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Could see second dreams "end content" without playing it


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Also, a second account is against Warframe and DE's policy, you could get a ban for that.


The creation of alternate accounts will be handled on a case by case basis, and we reserve the right to remove accounts used to circumvent any form of restrictions to the game or the Service including the official Warframe forums.

source : https://www.warframe.com/en/terms

Edited by Galehann
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I also had something similar, was showing someone around my orbiter, and had to shout at them to stop when they moved to walk into the transference room. Not sure what they would have seen, but would have preferred if the door had remained closed before they complete the second dream.

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1 minute ago, Galehann said:

Oh, I didn't know about that.

Yeah, I'm currently rewatching all the old dev streams, and in one of the teen ones(already forgotten which), Scott expressed his gratitude towards veterans helping him gather feedback on the new player experience by creating alt accounts and starting fresh. In another stream around that time Steve(IIRC) said that they players are welcome to help them improve the game by doing that. The rule is likely just there to give them the ability to prevent abuse, which is why it says they're handling it on a case by case basis.

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2 minutes ago, 84773-RY said:

I also had something similar, was showing someone around my orbiter, and had to shout at them to stop when they moved to walk into the transference room. Not sure what they would have seen, but would have preferred if the door had remained closed before they complete the second dream.

I don't think the game makes a difference between pre-SD players and those who went through it. It's a little sad to see such an important plot point be spoiled by random players unintentionally, but there's little that can be done to effectively hide Operators from new players. What you mentioned could be implemented, but doesn't have any narrative motivation. The only Tenno we know of who ever refused to acknowledge what he is/was is Stalker. Sure, you could add some extra lore tidbit somewhere that explains how Lotus altered your perception to prevent you from realizing what you are for the same reason she kept you from your transference pod. I mean, she already messed around with the collective Tenno memory as heard in the WW, so that might not be too far off.

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2 minutes ago, AuroraSonicBoom said:

I don't think the game makes a difference between pre-SD players and those who went through it. It's a little sad to see such an important plot point be spoiled by random players unintentionally, but there's little that can be done to effectively hide Operators from new players. What you mentioned could be implemented, but doesn't have any narrative motivation. The only Tenno we know of who ever refused to acknowledge what he is/was is Stalker. Sure, you could add some extra lore tidbit somewhere that explains how Lotus altered your perception to prevent you from realizing what you are for the same reason she kept you from your transference pod. I mean, she already messed around with the collective Tenno memory as heard in the WW, so that might not be too far off.

I think the stance of Lotus doing the obscuring would make sense, as she wants to protect the tenno. Transference static and obscuring this way I was thinking would add confusion to those who might encounter operators without actually giving the surprise away, and a feeling of accomplishment once they find out the secret.


Now that I think about it, I learnt about operators shortly after leaving earth when a friend who introduced me into the game used it without thinking. It is a shame, as it meant during the second dream I immediately guessed what was up. :( still send shivers down my spine, though. 

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1: Second Dream* is where one truly wakes up.
2: People can 'step out' of their Warframes after War Within. Then visit Cetus; there's something to pick up there, once you've done War Within.
3: I second this motion for adding a Transference Static effect onto any Operator who is not in their Warframe (see: censor bars, etc...) until they complete The Second Dream (visual; distorted version of their warframe with Transference Static VFX covering their hitbox).

Lore-wise, this would be acceptable until they actually wake on <Spoiler*>.


At the fourth mission of the Questline's major cutscene, which transitions to Lua.

Even if people are spoiled, they wouldn't understand how deeply this will hit them themselves until they complete the respective quest(s).

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It is better to be confused than have a major spoiler for mid to late game, imo.

Maybe to reduce confusion a tooltip could be shown if someone were to scan or encounter such static saying, 'This will be revealed as you continue your warframe journey' or maybe a voiceover of Lotus stating not to worry.

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1 hour ago, BabyKurama said:

So I played on my alt acc to get the anniversary gear and skin, and in the interception i fell only  to see the a kid heal me. I havn't done the second dream on my alt acc yet so why can i see them?


You were always able to see the kids. Always.


58 minutes ago, Galehann said:

Also, a second account is against Warframe and DE's policy, you could get a ban for that.

source : https://www.warframe.com/en/terms

Actually as far as I know you can have alts, you just can't use them to farm and trade among those accounts.

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I don't see any reason why they couldn't hide Operators for those that haven't completed the quests.

For a while we were seeing Warframes in the Quills room in Cetus even though we know for a fact those players were in Operator mode. Just make it show the Frame instead in the missions, and don't show Operator specific animations like Void Dashing or Void Beam (Or do! Why not...could be an interesting mind game while players try to figure out what freakin' weapon or abilities those Frames are using lol). And make the frame have that Transference energy animation on them to distinguish that they are somehow different.

Edited by (PS4)Riko_113
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il y a 12 minutes, Acersecomic a dit :

Actually as far as I know you can have alts, you just can't use them to farm and trade among those accounts.

Let's be real for a minute, the majority of alt accounts are made specifically for this reason.

inb4, I said "the majority", not "every" ;)

Edited by Galehann
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Don't completely hide them (that'd be weird), and don't have the warframe itself do the actions as both the warframe becomes a separate physics object and because the operator-user might be using a frame the newbie knows the kit of- don't want them thinking the other player is hacking or something.

I actually like the transference static obscuring idea. It'd be fitting and could even be explained in-verse as a byproduct of how operator mode functions- you don't even need Lotus intervention.

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