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When we will be able to choose login day reward path ?


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They clearly said it was going to be "paths" to choose. This tells me that some items will take at least 300 or 500 days to get no matter what. 

Personally, I don't think it's necessary to lock all of the weapons to a certain order. Let players get them in whatever order they want. They still need to wait every 100 days or so. I don't think the new system will let a new player unlock all of the good things in the first 300 days, and leave all of the sigils, reactors and catalyst for the rest. 

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11 hours ago, GspotPRO said:


11 hours ago, (Xbox One)ultimategamerjr said:

Hopefully never, they should just scrap that idea because it just punishes people that have been playing for that long.

Its completely annoying that they put gameplay stuff on log in rewards. Let me progress at my pace not at the pace of logging in for years on end.

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6 hours ago, Arniox said:

I have logged in now for about 750 ish days. If they suddenly change the system, then people will be able to easily get the 800 day reward after only 50. This is massively punishing to me since I've worked my butt off to get close to 800 and I'm still going

They might be able to reach your day 800 reward after 100 days, but you'll still have items they don't because they skipped, you'll still have your exclusive bragging rights for people that don't care at all what you have and you will always be ahead and will always have items others don't if they keep adding milestones. And that's not how it will work (if they do what they said). You will have to log in for 50 days to hit the "mid path" lesser milestone rewards, and then you'll be able to choose a path for a real milestone, which are another 50 days, every 100 days total, not 50. And as much as snowflakes feel "insulted", login rewards are getting out of hand and they're rewarding really good stuff that shouldn't be that exclusive behind a years time gate. Login in everyday doesn't take any effort, you're not working for it, you're just getting extra rewards when you login to play something else, you're not login exclusively just for daily tribute, that's not the game, you just happened to know about the game and arrived earlier than other players, you didn't fund the game. Fun part is games with login rewards just give normal resources and occasional exp/drop boosters and stuff like that with a costume at the 30th day mark that repeats and gives other players a chance to obtain them, but in this game it just keeps adding more and more useful stuff that players can't reach at all, DE realized and agreed.

Edited by Kiwinille
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12 hours ago, (Xbox One)ultimategamerjr said:

Hopefully never, they should just scrap that idea because it just punishes people that have been playing for that long.


10 hours ago, (Xbox One)ultimategamerjr said:

Yah, it doesn't hurt people, it just insults people who have been playing long enough to have them.

Oh the sheer selfish, butt-hurt entitlement of your posts...

As a vet player I'm closing on my 800 day reward, and you know what? I don't feel insulted at all, so I guess it's just YOU that feels insulted.

I'm in favor of the login reward overhaul because unlike you, I actually sympathize with the newer players that have heard about and want cool weapons like the Zenith and Zenistar but would have to wait at least several months or even a year or more to obtain them with the current system. With the revised system, they can get the stuff they really want noticeably sooner.

So yeah, I think this planned overhaul of the login system is fair to everyone and LONG overdue.

Edited by MirageKnight
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All of these 

"I'm entitled, I played for a long time and you don't get to get the special rewards" posts

Any one could log in to the game every day for 800 days without spending a single minute in game

I strongly believe that DE will change the system to reward players that actually have dedication to the game, by not just logging in everyday.

Some people here crying about seeing new players having the Zenistar/Sigma & Octantis, my response for you

I would rather wait for 150 days to get an Azinma than wait at 50 day intervals for different rewards that I do not care about.(Because I don't need them anymore)

DE never, never stated that they would allow the players to get high level weaponry right off the bat. But some of you are too naive and too childish to even understand that it is a balance DE wants to implement. As for the OP, I wish to see it in-game, not only because I have invested more than a year and a half in this game, but to log in every day knowing that you are inching toward a reward that you opted for earlier

How people think it will be

50-Zenistar 100-Octantis, 150-Lodestar

How I believe it will be

50-Azinma, 300- Zenistar 700- Lodestar

My point being, the rarer/more powerful the weapon or item, the higher the timewall needed to obtain it.

I really love how the community always managed to take DE's words and twist them into an argument against DE.

Cry some more, we've seen what happens when DE listens to crying kids. 

oh no ember's WoF is so op I cant get any kills someone pls do something embernerf pls

oh no banshee is so boring she always afk oh nu de plox nerf


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35 minutes ago, Kiwinille said:

login rewards are getting out of hand and they're rewarding really good stuf

Eh that's debatable. All the mods are optional and don't actually contribute anything besides quality of life. And the weapons are pretty meh. Everyone seems to love the zenistar but when you aurally get it, you realise it's not that good, and very, very boring

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37 minutes ago, Kiwinille said:

Login in everyday doesn't take any effort, you're not working for it,

It is an effort when you login everyday for 2 or 3 years. When you keep going. People keep bringing up this inane comment about logging in taking no effort, well then maybe they should go do it, it's not hard, it doesn't take effort. 

What does take effort and dedication is doing it for years on end and keeping up. I'm missing about 50 or 60 days due to being on holiday or so on, but that's fine, I've still put in the effort to get every other day for 3 years now (is it three now?) 

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39 minutes ago, Kiwinille said:

you just happened to know about the game and arrived earlier than other players, you didn't fund the game.

Thats exactly the point. New players shouldn't immediately get the rewards that extremely long term players have had to wait years for. 

And I would have to argue that I did fund the game. Buying all the earlier prime access packs and so on is essentially funding the game. You don't have to be a founder to be a funding player

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2 hours ago, Arniox said:

Eh that's debatable. All the mods are optional and don't actually contribute anything besides quality of life. And the weapons are pretty meh. Everyone seems to love the zenistar but when you aurally get it, you realise it's not that good, and very, very boring

Then why do you care if someone else gets to enjoy those items aswell. No one cares about what you have.

2 hours ago, Arniox said:

It is an effort when you login everyday for 2 or 3 years. When you keep going. People keep bringing up this inane comment about logging in taking no effort, well then maybe they should go do it, it's not hard, it doesn't take effort. 

What does take effort and dedication is doing it for years on end and keeping up. I'm missing about 50 or 60 days due to being on holiday or so on, but that's fine, I've still put in the effort to get every other day for 3 years now (is it three now?) 

I've been active for 200 days now loggin everyday and playing (I just got primed fury). I have friends that don't play at all, but still log in everyday for less than a minute for the tribute count for longer than I have, the only difference is they knew about this game before I did. Such dedication much effort.

2 hours ago, Arniox said:

Thats exactly the point. New players shouldn't immediately get the rewards that extremely long term players have had to wait years for. 

And I would have to argue that I did fund the game. Buying all the earlier prime access packs and so on is essentially funding the game. You don't have to be a founder to be a funding player

And DE is trying to close extremely long time rewards gap, specially as ridiculous as login tributes are, and leaving the true ones as exclusive (founders). They're not just cosmetics and you did nothing special to obtain them, just playing the game normally. Like I said, individual players don't care what you have/how long have you played, and you're trying to deny other players of items that offer some gameplay just because you want to feel special just for playing the game the same as everyone else, except you arrived earlier.

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I personally hope it's soon. because becoming PC player after having stuck with console for close to a year only to not be able to transfer my acct over to PC  and being forced to start back from zero feels like a punishment and the fact that the only other Sword and Shield in the game is locked behind a bloody 700 day log in reward is like a additional insult to injury.

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You know what these entitled arguments against the proposed 'tree' log-in system are like? It's like if there's a law saying you can't eat cheesecakes until you're 30. It is arbitrary, makes no sense and the world is better off without such a law, but then there's a bunch of idiots defending the law saying 'Well I had to wait 30 years to eat cheesecakes so everyone else should have to do the same!', simply because they are so petty that they can't stand other people getting something completely arbitrary without "suffering" like they did, despite the fact they did absolutely nothing of worth to earn the right to eat cheesecakes, and other people getting the right to eat cheesecakes does not affect their right to eat cheesecakes because there's always enough for everyone.

It's the same principle here. These log-in weapons aren't earned by doing anything of value. It is not a monetary transaction which helps fund the game, it is not a testament of skill or personal achievement. It is simply a question of how early someone discovered the game and how many days they had a minute of computer access to log on and log back off. If things like the Zenistar were actually supposed to have any prestige value for dedication they should've been milestone rewards for reaching certain Mastery Ranks instead, since MR actually relates to playtime and game experience. But they don't. DE just put them in log-in rewards because people were complaining there was nothing of 'value' there, and then children latched on to them as perceived street cred because they have nothing else to be proud of.

We shouldn't be arguing for a log-in tree system. We should be arguing for log-in exclusive gear to be taken out of the pool and placed as MR milestone rewards instead.

Edited by Madotsuki
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15 hours ago, (PS4)TriggaMan3100 said:

Hopefully NEVER!!! I’m sick of these people who been playing Warframe for 2 months thinking they deserve a Zenistar! Its one of the strongest weapons on this game and shouldn’t be handed to someone with 100 Log in days. You want the weapon then u should actually stick around long enough to get it. People want everything handed to them for no work.

Even MORE of a reason to change the system. nothing that directly impacts gameplay like a weapon or mod should be locked behind a massive 2-3 year or more timegate. 

if its true that the zenistar is one of the strongest weapons in the game then it MUST be removed from the daily tributes and implemented into normal game rewards. nothing thats gameplay impacting should be locked behind a massive time gate like that. or. how about this. 


they change the daily Tributes to a Hourly tribute. the rewards you get are based on how many hours youve played. so that way the items you get are actually representative of how much of the game you play. 

ive clocked on at atleast 441 hours on warframe so far. meanwhile you probably only logged on for 1 min a day by clicking a few buttons and jumping off the game for 800 days in a row for all i know. doesnt mean your more entitled to that kind of stuff. 


oh my congratulations you can scroll over your warframe icon and then click a few buttons. JUST LIKE THE REST OF US. but that in no way means your more dedicated to the game then people who have spent litteral thousands of hours of warframe. 


or do you people forget theres 3 primed mods 100% exclusive to the daily logins?. Primed Fury= 200 daily logins, Primed Vigor= 400 daily logins, and Primed Shred= 600 daily logins. and bare in mind these cant be obtained anywhere else in the game and they cant even be traded between players. 


so apparently according to you guys a person with 5000+ hours played in warframe are LESS deserving of those reward's then some Shmuck who presses a couple button's for a minute a day for 800 days in a row? you realise how Naive that makes you sound when you say "oh it showed my dedication to the game"

what? your dedication to pressing the login button once a day then logging out to do god know's what til the next daily reset? ya Real amazing guys your really showing your dedication there /s

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If you seriously are against this change just because you happened to have logged in to Warframe for 700 days then wow, you must not have had many problems.

I have played around 280 days and this change would not be bad. New players wouldn't be able to get the Zenistar right away because of the MR lock. It is better for them to progress towards something more their level, or cosmetics. Choosing a path of progression or choosing the reward you get would be amazing. 


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12 hours ago, Arniox said:

This. I agree with this 


I have logged in now for about 750 ish days. If they suddenly change the system, then people will be able to easily get the 800 day reward after only 50. This is massively punishing to me since I've worked my butt off to get close to 800 and I'm still going




It does punish those who logged in for a long time. Why can't the game keep any exclusives? These are one set of exclusives that should remain exclusive to the time lock




It does, because we logged in an extra long duration to get the zenistar. If new players only logged in for 50 days and got the zenistar I would feel like the whole thing was a waste of time and effort to log in. Why would I now, since to get that cool exclusive weapon, it's no longer hundreds of days, it's only 50. That would annoy me


So? I'm allowed to be entitled. I've been here longer than you. I've logged in now for 750 ish days. I deserve those exclusive weapons, mods and sigils whilst you do not. 

"I have logged in now for about 750 ish days. If they suddenly change the system, then people will be able to easily get the 800 day reward after only 50. This is massively punishing to me since I've worked my butt off to get close to 800 and I'm still going"

Oh My......it must've been physically exhausting for you to haul your lazy butt over to the computer and press the login button for warframe, claim your reward then log off for the rest of the day for 750 days in a row. 

i really really feel for you.... No i really dont XD


"It does, because we logged in an extra long duration to get the zenistar. If new players only logged in for 50 days and got the zenistar I would feel like the whole thing was a waste of time and effort to log in. Why would I now, since to get that cool exclusive weapon, it's no longer hundreds of days, it's only 50. That would annoy me"

wait. you would find it waste of time and a effort to press a few Computer Keys for less then a minute to claim a reward each day, if someone else were able to get it slightly easier? Damn. your life must be BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORING if it required you to put in abunch of time and effort to click a few buttons. 


"So? I'm allowed to be entitled. I've been here longer than you. I've logged in now for 750 ish days. I deserve those exclusive weapons, mods and sigils whilst you do not. "

Actually No. No your not more deserving of those exclusive weapons,mods and sigil's over those who have more hours played of warframe then you do in login's. so i guess according to you my friend whos played for over a thousand hours of warframe is less deserving then you are of those items because you happened to make 750 logins? do you see how naive you are with that? seriously i hope so otherwise you would you would quickly realise how dumb this post makes you look right about now. 



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12 hours ago, (PS4)supernova_girlie said:

Don't you think Warframe is worth putting in that kind of time?


For me, it's not about bragging rights (I pretty much stay to myself online) or exclusivity per se, but rather DE (not me or anyone else that has reached long log-in numbers) created these objectives and many of us were and are willing to meet them in order to get the rewards. Now they're going to wait until many of us are almost at the 1000 day mark and just start handing these items out to people at 50 or a 100 days. You've got to see how wrong this is.

People keep saying if the shoe was on the other foot, but the truth is all of us that reached 500 days log-ins or more were once in your position. The only difference is: we accepted the challenge. Seriously, you really should have to earn Primed Fury and Primed Shred.

Anyway, it's senseless for me to continue arguing with those blinded by their own desire and sense of entitlement. Also, I think DE have made up their minds, so enjoy your handouts. 

Actually no. i dont see how wrong it is because i straight up dont even believe their should be Participation trophies. which this literally is. its literally just rewarding you because you cared to log into the game. id rather get rid of it and then make it so these rewards are unlocked through effort or how much you actually play the game. lets not reward people for accomplishing such a effortless task such as pressing a log in button. it does nothing to encourage people to stay logged in and actually you know. PLAYING THE DAMN GAME? but know apparently you people want to be reworded for absolutely nothing. so yes. YOU are the entitled ones. no doubt soon youll be demanding to be handed Prime gear for just loading up the game. because your clinging on so hard to your participation rewards. 

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My overall frustration with most of the arguments is that most of the arguments boil down to "It's not fair because I had to X amount of days for X reward" while completely ignoring the fact that that's why people want it to change. So that in the future a person doesn't have to wait 2 years to get a weapon. The arguments that this spits in the face of some accomplishment are null because you didn't really accomplish anything aside from logging in. If it were based on hours spent playing then that'd be an actual accomplishment but simply logging in isn't much of an accomplishment and it doesn't show any real commitment to playing the game. 

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I am currently approaching 750 days, and while personally I am not fond of the idea anyone would be able to choose any reward at any milestone, I wouldn't be against a change where the rewards are tiered, like being able to choose any of the rewards upto the day 200 reward until you reach 200 days, then being able to choose upto day 400 rewards etc. 


I would rather a system where rewards are earned by hours played, but I dont think it will stop people complaining it's not fair. If it were changed so 2 hours of game time was the equivalent of 1 day logged in, it would mean 700 hours before people got the zenistar. There would still be a huge amount of people complaining that they have to spend an actual month of their life playing Warframe to be able to get zenistar.

Not to mention this wouldn't solve the argument that all you had to do to get the reward was log in to Warframe.

It could still be done by logging in to Warframe and leaving your system on.

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The amount of egocentrism here is staggering. Let others enjoy the game for the love of clem. Does having a semi-exclusive item that many don't really boost your self-esteem that much?

There are enough achievements within the game to amount for a veteran badge. The truth is, no one aspect of the game that you excel at proves your mastery. Boasting a diverse array of rewards that manifest in actual gameplay is what differentiates you from a newbie.

Only having unlocked an entire focus tree, or only having built an arcane set, or only having fully-modded weapons, each on their own does not mean anything. It's having all of them simultaneously that shows how dedicated you are and how hard you have had to work to get there. 

A special weapon locked behind zero effort that you cannot attain no matter how much work you put into the game doesn't say anything about you besides how long you've been here.

Sorry, but being here long is not anything to brag about. I've been here for 4 years but the average newbie, in contrast, probably contributes much more to DE than I since I don't buy plats. The only thing I actually spend money on is Tennogen.

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I do find it unfair seeing some people use the argument " you just log in/out every day" as if that is what all day 700+ people have been doing. That's impossible to know how many players actually do that. "I know some people who do it" is a ridiculous reasoning. Unless you personally know thousands of people who do this, you know nothing. 
I feel like everybody who has 700+ days is being thrown under the bus like they all just log in-out and don't play the game.  
"I know 5 people who do it therefore everybody does it"    Go Team Discrimination.  :thumbdown:

Is it really that hard to grasp the very possibility there are many people who log in every day because they genuinely like playing Warframe and they genuinely have the required free time every day to do so?  That's what I've been doing all these years. Even BEFORE the Daily Tribute system was implemented. I mention this part cause some players point out the days before this system didn't count and went to waste.  Well, if those days counted then I would be at day 1300+ by now and those same people would still complain seeing players like me so far ahead of them.


30 minutes ago, (PS4)dst123daniel said:

I would rather a system where rewards are earned by hours played, but I dont think it will stop people complaining it's not fair. If it were changed so 2 hours of game time was the equivalent of 1 day logged in, it would mean 700 hours before people got the zenistar. There would still be a huge amount of people complaining that they have to spend an actual month of their life playing Warframe to be able to get zenistar.

I agree 100% with this.  There will always be complainers no matter what system is used. Look at Nitain, so many people hate it cause they don't play the game very much and during short periods, missing Nitain alerts all the time. So for them a reward system of played hours would hurt them a lot.

Total playing hours is also not a good system to measure dedication because let's say player A binges 20 hours on weekends but doesn't play at all during the week and player B plays 1 hour every day. Player A has way more hours but player B is actually dedicated for being a regular returning player. 


How about this nice compromise?

You have to log in AND you have to play a  minimum of 3 missions every day.   That should take about 10 minutes of your time if people choose 3 capture missions.
If somebody complains about 10 min being too short, then they're definitely just complaining out of sheer impatience. If somebody can't spare 10 minutes to play a game then they clearly don't have the time to log in, let alone play it. Or they don't really care that much about the game thus void all rights to complain about exclusive rewards.

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Oh I see someone I know who has 7000 hours of games but who has only 381 days while playing for 5 years does not deserve the 390+ things ... he even buy all the prime acess and the founder pack.
The login reward system does not work. There is no real accomplishment to log in just 10 seconds. And yet they say they deserve more than my friends ... the good joke.

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56 minutes ago, MystMan said:

I do find it unfair seeing some people use the argument " you just log in/out every day" as if that is what all day 700+ people have been doing. That's impossible to know how many players actually do that. "I know some people who do it" is a ridiculous reasoning. Unless you personally know thousands of people who do this, you know nothing. 
I feel like everybody who has 700+ days is being thrown under the bus like they all just log in-out and don't play the game.  
"I know 5 people who do it therefore everybody does it"    Go Team Discrimination.  :thumbdown:

Is it really that hard to grasp the very possibility there are many people who log in every day because they genuinely like playing Warframe and they genuinely have the required free time every day to do so?  That's what I've been doing all these years. Even BEFORE the Daily Tribute system was implemented. I mention this part cause some players point out the days before this system didn't count and went to waste.  Well, if those days counted then I would be at day 1300+ by now and those same people would still complain seeing players like me so far ahead of them.


I agree 100% with this.  There will always be complainers no matter what system is used. Look at Nitain, so many people hate it cause they don't play the game very much and during short periods, missing Nitain alerts all the time. So for them a reward system of played hours would hurt them a lot.

Total playing hours is also not a good system to measure dedication because let's say player A binges 20 hours on weekends but doesn't play at all during the week and player B plays 1 hour every day. Player A has way more hours but player B is actually dedicated for being a regular returning player. 


How about this nice compromise?

You have to log in AND you have to play a  minimum of 3 missions every day.   That should take about 10 minutes of your time if people choose 3 capture missions.
If somebody complains about 10 min being too short, then they're definitely just complaining out of sheer impatience. If somebody can't spare 10 minutes to play a game then they clearly don't have the time to log in, let alone play it. Or they don't really care that much about the game thus void all rights to complain about exclusive rewards.

I wouldn't say the emphasis of the current system's naysayers is on players not earning  the exclusives. The emphasis is on how undemanding it is  to earn them.

The way you earn the exclusives is by simply logging into the game. It doesn't matter what else you do beyond that. The rewards are not bestowed for spending time, but for clocking in every day.

Hence, acting like others getting these rewards is in any way a slap to anyone's face as if they've done extra work beside pressing "Log in" every day for a couple of years, is absurd.

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13 hours ago, MirageKnight said:


Oh the sheer selfish, butt-hurt entitlement of your posts...

As a vet player I'm closing on my 800 day reward, and you know what? I don't feel insulted at all, so I guess it's just YOU that feels insulted.

I'm in favor of the login reward overhaul because unlike you, I actually sympathize with the newer players that have heard about and want cool weapons like the Zenith and Zenistar but would have to wait at least several months or even a year or more to obtain them with the current system. With the revised system, they can get the stuff they really want noticeably sooner.

So yeah, I think this planned overhaul of the login system is fair to everyone and LONG overdue.

Right cause this game is so unenjoyable without owning a Zenistar lol, cut it out bro it’s just 3 weapons out of over 300 weapons. They will be ok.

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