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[Update 22.20.0] Virtual Cursor Feedback MEGATHREAD - Share Videos Where Possible!


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49 minutes ago, ENGINEEEEER said:

There is not. There is a slider for aim sensitivity but that's it. I don't want to screw up my aim just to browse menus at the same speed. 

Edit: to be clear, I don't believe this setting affects cursor speed in menus. Even if it did it wouldn't be an effective solution.

Allow me to insist:



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10 hours ago, [DE]Aidan said:

Also relevant to this Thread: 

 Steve has been tweeting about some work-in-progress changes! 

This doesn't look good... =( Just feedback... Sorry but it doesn't "look" better in anyway... But maybe after we get hands on it "might" be better, but without Dpad support in a menu like this its going to be very hard to be better than before... 

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17 hours ago, [DE]Aidan said:

Also relevant to this Thread: 

 Steve has been tweeting about some work-in-progress changes! 

But why are you married to this unification concept that was not asked for and seemingly u wanted. I play from my couch with my m+kb no where in site. That is the true minority, those who use both. 

This video is in no way better. Unless I can move box to box with either dpad or left thumb stick. Be borderlands not destiny. 

Screw it. I needed a break anyway. I just very upset over my wasted 20 dollars on tennocon baro access. After having spent easily hundreds on this game over my 3 years whichever way this goes I can guarantee I will never spend another dime on it. Just trying to  vote with my wallet however innsignifigant my single voice is. 



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18 hours ago, BiTheWay said:

What can I say? This game is #@$% addictive. So much, in fact, I created a second account on my PC just so I can start over (I own almost all the Warframes on my PS4 account). This doesn't mean I still can't be effing disgusted with the recent changes DE made to the interface.

I will say this much, however. DE threw us a bone and switched the confirmation buttons back to what they were originally. Why they made the change in the first place is anyone's guess.

It wasn't a criticism! I love this game - I played it on Xbox up to MR18, and then started again on PC and I'm at MR19. I've sunk thousands of hours (and a S#&$load of money) into it. I've seen a lot of changes, which have never bothered me. Until this one. 

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19 hours ago, [DE]Aidan said:

Also relevant to this Thread: 

 Steve has been tweeting about some work-in-progress changes! 

Not good. If you all are as dismayed by incomplete controller support as you claim to be in recent devstreams, then please realize that mouse emulation does not count as "complete controller support." Virtual cursors suck pretty much wherever they are in controller-driven interfaces. 

Edited by Ham_Grenabe
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6 hours ago, Sawney said:

But why are you married to this unification concept that was not asked for and seemingly u wanted. I play from my couch with my m+kb no where in site. That is the true minority, those who use both. 

This video is in no way better. Unless I can move box to box with either dpad or left thumb stick. Be borderlands not destiny. 

Screw it. I needed a break anyway. I just very upset over my wasted 20 dollars on tennocon baro access. After having spent easily hundreds on this game over my 3 years whichever way this goes I can guarantee I will never spend another dime on it. Just trying to  vote with my wallet however innsignifigant my single voice is. 



Well, in this video it's clear that there is dpad functionality.  Notice the snap between each box.   This will eventually be good but this really should have been released as a full package.  


13 hours ago, Jimmypdp said:

This doesn't look good... =( Just feedback... Sorry but it doesn't "look" better in anyway... But maybe after we get hands on it "might" be better, but without Dpad support in a menu like this its going to be very hard to be better than before... 

There is dpad use represented in this clip.

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Another hotfix goes by without really any attempt to fix the broken controller UI... and here I was getting excited to actually be able to play again.

DE why are you so set on making this nightmare of a feature work? It's clunky, it's ugly, those of us who are dedicated controller users for one reason or another hate it, and it's an absolute nightmare for the disabled people in your community, like myself, who loved your game because you had excellent controller support and easy to navigate UI. Keep the other features of the upcoming UI overhaul, but scrap the cursor. It doesn't make the UI better, it makes it worse for those of us who went to the controller to avoid the mouse and keyboard either out of preference or out of necessity.

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On 2018-05-29 at 11:39 AM, [DE]Aidan said:

Also relevant to this Thread: 

 Steve has been tweeting about some work-in-progress changes! 

Ok, I can accept that as a future answer, but you've utterly failed to address the present.

As it currently stands, the hybrid new/old UI is terrible. Please either rush ahead release the new and hopefully improved UI that incorporates all of the goodies and might make this change work (We can deal with some bugs; PC has always been your beta test crew), or roll the changes back until such time as the new UI is in a shape you're comfortable releasing. Right now, you've left the majority of your gamepad players in a very bad spot; the new navigation system does not fit the menus and options as they currently stand, and even features that you advertise in this post will return are still currently missing, and should not have been removed in the first place. (I'm looking at you, D pad/arrow keys/WADS)

Many of your gamepad players have left the game, some of them aren't coming back, and most will not recommend this game to friends until the UI is fixed, if at all ever again due to this breach of trust.

I do not want to see this game die, and this as it currently stands is a good way to start that process.

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I'm sure as heck only logging in for the daily reward at this point, until such a time comes where I don't take 3 years to mod my Warframes or even get to the Arsenal so I can hit that option.

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Am ‎16‎.‎05‎.‎2018 um 20:15 schrieb [DE]Aidan:

Hello Tenno!

If you are a PC Tenno that plays Warframe with a controller, we hope to hear from you about your experiences using the new virtual cursor UI setting! After giving the feature an extensive try, we'd love to hear your thoughts.

Please use this feedback thread to provide your reactions/criticisms/suggestions for the new virtual cursor system introduced for controller/gamepad players in Beasts of the Sanctuary 22.20.0! Please provide videos/images where possible to support your feedback!

Unuseable. Change back the forced Keybinding!


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I understand that sometimes developers should be forward looking in order to make progress despite some initial community criticism. But DE please note that this UI change is not one of those things. I have been fine with or even happy with the idea of damage 2.5 and melee 3.0 to rebalance unintended imbalance across damage and weapon types in an increasingly more sophisticated game and there have been also support for such change and direction. But DE please don't make mistake by thinking that you guys are being progressive on this UI change.

It should be very clear when community opinions are unanimous and also don't be mistaken by some people applauding to your hard work and effort on this change. No one believes the new navagation is or could be superior to the old one and applauding to your hard work is very different from being supportive of a new direction..

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This wouldn't be so bad if it were optional. I remember wanting to eat my hat when they forced the animated cursor down the pipeline. That and this - these are things that need to be optional. I can see some people liking the idea of a virtual cursor. That's fine. But the end user should be able to disable such a feature completely should they wish to. It's not like it's going to give me some sort of advantage over other players or something.

Okay, after more extensive testing, I can point out an even worse issue with this rework. Using a Steam Controller with Right Pad mouse emulation, aim "teleporting" comes heavily into play. If I had to bet on it, I'd say it's a matter of x-input and kb/m modes fighting with each other, which wasn't nearly this much of a problem before. This is most evident when using the Quick Melee button (mapped as the B button onto Right Pad click). The practical effect is, thumb movements feel like they're being "stored" as the game resolves some conflict between kb/m and x-input controls, and when that conflict is resolved, the "stored" mouse movements "fire" all at once. The result is, the camera rapidly stutters from position to position as you continue using the mouse and the B button in tandem.

I might be the one person in the world who uses a combination of controller inputs and mouse inputs, but I feel in my gut I can't be the only one. For those of us who like fluid analog input for movement coupled with at least somewhat precise trackpad aiming, there's really no alternative. Unfortunately, with the changes I'm observing here, my painstakingly created setup is now completely worthless. Not sure what I'm going to do now, I'm afraid. I hate keyboard and mouse, and the xbox 360's right stick just doesn't feel right in Warframe.

Here's hoping against hope that this whole misguided thing can be rolled back and forgotten about like some bad dream...

Edited by mastermaniac
Clarification and adding further details
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Please...either make this a feature I can turn off...or roll back to the previous UI setup for controllers.  I have had more problems with this UI set up than ever before when using a controller.  This is in no way intuitive or helpful.  If this was such a grand idea, then why isn't the consoles plagued with an idiot setup like a fake mouse UI interface?  The very concept should have been trashed and burned, never to leave whatever board meeting that spawned it in the first place.  The instant that someone even mentioned that a player using a controller should be burdened with a mouse like interface, that person's supervisor should have instantly slapped that individual in the face.  Making it clear to everyone in the room how idiotic the very statement, let alone implementation, of such an idea truly is.  That person should then be relegated to taking notes and have their speaking privileges revoked, as well as their dog tags bent and ID cards stamped "No Desert or Break Room Privileges".  When not taking notes at meetings, they should be cleaning all the latrines and break rooms.  Once that is done, they should be sent out to mow the grass or if there is gravel, to rake the gravel so as to make it uniform.  Once that is done they need to report to the front desk to do CQ and answer phones.  Oh...and make sure they mop the parking lot.  Thank you.

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I agree with every word spoken there.

Sorry, I've got to put the game down for now because of this. I'll check in every once in a while to see if any progress has been made on a rollback. If not, that's a game-ender for me. Boy, that sounds dramatic, but hey - it's a dramatic change that just plain destroys my experience.

As a paying customer, I'm kind of disappointed that no effort was made to reach out to players and - y'know - get a sense of their opinions on such a sweeping change.

Edited by mastermaniac
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it has just occurred to me as I was doing an archwing mission that while we've been struggling to squeeze Roll Left/Right into our keybindings that they've been focusing on a virtual cursor all this time...

y thoooooooooo ? ? ? 

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On 2018-06-01 at 8:22 PM, mastermaniac said:

I agree with every word spoken there.

Sorry, I've got to put the game down for now because of this. I'll check in every once in a while to see if any progress has been made on a rollback. If not, that's a game-ender for me. Boy, that sounds dramatic, but hey - it's a dramatic change that just plain destroys my experience.

As a paying customer, I'm kind of disappointed that no effort was made to reach out to players and - y'know - get a sense of their opinions on such a sweeping change.

Stick with it mate, the complete lack of response besides the 'we are reviewing your messages' comment is DE's way of wearing you down until you become completely desensitised so you stop bugging them over changes that they really want to see. I am confident that the more people speak up about this terrible ordeal, the more they will come to realise the error of their ways and just insert an 'on/off' switch.

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4 hours ago, BiTheWay said:

Stick with it mate, the complete lack of response besides the 'we are reviewing your messages' comment is DE's way of wearing you down until you become completely desensitised so you stop bugging them over changes that they really want to see. I am confident that the more people speak up about this terrible ordeal, the more they will come to realise the error of their ways and just insert an 'on/off' switch.

Which is why I keep posting. 🐺

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The current UI's responsiveness is a total crapshoot whether it works or not. At times, I can use my controllers shoulder button in a menu. Then a second later my shoulder button won't work and I have to clumsily, slowly navigate this infernal "Virtual Cursor' over to the tiny shoulder button icon.

I then press "A" to select. Or is it "X"?  I don't know anymore....just hittin random buttons in menus seems to be just as consistent as anything else.

This occurs all throughout the menu system and during game play. I am having to REPEATEDLY back out of menus then go back into them in order to get a response to input. This happens constantly in CHAT as well.

Whether it is Virtual cursor or face/shouders buttons, can we just have some F#%*ing consistency?

Edited by Maelthric
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This is a console game with a controller that has labeled buttons. Give me my controller back. I do not play on a PC nor do I want to pretend I am playing on a PC with a virtual mouse. This is a terrible idea to force players into something that they may or may not want. Please put an option to switch it back and forth. 

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Trying out this "improved" UI on XB1, and I have to say it feels like it was designed by someone with no experience of playing with a controller, and no interest in researching it.  It's slower, clunkier and less intuitive than what we had before - and no, it isn't just a case of needing to retrain muscle memory.

D-pad functionality is limited, for example - trying to select a syandana, I can tap down on my dpad.... until I get to the third one down, then I apparently need to scroll down with the right stick before I can use the dpad  again. I can rotate the character model with the right stick, but only if the cursor is hovering near it, not when it's on the syandanas. Same with choosing colours.

Attempting to mod or recolour is clunky - previously tapping X got me to modding, Y got me to recolouring: one button press. This was simple and intuitive. Now it's a case of "tap right, and then tap one or two more times to get to the option you wanted, depending on where the cursor was located before tapping the dpad." The face buttons made much more sense, and adding extra button presses is stupid.

The mod station's "sort by" dropdown menu... ugh. Press Y to get into the menu, fine. Wait for the cursor to glide over. Want to tap the dpad to get to "duplicates"? The cursor misses "duplicates" and lands on a mod instead. Tap up again to get to duplicates. 

Having to drag mods into their slot feels slow and clumsy, and having to drag them back out and into the mod pile instead of just tapping "Y" to remove them is a very backward step.

Mouse emulation on a controller is a bad idea. It's always a bad idea. Navigating menus with a thumbstick is horrible. You have four face buttons and a dpad, make efficient use of them for god's sake. Seriously, we're using a controller, please stop trying to make it act like a mouse. 

I saw on Steve's Twitter that someone asked for an option to use the old controls, and his response was along the lines of "that won't happen, but we hope the new UI themes will make up for it". Sorry Steve, but a fancier looking UI is irrelevant if the means of navigating it is horrible..

Honestly, I don't know why you're so desperate to push this unfinished-feeling mess onto us now, when the new UI (which apparently NEEDS this shoddy control method in order to work) isn't even out, but please - revert this lousy UI change, or give us the option to use the old one, like you eventually did with Archwing controls. 

I really don't know what you were trying to do with this new controller setup, and it feels like you don't either.

Edited by (XB1)DS Monkfish
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Wait, what?! DE actually rolled out this garbage to console players? What the heck were they thinking? I hope this never passes Cert for PS4. I hope Sony tells them, 'This is a console, not a PC, where there never was intended keyboard/mouse access in the first place'. I am astounded that Microsoft allowed such a change to happen for such a popular game. I will be severely depressed if this makes it to the PlayStation version.

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2 minutes ago, BiTheWay said:


Wait, what?! DE actually rolled out this garbage to console players? What the heck were they thinking? I hope this never passes Cert for PS4. I hope Sony tells them, 'This is a console, not a PC, where there never was intended keyboard/mouse access in the first place'. I am astounded that Microsoft allowed such a change to happen for such a popular game. I will be severely depressed if this makes it to the PlayStation version.

It went live on ps4 this morning and it's really bad.

Clan chat is just full of people complaining about it and a bunch are just putting the game down till its fixed. A bunch of us are even gonna meet up on Destiny2 *shudder*

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4 minutes ago, BiTheWay said:


Wait, what?! DE actually rolled out this garbage to console players? What the heck were they thinking? I hope this never passes Cert for PS4. I hope Sony tells them, 'This is a console, not a PC, where there never was intended keyboard/mouse access in the first place'. I am astounded that Microsoft allowed such a change to happen for such a popular game. I will be severely depressed if this makes it to the PlayStation version.

It passed cert and is active now. And it is dreadful. Not going to be playing much until this gets changed, and if it's true that they aren't planning on implementing a way to choose the old system I'm just going to move on. This was unasked for, unnecessary, and is a total impediment to getting anything done on a console system.

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