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[PC] Beasts of the Sanctuary: Sanctuary Onslaught Feedback Megathread


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Just now, Pizzarugi said:

How soon does Simaris actively block your 4th ability? I just had a mission where Volt spammed his 4 throughout the whole session all the way up to zone 8 (I left at the end of it, he probably continued doing it in 9+).

Does Not happen on normal, happens instantly on elite any time you use an ability that kills multiple enemies you get a 15s lockout

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Yo sry my spelling is bad but hopefully some mening can be derived from my scribles.

it was nice and i think it should be expanded upon.

I find myself thinking that since i need resources to get further in mastery and such. and onslaught does not give any. there could be a resource on evry second 2:30 and the normal reward on evry other.

could be that you could get simaris to test your dojos defences by simulating your dojo and sending the same type of attack mode only you fight in your clan and get a clan reward or something.

maybe geting some warframe like enemies a rhino specter with a group of corpus could be a real challange to get past.

I think its wierd that theres a random loot table when its simaris giving the reward you should be able to chose abit maybe gather points like in index with waves being the points and you can choose to get one awseom reward for 25 points och many smaller rewards for 5 points could still be abit random or not random i dont know. i ment like 5 waves gives 5 +2 points and 10 waves is 10 + 4 and so on with a dubble bonus every 15 is a dubble so 15 + 8.


maybe there can be random buffs spawning around the map like max hp increse or a melee attack boost that lasts for 10 sec.

perhaps simaris could add challanges that are optional on the waves. like kill 10 enimies in one slide. or grabb this hobbled dragon key and carry it accros the map ( no jumping allowed) or if you run out of efficiency you get a second chance but you have to add a hazard you the map. 

Onslaught special mode where you choose a map rotation and enemies

The end of this is i think it has alot of potential to go further i like it as it is but more fun things is always fun.

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Bugs aside, I think the AI should kick in a little sooner. Too much standing around we just mow them down without a fight. Or that might just be the host lagging.

I get that we can't use gear during onslaught as an extra challenge, but in that case may I suggest 1 of 2 things?

1. Allow ONLY fosfor blau or fosfor rahd to function from the gear wheel if equipped.


2. Automatically activate a fosfor blau/rahd effect  along with the convergence.

Also, remove spawn scaling or add a "full team" mode which treats every sanctuary run as a full 4 man team even if you only have 1-3 people in it. It IS a challenge after all and spawning less enemies means efficiency cannot be earned... er... efficiently.

Edited by UncaIroh
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Not sure exactly why the maiming strike + blood rush super meta hasn't been touched ever since its release a couple years ago. They changed parkour and removed coptering because it was supposedly too OP, yet we have a thing 10x worse that kills the whole room with one slide, that isn't fun fun for the use nor the teammates. Why is this still there? 

I think enemies should scale much more the longer you go, at least for elite. 

Edited by Stoner
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1 minute ago, Stoner said:

Not sure exactly why the maiming strike + blood rush super meta hasn't been touched ever since its release a couple years ago. They changed parkour and removed coptering because it was supposedly too OP, yet we have a thing 10x worse that kills the whole room with one slide, that isn't fun fun for the use nor the teammates. Why is this still there? 

I think enemies should scale much more the longer you go, at least for elite. 

Perhaps because the acolyte mods and other conditionals were inserted into the game to promote certain types of play in the first place?

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2 minutes ago, Stoner said:

Not sure exactly why the maiming strike + blood rush super meta hasn't been touched ever since its release a couple years ago. They changed parkour and removed coptering because it was supposedly too OP, yet we have a thing 10x worse that kills the whole room with one slide, that isn't fun fun for the use nor the teammates. Why is this still there? 

I think enemies should scale much more the longer you go, at least for elite. 

Because Maiming Strike builds are generally not seen that often (at least in my experience) because of how unnecessary it is and how unfun it makes the game for other players. As long as difficulty never spiked to the point where such a build became a considered necessity, it could be ignored.


When you put something like this in, though, which is like the Greater Rift system in Diablo 3, suddenly that absurd power is now relevant for pushing the later tiers.

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5 hours ago, BlackCoMerc said:

-Khora and Done: Seriously, why would anyone continue to tolerate this tedium once they have Khora? This is Bounties 2.0. People will do it until they have Khora, and then never, ever look at it again. And who can blame them? Its neither fun nor rewarding nor fresh or new.

Oh, how I wish that were the case. I couldn't even get to wave 8 on the normal one (let alone the "elite" one) because the game refused to give me enough enemies to sustain the life support. We've been getting more and more bugs and issues which would have been caught by even a simple playtest - it's like they're not even pretending to test this stuff before release any more.

Maybe in a month they'll have made this into a functional game mode, if I still care/haven't forgotten then perhaps I might try to get khora and the vandals. Until then, it's back to the usual "log on at 1700 UTC, do the kuva flood if it's not a crappy mission, do the sortie if it doesn't have any bullS#&$ missions, log straight off again" routine.

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Overall I really enjoyed Onslaught. I've been waiting for a pure combat mode like this ever since I started playing years ago.  I played on the Elite mode quite a few times and I have some merits and flaws to share in hopes Onslaught becomes even better than it is already.


  • Almost Pure Combat. No worrying about defense objectives, interception panels or ridiculous life support. Pure murder.
  • Cross Faction. I fought against all the factions and saw them in tiles I've never seen them in before. Also had to really think about my loadout other than 'Corrosive Everything'.
  • Rapid Challenge. I no longer have to wade through hours of an endless mission to get to challenging content.
  • Portal Transition. It just looks cool as Hell. I wish this transition was a 'reward' to use in other areas of the game instead of flowers.
  • Focus & Affinity Gain.  GOODBYE Hydron and Adaro now and forever!  
  • Lore Compliant. An effort was made to explain all this cross faction, tile spanning combat via the lore and I really appreciate it!
  • No Gear. I like that it strips away the player's gear wheel.


  • Ability Reset. All this is going to do is force a hardcore meta to develop where frames that have to 'build up' are eschewed. This also applies to the energy and combo counter resets.  'H Onslaught LF Meta Frame 1, 2, and 3. #*!% anything else'.
  • Efficiency Decay. Simply put, it decays way too fast for those that wish to play solo or non meta AoE frames/weapons. Very underwhelming to run out of efficiency when I'm getting S ranks every zone.
  • Rewards. After I hit my daily focus cap, I felt a large part of incentive to play the mode leave my body even though I've been waiting years for a mode like this. After Khora and the Vandal parts are obtained, Onslaught becomes a strict, albeit very fun, focus and relic farm.


  • Ability, Energy and Combo Counters Don't Reset. For if Onslaught is left as it is, your own numbers and metrics will show that certain frames will barely be played in this mode. For people that like those frames, don't leave them out in the cold.
  • Ranking & Player Feats Decrease Efficiency Decay. Anytime a player receives an A or S rank, the start of the next zone there will exist a window in which the efficiency decays slower. This stacks with more Tenno playing. Think about awarding current mission windows like this for headshots, Tenno who bring fewer than 3 weapons and/or no companions, and other things like that.
  • Rewards. Onslaught represents all the factions and tilesets.  Therefore it's not out of lore or the question for Onslaught to represent all the resources and mob drops.  Even if they drop at a much lower rate than the Starchart, think about Onslaught as being an alternative place to farm these things all the way from Ammo Drum to Condition Overload. From Alloy Plates to Kavat Genetic Codes.  Follow the same template established by the planets: 4 Resources with an occasional very rare 5th drop. Feel free to refresh this drop pool daily, weekly, monthly, etc.  

@[DE]Danielle : I like Saryn a lot too.  Her design is literally the reason I got into Warframe.  And even though I was doing well with her in Onslaught, earning A and S ranks, she hit an efficiency wall.  That just doesn't seem right let alone the Chromas, Titanias, Garas, etc. that take a lot more to build up.

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5 hours ago, BlackCoMerc said:

- Efficiency is dependent on NOT relying on your frame. So our first piece of Frame oriented content in half a year...doesnt want using our frame. Gear check much?

I'm curious as to whether you've actually played the update.

It doesn't punish you for using abilities. It punishes you for spamming the same ability in very quick succession.
I've been abusing the crap out of Excal's new Radial Blind, and it still only locks on me if I actually try to trigger the cooldown with it. I'd imagine it's a bit more strict with 4-spamming, but at the same time, I don't think there are loads of frames that need to rapidly press 4 at high levels (save for Vauban or something)...

Edited by SortaRandom
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Efficiency decay Needs  to freeze when the timer reaches zero and the objective to enter the Conduit opens.  Just ran with some friends, one of which who doesnt have the greatest connections and for some reason it causes the conduit take forever to spawn.  We essentially went from 70%+ efficiency all the way to 0 while waiting for the conduit to open because of it and forced us to end early.

I do agree with other players in that it decays too fast, especially for solo players and/or non-meta team comps, regardless of the ranks you are achieving. 

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I had counted up to 32 runs in onslaught before I stopped counting. Not one Khora part drop. I even started running it solo. Nothing. I ran it again with teams. Nothing. I have gotten the same relic over and over and over and one of those stupid scenes I could care less about. I don't care about using scenes to take pictures of my warframes. I just want to get Khora and I give up. I'm not even trying anymore. I'll just buy her with plat if I decide to keep playing this game.

Onslaught is just a whip runners game mode. Get a whip and just run around like a chicken with your head cutoff. I saw people playing wiht Khora right after the update. I know they bought her, because getting her parts is impossible. I was already wondering if I would keep playing this game. I'm very close to a decision to stop altogether. It litereally ahs become a waste of time. I know you want folk to get frustrated and purchase her, which will intern have people purchasing plat. I get it. 

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after playing some games Sanctuary Onslaught Elite i am sure there are some bugs with the points we get per kill - at some point kills will not give any points or they are just add 0,x % + change of enemy level

i was hoping to get to realy high enemy level but it stoped at level 120 and even with 4 man we was not able to stay longer - we simply got no points for kills

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I dunno what they've done or how they've done it, but Onslaught is actually kinda relaxing; usually enemies start giving me grief when the levels get up there, damage and health sponges for days, but pretty much every time I've tried it I've run out of efficiency before ever feeling in danger of death.

It does feel like this kinda game mode is encouraging the Banshee quaking style gameplay though, which is a little concerning, especially since it gets to the point where the efficiency decays faster than you can get to the enemies, even if you're killing them instantly the moment you see them.  Thus you end up slowly trying to mod for more range and punch-through etcetera.

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21 minutes ago, Sin1989 said:

Efficiency decay Needs  to freeze when the timer reaches zero and the objective to enter the Conduit opens

i agree with this i been soloing this and i lose most of my efficiency waiting for the portal to open. or just let the spawning continue until you go through so you don't run out of people to kill.  i also have trouble with keeping it up while looking for the spring things so maybe just mark them on the map?  over all i like this new mode and like seeing the different enemies on the different maps.

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So I played a couple hours of Sanctuary Onslaught today with some friends, and I have to say, I really like the game mode.

The combat is fast paced, the rewards come quick, and it gives a nice place to stress test a weapons power.

The focus gained from the mission is also great. I never considered farming focus, there was just too much min-maxing involved, but this game mode gives a place for my tenno to finally grow.

The changes in enemy types as time goes on I enjoy. I found killing the exact same enemies for 40 minutes in survival to get dull, but Onslaught shakes it up a bit.

I did see a few problems, though. First off, the really large tiles that show up time to time are real time sinks. Tiles like the crashed corpus ship and some of the orokin levels give way too much room for enemy spawns, allowing them to hide from us. We'd fly around looking for kills, only to find one or two behind cover. Then we'd pass through some tiny openings, or down a tiny tube to find all 30 or so enemies clumped up, out of sight. I'd like to see a lot more small and medium maps to avoid tiles like this.

Another problem I saw was how so many enemies liked to take cover, when they should be trying to find us. I'd often do a few bullet jumps across the map, just to find some strays taking cover, overlooking a cliff, or guarding a wall. That part wasn't fun.

Other than these, and the unavoidable release bugs plaguing the game mode, I found it really enjoyable. Thanks for the new playground.

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1 hour ago, Urlan said:

Perhaps because the acolyte mods and other conditionals were inserted into the game to promote certain types of play in the first place?

Types of play that absolutely obliterates any others? The damage output from it is insane. 


1 hour ago, ShogunGunshow said:

Because Maiming Strike builds are generally not seen that often (at least in my experience) because of how unnecessary it is and how unfun it makes the game for other players. As long as difficulty never spiked to the point where such a build became a considered necessity, it could be ignored.

I beg to differ. I see people running around with whips and staffs on a regular basis spamming slide attacks. To be fair, I'm also one of them and I hate it lmao... The range is the problem IMO and the interaction between blood rush and maiming multiplying it by an insane amount. 

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1 hour ago, ShogunGunshow said:

Because Maiming Strike builds are generally not seen that often (at least in my experience) because of how unnecessary it is and how unfun it makes the game for other players. As long as difficulty never spiked to the point where such a build became a considered necessity, it could be ignored.

I can't say my experiences align with yours. I'm on the asian region, and maiming strike, spin to win builds are very common place and nigh impossible to avoid. Not because they were powerful, but merely because they were so simplistic that even the most incompetent halfwit could rely on them to come out ahead of the pack.

Still the OP makes a valid point with the game's set up. The penalty for power spam isn't nearly as harsh as it should be to promote engaging gameplay, while spin to win behavior and AoE use is rampant and entirely without punitative measures to moderate their use.

I have nearly no enjoyment at all during this game mode if only because i invariably find someone abusing maim-equinox, link-trinity or some other means of mindless, trivialising stupidity.

It would be far more effective if efficiency scores were tied to skill, whether it be from scoring headshots, varying your gameplay between melee, powers and weapons etc.

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3 hours ago, GravityGear said:


This. The speed runners have kind of ruined this game. Sanctuary onslaught is my chance to make long ass runs for once. Everyone that disagrees has every other game mode to play. That should be a risk of running an onslaught... long runs and time. None of the other game modes have any sort of mechanic where players have to think to themselves "Will this be worth it?" before dropping in. Every other game mode is always, drop in, speed run, extract. I'm tired of that noise and Sanctuary Onslaught will by a sanctuary from that.


Even if I somehow agreed with that statement, it's not exactly convenient when the current method of extraction is waiting for the efficiency bar to drop to zero. Yeah... good luck with that. This gamemode is literally unplayable in pubs at this point. And it's not fair to have one Banshee on your squad to decide when to extract or not. Go play long runs if you will, but there should be at least a better extraction system than the current one. I've quit once in frustration and lost connection on my next run because the pub host just gave up, and I lost my Khora systems bp, not to mention a couple of relics. This should not be happening at all. Unless your idea of an exit point is to have Limbo banish everyone or press 4 with Harrow or Trinity so nobody dies and watch the efficiency bar drop, there is sufficient reasoning to add an extraction point.

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