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Update 22.12.0: Warframe Changes Feedback Megathread


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Kinda an ember main who played her a lot. Giving the feed back on the change.


  • While charging mechanic for damage is nice in theory, the 3-seconds it takes to fully-charge fireball is not worth the double damage gains. And since this can only be reduced with cast speed mods, for ember who already has so many mandatory mods in the list, the charge mechanic will be mostly shelved at high level play since you can just double cast Fireball for the same effect. Either reduce the cast time or maybe adding more aoe range according to charge time would remedy this.
  • The fire patch is cool and all but doesn't scale with ability range and duration, only power strength. It also has pitiful aoe range too. Probably better to make the fire patch scale with mods and maybe it can be used for choke point holding and small aoe cc strategically.
  • Also, please increase fireball effect and size for the rewarding feel of charging it would be nice.


  • The fire ring needs to scale with range now that it effect your squad play. 4 meter range is to cramp for a game focusing on mobility. Maybe instead of shooting through the wall, make it so everyone within the ring gain bonus heat damage instead so that having too much range can still benefit the team.

World on Fire

  • To summary, it's garbage at this point. This is after being open-minded and try it on the level 60 bounty and first sortie mission.
  • The range decay forced you to recast this every 5 second before aoe size start decaying. And at 280% ability range at 100%, WoF has it's range reduce from around 40m to a pitiful 20m. For comparison Mag's Crush is sitting around 18m without any range mods. Since I know DE want to nerf the range though, I guess we could do much about it, but maybe instead of 50% range fully charge, having around 75% range would be a tad better to keep build diversity.
  • Due to the range reduction from about, for Firequake build, which is the low power strength build that's not focus on killing, will either need to recast WoF every 10 sec, or pretty much being ineffective due to both 5 enemy limit and pitiful effective range. Which pretty much result in being killed over and over trying to get closer to aimbot AI enemies. If you really want to keep the range at 50% at least remove the 5-targets limit so the Firequake build can work as a moving AoE CC instead. This will also help her getting in for a close fight because the instance she bullet jump it's guarunteen an aoe knockdown on everything around her.
  • The damage is alright to my surprise. It can kill things at level 60 on an okey time when combo with Accerelant. But the range will put you in danger. While using the fast tapping WoF doesn't do enough damage to worth the re-activation energy. above that though, doesn't worth it to say the least since teh armor scaling gone up to fast
  • Seriously, why use Firequake with this now when Accerelant can pretty much do a better job at CC. It can be spammed. Hit everything, and got better range.
Edited by Lunarez
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I havnt played in a while, but just want to say something in hopes it does get read...i am a big fan of volt, and want to give a big thanks to the dev team for sticking with him for so long... With all the frame reworks for so long...And thats as positive as I get.... There was a solid year and some change, where it didnt seem like anything reasonable was going to happen to Volt, that the changes from his rework were set in stone...now for what ever reason, he has recieved several changes all in the space of a few months...but by now the game is nearly unreconizable to me, as in my saltiness i kind of just lost interest in the game as a whole (worlds tiniest violin playing sad music)...and volts not quite there yet even now and i dont think its going to happen this year or next year. Again, im glad you guys keep putting so much into your frames, although again, im not sure why these consecutive changes are happening now, what caused them, or how long they will go on...

I never understood why discharge couldnt be cast in the air, why shock recieved cast delays, or why volts speed stopped affecting parkour....i didnt understand volts rework. I could make educated guesses.....theres so much care put into making sure a frame doesnt break the game, so much done to make sure that it wont color outside the lines that often times it seems like the frame is a kid in a padded suit and helmet riding a tricycle done a bumper lane in a bowling ally (without the cavernous hole at the end to fall into of course).

As far as Volt goes, damage will never be his forte. Electricity is resisted by too many things...bumping up damage on shock (i think such a thing happened) isnt an answer to anything...

Carrying the shield for all intents and purposes is fixed i guess, but i dont understand why all the pain and heart ache had to go on for so long...

Speed only lasts for 10 seconds at base yet has one of the most frustrating opt outs in the game...you do realize that by the time someone has stopped to backflip, the volt in question has probably already recast speed because only so many mods fit on a warframe as for instance, a primed continuity will only give you 16 seconds. And nothing requires a volt devote their entire build to duration just to get up to 30.

Discharge is discharge. Its cc. Apparently its not supposed to be cc. But its not damage. Again, within most missions, it probably works as intended, and i havnt played in a while, but using it against corpus or infested was risky because death, and using it against grineer was ideal the higher levels they were because armor. If you can fix that, thatd be nice. But its not damage. 

And there....i guess thats the end of my entitled post. Im sure you guys actually can make whatever changes happen to volt work, but the option to type was there, so i took it. And i didnt say anything about any other frame because they have other people to type about them.

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I like the ideas they were going for with Atlas, but it was a little underwhelming.

     Armor decays to fast, maybe make it where when you take damage it goes down a certain number. Ex = 10 per hit or something.

     Petrify cost to much even with efficiency. 25 base line for what it does now.

     Health and Armor gained from rubble affected by power strength and are picked up by vacuum.

Those the things I can think of right now. Maybe these suggestions might help?

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Im not liking the Ash change personally. IMO, it lacks punch now. It may as well just be an OP shuriken. It just doesnt feel like a ninja move anymore.Opting in is also clunky...ah welll....im sure others will probably love getting rid of the cinematic. For me, it made him feel more like a caster. BS feels like a reskinned homing shuriken

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First of all: Thank you guys for all of your constant hard work, improvements, changes, and putting up with us. *Wipes brown off my nose*

Seriously though, the awesome team that you guys are @DE, is what has made warframe one of my favorite games. I honestly want to learn about game development(self-teaching atm), just so that I can work with the people at DE/help make warframe more awesome.

Now onto my feedback. (I'm a little disappointed)

About Ember:

1)I wish that fireball's damage scaled with enemy armor, once it's fully charged (lower base damage, but scales with enemy armor). *Imagine your armor heating up/melting while your wearing it, basically cooking you alive.*  It could be a dot effect, and/or scaling with power

-expensive if I want to cast it often

-3s cast time seems long. 0.5-1s might be the sweet spot.

- It would also be nice if the naplam scaled with duration/range mods. 

-larger aoe/duration, for fully charging it

-augment could buff ember via napalm

-would be AWESOME if napalm could proc Ember's passive... Plzu!?

2) I'd still like it if it worked like banshee's silence aura. Or if it caused the effect that I suggested for her 1 (making fire damage scale with enemy armor) and made enemies burst into flames like the napalm does

-expensive to spam, and I need to spam this if I want to use it for fireball(another reason why I wish it worked like banshee's silence aura)

3)would be cool if could charge for extra damage & range. 

- base cost is somewhat expensive.

- base duration is somewhat short 

- would be nice if the damage to bullets crossing through, also affected her fireballs... (Can't tell if it does) And if it scaled with power str (haven't thoroughly tested, so pls ignore this if it does)

4) it's actually really nice, but I can still play afk if I tweak some mods around. (Shhhh, don't tell anyone)

-energy cost makes it difficult to use any of Ember's other abilities. If anything the increased energy cost makes me kill more enemies/faster, so I can keep up on blue skittles.

I'd like it if her WoF was replaced with a movement ability, or a buff that merged what "overheat" was, and how gara's "shattered glass" works. This would give players the survivability that they're asking for. 

I think these suggestions would encourage people to be more active with ember. It would also help her survive, and scale better at higher lvls.

They would also be a lot easier to implement, than my previous ideas lol... 

...Like these (sassy post, but mostly meant for effect/humor): 



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12 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

Im not liking the Ash change personally. IMO, it lacks punch now. It may as well just be an OP shuriken. It just doesnt feel like a ninja move anymore.Opting in is also clunky...ah welll....im sure others will probably love getting rid of the cinematic. For me, it made him feel more like a caster. BS feels like a reskinned homing shuriken

You can join in, by teleporting. It won't cost additional energy

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Zephyr's changes were two steps forward, and one step back. Being stuck in place in the air feel really wrong, as does the inability to resume hovering after casting Tailwind from the hover. We need to be able to move around during the hover, resume hovering after a Tailwind, or both.

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2 minutes ago, xXx_mtv_xXx said:

I would like to report a problem with this update:

Wukong rework is missing.

Wukong still has one of the worst kits in the game with poor scaling and synergy.

No, his 1+2 are fine, his 3 needs to add a stun while the ability is active (or toxin finisher damage) and his 4 needs minor tweaks


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I've played Zephyr a lot, and, I'm sorry to say, my first words after trying the rework were:

"oh no."


I really don't want to dislike the work that has gone into this rework, but I just can't get along with it - too much of Zephyr's movement flow has changed.


The new Tail Wind is way too fast for regular use. It's great for plains, but it's completely unusable everywhere else. There's more momentum now too. The instant stop if Zephyr is on the ground when Tail Wind ends is also awkward.

I frequently used the ground cast of Tail Wind to launch into the air (195% duration build - much stronger, faster and smoother to use than bullet jumping straight up) and glide around while raining hell with explosives (side note - holy **** that new Ogris explosion sound!). It could even be combined with bullet jump for more height, if you performed the cast and bullet jumped at the same time.

With the ground launch having to be charged now, that functionality has been lost. The static hover only makes this worse.

Dive Bomb, Turbulence and Tornado could all be cast during Tail Wind, which I frequently used to evade while recasting Turbulence, curve the start of Dive Bomb's path, and dump Tornadoes into a group of enemies (the combination with Tornado isn't relevant now that they are an aimed cast, but chaining Tail Wind into another power was fun).

Having to aim down to cast Dive Bomb is proving awkward.

I have tried a new build with lower duration to compensate for the otherwise too fast Tail Wind, but I just can't get along with the new movement.

Some suggestions:

  • Return the original Tail Wind speed and handling (tap on ground to launch, tap in air to dash)
  • Continue holding 1 during the ground launch flight to initiate the hover
  • Hold 1 in air to extend the current Tail Wind and increase speed (for Plains planes)
  • Dive Bomb back to power 2
  • Casting 3 activates Turbulence
  • Casting 3 while Turbulence is up throws an Air Burst
  • Increase the flight speed of Air Burst
  • Remove the 'starting twist' of the new Turbulence cast animation (this one feels off to me - looks more like Nezha for the first part)
  • Fix in-air Tail Wind breaking Zephyr's passive

This would keep her original controls and movement/feel, while also keeping the new functionalities introduced with the rework.


The improvements to Tornado are solid - being able to point where you want them could prove really useful in Interception missions. The slower enemy movement makes them easier to hit, which is great.


Edited by Prof_Blocks_007
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MY THOUGHTS ON THE ATLAS CHANGES: Sadly, Atlas has a lot of issues, although having a new ability thats usable is nice, its not worth stacking the rubble since you're invulnerable to damage during landslide. The rubble armor buff needed to be much higher to be useful. It would've been nice to take a breather to take some hits without I-frames.

 - Rubble: Armor buff, preferably up to 100 stacks of rubble. Slower decay, or decay by piece of rubble on timer of 10-30 seconds. Right now it stacks up to 20, and at anything remotely endgame it just doesn't do enough. 1,500 more armor doesn't do a lot in the long run, you might as well spam landslide like most Atlas do(I know I do) Also it decays VERY fast when it starts decaying.

 - Tectonics: It has niche uses, but it needs to do way more. It either needs to protect Atlas and his allies or be used as a weapon. Preferably being able to use landslide on it up to 3 times shooting out rocks so Atlas has a different option instead of using landslide into a group of mobs.

 - Petrify: Rubble needs to be buffed, the delay on it is kind of annoying and could get you killed when you could've just used landslide, but other than that its alright at what it does. Sadly Ore Gaze nerf is pretty feelsbad.

 - Rumblers: Rumblers are still dumb as the rocks they're made out of. The minion buff didn't really help because they take too long to kill nullifiers.. and still run straight into them(I guess they didn't want to live anyway), and the rubble they give is underwhelming(then again the rubble itself is underwhelming)

In general, The changes just didn't do anything. Petrify is kind of nice as a cc+more damage for landslide(mainly landslide for heavy units) but burning energy for rubble that decays that quick along with the cap being very low compared to other heavy armor frames.. is just saddening. I was so excited when they showed petrify off, and honestly its okay.. Just not as good as it could be due to all the other aspects falling off. 20% of my total playtime is Atlas, its about 200 hours, I know theres probably people with more but with changes like these I feel like it doesn't matter, since Atlas lost nothing besides ore gaze being nerfed. 1,500 armor more is nothing at higher level content.

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I've been playing Atlas all week, after finally building him, reactoring him, and forma'ing him COMPLETELY. All this so I could try out the one Warframe I NEVER built or tried until finally he got reworks. And all that so I could see the difference from before and after his reworks.

First his new rubble mechanic:

  • The dropped rubble has a TINY pickup range. I've landslided petrified enemies and had to walk back to pick up the rubble they dropped under my feet. Some people are calling for vacuum-able rubble, but frankly it needs an innate pickup radius of a few meters at least so that Atlas isn't reliant on vacuum, and so that rubble isn't permanently lost in the Grasses of Eidolon. If he can cobble rock armor together around his arms and legs, then I'm sure he can magically collect those rocks from farther away. It's not like he's using his hands to pick them up in the first place anyway, that would be ridiculous.
  • Rubble decay is FAST. Too fast. Even if I could afford the ridiculous petrify energy costs I'd still be competing with my team mates for enough rubble-creating kills to make up for the decay. Rubble decay needs to be significantly reduced for this to be a serious mechanic.
  • Edit: As the person above me points out, Rubble's armor boost needs to be significant to be effective in late content. You've got Nidus, a frame who uses his stacks to become unkillable, and Valkyr, a frame that can toggle invincibility, so don't be afraid to give Atlas some serious buffs off his rubble mechanic (I mean, he's sort of the male counterpart to Valkyr right?) Don't forget to make Nullifiers drain Rubble stacks if you do buff it, though.
  • His left arm is curiously left uncovered by rubble. Seems like a bug, but I have no way to know. I am using the Graxx skin, so that might be relevant.

And now, onto Petrify:

  • Look at Atlas' default energy pool of 225. Now, look at Petrify's default energy cost of 75. Now look back at his energy pool, and now back at Petrify's energy cost. Chances are, you've realized that he can only cast it 3 times unmodded. It's supposed to be the new synnergy for his powers, the glue holding his kit together, but it's a gas guzzler and utilizing it leaves Atlas on empty. In the end Atlas is better off just using Landslide and (mostly) ignoring Petrify like he did before. In fact it's worse, now it costs way more energy to petrify the occasional Nox or large groups of enemies than it did before!
  • Edit: Further note on energy cost: It currently costs as much energy to heal your rumblers with Petrify as it does to re-summon them. Re-summoning them has the added bonus of refreshing their duration.
  • No Synnergy between Petrify and the Tectonic Fracture augment. Petrifying a Tectonics bulwark should heal it like the rumblers, if not per default behavior, then as part of the augment's behavior itself. One of the downsides of Tectonic Fracture is seeing the second Bulwark activated almost destroyed, and being unable to recreate it because doing so would destroy the first Bulwark activated (further expending energy to recreate Bulwark after Bulwark)
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The Ember nerf completely kills Ember and WoF. that halved range makes it completely useless. Sure the double damage is great, but unless I have Overextended on, I have no useable range. Meaning what? WoF is supposed to be a panic button? but that's what fireblast is for. and the 5 sec delay plus 10 sec charge makes it a useless panic button anyways. So if I want any decent range I need to make an overextended/range build. but that nerfs damage making the damage buff useless, so at the end of the day we get what? double drain, no benefits and having to re-forma ember. Unless you ran a full range build already, in which place you get even less because you probably wants the wide range CC and not a map wide nuke  anyways. 


The other ability changes are pretty cool though. The fireball charge effect could probably use a little more duration though, especially for that charge time

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Regarding ash here some suggestion DE:

- remove the 3 mark, mark once only is enough to get full BS dmge

- once u mark an enemy, enemy around his radius also automatically got marked


This is fast pace game, killing fast is fun

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Rework is good but he still has energy problems. Blade storm ought to have some sort of % refund on kill mechanic or just a single flat cost on cast. Also, on the interaction with Teleport; sometimes I want to teleport to unmarked enemies while my clones are out for quick kills or to re-position but I can't. I think synergy is great but not when it's forced.

A better and more intuitive solution is tap 4 while clones are out to join in with them without having to aim. I know some people like me like tapping 4 to check if they can use their 4 again after it's been cast. There should be a counter that counts down the number of attacks for bladestorm on the ability bar just so you know when you can use it again.

Also, Smoke Shadow really should be affected by range mods. 5m is almost nothing and fairly impractical to use in an uncoordinated environment.


I like the idea of his survivability being based on active gameplay but Rubble decays way too fast. Right now it feels like an instantaneous drain.

It either needs to have a longer delay before decaying upon acquiring new rubble or the rate of decay needs to be decreased or preferable a balance of both. Nothing too serious, just a a slight tweak so that he feels comfortable to play and not like he's always scrambling for more rubble to stay alive.

Petrify is good now but the animation looks a bit awkward. Something more like what Chroma looked like when he cast Spectral Scream before the patch would look cool. A powerful stance that puts emphasis on his eyes. Head forward, elbows back, knees slightly bent. That sorta thing.

Titanic Rumblers need a buff or needs some new mechanic to make it desirable to use over the default ability.


Spectral Scream is still isn't very useful. It would have more utility if it was given it 100% status chance per second and had it's energy cost reduced. 


The rework didn't seem to do much. People who played the old, problematic playstyle can still do so, just with tighter build. Her main problems are still there, i.e. low survivability and damage scaling.

I think it'd be real simple to fix her. Have Acclerant's stun be affected by duration mods and Fire Blast's wave be affected by range mods. This gives her more CC while still maintaining her "caster-frame" qualities. Also, Fire Blast's ring should actually damage enemies inside it and maybe deal heat procs. As it is now it's only really useful for a quick knockdown.

Edited by Yonm
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1 hour ago, xXx_mtv_xXx said:

I would like to report a problem with this update:

Wukong rework is missing.

Wukong still has one of the worst kits in the game with poor scaling and synergy.

His kit is excellent, but they're individual abilities with different purposes. His synergy is in mods/arcanes/weapons/etc. He could use some QoL and I'd welcome more variety for the sake of it, but he's in a good place right now.

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My thoughts on the Zephyr changes

Tail Wind
 - Combined into a single ability with Dive Bomb. Can be charge cast on the ground, launching Zephyr into the air where she then hovers. In the air, Tail Wind still flies in whatever direction you’re looking, and Dive Bomb activates if cast while looking straight down. I'm not a huge fan of the hover animation lock, but I think that's personal taste. It would be nice if the momentum from Tail Wind ended when you hit a wall, as the current iteration leaves you stuck against walls for long enough to be killed at higher levels.
- Tail Wind now costs half as much energy when cast in the air, free if cast while hovering. This is nice.
- Tail Wind does more damage. I don't think the damage amount is sufficient, would need some form of scaling added to keep up at higher levels.
- Changed Dive Bomb augment into a Tail Wind augment - now reads: “Each enemy hit increases Tail Wind damage by 25%. Damage resets upon landing.” I can't see this being useful if it resets on landing, there aren't many enemies in the air. Perhaps give the damage buff a duration.
- Dive Bomb can now fire on slight angles, as long as you’re looking mostly down. This is nice. 

Air Burst 
- New ability replacing Dive Bomb. A projectile that causes an AoE burst on contact, ragdolling enemies. Can be fired into Tornadoes to make them bigger.
*Please note that Air Burst may be tweaked more after feedback. Nice new quick crowd control for enemies that get the drop on you or clearing hallways. 

- Turbulence now has a new unique animation and sound! I would like to be able to recast this, as the sudden drop of at high levels can mean insta-gibb. The new animation and sound are nice ;the animation seems a bit slower, but that could just be me. 

- Now spawn where player is aiming and can be steered. The closest tornado will move to your aimpoint, meaning you can move them around. Tornado damage type now determined by largest amount of elemental damage absorbed, instead of last type absorbed. Tornadoes do a better job of keeping enemies captured, and shooting Tornadoes will do damage to enemies trapped inside. You can also now recast Tornado, similar to Hydroid’s Tentacle Swarm. If there are enemies nearby, the tornadoes do not spawn where the player is aiming, instead it spawns beneath the nearby enemies. I like the new mechanics overall. 
- Changed Tornado's default damage type from Magnetic to Physical. This is nice.
- Clarification: holding aim (default RMB) is required to steer Tornadoes. I would like to see the steering be a bit faster and more responsive.

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Quick thought about Chroma: It'd be great if his Elemental Ward was recastable along with his Vex Armor. With the change to carry across the buff from Vex Armor, duration becomes more and more staggered between Vex and Elemental Ward as you keep the Vex Armor buff up.

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In theory, I really like the Atlas changes. Everything feels like it 'fits' what the warframe is about. However, there is a major issue.

Atlas' energy pool is far and away not remotely big enough to actually use any of his powers synergistically! With 100 energy you can either summon Rumblers, or petrify ONE group of enemies and cast Landslide once on them. Given that I do not have energy siphon on Atlas I find that I'm almost constantly under 12 energy, and with 115% power efficiency this basically means I'm locked out of using any powers for long spans of a mission. This is exactly the same problem that happened with Saryn's rework several years ago- the ability synergy made sense and was fun, but there just wasn't enough juice to actually use it.

So essentially how I play him has not changed at all, because I simply do not have the energy economy to do so. Here are some suggestions for how to alleviate this.

CHOOSE 2 (optimally, do all three):
-Reduce Petrify energy cost (10-25 energy per use)
-Increase Atlas' energy pool
-Generate some kind of energy-regain mechanic like what Saryn was given

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