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We can still get a lava 'planet'. Take a guess.


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3 minutes ago, Neo3602 said:

Why not Mercury?

mercury would be more like a desert tbh. its very hot when facing the sun and very cold when its not. but they could make some cool lore related stuff with mercury since its the only planet with a core that actually makes most of its mass, suggesting that planet was meant to be much bigger but got shredded by sun storms or something.

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9 minutes ago, Neo3602 said:

Why not Mercury?

There's no observable evidence of volcanic activity on Mercury...which is not surprising due to the fact that there's nothing on or about Mercury that would allow for volcanic activity. The planet is, geologically speaking, "dead".

Io on the other hand...



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45 minutes ago, Orblit said:

Elpis from Borderlands series

ah, I remember this. aside from worrying about Oxygen, it was pretty fun there!

I'd say that Sedna would be good at playing host to a Lava landscape, you might notice that the path leading to Kela De Thaym's arena has Lava underneath it, and there are rooms on the Meteorite Tileset that have Lava. fighting the Grineer amongst volcanic eruptions.. sounds awesome.

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4 hours ago, grigorije said:

While many have shown disappointment in yet another ice locale that will be the Venus Landscape, there is still room for a lava world, and not only a Landscape but a whole new tileset. You got it, it's the Sun. If you think traversing the Sun is way out there, just look at the tech behind Venus' terraforming. I believe it is safe to say it would not be too far-fetched to imagine Orokin or even Corpus infrastructure on the surface of the Sun. As for the Grineer, I doubt they'd pull something like that off. Most importantly, however, we need an actual Sun and not some measly glow effect.

Please tell me it`s a Joke?

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Just now, AuroraSonicBoom said:

Have you looked at Mercury's surface in game? Looks pretty #*!%ing active to me.

Mercury is to small, it`s very dense but not to sustain liquid hot mantle. Sun doesn`t give enough of tidal effects to create heat under mercury surface.

Io is the best candidate for Lava Planet.

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59 minutes ago, AuroraSonicBoom said:

Have you looked at Mercury's surface in game? Looks pretty fʋcking active to me.

You're actually using ingame art as a credible and accurate source of info to back up your argument and refute my claim?


You do realize that almost every crater you see on Mercury is the result of bombardment from asteroids and meteors over the course of the planet's entire existence, right? I wouldn't be surprised if half of those impact craters date back at least half a billion years.

*MirageKnight uses Scientific Evidence*


All joking aside, I will concede that the article does say that there MIGHT still be SOME geological activity on Mercury. With that mentioned, said activity's effect on the planet's surface features would be extremely minor.

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The sun is a giant ball of plasma and gas.

Mainly just hydrogen.

There's nothing there to terraform.

It is also so hot that plasma is formed there (plasma is what happens when you heat gas..it is the fourth state of matter after gas)

Most likely what will happen is anything trying to reach the sun is vaporised and anything solid that reaches it will have nothing to land on either.

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On 3/25/2018 at 1:15 PM, dandecker98 said:

I'm not entirely sure the lore/fake science that DE has come up with to explain how there are cities on Jupiter/Saturn. Scientists (in da real world) do believe that gas giants have solid cores though. Perhaps the cities are sitting on the core, or maybe they're floating above, somehow?

Regardless, the biggest concern would be the temperature. And as I said in my last post, if the Sun becomes temperate enough to live on, everything would die

Now I assume the Orokin somehow found a way to weaken/nullify the Solar winds the Gas planets have. So rather than write that for each planet...I'm writing it here.


The cities in Jupiter (and technically Saturn once we actually land on one. All Saturn's current areas are in it's rings & moons) are afloat in the dense gases of the planet & are supported by generators & technology that allows them to stay at the proper altitude/depth to ensure they don't sink & get crushed by the planets gravity.

Basically Cloud Cities. Seeing as we have space travel, this is very plausible.

If we want to get technical, the Corpus could plop a city into Jupiter's liquid gases & it's float effortlessly.

The only issue would be surviving the intense Gravity.


Uranus' facilities are afloat in what actually would be liquid gas.

As you go deeper into Gas planets the gases become so compressed by the gravity that they turn to liquid.


If anything I'd say Uranus is possibly the most successfully teraformed Gas Giant in WF as it's an Ocean World now.


Neptune, from what I can tell somehow it's been teraformed. As it's a winter wasteland/tundra like Pluto instead of a giant frozen ocean with violent storms blowing acrosd its surface.


So WF's science isn't too far off.

I made a thread on this once...but Venus is a missed oppurtunity for sure.

While yes it isn't an iceball. All player areas will be frozen or winter themed. While it isn't true snow (its coolant), the botton line is: It's ice themed.

It will look frozen.



Mercury wouldn't work as Lore has established it as a big rock the Grineer are mining.

All the Lava there is created by the Grineer mining operation.

Sadly Mercury even in WF is too cold on the surface due it having basically no atmosphere. Sedna has this issue too.

Sedna wouldn't work either as it's a frozen rock. Technically hardly any light hits the planet.

It isn't icy but its damn cold.

The lava at Kela's is the Grineer tileset. WF's reused tilesets have pigeonholed the lore.

Hence why I really want all the planets to get the Earth 2.0 treatment.

Edited by (PS4)Zero_029
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20 minutes ago, (PS4)Zero_029 said:

Now I assume the Orokin somehoe found a way to weaken/nullify the Solar winds the Gas planets have. So rather than write thar for each planet...I'm writing it here.


The cities in Jupiter (and technically Saturn once we actually land on one. All Saturn's current areas are in it's rings & moons) are afloat in the dense gases of the planet & are supported by generators & technology that allows them to stay at the proper altitude/depth to ensure they don't sink & get crushed by the planets gravity.

Basically Cloud Cities. Seeing as we have space travel, this is very plausible.

If we want to get technical, the Corpus could plop a city into Jupiter's liquid gases & it's float effortlessly.

The only issue would be surviving the Gravity.


Uranus' facilities are afloat in what actually would be liquid gas.

As you go deeper into Gas planets the gases become so compressed by the gravity that they turn to liquid.

If anything I'd say Uranus is possibly the most successfully teraformed Gas Giant in WF as it's an Ocean World now.


Neptune, from what I can tell somehow it's been teraformed. As it's a winter wasteland/tundra like Pluto instead of a giant frozen ocean with violent storms blowing acrosd its surface.


So WF's science isn't too far off.

I made a thread on this once...but Venus is a missed oppurtunity for sure.

While yes it isn't an iceball. All player areas will be frozen or winter themed. While it isn't true snow (its coolant), the botton line is: It's ice themed.

It will look frozen.



Mercury wouldn't work as Lore has established it as a big rock the Grineer are mining.

All the Lava there is created by the Grineer mining operation.

Sadly Mercury even in WF is too cold on the surface due it having basically no atmosphere.



Sedna wouldn't work either as it's a frozen rock. Technically hardly any light hits the planet.

It isn't icy but its damn cold.

The lava at Kela's is the Grineer tileset. WF's reused tilesets have pigeonholed the lore.

Hence why I really want thebother planets to get the Earth 2.0 treatment.

There's also all the wild and woolly environs of the moons of our system. Enceladus and it's subsurface geothermally bubbling seas, Io and it's vulcanized glory, Titan and it's mucky alien swamps without life and seas of ethane, we still have some tasty bits out there to explore.


Key is trying to think of "related name sets" and adequate replacement area names for if/when the moon's are implemented.



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9 minutes ago, Unus said:

There's also all the wild and woolly environs of the moons of our system. Enceladus and it's subsurface geothermally bubbling seas, Io and it's vulcanized glory, Titan and it's mucky alien swamps without life and seas of ethane, we still have some tasty bits out there to explore.


Key is trying to think of "related name sets" and adequate replacement area names for if/when the moon's are implemented.



Hence why I want a 2.0 for the planets.

Currently hellscapes like IO & Enceladus are frozen and/or astroids due to tileset limitations.

Edited by (PS4)Zero_029
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7 hours ago, grigorije said:

A terraformed area would be enough, right?

I don't think you're really getting the point. There is nothing there to terraform. At all. Like, it's just gas. Basically the same as Jupiter, except it's literally fire. 

No amount of terraforming would make that even remotely habitable. A star burns hot enough to completely destroy anything that approaches it. 

Edited by TrickshotMcGee
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12 hours ago, grigorije said:

While many have shown disappointment in yet another ice locale that will be the Venus Landscape, there is still room for a lava world, and not only a Landscape but a whole new tileset. You got it, it's the Sun. If you think traversing the Sun is way out there, just look at the tech behind Venus' terraforming. I believe it is safe to say it would not be too far-fetched to imagine Orokin or even Corpus infrastructure on the surface of the Sun. As for the Grineer, I doubt they'd pull something like that off. Most importantly, however, we need an actual Sun and not some measly glow effect.

Do you even know how bright the sun is? The heat of the sun is something I don’t believe possible with all the energy and technology could ever accomplish. The hydro-helium process inside a Star is so beyond powerful. The radiation/heat would ignite all near it.

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Aside from the obvious reasons already stated that the Sun would not, and should not, become a tileset or node, there is also the issue of immense gravity, the solar storms...the magnetic fields ALONE would wreak unimaginable havoc on our frames and ships.  There's literally no reason to go there, ever.   Some things might be cool to wonder about, but they don't actually make sense in practice.

As for lava tilesets, there are MANY possibilities for that, and I'm sure they're in the near future.  Imagine lava on Eris in Open World with Infested...creepy AND awesome.

I'd love Stalker AND his Acolytes to be able to Team Hunt you on open maps too...just...ahhh the fun.  I freakin' love this damn game! xD

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11 hours ago, Korusagi said:

OR... The remaining Galilean Moons of Jupiter can have room enough for more ideas

In this case, Io.

"With over 400 active volcanos, Io is the most geologically active object in the Solar System. Its surface is dotted with more than 100 mountains, some of which are taller than Earth's Mount Eeverest Unlike most satellites in the outer Solar System (which have a thick coating of ice), Io is primarily composed of silicate rock surrounding a molten iron or iron sulfide core. " (Wikipedia)


OP wants a "lava planet", so he suggests the sun .. Oh man that is rich.

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If we really want lava-themed open-world map that badly, why not just make one on Earth instead of stretching the logic and practicality of settling on the Sun? I know there's already Cetus, but Earth is one of the most interesting planets on our Solar System that can accommodate diverse environments and creatures, and has no reason to be limited to this typical "After Earth" image of post-apocalyptic jungle and barren plain. Some people may argue that focusing too much on one planet could be boring, but I for one would be very excited to get a chance to see what Warframe's Earth has been hiding from us past and beyond the jungle.

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If the Orokin were dumb enough to attempt to make parts of the sun to hospitable surfaces, with the only possible positive being protection, and so many negatives that not even the population of the grineer could count all the reasons why, where any wrong move could destroy everything they have worked on costing millions of lives and wasting tons of resources in the process just for the sake of it; then the Orokin deserves to be extinct.

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