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Trinity's role in Eidolon hunts


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It seems there are many players who don't really understand what's Trinity's job in Eidolon fights. "Just press 4, LULZ". Right. Let me clarify what a Trinity does during the fight, so those of you who never played that role may appreciate it and perhaps even cooperate.

The main task here is the lure management, so that there are enough charged lures around by the time you're ready to deal the final blow, all the while you don't have to slow down your damage output (the only exception is Terry capture, I'll explain that in a second). If that sounds easy, let me break it down for you.

Collecting the lures
Trinity needs to know exactly where the lures spawn, so that she can pick them up without running around like a headless chicken. This also means that ideally, Trinity has her command of Itzal nailed down, using Blink and Penumbra to optimize movement, and Crush and drones for dealing with annoying enemies if needed. Good Trinity will manage to magically pick up 6 lures while you're ripping Terry to shreds as fast as you can (if you know what you're doing, you should also know it doesn't take that much time), and be there for the final blow. 

A digression for less experienced ones: 
Why 6, if capturing Terry takes only 2? Well, that's because you want to be prepared for the other two Eidolons. Rather than running around in between the fights, or worse, letting Trin fly away chasing lures when Garry is doing his famous laser show, it's faster to collect all the lures in the beginning, so they can already be charged and ready to go.

But don't you need like 8 for all three Eidolons? Indeed! And that's why, if you're smart, you will want two people other than Trinity to pick 1 lure each on the way to Terry, and charge them. First, it's much faster to charge a single lure in tow, than a group of 2 or more, so you'll be ready to shoot your first limb sooner. And while Trin is busy getting the other lures, you will already have 2nd one on site and charging from all the stray voms, so you won't have to wait for the killing blow. 

Now if you only got 1 in the beginning, depending on where things spawn and your damage output, Trin may not have enough time to get the remaining 7 lures. This means she will have to pick up a missing one some time before one of the other fights. This means she'll likely park one charged lure for you near the shrine (after she placed the shard of course), so you can start pounding the overgrown tree mutant's shields already without worrying it will teleport away, while Trin quickly picks up any missing lures. Pick it up, don't be shy. If you see a lonely charged lure, it's likely a gift for you :-) Feel free to park it again once Trinity is back, she will pick it up again so you don't have to worry.

Managing the lures
Once all the lures are collected, Trinity needs to keep them alive. That's where the "Just press 4" comes in. That's the easiest part, although energy management can be a PITA.

Lures also need to be kept tethered to the Eidolons. This can get tricky if Trinity gets pushed away by one of the attacks. She will do her best to stay in range - which is about 40 meters (this is just my observation, does anyone know the accurate max tethering distance?), ideally closer, but not too close. Why not too close? Because you really don't want to have lures in your faces while you're discharging your ultra powerful, Void Strike-augmented, shield one-shooting Shraksun slug into Garry's or Harry's butt.

Good Trin will keep the lures out of the team's LOS and (mostly) out of their minds. It's really much more than "press 4".

Helping the team
Getting and managing lures is already a handful, but there's more that a Trinity does. She will pick up fallen team members and keep an eye on their frames' health. She will also help you take down the shields - either by shooting the odd 10% that your single VS shot didn't get, or by charging her VS and stripping Harry's shields for you. Trinity is by far the busiest frame in the whole fight, so please be nice and try not to piss her off.

How to not piss Trinity off

  • Don't expect her to get all 8 lures by herself and charge them all in the beginning of the night. It's stupid. Also if you force her to collect virtually all the lures, don't abuse her verbally in chat for not having enough lures around when you: want to start the next Eidolon, want to shoot a limb, want to deal the final blow. If it comes to that, it's your own fault, really.
  • If for some reason there's 1 or 2 lures missing at some point, do pay attention to that lone charged lure that will be somewhere nearby, waiting for you to grab it. Don't just ignore it and then yell in chat "OMG WHERE ARE TEH LURES!!!"
  • If you die, don't blame Trinity, blame yourself. Trinity will try to keep you alive, but sh..tuff happens. She will likely pick you up anyway. 
  • Also don't blame Trinity (or anyone else on the team for that matter) for game bugs. Some of the bugs include: Eidolon teleporting despite having lures attached, unable to use any abilities till you die/jump in the water, shrine not interactive till you die/jump in the water. 
  • If your Trinity doesn't run Zenurik and you do, it's a nice gesture if you put Energizing Dash over her once in a while. And if you're feeling very courteous, drop her a pizza sometimes. She's most likely burning through a lot of her own pads every fight.
  • And lastly, don't expect Trinity to do everything: get and charge lures, keep everyone alive, and deal the most damage. Competent players paired with poor team may be able to pull that off, but it's really more efficient if everyone on the team focuses on their part.

If you got this far - thanks for reading. Let us know what is your experience hunting Eidolons with/as Trinity.

Edited by Iludra
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it's harrow job too. they should split so one collects fast two lures(near cetus gate), and goes with team for tera(usually its harrow, because tera is weak af, but team still needs protection from energy burst, but actually no help from trinity needed), while the other(trinity) goes for other 4 lures, and perfectly arrives before "smaller sentients rush to eidolon aid", so she gets them charged in no time for next hunts.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)lhbuch said:

There is another golden rule, keep the team together, I played with some High MR noobs once and they were spread all over the place and were complaining about Trinity when blessing has only a fixed 50m range. They kept dying all the time...

you can increase it by increasing affinity range, but that still does not help by much.

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What's the salary? I mean, reading that manifesto, the job must surely come with a salary... :crylaugh:

Joking aside, gathering lures is everyone's responsibility. Pinning everything on Trin is just unrealistic. You want that player to heal you, gather lures around the map and do damage to the Eidolons while you stand on one spot and shoot your amp? Move your butt and get some lures, too. If you want 8 lures, then 2 per player are needed.

Good post, especially the last section!

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That's all well and good but the Trinity should also remember to heal people in the first place too. I don't really care who has the lures as long as they're healed but I can't endlessly survive on my arcane grace proc while Trinity tries to bring down the shields and is in operator mode.

Just because you blessed once and you have a lot of duration for the damage mitigation doesn't mean that you can't use the ability in the meantime like Harrow's covenant.

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Trinity is a healer, we are obligated to hate on her when we mess up, and give her no credit when everything goes to plan. :clem:


More seriously, this is basically how I've operated as Trinity, although I tend to only grab 4 lures, take down Terralyst, drop Eidolon shard at shrine, and Itzal blink and grab two more lures, and lose no time on taking down the Gantulyst. Makes capturing Terralyst the slightest bit faster. 

On the matter of doing hunts as Trinity, my favorite arcanes have been Guardian and Momentum. Guardian gives  bit of extra tankyness and Momentum with Vectis Prime allows for near continuous fire when the team can't one shot. 

Had a bad run the other day where I almost did everything though...50% of damage when Chroma on team only had 10%...and one person said they were using their Euphona Prime the whole time instead of combo boosting with sniper...


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2 hours ago, Iludra said:

First, it's much faster to charge a single lure in tow, than a group of 2 or more, so you'll be ready to shoot your first limb sooner.

I have done all of my captures in public squads thus far and this is my number one pet peeve with people.  The guy that shows up with 8 or 9 uncharged lures and just expects to get ONE charged before the terralyst is done.

So yeah, I started grabbing one of my own at the start just like you recommend.  It's great advice.  I usually play Oberon (prefer him over Harrow) or Chroma, FWIW.

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3 hours ago, (XB1)Timidobserver said:

I skimmed so I don't know if you said it or not, but Trinity needs to put her shard in before going to look for lures.


That's a good point. I didn't state it because it's obvious, but I'll add it.

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Trinity do this 

Trinity do that

Yes her job is to get the lure.  But for god sake help her get some lure. It be faster helping her rather expecting her to get all the lure.

Usually when i play trinity with a proper team.

1 guy guy straight to eidolon and wear the shield down (prefer chroma)

1 guy get 1 lure ready

1 guy help trinity get the rest of the lure.

Happy ending 

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this is why you should respect the healer. if you don't, they might consider writing a strongly worded and lengthy post to vent their well-founded frustrations.

also, I'd argue more for Oberon as the healer, since you have a constant supply of health with renewal rather than having to time button presses with Trinity: with Oberon it's set it and forget it (but keep your energy up. Oberon also has the advantage of Phoenix Renewal for Energy Spikes and Smite Infusion to drastically increase the DPS's capabilities for one-shotting limbs.  Trinity works fine, don't get me wrong, I juts find I can do a lot more at once with Oberon.

otherwise, I basically do everything stated in OP; grab all lures at start, help with shield when possible, also work on Vomvalyst Blooms during Harry's fight so that DPS doesn't get swarmed by angry Voms. Space Noodle alt fire Granmu with Virtuous Strike and my Radiation/Crit Lanka takes care of the rest.


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10 hours ago, (PS4)thowed said:

While we're at it most Chromas need to update their builds.  I've ran into 1 outta I don't know how many that actually had range to share the buffs.

It depends. If they can 1 or 2 shot limbs then it doesnt matter if the guy next to them gets the damage buff and while the armor buff can be nice on some frames (namely Rhino) it wont allow most of them to tank to stay alive.

And in my experience it doesnt help keep lures alive either.

If the Chroma does not kill off the limbs very fast then yeah, they should share the buff.

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Maybe in an ideal world.    Pubs ain't that.  I go into a pub match with the ability to take care of myself and the Lysts regardless of frame choice.  Someone going into a pub match and needing another frame to carry them in any way seems like a bad idea to me.   Sometimes we need help, sometimes we give it, but to go in knowingly needing it....   nah.      So while that plan is nice enough for pre-made squads, not interested.

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I used to do the role of Trinity but now I do the role of Chroma.

Frankly, as long as Trinity doesn't keep spamming 4 every sec my hp drops, I am good.

In the first place, all eidolon attacks should be dodge via operator void mode or void dashing far away so healing teammates should not be a necessity.

I once played with a Trinity that healed like he got a free flow energy buffet or something and the range made it almost impossible for me to go vex armor and reach even the hp with self-damage.

I eventually did run out of ammunition for my self-damage weapon so I had to spend some time in camps resupplying.

As Trinity, I used to just take 2 lures since Terry was the only 1 back then and I always just heal after a limb explode before running away.

I also did not care about teammates health because I expect them to be able to go void mode with operator which is why I rarely revive anyone either because my objective is to keep lures safe only.


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5 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

also, I'd argue more for Oberon as the healer, since you have a constant supply of health with renewal rather than having to time button presses with Trinity: with Oberon it's set it and forget it (but keep your energy up. Oberon also has the advantage of Phoenix Renewal for Energy Spikes and Smite Infusion to drastically increase the DPS's capabilities for one-shotting limbs.  Trinity works fine, don't get me wrong, I juts find I can do a lot more at once with Oberon.



I have taken Oberon and occasionally Gary will burst DPS kill lure before renewal will heal it up  even with a very high power strength.  Trinity seems safer on lures.   I do like oberon's other benefits quite a bit though.

Edited by (PS4)Eluminary
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7 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

also, I'd argue more for Oberon as the healer, since you have a constant supply of health with renewal rather than having to time button presses with Trinity: with Oberon it's set it and forget it (but keep your energy up. Oberon also has the advantage of Phoenix Renewal for Energy Spikes and Smite Infusion to drastically increase the DPS's capabilities for one-shotting limbs.  Trinity works fine, don't get me wrong, I juts find I can do a lot more at once with Oberon.

I hear you, I prefer Oberon myself, although I find he's not very reliable during the laser show and poison grass moments (but perhaps I just need to git gud). Also, premade groups moan when you bring Oberon instead of Trinity, so I don't get many chances to practice my goatframe-jutsu in that context.

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8 hours ago, _Vortus_ said:

Maybe in an ideal world.    Pubs ain't that.  I go into a pub match with the ability to take care of myself and the Lysts regardless of frame choice.  Someone going into a pub match and needing another frame to carry them in any way seems like a bad idea to me.   Sometimes we need help, sometimes we give it, but to go in knowingly needing it....   nah.      So while that plan is nice enough for pre-made squads, not interested.

IMO, it's still worth a read. Trinity is the pub queen of Eidolon caps given that she can solo all 3 of them with a decent amp and sniper. Any help at all that other people offer is just a bonus.

Edited by (XB1)Timidobserver
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31 minutes ago, (XB1)Timidobserver said:

IMO, it's still worth a read. Trinity is the pub queen of Eidolon caps given that she can solo all 3 of them with a decent amp and sniper. Any help at all that other people offer is just a bonus.

Last time I was happy to see a Trinity for an Eidalon hunt was when they first came out and everyone had Mote Amps and the lures needed healing since killing them took a while.

Now days between using Volt shields, Harrows damage absorption and stacked buffs that pop the weak points quickly a Trinity isn't really even needed as most lures won't get popped.

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