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[PC] Beasts of the Sanctuary: Sanctuary Onslaught Feedback Megathread


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Here's my personal experience :
Roughly 5 runs so far. 3 of them have crashed. 

In my entire Warframe experience, over the span of roughly 2+ years, it is the first time I've experienced crashes in the game. 

It is a shame, the concept of the mode is really appealing to me, and starting on elite mode with higher level enemies right off the bat is something I've looked forward to do since quite a while, I love this.

Now let's get back to the playthrough that didn't crash :
Normal (Solo)

- Excalibur : ended around zone 6. I could kill anything that move, but the efficiency just dropped faster than I could kill them (And I could one shot them).
- Saryn: ended around zone 12. Same, I could still kill anything that move, still one shot them, but the spawn-rate wasn't enough to satisfy the efficiency requirement.

Elite (Team)

- Saryn : Ended around zone 6. Game freezed only for me, I was able to rejoin. As I rejoin, the portal didn't appear, and we were stuck. End of the mission.

From the info I've got from my own and other people play through, here's what I like :

- It is a very fast paced mode. The first floor seems like it's the slowest but then as you go deeper you just get surprised by how fast the 2.5 minutes went by.

- You cannot rely on gear nor you can spam 4 to win (Simaris apparently lock your 4 for 15 seconds) so there's a bunch of cheesing methods that have been locked away.

- The entire concept fit very well to Simaris, the portal is incredibly cool looking, and I love the fact that he's the one you communicate with : it's refreshing to not have the Lotus from time to time.

Here's what I do not like :

- Gun play isn't rewarded in this mode : the only way to satisfy Simaris efficiency is to mash melee with high range and/or have Frames with nuke proficiency. Anything else will fall short in a matter of seconds.

My issue with that is that it is inciting players to have yet again a meta checklist, and skills are yet again put on the backseat.
My suggestions about that would be :

  1. - Add bonus efficiency depending on the kills (e.g Headshot grant 75% more efficiency, Execution 25%, a constant +X% ratio that depends on the variety of type of kills)
  2. - Depending on your rank, you get an amount of Efficiency Boost restored.S Rank could restore 30% and other would be between 10-25%
  3. - Freeze Efficiency Counter on kills : diminishing returns on same type kills to give people the incentive to have more than one course of action.
  4. - (Petty, Biased and Completely Optional) Have Simaris turn your slide melee critical chance to -100% for 15 seconds on Elite mode (only one Elite mode) should you abuse it just as much as 4th abilities.

- The Focus result after 45 seconds is extremely unpredictable : I can get up to 10k in Zone 2-3 sometime and will get 1k in Zone 10, with a maxed efficiency, Killing just as fast enemies 40lvl times stronger. I do not have suggestions on this issue, but I'd appreciate if it could be looked at.

- Overlapping with my first point : Efficiency drain is way too fast above zone 10. It seems to be an issue shared among players : I'd rather fail Sanctuary Onslaught because I am too weak for the current floor rather than "I'm not one shotting enemies fast enough". I had Efficiency going from a solid zone 9 100% to 1% entering Zone 12. I feel like being unfairly kicked out while I could still go on.

That's roughly my feedback about the mode. Besides fixing the crashes, I honestly just want most Warframes to be on a roughly equal footing when doing this mode : I know it's impossible, but it'd be nice to at least not penalize players before they even start for having the *wrong* choice : difficult is ok, challenging is ok. Ostracising perfectly capable warframes and weapons is not ok.

I hope both DE and players find this feedback useful. 

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My experience so far (I have to play solo because I have connectivity issues):

Regular Sanctuary Onslaught: I can reach zone 11-12 (equinox, ember, mesa), played around 2 hours total. I was rewarded 1 chassis, 2 or 3 scenes, some Endo and a lot of relics. I couldn't go further because 1) the stage is really big and I couldn't move fast enough to reach the enemies (half the enemies run away from you, except the infested) 2) there are less enemies or they stand still in their spawn points.

Elite Sanctuary Onslaught: I tried it only once, reached zone 6 (equinox), only receive relics. I think I couldn't go further because I wasn't doing too much damage.

The good:

  • Is fun.
  • Has a wide variety of rewards.
  • Has a wide variety of enemies.
  • You can get a decent amount of focus and affinity.

What to improve:

  • Too many relics.
  • Unnecessary rewards: endo, shard.
  • It would be nice to make it more "solo friendly". Maybe both modes to have the same rewards but with different drop chance.
  • Remove Nox (there are heavy unit and Nox).
  • Make efficiency value of enemies be inversely proportional to the team size.



Edited by mvaldess
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I generally liked this mode as a way to get into action fast, shoot, press 4. But i could not extract, and I had to go after half an hour. So I ended up aborting mission, and that was bad. In those potentially endless missions, there must be a way for a player to extract. 


Edited by Yarwin
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Host migration wiping rewards needs to be fixed asap. Though funny how DE [DE]layed the update to fix a host migration issue and yet this is still in.

The game mode needs massive optimisation. Having to restart your computer because it froze due to a conduit appearing and losing all your loot isn't a challenge or fun, your better of not having the game mode at this rate due to that.

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Love the Onslaught tons, but if someone accidentally disconnects and then reconnects to the squad, the portal will not spawn.  However, the portal WILL spawn immediately when the previously disconnected person re-disconnects (using alt-f4).  I repeatedly tested this as I was the one who had the unfortunate disconnect, and also saw this behavior when it happened to someone else.  Kinda sucks.



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Good Evening,

I just tried to do Elite Sanctuary. And well I was using Equinox and after I used 4 to much I got kicked out of the Sanctuary by Simaris (fockin Jerk) so with that in Mind that you CANT use Abilities a certain Amount which basically throw Caster Frames that rely on spamming Abilites out the Window. Bye Spore Saryn, Bye Quaking Banshee, Bye PoS Atlas, Bye Hallowed Ground Oberon, Bye WOF Ember (after update), Bye Icy Avalanche Frost, Bye Slow Nova, Bye Bladestorm Ash, Bye Harrow, Bye Riftbomb Limbo, Bye Tentacle/Corrosive barrage Hydroid, Bye Sleep Arrow Ivara, Bye Irradiating Disarm/Invisibil Loki, Bye Mag, Bye Peacemaker Mesa, Bye Disco Mirage, Bye Impaler Nezha, Bye Nidus, Bye Confusing Nyx, Bye Ocativia, Bye Roar/Stomp Rhino, Bye Titania, Bye Blessing/Energy Vamp Trinity, Bye Hysteria Valkyr, Bye Bastille/Vortex Vauban, Bye Speedy Discharge Volt, Bye Turbulence Zephyr, Bye Tank Chroma. 

Now. Look which Warframe I din't listed. I might be wrong bout some sicne I din't played all of them in the Sanctuary I'm just going with the ones where you spam Abilities or use 1 Ability pretty often (Equinoxs 4). The ones I din't list are Khora, Inaros and Nekros (i dunno about nekors if his Descecrate when i descecrates 1 body if it'll count as 1 cast.) I din't list Khora 'cause I haven't played her yet, thx rng making me farm yet again with several Warframes prior, instead of giving me a nice Quest where each Chapter gives me a Part (Mirages/Limbos/Chromas etc. Quest).

So with 2 on the Edge there is only one. Inaros. Who deosn't need to use any Abilities.

Now the Weapon choices. since Secondaries and Primaries aren't all that efficient in killing huge groups of enemies, due to reload and aiming. Leaves you with Melee.

So. You're getting forced to use Melee because it's the most relieable and efficient method, especially with Kripath, Atterax, Orthos, [Insert other META Melee Weapon here] wipping the Floor with even lvl 100+ Enemies easily. Good Job [DE]. And that sarcastic "Good Job" is for the Elite Version. Overall i like the normal one. Maybe jsut if you reached like floor 10 that you have Checkpoint there and can continue from Floor 10 next time if you want to.



(Just as an example of what i mean with Inaros+Meta Weapon. i'll let McGamerCZ demonstrate:)



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I'm still trying to figure out where the idea to make a game mode perfect for formaing frames and then disallowing frames below level 30 came from.

You know, in all the thinking time I have from the constant crashes and bugs.

Edited by Trestira
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Could we get like an in-depth description of how this game mode.... works? 

Dumb question but like, the Efficiency is just so finicky and absolutely tanks after stage 7 or so. How does it even work though? I think killing makes it go up and taking damage drains it? But I can't tell. My bro and i are absolutely tearing it up in there and never made it past stage 11. 

And for the love of everything, can we bring down the number of relics a wee bit? Several runs so far, and only relics that I already had plenty of.


It's a blast, though. Probably my favorite game mode atm. or will be after it's been hotfixed a bit more. Like how my framerate is cut in half every time a portal spawns.

Edited by CanadianGold96
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There are currently a few things amiss, or simply not fleshed out, and I wish to address these issues I have with the mode and present suggestions to counter those.

  • Excessive repetitiveness:
    Currently Sanctuary onslaught is close the most repetitive mode there is. Extermination, but rinse and repeat. While the change of scenery is nice, the lack of any other gameplay objective than 'kill as many things as quickly possible' just promotes the good old spin-2-win and spamming 4 (Which seemingly still seems to work, despite forced Simaris' cooldown). Additional gameplay objectives may help:
    -a console to hack to regain additional Efficiency
    -a difficult wave of eximus enemies only
    -bonus objectives for finishing off a certain amount of enemies resulting again in a boost of Efficiency
    -a boss type of enemy occurring randomly
    -tileset based objectives like destroying a reactor, especially now that tilesets are changed so quickly

    Anything to stop the jarring and dull shoot to kill.
  • Time consumption and balancing:
    "Finishing" a run of Sanctuary Onslaught - getting through Zone 8 - takes roughly 20 minutes - for a 5% reward chance. Now this wouldn't be as bad if there was some sort of incentive to it - other than getting a Khora part. The type of mission should be the main focus, rather than being forced to run the mission in order to get a part for a Warframe. That's an extremely easy way to get people to abandon the mode immediately after they've all the rewards there are to gain. It seems especially unjust and dull as there are no resources to be gained (even if it makes sense lore-wise considering it is a naught but a simulation). Oh, and Kuria apparently can't be scanned despite them appearing.

    The forced amount of 20 minutes by rewarding players for their performance: Killing an enemy takes away 0.5 seconds (or more) of the countdown. As you kill some roughly 1000 enemies each run, this should greatly cut down on the dullness. Again, doing bonus objectives for a cut of time stuck in the mission.
    Or simply having time deplete faster based on how much efficiency you have - in the form of % similar to Interception missions - 100% being twice as fast, with close to 0% meaning staying longer. That coupled with lower efficiency gain and bonus objectives would make this a whole lot more interactive.

    As for balancing issues, it's not particularly hard to kill a ton of enemies quickly - see Banshee's 4 - but the way the decay of Efficiency scales seems off. Getting to zone 13 with 100% Efficiency at the end of every single one isn't uncommon. The sudden drop from there though is quite harsh. Even more so if you land on a poor tileset, with dispersed enemies. Grineer on one of the larger Kuva Fortress tiles, for example can almost immediately kill your run.

    Regarding Simaris' disabling of the abilities in order to counter spamming ultimates seems a bit unjustly distributed. Some Warframes rely more on it than others. Trinity's Bless compared to Oberon's Renewal. If this 'feature' need be, then I feel it ought to be balanced individually with each Warframe's utility in mind.
  • Rewards:
    As mentioned above already, the sole reason to run this - aside from the ~1% of players that's into focus farming - are the Khora parts and relics. The sheer amount of relics coupled with the time it takes results in a lot of forced runs, which again ... is quite dull, boring. Especially if you then drop Endo and spent some 20 minutes for something one could get in the first stage of a higher tier bounty with no effort whatsoever. (Particularly with the Elite mode.)

    So doing Sanctuary Onslaught, with the sole reason to get a Khora part or a radiant relic, only to be disappointed and having wasted 20 minutes to get there certainly ruins anyone's interest in this mode, especially once they're done with their personal objective.
    Extra objectives for additional rewards, or smaller rewards in the Zones between the proper AABC rotations - credits, Endo, or resources - instead of those cluttering up the reward table is bound to make this more interesting, and would possibly prevent players from abandoning after the C rotation. 

Not to mention the current issues with crashing, getting stuck in the old tile thanks to the conduit not transporting you, issues with the operator and tile transitions, and host-migration problems. Though I assume those will be dealt with in due time.

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i agree to the very core,as an individual we should have the ability to extract like a defence mission,we just cant sit around alltime till everyone go like many dosnt get time to stick around alltime,we should be able to extract when we want ofc after ending one zone,like not going into portal or dying or lack of revives

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I like Onslaught, it's pretty fun

But what's difficult for me, is that getting yelled at by Simaris for failing -- when failure is inevitable -- just makes me not want to play it,,, getting angry at players for being bad at the game mode is absolutely terrible and it's driving me away personally

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Hey DE i really like the new OS mode, escpecially the elite one, but i noticed that it is way harder to keep up efficiency when you are solo as you can't be at four places at once killing stuff. Can you plz balance the efficiency counter gain around the amount of sguad members?


Example: 4 squad members = 1% EFF/KILL

                3 squad members = 1.3%EFF/KILL

                2 squad members = 2%EFF/KILL

                1 squad member = 4%EFF/KILL


Thanks for making an awesome game btw.

Edited by Thanzilla
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Read the patch notes. If you use your abilities TOO MUCH (especially your 4), Simaris kicks you.

You were spamming your ability which is why you got kicked. you need to use both abilities and gunplay. Most frames work absolutely fine, just learn to stop spamming.

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