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When is the Sacrifice Update coming to consoles?

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Hey guys, I've heard that the Sacrifice update came out for pc yesterday on a Thursday and I can't stop thinking about it and im hyped but i play warframe on console and because of this, like every other console player, i have to wait for the update. I'm just wondering what you guys think when the update will come for console players. 😄

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On 2018-06-15 at 4:35 PM, (PS4)Zero_029 said:

Early August is my prediction. I expect it to have a long Cert process due to how much of the Client it changes.

God lets hope thats not the case...  

The specters of the rail update occurred on the 8th of July on pc and took 19 days to go through the cert process, and just to mention the biggest parts of that update: it changed the void, introduced relics, introduced the junctions, and completely changed the star-map, given that updates cert process the sacrifice should be on console somewhere around the 3rd of July. maybe a little bit later given its scale difference.

Thats my prediction.

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Late July, early August seems likely.

DE has lied before about updates and the like, Umbra anything has been in "soon" stasus for how many years?  With promises of "it'll be this year" for how many years?  And with zero output from DE on what timeline were looking at (thanks for the transparency DE), speculation is really all we got.

I'm sure it won't be until after Tennocon which if you're going, is just going to be a BLAAAAAAST if you've yet to play it, especially considering all the panels from last year went over everything from one or two updates past, to hints of what was in the works.  So I fully expect to unintentionally, unwillingly know everything about the Sacrifice before I even have a chance to touch it, down to the themes chord progressions, I am sure.  Besides that, Tennocon as a thing, from what I heard last year, it took that entire week of everybody's time leading up to it.

And even with the baffling UI update, if it allows them to get updates out "hopefully" get updates out even sooner, consoles are currently a five weeks behind in terms of the delay, cut that in half, we're still looking at 2.5, maybe 3 weeks if Microsoft and Sony play their usual games with certification, and DE does what they usually do, and submits it end of week where nobody can really look at it because everything is relegated to immediate hotfixes.

In other words, don't hold your breath.

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1 hour ago, (XB1)Madness103 said:

God lets hope thats not the case...  

The specters of the rail update occurred on the 8th of July on pc and took 19 days to go through the cert process, and just to mention the biggest parts of that update: it changed the void, introduced relics, introduced the junctions, and completely changed the star-map, given that updates cert process the sacrifice should be on console somewhere around the 3rd of July. maybe a little bit later given its scale difference.

Thats my prediction.

Specters changes the Clientside of Warframe dramatically, hence that long cert process. 

The other thing is to consider here is that DE tends to send in the refined content to cert.

Right now DE has been fixing bugs in the quest, New UI, as well as fixing the New UI as PC players give feedback.

If Sacrifice launches before Tennocon they would be releasing a barely hotfixed version. Usually Console gets content that's been heavily hotfixed. 

Considering how long Cert would take...and Tennocon date...

They'd need to submit it this week-ish & in a condition Sony & MS approve. Which from the PC feedback I've read on the patch & hotfixes...has a high chance of not being approved.

The New UI is the main culprit. Some surprise issues have sprung up.

Given the extremely venomous & hostile backlash DE received from just a minor portion of the new IU hitting consoles. I expect DE to wait & really/severely refine it before it hits.

The whole "June" pledge DE made was obviously for PC.

I feel like this update would hit cert in late july/early august. Actually pass cert about mid/late august.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Stealth_Cobra said:

It's a pretty small update in the big scope of things (2.2 Gb, about an hour of new content or so)... So I doubt it'll take a month to be ported and certified for Console deployment.

Hmmm that actually does make me wonder, It did seem a bit chunky for what it was. I mean the whole of PoE was ~3.7GB at launch if memory serves. I wonder if it had a bunch of pre-load packed into it. Which could very well mean Venus is even closer than everyone thinks. 

Or it could mean that the update just needs to cut back on the cookies. 

Edited by Oreades
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So if console release is really that far. later than tennocon, i guess we better not watch tennocon cause of spoilers, love you DE but if thats really the case it would be a mess for us. I saw that twitch drops for console arent that far, maybe thats an indication of when we will get the sacrifice, isnt it ironic that we get sacrifice twitch drops like a monthe before gettin the actual update?Oh boy, "its just a videogame, its just a videogame"i keep repeating that in my head but it aint workin lol.

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3 hours ago, (PS4)PatatoBomber9492 said:

I’ve been wanting to know when Umbra will be out on consoles because I really really want to use him and play the awesome quest with it

I also want to tell my clan because they are wanting to know as well

Steve did say on periscope that we are getting news about this matter sometime this coming week.

So roughly around the week after or early july i think.

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