this issue, and its current implementation encourages active melee combat that fits his brawler theme.
    • The new UI really "solidifies" this new addition as core to Atlas' kit. Nicely done!
    • Hard to See: Rubble's pickup model can be difficult to spot when moving about. Even though it is a shiny rock, it can often blend with textures on the ground.
    • Not Vacuum-able: being unable to use Sentinel Vacuum to rapidly collect Rubble (nor Atlas' own innate tiny vacuum radius) leads to the need for backtracking for uncollected Rubble. I understand why this is the case even though it feels inconvenient, since Rubble is designed to provide twofold benefits and the player may want to choose between healing or gaining armor (or leaving available Rubble as backup for future encounters), which he/she cannot really do if Rubble is quickly gathered by Vacuum. I would prefer for Vacuum to collect Rubble, however.
    • Augments Inconsistency: Landslide's Path of Statues also petrifies enemies, but those enemies would not drop any Rubble when killed. Rumblers' Titanic Rumbler takes away 1 Rumbler in exchange for its effects, but only drops a Rubble that provides the health or armor points of a single Rumbler, rather than the combined sum of 2 Rumblers; this can be seen as an additional downside, and this augment is already considered unattractive due to its unremarkable effects (Rumbler's ground slam taunt is not effective, and the Rumbler moves more slowly).
    • Floating Rubble: not a big problem but it is odd-looking.
    • Armor Decays Too Fast: 10 armor points drained per second feels a tad too quick. Even more so when facing Nullifiers and the like. Since Petrify and Rumblers are both energy-costly powers, it becomes difficult to maintain Rubble's armor benefit without specializing heavily into Ability Efficiency.
  • Landslide
    • All of the changes are rather nice on an already strong ability. Since Landslide is one of the more dependable abilities made for killing high level enemies, I can always count on it to provide its bonus Rubble.
  • Tectonics
    • With the new Rubble mechanic, I assumed Bulwarks would drop Rubble when destroyed by enemies or when the boulder exploded. Could this feature be added? If not for the regular Bulwark, then perhaps the Petrified Bulwark?
    • Petrified Bulwark's buff to boulder rolling velocity (and extra distance) feels great. One of my gripes with Tectonics was that the boulder traveled too slowly and too short a distance.
    • However, there are still several problems with the boulder that haven't been addressed:
      • Low damage: Still deals relatively low damage even though it is increased by the Petrified Bulwark and against Petrified enemies.
      • Brittle: Boulder will often blow up prematurely by colliding into terrain, before it has a chance to go where Atlas pointed toward. This is most apparent when the Bulwark is facing the opposite direction of where Atlas recasts 2, so the boulder has to do a U-turn- often blowing itself up by smashing into walls and objects.
      • Hit and miss: Boulder's enemy collision radius is too small. It requires a lot of precision for the boulder to actually pick up enemies along its path and carry them away.
    • Since Tectonic Fracture bulwarks cannot turn into boulders, they cannot take advantage of being Petrified Bulwarks. Perhaps allow Petrify to also enhance Bulwarks' durability (the silver stone looks awesome and feels like the wall is reinforced with metal), so this augment can still take advantage of this synergy?
  • Petrify
    • Snapshot Petrify with instant freezing is miles ahead of the previous iteration. Old Petrify breaks the flow of his melee rampage and hindered his momentum. Now Atlas is much more viable for crowd control and can go straight back to his punching. It just feels more fluid!
    • Cone Orientation Issue: It seems the 60 degrees cone still comes from Atlas' eyes. There are times when I try to cast Petrify toward my aiming reticle, but Atlas is in the middle of an animation (e.g. rolling) so it somehow misses the enemies right in front of me (Atlas' face is in another direction at that moment). It would be nice if it will always center the cone toward the aiming reticle, so players don't end up wasting energy casting Petrify that just won't hit where they look.
    • Very Energy Hungry: being one of the primary ways to earn Rubble, Petrify at 75 energy per cast (often more due to the cone issue above) is much too costly to maintain.
  • Rumblers
    • The general change to summoned units really helps Rumblers stay relevant against Nullifiers and other related enemies. This was a major problem when facing Corpus and Corrupted since Rumblers essentially became wasteful to cast.
    • I really like the instant Petrify area added to Rumblers' creation. It and the Rubble drops encourage using the detonation function more often.
    • However, Rumblers' detonation explosion still feels unremarkable. The damage falls off quickly and diminishes over distance, and does not proc any Status Effect or stagger or ragdoll enemies away to cover for that damage falloff. Adding an additional effect or improving the explosion damage or both would really solidify this feature as a viable means to use Rumblers as walking time bombs.

Everything this fella said. All of it. Atlas is really close to being not only fun to play, but also able to keep up with other frames. A few tweaks and he's golden.

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I really like these changes. The new visual indicator for charging 1 and 4 is really handy. I also enjoy the added crowdcontrol with his 3. However I think it's a little bit bugged at the moment because it looks like the enemies seem to randomly escape the puddle (might have been lag too, but I have seen it happen few times). If I could wish for one more thing: I would like to be able to use the standard visual style for Tentacle Swarm



Great changes, that's all I have to say about it really. :thumbup:

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Overall, I'm very happy with many of these changes. Personally, I've been playing Ash for a long time and have learned to work with his marking mechanic, the speed of marking and the speed at which the clones can kill most enemies is astounding, much faster than aiming and shooting. I can clear whole rooms with clones faster than many players with the usual weapons, save for whip/polearm slide attackers. I do think that the marking mechanic is bad, and should be reworked into something that balances involvement with the power versus actual ability to kill enemies. I have simply learned to work with it rather than against it. I'd like to see a hydroid-style charge with an expanding radius of marks, where charging it takes no energy but energy per enemy marked applies as normal. Enemies near the center of the charge radius can have multiple marks applied to them, while those further away have only one. Make marks per-enemy rather than per mark, so you're not penalized for applying multiple marks to enemies in the center of the charge. Or, turn Bladestorm into a channeled ability with no individual mark costs, and make clones continually attack enemies as you mark them, while severely buffing the mark rate, so Ash has options to be a crowd-killer through mass-marks, or continually focus down single targets with repeated bladestorm attacks.


As for Atlas, he's in a very good state now. But he could be better. My largest complaint is that rubble decays way too fast. Even when I am in the height of power with him, it still feels like I barely have any extra armor on. I'd like to see rubble not decay at all, and instead be used as an extra resource by his abilities. Make each of his abilities consume 1 stack of rubble if it's available when cast, for an additional effect. Something like increasing the max multiplier on Landslide to x6, expanding the view radius of Petrify, or buffing the stats of Rumblers, would give Atlas a lot more utility and give him options to either collect rubble passively with occasional ability casts and use weapons as a tanky brawler, or use abilities constantly to stack up rubble and then use it again as a combat caster. Additionally, while I can continually use Landslide very often for little cost, constantly casting Petrify at it's base 75 energy becomes very costly to sustain over time. I'm not fond of and never have been fond of Tectonics either, no matter how it's changed or buffed I think it will always be a fairly useless ability with minimal utility or combat applications.

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Had a chance to play mag and gara now too.



Honestly I had no issues with the original version on a duration, the rework was too much of a nerf and in all honesty the latest rework 'encourages' us to basically stay in the same spot to ensure we can 'capture' more targets the instant the wall collapses. 

Now I didn't check just how strong it can become but I did notice that the entire process of MV feels incredibly slow.  From the time it takes to activate, to the time it takes for the enemies to vitrify it all just seems to take too long and I'd still prefer a way that can be triggered pre-emptively BEFORE any enemies can reach the defence target, which they can do if they're a fast enemy and slow process of MV.   

The lack of height to MV could be really looked at, a bit more would save us having to jump up before pressing 4, it was even being done in the gif so clearly there's an issue with it's minimal height....

And a little side note... can we get some more transparency on MV walls, the current opacity makes it awfully hard to see the enemy through them at times.



Can't really complain, you didn't make it any worse, but I still feel that she does more damage against units with shields than those with armour.

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but its completely stupid nerve an increase they would have had to make sure that its be the normal banshee power that is just doing 1 powerful wave and that the increase is making a wave wave and anyway its not that it's us had promised and I'm disappointed with this nerve that is totally rotten

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After sifting through all these boards and reading the feedback, I'm starting to think that the idea of balancing anything in this game is impossible. I'm guessing the real balancing issue is between the two groups that play the game: veterans and new players. It's like any changes that take place mostly favor one or the other, although lately it feels like the vets are getting the shaft. Like PoE for example, it was made for vets but it's slowly becoming more newbie accessible. Now, from a business standpoint, it would make sense to make changes that favor new players since they're the ones who are actually buying platinum and Prime packs.

Pure speculation on my part, but if any of it is true, then I'm officially requesting that DE change the name of the game to "Nerframe"..

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Ash's change is pretty good.  Although, it's disappointing that his bladestorm slash procs still don't count towards relentless combination.  He's nevertheless able to do a lot more damage than he was before, all without causing motion sickness.  I've noticed that Ash can mark an entire drop ship full of enemies just by tagging the ship, which is really cool.  His bladestorm augment should be tweaked, as it's still mostly worthless and only stacks additively with mods like body count and drifting contact.

Atlas's rework is really great, though there are some tweaks that could make it a lot better.  Rubble pieces need to be vacuumable, as picking them up after killing someone is a chore.  Rubble would also benefit from a slower decay rate and an uncapped limit.  There are diminishing returns on armor, after all, and an uncapped limit would provide both a longer duration of being tanky between kills, and a long-run snowball effect of effort <=> reward.  A slightly slower decay rate would alleviate the fact that you can currently pick up rubble even when you're at full health and max armor bonus, effectively wasting it.  Graphically, it's kinda weird that the rubble armor covers less than a quarter of his body.  It's really cool that it builds up the more you get, but most of his body is still exposed when at max armor bonus.

Tectonics is still mostly useless, as the rolling boulder is terrible damage and cc in one.  A better effect would be to landslide into tectonics, creating a shrapnel blast of projectiles that deal damage based on the wall's health and on the landslide's damage, similar to combining Gara's 1 and 4.  Petrifying the wall prior to the combo would add even more damage through the buff to the wall's health.  A conical damage spread with knock back or stun would be fitting. 

Petrify is a great snap CC, though it's hard to tell if the graphic effects are lining up with the actual effect.  Sometimes you're pointing your reticule at someone, but atlas's head is facing somewhere else when the actual ability goes off.  Overall, his damage scaling is still limited by his inability to proc status on petrified enemies and the combo counter.  While he gains 50% bonus damage vs petrified enemies, that doesn't help much vs highly armored units.  His rumblers also don't benefit from that 50% bonus, which would be nice.

The rumblers are a bit improved, especially by the change to health decay in nully fields rather than simply disappearing.  Overall, I don't see the point of healing them with petrify when I can just recast them and get a free aoe petrify out of it.  It doesn't make sense that rubble produced by rumblers is worth less than rubble produced by atlas himself.  If anything their corpses should be worth more, to serve as a synergistic bonus and reward for actually using them.

In terms of the new UI element, the rubble thing is mostly useful.  It would be nice if it indicated when you'd be getting health as opposed to armor, or better yet, make the rubble always provide both a bit of health and armor.  Also, since landslide benefits from the combo counter, it'd be really nice if the combo counter didn't disappear while landsliding, even when you have your melee equipped. 

There was a rework post on the reddit that suggested turning rubble into a Nidus-like currency for powering certain skills (tectonics and rumblers i believe).  I personally think it would make for a really cool kit if some of the ideas were used and I think you should check it out.

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19 minutes ago, (PS4)the-creeperman said:

After sifting through all these boards and reading the feedback, I'm starting to think that the idea of balancing anything in this game is impossible. I'm guessing the real balancing issue is between the two groups that play the game: veterans and new players. It's like any changes that take place mostly favor one or the other, although lately it feels like the vets are getting the shaft. Like PoE for example, it was made for vets but it's slowly becoming more newbie accessible. Now, from a business standpoint, it would make sense to make changes that favor new players since they're the ones who are actually buying platinum and Prime packs.

Pure speculation on my part, but if any of it is true, then I'm officially requesting that DE change the name of the game to "Nerframe"..

There's an easy way to balance veteran versus newbies.... don't put them together unless they make the group themselves via invites/recruiting etc.  When doing public matchmaking match up similar 'ability' levels rather than just stick everyone together. 

I've gone on earth via a public mission to grab a kubrow egg and there I was level 20+ with level 1-2's.... it doesn't matter what weapon, frame etc I had I was ALWAYS going to be better than them because I knew what I was doing... luckily for them I just left them be and went after my kubrow egg but I could have literally killed everything before they even had a chance to see it.  Now you could say I could have gone solo and you're right I could but at the same time it's sometimes quicker to just go via public rather than changing the option to solo.

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After playing with my Atlas for some time now after the update, I've some small nitpicks. The most obvious is his rubble decaying just a bit too fast, instead of it dropping off so fast I'd actually like to see it more of like it starts to breaks off after taking enough gunfire/melee damage. Another thing is maybe make his passive similar to Gara's, nearby enemies have a chance to turn to stone. That way he's not super dependent on his armor coming from his gaze ability.

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Atlas & Rubble Feedback + Suggestions

The addition of rubble is perhaps one of the coolest you could have added for Atlas; however, I feel that some changes should be considered.  It was to my understanding that Tectonics were eligible for creating rubble on destruction/ conversion to a boulder, but it seems that this idea didn't make a pass with his new mechanic.  On another note, there doesn't really feel an incentive for players to want to cast petrify on a rock bulwark just for the benefit of increased damage, repair, and roll speed.  This eats up energy that could be used for petrifying enemies which are your primary rubble source.  Rumbler rubble drops don't feel as significant as collecting rubble from enemies, especially when you consider the amount of health left when Rumblers expire.

On that note, I'd like to address the decay of Rubble.  As of now, the 10 rubble decay per second is a little to high, especially when you take this into account of team based play.  In solo play, I was usually able to get up to 250 armor from my collected resources, but having it decline so fast especially when you're low on energy really hurts Atlas' survivability.  Health gains from rubble seem so lackluster that half of the time I won't be able to heal up enough to get the benefit of additional armor, especially in high level missions like Kuva Floods.


Here are some suggestions I'd like to give:

1.Decrease the decay of rubble by 2-5 per second. 

2. Allow rubble to be generated from Tectonics upon destruction or conversion to a boulder; give additional rubble on a bulwark/boulder affected by petrify.

3.  Increase health gained from rubble by a small/medium amount, or give it a slow health regeneration effect stacking with rubble gained.

4. Allow Rumblers to scale off the amount of rubble collected + power strength.    Rumblers are rather tanky, but their speed and damage output start to fall in higher level content.  Allowing us to higher scale the Rumblers based off of rubble collected would allow for another usage of this resource meter other than additional armor.  (Maybe casting Rumblers would consume rubble instead of energy similar to Nidus in function.)

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