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More daily focus, more daily Standing, extra loadout slots, free mod energy when ranking new gear...

If you don't see a reason to go past a certain point, especially when one of the main points of this game is to collect everything, then I recommend reevaluating your priorities.

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8 minutes ago, Corvid said:

More daily focus, more daily Standing, extra loadout slots, free mod energy when ranking new gear...

If you don't see a reason to go past a certain point, especially when one of the main points of this game is to collect everything, then I recommend reevaluating your priorities.

Again, at MR 16, nothing is off limits at this current time. And I know quite a few who are quite comfortable slowly collecting over getting everything in a haste. Not everyone is about instant gratification. Now, once more, this isn't a thread about my progression. It's about what you guys think the game will be like if and when content will require MR 25 or higher

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The MR gates at low levels make sense, it stops you rushing through and getting too strong for most content too fast, directs you to using simpler frames first and shows players what this is about so they don't think there is nothing to do when their starter frame is level 30 and they have done the star chart.

However by MR 16 you already have tried a decent amount of different things and know how the game works.  Why make an MR any higher than 16 a requirement? if someone doesn't have the time or inclination to build and level a lot of items they don't use just for MR and is happy with a having a few solid "end game" ready builds that they use most of the time that is their choice. They should not need to level a bunch of other stuff to use new things that they do want or get into content that they would be fine in. You already get bonuses for higher MR (trades, higher standing caps, loadout slots, higher starting mod capacity ect), no need to gate content with it aswell.

Edited by SeriouslySinister
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The endgame is whatever and whenever DE wants it to be..

It's their game. The choice to go further in MR is up to the player. I will try to go as far as I can, as long as my skills (and my eye that is 20/70 or so) will take (very visually impaired.) 

However I'm at MR 16 now, and probably will try for 17 as some rivens do reach that far. I'll see what happens affer

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MR16 (by chance or design) is an MR than can be reached easily. And by easily I mean:

  • Doesn't require getting any dojo weapons, Frames, Archwings etc - so no clan required
  • Doesn't require every prime warframe/weapons - in fact very few.
  • doesn't require syndicate weapons.

Its achievable by simply doing the quests, farming the star chart bosses, and getting the market place weapons you can purchase for credits.

Once you get beyond 18, you will have had to have increased the prime frames/weapons, done some invasions, etc.

Once you get to MR 21 you will have to do dojo weapons and sink all that time into getting forma, mutagen/fieldron/detonite etc...

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2 hours ago, Alcatraz said:


ESO does seem like a step towards giving us more experienced players something to do, except it's endlessly doing the same things repetitively and I fall asleep easily doing it. Which is why Raids should have stayed because I at least enjoyed doing that even if there were a lot of people who were bad at it and made you regret doing it some days.



I have a feeling Sentient Outposts are going to fill the void left from Trials. I think more proper raids will come back to the game where their will be meaningful rewards, which meant the raids that we already had needed to go. 

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I feel like locking content behind MR is a bad idea. MR means nothing aside from his many things you've ranked (and most likely trashed.) I think locking content behind milestones like Standing, Quests and maybe even Codex scans is a better idea. 

Eg; I'm MR18 and have about 1000 hours in mission, and I have zero desire to go further because I have found and built frames and weapons that I love to use. MR will come naturally as I get bored and look for new things to entertain me. 

As for endgame content, I'd like to see more sortie level missions that reward addition rolls on the rewards table. I'd like to see star chart options to start missions with higher level enemies (100+). I'd like to see more in depth boss mechanics, not just invulnerability phases. I'd like to see content designed exclusively for Operators that give us a reason to utilise more focus schools, not just Zenurik. I'd like to see riven mods for warframes.

There is so much potential for high level endgame content that doesn't require and hour plus in a survival to get there. Currently it feels like we are giants stepping on anthills when it comes to how powerful we are. I would play way more if the content wasn't such a breeze.

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4 hours ago, Teslan.Bladesong said:

I still stand by the idea that real endgame would make MR 25 or higher a requirement. Right now there's nothing saying we have to go past MR16

But why?

I mean the difference between and MR16 and a MR25 player is zero when it comes to what they can contribute. It isnt like levels, it serves no purpose at all. All it would do is force people to grind weapons and other things they simply dont want, it would solve absolutley nothing. This is also a very different system from regular leveling system, we simply cant spend time on the thing we like to progress, we need to dredge S#&$ to get anywhere. I'm currently at 19, soon 20 and I cannot stand having to level up crap weapons I have no interest in or regular versions of frames I already have as primes. None of it would make me a better or more suited player for end-game because leveling is the most mindnumbing and trivial S#&$ you can do.

"Derp derp Hydron naptime" "Oh look I maxed my weapon *yawn*"

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5 hours ago, Teslan.Bladesong said:

I still stand by the idea that real endgame would make MR 25 or higher a requirement. Right now there's nothing saying we have to go past MR16

Why MR is a capricious standard that doesn't really mean anything. 

MR requirements essentially amount to "You must be this tall have leveled this many trash weapons to ride".

It also doesn't exactly help DE to lock a whole bunch of interesting/new content behind a gigantic grind wall because it seriously hobbles the ROI if a good portion of your playerbase can't expect to get to that content in a reasonable amount of time. I mean why do you think they started the open world content on Earth instead of Pluto or Sedna. I don't even think the Umbra quest requires you to be much more than MR5. Tho I could be wrong I'm at least pretty sure TWW is requires MR5.

There isn't any benefit to trying to ascribe a meaning to a meaningless system just to make some people feel special. 

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5 hours ago, JDragonkin said:

They talked in a DevStream a while back that they do at least want to expand outside of the Origin System. Maybe it won't be Tau, but due to the lore that we know of so far, I can say it is the safest option.

They have only talked about a new system for like 4 years since sentients were added to the story. Talk and ideas are cheap. They made a mock-up of team player ship combat along the lines of guns of icarus. The kingpin system like middle-earth Nemesis system. Some things are forever pushed to the back burner.


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Just now, Firetempest said:

They have only talked about a new system for like 4 years since sentients were added to the story. Talk and ideas are cheap. They made a mock-up of team player ship combat along the lines of guns of icarus. The kingpin system like middle-earth Nemesis system. Some things are forever pushed to the back burner.


Well, the ending of Sacrifice hints towards increased involvement of the Sentients, so if not the Tau System, we could see those Sentient Outposts they showed off, last Tennocon was it? (I didn't tune in then, I've only come back after a break when PoE dropped.) I can concede that plenty of companies talk and promise and all that, but the progression of the story in this game gives me, at least personally, hope that something outside of our current star chart is coming.

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5 hours ago, BiancaRoughfin said:

Upcoming content [DE] has already announced and are to come: Pets 2.0 , Damage 3.0 , Venus Open World , Sentient Outpost and Eidolon Frame. I feel im missing something.

I think certain groups on the forums would like to see Chatbot 2.0.

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I don't consider end game and mastery rank as connected entities. Rather I consider end game as something to do when you've leveled up powerful gear and are ready to tear stuff up. We got ESO and the Eidolon battles right now, but as many say these are boring or tedious. I can't think of any game that has come up with this "end game content" with maybe the exception of Destiny with its raids. I think for Warframe, end game is when you get to the point that no matter what new mission/quest comes along, you know you already have the gear to handle it and you can carry others that don't have the gear. That's the best I can come up with at the moment. 

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8 hours ago, Teslan.Bladesong said:

That said, I turn over the floor to you lot to hear your thoughts

the problem with endgame is that in 90% of online games, that means either PVP or Clan/Guild Wars or Raids
PVP in warframe no one cares for, conclave is basically dead
RAIDS were removed to be reworked
and we are missing, for a long time now, the Dark Sector Rail Wars. Which most player base nowadays never saw.

So its hard to talk Endgame in warframe.
Maybe in the future when they have things better set, but for now engame is a mix of  Forums / Fashion Frame / Fishing

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If MR 25 gear was required for end-game, wouldn't that be really limiting on builds and such?  What if I prefer using one of the lower MR weapons because I find it more fun?  Such a high MR requirement would also be pretty annoying considering how grindy and boring getting MR is after a certain point.  Maybe if there was more to getting MR besides "How many times can I do the same thing over and over again with weapons I don't care about before I die of boredom?" I could sort of understand locking something behind 25, but as it is now I really don't want to be forced to go past 16.

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I personally want MR 25+ gear, its something to work toward to, it should be top tier gear as well.  I mean for the simple reason that there are other systems that make you wait for no apparent reason...  like you guys gonna tell me that I have to wait what 2.5 years to get a log in reward weapon, thats with logging in every day, but having MR 25+ stuff is unacceptable?  Come on now...  at the very least there should be some ultra dope cosmetics, special arcanes or mods or something past MR 25.  Just because there is no reason to level past MR 16 right now doesn't mean there shouldn't be in the future.

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I bet DE will add more exclusives and unlocks for mastery rank. DE doesn't care about locking a few items away that the majority of the player base will never see.The Zenith, and the Sigma and Octantis are Primed Chamber examples. Time and grind, grind for more time. More time means more chances for you to throw money at the screen. I wouldn't be suprised if they have a road map for when a certain percentage of players hit a certain mastery rank they raise the mastery rank lock on something new. And with MR30 comes along I bet they'll have something epic for you. And all those who said mastery rank doesn't matter and not worth the grind will be playing catch up for that hit when they get it.

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16 hours ago, Teslan.Bladesong said:

Okay, so we all want real end game content in Warframe, and there is a lot of salt being thrown about, especially by the older players. One thing we need to remember is that they planned for us to go as high as MR 30.  Right now, we have no reason to go past MR 16. We're only HALF WAY to endgame. There is nothing we can equip that demands us to go further. End Game will probably hit around MR25 or higher becoming a requirement.

But right now here are the highest requirements so far...

  • For warframes the highest requirement is MR 8 unlocking Banshee Prime, Mirage Prime, and Oberon Prime.
  • For Primary Weapons: MR14 unlocking Ferrox, Opticor, Supra Vandal, Timeron Prime, and Vectis Prime
  • For Secondary: MR 15 unlocks Aklex Prime
  • For Melee: MR 13 for Galatine Prime
  • Sentinels: MR 8 for Helios Prime
  • MR 16 unlocks all Rivens
  • Even our newest frame Excalibur Umbra is only locked behind MR5

That said, I turn over the floor to you lot to hear your thoughts

Writing from a personal perspective, chasing Mastery Rank is just not a thing for me. I appreciate that the intent behind it is to encourage players to try new 'frames and weapons. But with many weapons being classed as "MR Fodder" by at least one prominent YouTuber, and limited time to spend in-game, it's better for me to focus on ranking the smaller pool of highly-rated weapons and using those productively instead of ranking items I will not even use afterwards. Is my view unusual? Or do others share this view?

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