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Daily Log-in Highly Unfair


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You don't need anything in the login rewards (which by the way of name are rewards for keeping on logging in, funny that) you merely want them without the effort to actually earn them like everyone else has. If you miss a day you lose nothing as you are exactly where you were when you stopped (I went away for a week the day before i would have received the Zenith ~ it was still there when i got back waiting for me).

That you think your behind is your problem of assuming its race to get the things. If your going to stop playing because your X days from Y that is up there with the laughable reasons such as people saying they will quit because ember's WoF was changed. By all means stop playing and "fall even further" behind.

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Sorry but NO!! You want to get the logins, then "login"......What ur saying is called "entitled"...you want something for nothing......you didn't earn it....but you still want it given to you....

Sorry you gotta be in it to win it...and you and your friends wasn't in it.....

Stop being entitled, welcome to the real world....man up.........

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It's called loyalty rewards, you get them for logging in and being [intense drumroll] loyal.

That is how it works in every game. I havent touched Fortnite in a few months now, I know I will be 60 or so days behind those that have played and logged in everyday, because I know what log-in reward means.

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8 minutes ago, Husla said:

 Even with the change, it'll still take you a long time to get all the weapons.

Best get started then. 

12 minutes ago, Kaiath64 said:

...mods like Primed fury shouldn't be there. It's a must have for non crit weapons.

Primed vigor not so much but it can be used in some builds.

PF isn't necessary by any stretch of the imagination, even for non crit melee /coughMaiming Strike/cough. It's nice, sure, but not necessary

Primed Vigor and Primed Shred are probably the most useful of mods in the login reward queue. PV can save you a mod slot, while preserving a more significant amount of survivability. PS is a substantial DPS upgrade and a huge damage force multiplier. 

The weapons mostly are forgettable. Most are weak and/or have alternate abilities of dubious usefulness. The AoE stick is the only one to bring a unique useful ability, but it does nothing for you if you don't regularly equip melee. 

Regardless, all are there if you merely login regularly. DE is going to rework the system to give the player a bit more choice in its progression, but you still have to play the game. Who knew?

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lets see..

make the people who couldn't be bothered to log in every day happy for a short time before they stop logging in again or...

make the vets feel like their daily effort to login every day means something to them.


wonder how DE is planning to balance all of this

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Different mechanics get different types of people to login again and again:

  • Login rewards
  • Time gated builds
  • Resetting sorties/previously Trials/syndicates
  • Resetting bounties
  • etc

Some work to hook  some people, some for others. DE casts a wide net by implementing all of them.


Me, i think logging in once a day and getting free stuff is fine.  and I'm hundreds of days behind.

I'm really chaffed about having to farm resource after resource to build stuff. I mean - we should just get all this stuff for doing no work at all. Or at least completely minimal work like just logging in every day and logging out.  And they need to make the vaulted relic drops 100% from each stage.  And give them to us even if we fail the bounty.  Actually, now that I think about it, they should just give us everything in the game from the get go. Maybe even create our username for us so we don't have to do that. 


The more I think about it, the more I wish I was born in the "i deserve everything for nothing" generation.  That way I wouldn't feel as disgusted by all these threads LOL.



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It's not about being rewarded but having nothing to do but connect daily. And, connecting Daily isn't difficult when you've internet + your computer, so what's the point of scream "IT'S MY REWARD, DON'T TOUCH IT PEASANT"? Some peoples can't connect daily because IRL reasons, why punish them? Because their situation is different of yours and for properly get everything from the game, they should change their job/lifeplace/something else because you want to feel special? If you're answering yes, then you're not special... You're just a selfish human amongst others.

If those rewards can be obtained by an intense grinding like % chances to get it in some highlevel of the newcoming rework of Dark sector, it would be fairer. It won't let peoples who just appeared in the game to have access on the newly created Syandana but let peoples gain a reward even if it sacrifice one milestone. 


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à l’instant, Strykerclaw96 a dit :

And how is it a punishment? None of the login rewards are all that amazing (except the Zenistar)

Restricting access to something is a way of punish peoples. 

Example: Two people... Both are near the Zenistar Milestone but for some professionnal reason, player 1 can't connect during the week but it's an hardcore grinder who try his best to gain mastery/farm/raiding. Player 2 is bored from the game but still want some daily rewards and can connect that week.

As the week is ended, player 1 has a 7 day delay while player 2 got his Zenistar but will not play with.

So, who's the most loyal to the game? Player 1 who's still enjoying the game or player 2 who just login/logout because he has others games to play with?


That's only an example but actually, i know a lot of "veterans" who just login/logout without investing time in the game anymore... So, they're loyal?

But now, let's change our subject and try another example:

Imagine if there was a change in daily rewards: Not only you have to connect Daily but also you have to stay connected at least 1 hour each day to count for the milestone. Guess the number of peoples who will cry over that changes, telling it's a terrible change. But guess what, it reward loyalty and time investment! So why peoples does have to cry?


Doesn't it sound terrible to oblige peoples to actively force players to stay at least 1 hour in the game to gain something which seems not so useful? So, why asking them to connect daily? Let people choose if they want they rewards by time investment or daily log.



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2 minutes ago, Chimiasai said:

Example: Two people... Both are near the Zenistar Milestone but for some professionnal reason, player 1 can't connect during the week but it's an hardcore grinder who try his best to gain mastery/farm/raiding. Player 2 is bored from the game but still want some daily rewards and can connect that week.

As the week is ended, player 1 has a 7 day delay while player 2 got his Zenistar but will not play with.

So, who's the most loyal to the game? Player 1 who's still enjoying the game or player 2 who just login/logout because he has others games to play with?

So he's behind by a week to get one item. It's not a big deal. I'm behind by 200+ days but do you see me screaming at DE to change the rewards?

5 minutes ago, Chimiasai said:

Imagine if there was a change in daily rewards: Not only you have to connect Daily but also you have to stay connected at least 1 hour each day to count for the milestone. Guess the number of peoples who will cry over that changes, telling it's a terrible change. But guess what, it reward loyalty and time investment! So why peoples does have to cry?

You do realize this idea would be even worse for people like Player 1 up there ^ who can't login for various reasons, right?

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à l’instant, Strykerclaw96 a dit :

So he's behind by a week to get one item. It's not a big deal. I'm behind by 200+ days but do you see me screaming at DE to change the rewards?

You do realize this idea would be even worse for people like Player 1 up there ^ who can't login for various reasons, right?

Yup. That's why i make it as an example to say: If we made the situation more complicated, players will complain while their principal argument over the daily login will work against them.

I don't want that change but i don't want to be forced to have to connect daily by peoples who doesn't connect more than 5 min a day while wanting to feel "special" by being "loyal"

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Since you can't seem to understand the basic idea of a LOGIN REWARD SYSTEM . Let me spell it out for you:

You log in - you get a prize, sometimes more than one, sometimes even a 75% plat. discount!

You don't log in - you wait till a day you can log in and that same prize is still yours!


It's called a L o g i n  system. Not a L o y a l t y  system.

You want a reward for being loyal? Go play some more missions, help some people out, be useful and not some greedy tenno. No one likes that.

Don't feel like that's good enough still? Then make a suggestion to DE on how to fix it, don't just toss it all against the wall and blame a little system that doesn't even have to exist in the first place.


Quit biching so much like a kid and trying to make up lame excuses for it, you're not a special snowflake, you, me, founders and everyone else abide by the same system, same login rewards, same amount of Login Effort put in.


Get over it. And be grateful you get anything at all.

Edited by Prime-Ares
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2 minutes ago, Prime-Ares said:

Quit biching so much like a kid and trying to make up lame excuses for it, you're not a special snowflake, you, me, founders and everyone else abide by the same system, same login rewards, same amount of Login Effort put in.


Get over it.


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il y a 1 minute, Prime-Ares a dit :

Since you can't seem to understand the basic idea of a LOGIN REWARD SYSTEM . Let me spell it out for you:

You log in - you get a prize, sometimes more than one, sometimes even a 75% plat. discount!

You don't log in - you wait till a day you can log in and that same prize is still yours!


It's called a L o g i n  system. Not a L o y a l t y  system.

You want a reward for being loyal? Go play some more missions, help some people out, be useful and not some greedy tenno. No one likes that.

Don't feel like that's good enough still? Then make a suggestion to DE on how to fix it, don't just toss it all against the wall and blame a little system that doesn't even have to exist in the first place.


Quit biching so much like a kid and trying to make up lame excuses for it, you're not a special snowflake, you, me, founders and everyone else abide by the same system, same login rewards, same amount of Login Effort put in.


Get over it. And be grateful you get anything at all.

You know, if it was only a "Login reward system" there shouldn't be milestone... You know, playing with words don't work when it comes to game mechanics and while the daily rewards is named "Login reward system", it's blatantly a loyalty reward system by rewarding peoples to stay days after days, months after months... Which is loyalty, putting another word on doesn't change its purpose.

And i doesn't have to question my loyalty to the game. But i've the right to talk about a system which rewards some players over others.

And for the suggestion aspect, there's plenty... But still, they're drowned under the self-righteous speech of peoples who empasize on... What? Oh, their loyalty to the game for being "Veteran" since long. But, big news... Being veteran doesn't give you the right to purposefully suppress those who aspire to being veteran but aren't. Even more when the newly one is trying to be active, helping and productive.


And now, for the "Quit *@##$ing"... Over simply reducing those one who doesn't share your opinion like a parody of debate, i'm not asking for a special treatment. I'm also slowly glimbing the daily milestone like every others (Right before Zenith if someone want to compare their e-p*nis with mine) but the login is everything but an effort. 

... Yet... I'm grateful. I'm grateful of playing a game and being rewarded by connecting each day for 2 minutes then play on others games... Because, i feel free to being able to not being tested on my loyalty over the game... Free to being able to sh*t on DE like others do on the forum while also being considered like a veteran even if i rant like a child. Free to nearly slur people but being rewarded by DE whenever i want...

Nah... Seriously. I have to be grateful for the reward system? Like others said, the daily reward system is not a true rewards for the game, the weapons are lame and the cosmetics just... Cosmetic. So... With that argument, we can also get rid of it if it's so insignificant, i'm wrong?

Yes, i'm wrong of saying that heresy... Daily rewards system should be kept... It's good for new players to come into the game and discover, after one month or two, that they have to connect daily for two years to have some rewards... And they have nothing to compete with ancient as the game goes passing, as the number of milestones steadily increase... I'm sure it's something good for newplayers because peoples want to have their little milestone which isn't a loyalty reward. 

In fact, yes... It's not a loyalty reward. It only reward lazyness. Thanks.

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6 minutes ago, Chimiasai said:

while the daily rewards is named "Login reward system"


7 minutes ago, Chimiasai said:

Being veteran doesn't give you the right to purposefully suppress those who aspire to being veteran but aren't.

Even if they're not being "suppressed", what would they gain from being given all the rewards right off the bat? The Azima and Zenistar require MR 6 and the Zenith requires MR 10. As for the mods, new players wouldn't be able to afford to rank them up past the limits of the non-primed versions.

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Im sorry but, I think they are very fair. 

it use to be you had to log in everyday and if you missed a day it would be set back to Zero. Now you just log in and just accumulate days. If you cant login every day even for a minute or so, that would be your own problem. It called a daily login not you login for a couple days a week and expect to to have the same rewards as people who login everyday.

Also you are not losing anything there are set rewards for certain milestones, and everyone gets the same. the one inbetween are just random materials discounts and such. But DE is making changes so you can choose your rewards. 

I don't play Warframe everyday, but i make an effort to login to get rewards and work my way up to day 300 so i can get Zenistar, i'm almost at day 200.

So basically you want primed fury, login 200 times, you want a Zenistar login 300 times, you want a lodestar login 800 times. The only thing that will make it longer for you to get these items is if you miss days to login and lets be honest everyone misses days for whatever reason, basically life. 

I honestly think there are better thinks to complain about. 

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