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(XB1/PS4) Virtual Cursor Feedback Megathread


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The problem is that the UI can't be unified across three very different platforms. Most pc players use KB/M, PS4 has that cool touchpad and six-axis tilt, XB1 has a basic controller layout. All three have very different requirements as to how the coding needs to work for each system, that would be why we are seeing such broad malfunctions due to the hotfix. 

This new UI is just going to push development of the cool stuff further back, mostly because (to the best of my knowledge), DE does not actually Beta test for consoles. They just use a 360 controller WITH a KB/M on a computer and hope for the best on the consoles. 

Side note, what is the purpose of having DE employees in the Regional Chat if all they do is sit there like a bump on a log?

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On 2018-06-06 at 12:52 AM, SilentMobius said:

Steve is saying that the current (at that point) controller implementation on the PC is bad (and it was) he's not commenting on the controller-pointer that you have now.

judging by the massive thread on this forum it has not improved much, so why force it on the console version when we have a staggered release to prevent this?
especially when i dont get to try op saryn 😞

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After having tried the new interface for consoles for a couple of days, I can not show more than my displeasure. Tasks that were once as simple as changing warframe, making a build or building something in the foundry have become a headache. I'm not saying the idea is not good, but they should have left the previous interface and added the cursor options. Now it's all more cumbersome, you have to take more steps to do something, it seems optimized for a mouse and keyboard and it has not fallen that in console a pad is used

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The only improvement I can see is to remove it altogether. That's how bad it is.

The cursor in itself on console is completely counter intuitive. It will never 'become good'. It's like trying to make a meal with rotten food. No recipe is going to make it less repugnant.

Even if it wasn't buggy it would still be highly aggravating and its existence makes the game appear as a 'not quite there yet -  pc port' which it definitely is not.

Thanks for taking feedback - I have played for 3 years, and bought a prime accessories pack yesterday, blah blah blah - y'know - all that. It's the first time I have ever spoke up about any 'game issue' in any game - so that's a plus :)

Take care,


Edited by (PS4)Reubenatrix
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After trying the new menu rollout of last update i find it to be poor compared to what we . The button choices are no longer colour coded as with the ps4 pad and look erm very bland it is most off putting. It makes it feel like a beta game not a full game like warframe was/.  I think someone has lost there way???. Console and pc are 2 different things please bring back vibrant menu and colour coded button choices. 

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Assistance Needed (Probably irrelevant to this Thread)                                                                                                                                  [Xbox One]

          Hello, online I'm referred to as PainfulKill4Fun, and I wanted to greet, thank and let everyone know I appreciate any help received. I do aplogize for this Reply's lacking in relevance towards the initial Thread. I will take down this Reply and put it in the proper Thread however only if someone were to direct me to the corresponding page. So wiithout any further divulganve, here is my question.                                                                                                               

          Where do I ask for assistance in regards to Warframe not working properly? I can load into my Orbitor, use the new UI System, but that's about it. Whenever I select anything that leaves my Orbitor, the game just stops at the loading screen and has my ship in limbo with a 5% loading bar. There's a constant audio in the background, which I allowed to drone on in order to see if anything would work. There was no change in audio or loading progress for over 20 minutes. I've tried going Solo, Invite Only, Friends Only, Public, and when that didn't work I checked for any more updates, and just tried playing a few more times only to meet the same fate. Please note that I was able to play the game with no issues or malfuntions to this degree prior to the UI update. I was playing one day, got hit with the update the next, spent a day or so downloading it, and hapharzardly came to realize Warframe no longer worked.

          This took up most of the gaming time I can squeeze into my day so I'm pretty bummed. Sadly my finacial situaion could be better, and thus has left me with a plethora of dissapointing gaming content to choose  Finding a gem such as Warframe amongst the rubble and being able to participate in something of such breathtaking quality was very appealing and astonishing to me. I just want Warframe to work is all, I really like this community and I hope I can play again soon. Once again thank you all for reading, and I appreciate any help or feedback


Sincerely, PainfulKill4Fun

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6 hours ago, (XB1)Dat gamma man said:

The free cursor is honestly deterring me from playing warframe, everything else is nice I just feel the cursor is a complete downgrade from what we had.

For the sections of the game that would actually run for me, ie Liset, i have found inam able to navigate the menues with the D-pad. Not the best, but better than just the 'mouse/cursor.' Still freezes on me on mission end and entering Cetus.

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Got home from work last night, read about the hotfix and the action plan to "remedy/rectify" the issues. Notified my clan immediately (been keeping them constantly updated as no-one is taking this well).

Me and our second MR25 after myself came online to test, and do the sortie.

First impression, thank god the arsenal shortcuts are back. Not being able to rotate warframe freely, and trying to preview and select a colour in appearance is annoying to say the least.

Modding is still a frustrating mess, but at least you reverted the extremely, sorry to say, stupid drag and drop mechanic. My clanmate was losing his patience with what should be an easy simple mechanic for controller play but has been reduced to this. After travelling, then working an 8hr+ shift, we shouldn't be coming home and getting frustrated by the very thing we used to chill out on.

Then we get to missions. We like to see what other people are using when someone joins squad. More information you have the better equipped you are for battle no? So when you press pause to have a brief look at you of screen then realise actually no I need to stop, move my cursor over that person's name instead of just pressing up on the d-pad....oh look getting shot at. Even with a sped up cursor, which let's be honest should have been set up at a higher speed at its introduction, not that it should have been introduced at all, it's another simple thing that has become slower and a time waster. And for what? For a new UI you haven't released yet? That is going to make updates come quicker yet alienate the console player base in the process?

Not trying to have a go or a rant, but it just seems like a really really bad decision, and business move. Your model requires people to play and enjoy the game. If people dislike it, which just looking at this megathread alone proves they do, you're income is going to plummet. I myself haven't bought platinum like I was going to for the new tennogen.

Automatic previews when over an item. Who thought it was a good idea to take that away? The way it affects relics and relic missions, especially right before you have the tennocon relay is bad. You don't want to instill anger but want constructive criticism, yet have made the game frustrating to play, which is naturally only going to produce anger, especially when these people have invested time and money. And it's not like the community can turn around and go "oh let's hold of on relic missions while they fix it"- people need the parts for ducats ready for the relay, it's a necessary grind on the clock.

Which brings me to my next point- you can't trade in items for ducats unless it's all or nothing. This must be sorted asap as it's only going to make people angry if not before tennocon, because it will be a case of here's a nice relay with everything we want but unfortunately we haven't been able to farm prime parts effectively and we can't trade in for ducats to get what we want. And people have paid for access to that. Relic selection and quantity selection for ducats needs dealing with asap before it causes more unwanted aggravation.

Moving away from the UI, what is with the overbearing loading screen drums? It's seems very unnecessary and loud.

Also heartbreaking to our clan, myself especially on top of the UI changes is our dojo. About two months ago we rebuilt from the ground up, literally a full reset. I was in charge of layout and came up with the colour scheme, and spent ages decorating everything back to the way it was or better. We all chipped in to improve it. When the update arrives we go to look at our dojo to see in horror the lighting and lack of shadows on the decorations has just made it look like a sloppy cartoon joke. I've suggested as a clan we scramble to unlock the new colours so I can try and remedy the lighting and restore some order to what was our passionate group project, but that's pretty hard when no-one wants to play due to the messed up clunky aggravating interface.

Sorry for the long post but these things needed to be addressed not only from me but on behalf of my clan, and more importantly my friends. The negativity that is felt amongst us over this recent update is like a gloomy cloud and we can't wait for the sun to finally come back out.

I do hope you will continue to fix the mistake you have made and take this feedback and other community feedback into deep consideration. My clan are asking for reassurance from you as a developer and I can only encourage you to keep up and increase communication with a worried, disheartened, and understandably frustrated fanbase.



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I appreciate the hotfixes, they helped make things better.  But there are still enough problems that I find myself getting frustration instead of pleasure from the game now.  I have every faith that DE smooth over the current rough patches, but until then I think I'm going to take a "login bonus only" break, because if I continue to play right now I only foresee myself getting grumpy on a daily basis, and that doesn't do anyone any good.

Thanks for your continued efforts to make this better, DE.  Don't worry, I'll be back. ❤️

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Selecting "invite" can actually close the chat window

To reproduce :

  • Open a chat window, place the cursor on the dialog box where it says "close"
  • Press down twice with the D-pad so that "invite" is highlighted in yellow (the cursor will NOT follow the D-pad like it does in other menus)
  • Press x to confirm

Result : The UI does not take into account the selection that was made using the D-pad and just closes the window because thats where the cursor was. Please let me know if you can reproduce this on PC using the arrow keys.

Video of this bug:


Edited by (PS4)RedKain243
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Apologies if any of these have already been pointed out (but better safe than sorry):


a) Back in Orbitor at End of Mission: Cannot quickly "Leave Squad" using the cursor. Need d-pad use for this.

b) Reward Selection for Fissure Missions: Cannot quickly select reward using the cursor. Need d-pad use for this(!).

c) Arsenal Previews:  Can no longer see what a helmet will look like on the Warframe (just shows the helmet itself).

d) Arsenal Previews: Can no longer immediately see the next item selected (am forced to click on each one, rather than it automatically showing itself when its selection box is highlighted).

e) Arsenal Warframe/Weapon selection: Am forced to click on each one, rather than automatically seeing a frame/weapon when its selection box is highlighted.


I think that's it at the moment.


In general, EVERYTHING in menus and selection screens takes longer and is made harder to achieve by this update.

I find it difficult to believe that anyone on DE staff who actually uses a Controller to play WF regularly would think that these changes are an improvement.


I admit, when I first heard about the proposed changes, they did sound good/useful. But in practice/actuality... not so much.

I am extremely disappointed.


Edited by (PS4)xarienne
Corrected Typo.
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Xbox version. After yesterday hotfix it is not possible to unequip weapon, I mean I can't equip empty slot and play the mission with only one gun. New cursor system is terrible on consoles, I want back previous system. Also there are problems with colors, especially in dojo, game looks there like colored vomit. Seriously, I don't want play the game with my eyes bleeding 😡

Edited by (XB1)NailedHand
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Yesterday after the fix, I try to play because I need to farm trash for Baro's Tennocon relay.

It feels like a chore. I would gladly stop playing Warframe until all this is fixed, but there's the fact that I lack some Baro's exclusive mods, so Im forced to keep playing.

Usually, after a long day of work -Im a welder- playing Warframe with a cold beer at my side is one of the best moments of the day.

Yesterday I was farming, yes. But I was angry because every thing I been doing so easily since I meet this game now is annoying.

I don't know how you even accept a Invitation from another player. I saw the invitation popup but I can select the invitation window because R3 no longer works, the cursor does nothing and I try and try and nothing happens.

Im pretty upset right now. I don't know anything about games development, but I do know about common sense: you don't release a unfinished, unfunctional job.

If they want to change the whole interfase, they should wait to have something better than the old UI. You can do all the beta testing internally and the release it.

You don't  beta test a work like this, being  inferior to the old UI, directly with your user base.

If I do something like this in my work, I get fired. Im glad that DE makes games and is not a Pharmaceutical company.

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il y a 39 minutes, (XB1)NailedHand a dit :

Xbox version. After yesterday hotfix it is not possible to unequip weapon, I mean I can't equip empty slot and play the mission with only one gun. New cursor system is terrible on consoles, I want back previous system. Also there is problems with colours, especially in dojo, game looks there like coloured vomit. Seriously, I don't want play the game with my eyes bleeding 😡

And on PS4, impossible to unequip syandana (empty slot)

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Having problems since update and hotfix where I have to exit current screen to add mods to my build,after adding a mod,also randomly I after a mission can't just walk to other parts of ship,I have to go to options then select armory,then after that I can freely move.Trying to select a pattern for my kubrow won't hold selection I pick


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DE PLEASE revert to the old system so I can buy the Tennocon pass before some jackass in California steals the money from my account again. I don't want to spend if the game remains in this state, not that I'd be able to navigate the market.

At least revert until you can bring us a finished UI. You haven't even shown it in motion yet so we have very little hope it'll be any better than the nonfunctional blunder you've shown us so far.

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