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Why Saryn?


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This rant is against the players, not the rework.


Quick and straight to the point: You guys NEED to stop screaming "nerf", "RIP X Warframe" without first playtesting or even reading properly; it's cringy and pathetic. Saryn is getting a HUGE buff. Don't fear change, for f**ks sake.


Spores now dealing Corrosive? Buffed. You need several Corrosive procs for armor to be truly affected. Spores dealing lots of instances of damage with a 50% status chance pretty much guarantees map wide armor stripping. Viral was unnecessary, since one proc is all you need and further procs won't strengthen the effect.

Molt? Buff.


Toxic Lash? Buff.


Miasma changed to Viral? BUFFED! Unlike Corrosive, you only need a SINGLE Viral proc to make the damage type worthwhile. While Spores is busy chewing through armor, Miasma will obliterate the now armorless enemies. Having Miasma deal Viral is MUCH more efficient than having it deal Corrosive.


Seriously, that Developer Worshop comment section was cancer. Bunch of babies.

Edited by (PS4)LoisGordils
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I do agree that indeed, there were alot of whiners on that thread, but then again that always happens when controversial things happen. Changing Spores from Viral to Corrosive will eliminate its rather versatile use against all factions. Most people with high end builds bring Corrosive Projection to deal with armor, so 100% of it is gone anyway. Changing Spores from mass viral procs to corrosive procs , will end up doing lesser amounts of damage and overall reduce its effectiveness at higher play. (This includes sortie level). Since, when armor is gone, the flesh and basic health pool remain, and viral being the most effective there. Miasma however, this can be changed to do the intended for the proposed change. Have Miasma deal more instances of damage / procs with lesser damage, rather than a few instances of damage / procs but with higher damage. Then Miasma would be the armor stripping ability, and Spores would still be then same. Unhampered.

Edited by Harper
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3 minutes ago, Harper said:

I do agree that indeed, there were alot of whiners on that thread, but then again that always happens when controversial things happen. Changing Spores from Viral to Corrosive will eliminate its rather versatile use against all factions. Most people with high end builds bring Corrosive Projection to deal with armor, so 100% of it is gone anyway. Changing Spores from mass viral procs to corrosive procs , will end up doing lesser amounts of damage and overall reduce its effectiveness at higher play. (This includes sortie level). Since, when armor is gone, the flesh and basic health pool remain, and viral being the most effective there. Miasma however, this can be changed to do the intended for the proposed change. Have Miasma deal more instances of damage / procs with lesser damage, rather than a few instances of damage / procs but with higher damage. Then Miasma would be the armor stripping ability, and Spores would still be then same. Unhampered.

That would stand to reason, but I figure that these changes are more in tune with Saryn's performance in the recent Onslaught mode as chronicled by recent Youtubers on the subject. Your suggestion of making Miasma the corrosive source sounds fine honestly as is and has been Corrosive damage. The suggested workshop changes seem to be geared around killing Saryn's quick burst killing power which was making her ideal for maiming strike popping spores.

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1 minute ago, Urlan said:

That would stand to reason, but I figure that these changes are more in tune with Saryn's performance in the recent Onslaught mode as chronicled by recent Youtubers on the subject. Your suggestion of making Miasma the corrosive source sounds fine honestly as is and has been Corrosive damage. The suggested workshop changes seem to be geared around killing Saryn's quick burst killing power which was making her ideal for maiming strike popping spores.

I thoroughly agree, If only DE decided to fix this at the source. Just "FIX" Maiming Strike. 

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vor 16 Minuten schrieb (PS4)LoisGordils:

Spores now dealing Corrosive? Buffed.

You think so?

Enemies with 0 Armor (any good premade has 4x CPanyways) won't  be affected by the procs.

But with 3 procs of Viral (yes that is possible) enemies have only have 12.5% HP left.

Not hard math to know Viral is straight better

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If you're in an organised group most people will bring corrosive projection and completely remove armour...meaning corrosive has zero benefit against armoured units because there is no armour to remove, viral on the other hand would still potentially reduce the HP of the enemy.  Not to mention the issue with the ability being called 'spore'.....


If you look at it from a purely solo perspective then it might work ok but in an organised team the rework might actually be worse..  



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1 minute ago, GnarlsDarkley said:

You think so?

Enemies with 0 Armor (any good premade has 4x CPanyways) won't  be affected by the procs.

But with 3 procs of Viral (yes that is possible) enemies have only have 12.5% HP left.

Not hard math to know Viral is straight better

Lmao, Viral proc cuts down HP by 50% ONCE. Further procs WILL ONLY refresh the DURATION. 


You should educate yourself on the game's mechanics first.

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1 minute ago, GnarlsDarkley said:

You think so?

Enemies with 0 Armor (any good premade has 4x CPanyways) won't  be affected by the procs.

But with 3 procs of Viral (yes that is possible) enemies have only have 12.5% HP left.

Not hard math to know Viral is straight better

The spores will also deal regular damage that gets stronger with more enemies infected, making infinite scaling damage since the duration is also infinite. Stuff like that usually gets conveniently ignored.

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2 minutes ago, Harper said:

I thoroughly agree, If only DE decided to fix this at the source. Just "FIX" Maiming Strike. 

It would help with their current issues with the mod at least, or change Onslaught's seemingly being balanced around it and similar quick kill strategies. Only time will tell I guess how DE intends to tread.

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Just now, LSG501 said:

If you're in an organised group most people will bring corrosive projection and completely remove armour...meaning corrosive has zero benefit against armoured units because there is no armour to remove, viral on the other hand would still potentially reduce the HP of the enemy.  Not to mention the issue with the ability being called 'spore'.....


If you look at it from a purely solo perspective then it might work ok but in an organised team the rework might actually be worse..  



Miasma will shine. Spored up enemies take more damage from Miasma's Viral based attacks (which can be refreshed for constant damage) straight to their health

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)LoisGordils said:

Miasma will shine. Spored up enemies take more damage from Miasma's Viral based attacks (which can be refreshed for constant damage) straight to their health

So basically you want to pay more for essentially the same effect we have now.... you're essentially saying lets use an ability with base cost of 100 to do the job of the old ability that has a base cost of 25....and with less range

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10 minutes ago, Harper said:

I thoroughly agree, If only DE decided to fix this at the source. Just "FIX" Maiming Strike. 

Nothing wrong with maiming strike if used as intended, there's nothing wrong with whips either... the problem is with players using macro's to enable spin to win. 

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20 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

If you're in an organised group most people will bring corrosive projection and completely remove armour...meaning corrosive has zero benefit against armoured units because there is no armour to remove, viral on the other hand would still potentially reduce the HP of the enemy.

Mm. DE already thought of that, see. If your team brings Corrosive Projections Auras that means your Spores start off doing more damage per tick on those enemies, and just continue scaling upwards, essentially making you the team's Mass Enemy Chewer still (Normal being Mass Enemy De-buffer into Chewer).

So team or Solo, Spores will shine in its own way.

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23 minutes ago, Tangent-Valley said:

Mm. DE already thought of that, see. If your team brings Corrosive Projections Auras that means your Spores start off doing more damage per tick on those enemies, and just continue scaling upwards, essentially making you the team's Mass Enemy Chewer still (Normal being Mass Enemy De-buffer into Chewer).

So team or Solo, Spores will shine in its own way.

um... de said it themselves that it's about stripping armour...

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Out of all of the warframes in the game in need of a rework/update, why in Baro's name did you decide that Saryn was the most in need of an update? Saryn currently has a fully functioning kit with no real useless abilities, and there's a few builds for her that can make use of all of her components. That being said, there are several frames in this game with only one or two viable abilities that lead them to having only a couple (at best) usable builds. So why does Saryn receive priority for a rework when there are warframes with severely worse kits?

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So now that Spore procs corrosive which buffs toxin procs that are now applicable with weapons, im never using anything but Gas damage ever again with it becoming more viable against armored targets.

Im gonna step on the gas



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Easier fixes and simpler changes lead to a frame that I don't think anyone would complain about.


I'll assume by 'need' an update you talking about frames like Zephyr, I think frames like the aforementioned need more than a few damage and number tweaks (yes there were more changes but on the surface the saryn update looks pretty simple) which I think would upset a number of the community if done poorly.

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2 hours ago, GnarlsDarkley said:

You think so?

Enemies with 0 Armor (any good premade has 4x CPanyways) won't  be affected by the procs.

But with 3 procs of Viral (yes that is possible) enemies have only have 12.5% HP left.

Not hard math to know Viral is straight better


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They probably just had an idea and decided to go with some tweaks there and there. While I'm sure they have a list of warframes they want to update, if you got an idea why not do it right now? Feels that way to me at least. 

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Look at the developer workshop tab. Saryn is getting reworked.

Ember isn’t very useful anymore. Her Damage should scale like Saryn. However, people will then complain that she’s too OP and then she’ll get nerfed again. But they Saryn, a frame that does way better than Ember, gets a buff... Balderdash!

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