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New GPU Particles and goodbye to PhysX FX!


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On 2018-05-11 at 9:10 PM, (XB1)Architect Prime said:

I'm very irked when bright lights don't actually light anything up in video games.

This is the most ancient problem with non-raytraced realtime graphics, you can't afford to calculate tons of lights unless they're deferred bad looking spherical blobs. And even those would be a problem if there's literally millions.

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hmm. up until now, i have been using my old gf550ti as a dedicated physx gpu, to free my 750ti to do its thing. the upside was getting 2-300ish fps with no slowdowns during heavy fights. the downside is that my motherboard cuts the pcie slot from 16x to 2x 8x.

  are the new particles such that they would benefit from an extra CUDA gpu, or am i better off yanking the 550ti entirely and getting my bus bandwidth back?

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Good bye good ol particles with collision detection 😞 

Here is Pox with Nvidia physx

And here is Pox with the new and "better"particle system

Yeah some frames now have more particles than before but the new particles lack so behind, lack of interaction, they barely collide with each other and the environment, its just a downgrade. Sadly i don't have a video of braking the containers its a sad picture what is the condition there.... 
Yes with the new particles old PC's have higher FPS but this is because they are downgrade...


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Can we get someone to start a thread where we can catalogue particle effects that have been missed in the physX to GPU particle switch?
Like those threads that whenever someone identifies a new one the OP adds it to a list at the top and crosses off the ones that have been fixed by the devs and stuff?

Id do it but i dont think i have the attentiveness required to maintain it

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12 hours ago, Fugana said:

Good bye good ol particles with collision detection 😞 

Here is Pox with Nvidia physx

And here is Pox with the new and "better"particle system

Yeah some frames now have more particles than before but the new particles lack so behind, lack of interaction, they barely collide with each other and the environment, its just a downgrade. Sadly i don't have a video of braking the containers its a sad picture what is the condition there.... 
Yes with the new particles old PC's have higher FPS but this is because they are downgrade...


Even with PhysX on, those attacks never had particles for me. Idk why. A lot of PhysX effects just kind of didn't work at all.

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Physx has been semi phased out of this game for awhile. Some stuff worked, some stuff didn't, other particle/smoke effects caused fps dives etc. The "new" effects seem to work better although I haven't been able to test a couple of the maps that gave my computer issues yet. I have an i5 and 1060 btw.

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3 hours ago, NezuHimeSama said:

Even with PhysX on, those attacks never had particles for me. Idk why. A lot of PhysX effects just kind of didn't work at all.

PhysX is proprietary to Nvidia GPU's. If you use AMD, you won't see PhysX. That is one of the reasons for the particle update. This way, everyone will be able to see more effects. The effects are also supposed to be less RAM intensive, so there should be almost no performance issues.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Zelgorath said:

PhysX is proprietary to Nvidia GPU's. If you use AMD, you won't see PhysX. That is one of the reasons for the particle update. This way, everyone will be able to see more effects. The effects are also supposed to be less RAM intensive, so there should be almost no performance issues.

1060, and other PhysX effects worked fine.

Also played on 460 and 660.

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16 hours ago, Fugana said:



Yeah some frames now have more particles than before but the new particles lack so behind, lack of interaction, they barely collide with each other and the environment, its just a downgrade.

I am pretty sure that DE said that the new particles were rolling out in phases. I doubt they could have touched every weapon and ability already. Hopefully your feedback will improve the final product for everyone.

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Some feedback for you.

I have only played with Inaros since the update; what I really liked previously about his abilities and their graphical effects is that the particles actually looked like sand. Not only did they look good but it obviously fits very well thematically e.g. Inaros' first "pocket sand" ability really did look like he was throwing sand at enemies. The new particles for the abilities lack this level of finesse, they just look like generic sparks, and I would encourage you to revise them accordingly please.

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5 hours ago, (PS4)Zelgorath said:

PhysX is proprietary to Nvidia GPU's. If you use AMD, you won't see PhysX. That is one of the reasons for the particle update. This way, everyone will be able to see more effects. The effects are also supposed to be less RAM intensive, so there should be almost no performance issues.

All you say is tru, howevah the new particles are insane downgrade, why not having both systems? the new particles are outright ugly, they have 0.5 seconds life spawn, they dont interact with anything, they look like 2D sprites instead of actual physical 3D particles that bounces around like crazy and interact with other objects.
Step up ur particles DE we want something serious cus currently ur particles are a joke a big joke. Not to mention they look insanely blurry and low resolution even on "max" preset. 
Give me back the option to turn on Physx.

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hmm 2 things 

first the energy color of the Ignis Wrath changed significant it's much more light than before like in some colors the Black changed to white

second the same happend to the ki'teer Sekhara Emblem it got the same problem before fx rework it was dark with particels now its white with particels - its much to shiny and the colors don't look very well 

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