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Fun zaw names


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I made a dagger for cl and inaros. the balla looks very Egyptian and I made it for him with his deluxe skin so I named it "Bone of Ozawris". its a pun, a mythology reference, and for those who know Egyptian myths its also a dirty joke. because when set killed Osiris and chopped him into bits, isis gathered the bits and put him back together. but she couldn't find one piece. his man bits. or more specifically, his "bone" 😄 so I go around throwing sand in peoples faces and then stabbing them with the reproductive organ of a god.

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The Penetrator looks really long and pointy.

Broken Peace was a test weapon. The idea was to name the final version Peace (Which The Penetrator would be, if it werent for people on my Discord...).

Claw is a dagger, short handle. Reminded me of a velociraptor claw.

Physics - balanced slashing, whacking and poking. Nice sword. Thought about trying PvP with it. Would be fun if death messages were like "PlayerName was slain using physics." Are they?

Edited by Uthael
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