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New GPU Particles and goodbye to PhysX FX!


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I'm going to echo Aldrr here. Something like this has the potential to break in highly unexpected ways, so take the time to refine it to the point you're happy with it. I want to know what's going on with the Sacrifice questline as much as anyone else (especially if they've seen/done the teaser cutscene), but it doesn't need to be rushed out so fast that y'all don't take the time to make it rock solid, or at least easy to tweak and fix when something goes sideways (potentially quite literally in this case).

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I am consistently impressed with the work you guys are doing; not many studios can boast their own engine to begin with these days, and the amount of refinement and reinvention you do is really brilliant. I suppose that's the perks of having everything in-house, you can do what you want when you want. How you keep managing to make the game look better and run smoother is a mystery. 😉

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2 hours ago, KelsierSurvivor said:

Steve said they would come with The Sacrifice, so I think it might be safe to hype ourselves JUST a little bit. 

It is never safe to hype for theses sorts of things. But good luck. 

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4 hours ago, MirageKnight said:

We can only hope.

I believe I heard on a devstream that the sacrifice is slated for update 24 when it ships. The next mainline would be update 23 sadly. Let me see if I can find the link that said Update 24 was what they are shooting for. 

Then again you might be right. All I can find says that Update 23 at the earliest, Update 24 at the Latest. Although in last devstream they said they wouldn't say more about it and that it would be out when it is finished. But Steve did say at one point it was slated for one of the two Mainlines above....... but it isn't DEfinite

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1 hour ago, Alecks2539 said:

Can someone help me understand really quickly? When space mom says "mainline update" does she mean an uPdAtE like tenno reinforcements or an UPDATE update like Beast of the Sanctuary or Chains of Harrow.

She means the BoS or CoH updates. 

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2 hours ago, Alecks2539 said:

Can someone help me understand really quickly? When space mom says "mainline update" does she mean an uPdAtE like tenno reinforcements or an UPDATE update like Beast of the Sanctuary or Chains of Harrow.

She means Umbra (just guessing).

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12 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Since Warframe began, our PhysX Particles have not been 'one size fits all'. They've been tied to specific GPUs, never on console, and it's been a visually delightful but imbalanced experience. The next Mainline update (this May) will see "Nvidia PhysX Effects" become a new, universal & proprietary experience: "GPU Particles". Read on for the Why, How, and When!

The latest version of PhysX (the physics framework that Warframe uses to simulate the world) is dropping support for the physics particle simulation feature. So in order to be able to take advantage of the many performance and stability improvements that Nvidia has made to PhysX over recent years, we're making a new particle system solution ourselves! This new GPU Particle system will be less RAM intensive, work on all Platforms, AND be completely optional!

We are converting the main PhysX items to our new GPU Particle system. We'll have many particle FX converted at launch, but will spend some time continuing to upgrade our catalog throughout the year. Our new system is universal, works on almost all GPUs (really old ones might be out of luck), is not locked to a given manufacturer, and is not locked to PC!

We expect to have Mainline with GPU Particles on PC mid-May! Consoles can expect GPU Particles soon after PC.

Bonus: What?
Now I’m sure you’re wondering how all of this will look! Here are our new GPU Particles in action.

A particle burst from our tests in April. You can see them interact with the environment as they hit the floor:giphy.gif

Added more features earlier this month! GPU Particles respond to game physics and gravity

More refined particle physics: GPU Particles respond to explosions and collisions

Beautiful visuals. All platforms. This month! This is shaping up to be a particle-arly lovely update 😉 Thanks for playing Warframe!



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Does this also mean we'll get new fire effects and new effects for elements on weapons? Some look rather lacking compared to the rest of the game, 2D and very out of date. Been in need of an update for ages.

Same for other effects like bleed. Could we see an update to gore/blood too? 😮


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26 minutes ago, FusionDragon said:

Will this particle update also be adding air resistance to falling particles in certain maps and floating particles in archwing maps? That would be awesome. 

This would be very cool. 

1 hour ago, Valiant said:

Does this also mean we'll get new fire effects and new effects for elements on weapons? Some look rather lacking compared to the rest of the game, 2D and very out of date. Been in need of an update for ages.

Same for other effects like bleed. Could we see an update to gore/blood too? 😮



@[DE]Steve, Steve, steve. Look, I know you're REALLY busy with all the upcoming stuff, but plz.... Plz consider adding Nvidia gibs and fluids? Liquids such as blood and guts could look sooooo good with them



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