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Rest In Peace John Bain, TotalBiscuit.


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1 minute ago, Etan-gK said:

was larunda 3, she stayed a while, she left not too long ago

Ah I see. Is there like an actual memorial set up? I feel like we should have some kind of "press F to pay respects" system or hall of honor in the Relays. I want to be able to like lay flowers or something lol. I'm sure this isn't the last tragedy the Tenno community will have to face, so I feel like adding in some kind of memorial system would be a good idea. 

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Just now, DeMonkey said:

In September DE run a charity thing for Leukemia awareness, which is a cancer.

There's also a megathread on this already.

I know about that charity
Didn't notice a megathread 😕 seen other threads similar to mine after I posted it and searched a bit, they will probably al get merged

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I come home from work to find this has happened..god dammit. Literally in tears right now.

Not sure how many people realize this, but he was one of the biggest reasons Warframe got popular. His "WTF Is Warframe Beta" (that someone linked on the first page of this thread) helped put Warframe on the map, and brought in a surplus of players that Warframe needed to survive.

But it wasn't just Warframe of course. He's influenced so much, and - while his dry personality wasn't for everyone - no one can deny he helped the gaming community as a whole with his content. For those of us following his illness, we knew the writing was on the wall, but we still held out hope he'd pull through like he has done before. But...at least he isn't in pain now. And he's left a legacy that will continue on.

Rest in peace, John. You may not be here anymore, but you'll most certainly live on.

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So as you know TotalBiscuit just passed away. I just thinking - you know we don't have an actual memorial system in the game. I mean, people go the relay, kneel in front of some statue or something...but it would be good if we just had some little "in memoriam" thingy in each relay. People could buy flowers from the market for credits or something and leave them there. Sadly, this won't be the last tragedy that the Tenno community will have to deal with and it would be good for community to have an official outlet for their thoughts and prayers. What do you guys think?

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1 minute ago, Prof.549 said:

It's a game, not a graveyard.

but games can have graveyards 

OT: i think that is something better left for your ship but that is up to DE if they choose too there find focus with content rn so better left for your ship imo

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No. While I respected TB, I *dont* want this to become a trend here. I dont need trinkets available in game that dont pertain to stuff within the game. Today is TB, tomorrow could be someone else and so on. No.

I would consider this if it was someone involved with Warframe in a more intrinsic manner. But TB? No disrespect to the man, but he barely did anything with Warframe.

Edited by VadiseReikaz
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Trinkets and such in games should be for those who did something...monumental for the game. Like with jacksepticeye and subnautica, the dev's attribute their sudden growth of popularity(And their own morale boost to keep making the game) on Jacksepticeye's youtube series of the game(as well as Markplier) but...I honestly don't recall TB doing anything...monumental for warframe...nothing to make him specifically stand out among the various other youtubers.

At most, I think a tasteful inbox message making note of his death would suffice. Something along the lines of "Tenno, on 5/24/2018 a fellow warrior fell, not due to the deadly grineer, corpus greed, or the infested, they fell in battle against cancer and departed..." something along those lines. No need for a big grand pedestal(Because honestly even the founder's in game monument is...pathetic, and the dev's have out right admitted without founders they would have gone bankrupt and failed.)

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only time id be okay with some sort of memorial is for the Dev team themselves, they have put years of their lives into this game, thus i believe it would be fine to have a memorial in game for them if the worst was to occur.


TB was just a critic, he wasnt involved in the creation of the game

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7 minutes ago, Hixlysss said:

Trinkets and such in games should be for those who did something...monumental for the game. Like with jacksepticeye and subnautica, the dev's attribute their sudden growth of popularity(And their own morale boost to keep making the game) on Jacksepticeye's youtube series of the game(as well as Markplier) but...I honestly don't recall TB doing anything...monumental for warframe...nothing to make him specifically stand out among the various other youtubers.

At most, I think a tasteful inbox message making note of his death would suffice. Something along the lines of "Tenno, on 5/24/2018 a fellow warrior fell, not due to the deadly grineer, corpus greed, or the infested, they fell in battle against cancer and departed..." something along those lines. No need for a big grand pedestal(Because honestly even the founder's in game monument is...pathetic, and the dev's have out right admitted without founders they would have gone bankrupt and failed.)

The devs have said themselves on several occasions, how incredibly influential TB's videos have been to this game.

That said I don't think a memorial is the way to go about this, but I would love to see his icon as a glyph or something. (With his family's permission of course)

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I thought he was important to the success of Warframe? It would be cool if his name was etched somewhere in the relay or something. I wouldn't make it a shrine though. 

And I don't see the problem with this kind of memorial extended to other YouTubers or even players. 

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15 minutes ago, Hixlysss said:

Trinkets and such in games should be for those who did something...monumental for the game.

14 minutes ago, Ocerkin said:

only time id be okay with some sort of memorial is for the Dev team themselves, they have put years of their lives into this game, thus i believe it would be fine to have a memorial in game for them if the worst was to occur.


TB was just a critic, he wasnt involved in the creation of the game

22 minutes ago, VadiseReikaz said:

No. While I respected TB, I *dont* want this to become a trend here. I dont need trinkets available in game that dont pertain to stuff within the game. Today is TB, tomorrow could be someone else and so on. No.

I would consider this if it was someone involved with Warframe in a more intrinsic manner. But TB? No disrespect to the man, but he barely did anything with Warframe.

so then Wow and EvE online, and several other games, were wrong making memorials to fans and other people that THEY judged were important for the game despite its users never really knowing about them?

Which in this case, as all devs from DE said, HE was important for them

Edited by -.SP.-G43riel
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2 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

It would be cool if his name was etched somewhere in the relay or something. I wouldn't make it a shrine though. 

For me, these seem pointless - I had never heard of him until I saw posts on the forum about it. It makes no difference to me at all (I am in no way against something well thought out). I do not think a massive shrine is a good idea - sure, for a week or two. But not a permanent fixture.


Of course, if the dev's feel they need to do something, then they should go for it. An etching/glyph/frame/weapon would possibly be a better way to go. 

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