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What do you expect to see in the Melee rework?


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I'm hoping we at least get machetes added to the dual wielding system. I know they all one-handed melee weapons with all one-handed sidearms, but I don't think they'll have that out the door.

Here's a link to the thread with everything they're planning: 


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20 hours ago, (PS4)recote_marlon said:

Meta mods start to even rival weapons like the Tigris Prime in pure strength and Slash. You can add Condition Overload, Primed Reach, Primed Pressure Point, Maiming Strike, Jagged Edge, Blood Rush and Body Count, and then a Berserker and watch how you can take out a room with little effort, unlike taking out a room with a necessity of a gun. It’s just too OP.

It's only super-OP with stupid weapons like Atterax or spin-to-win gameplay.  Melee meta is really strong, yes, but the caveat is that you usually need to be within melee range of enemies.  If you are in the middle of a Level 100+ enemy group, they are all focused on you sinking all their fire into you.  Combine that with Eximus units spamming aoe fire, knockdowns, and missile explosions.  You better have some survivability. 

Meanwhile, the teammate doing less damage with his rifle is barely getting shot at as they are 40m away shooting into the group.  

I regularly see groups of players all getting downed at the same time because they try to melee without having the ability to take many hits.  I think melee strength is just fine given the risk.  Only a few weapons and/or mods (ie: Maim Strike) need to be tweaked due to their clear superiority or abuse/overuse.  

If they make melee weaker and I'm standing in the middle of an entire pack trying to down one eximus unit with 20 slashes while his buddies unload into me non-stop, RIP melee.  It would not be fun at all.  

Edited by AlMcFly
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To address some things in the OP:  Life strike doesn't need a nerf, its fine as is. Plus, it sounds like it'll be changed to something else entirely since channeling is (apparently) being reduced to blocking only. We already have a decay on combo counter, its called Naramon.

As for things I'd want to see: I'm really hoping they nail the dual wielding system. I dislike how simplistic the current glaive+secondary moveset is. Range should be harder to increase. Maiming strike needs a nerf. Single-hit charge attacks need to be buffed dramatically since all the power of melee (in its current form) comes from multi-hits. Would be awesome to see more context-sensitive attacks (mid-air combos, launchers, combos initiated from slam/wall-hop, etc). 


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IDK if someone already mentioned it, but Channeling is staying, but will be different. I think it was Steve that said that on one of the Dev streams.

Melee will have light and heavy hits, with two different buttons instead of one, and I'm guessing charge attacks will be heavy hits. I'm guessing it will be similar to Dynasty Warriors two button combo combat.


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On 2018-07-10 at 8:47 AM, tinyranitar said:

Bullet Deflection with Melee Strikes. I don't know why Warframe is called Ninja play free when we don't have the Ultimate Ninja fantasy that is cutting bullets in half mid flight. Probably not as a serious mean of defense, but more like sometimes when you randomly swing your weapon and ka-ching, you deflect a bullet or cut it in half. Apparently twirling your weapon wildly as the blocking system now does do that, but you're telling me melee strikes with the force of more than just your wrist doesn't?

Most weapons use hit-scan system, so I don't think, that it would work.


On 2018-07-10 at 8:47 AM, tinyranitar said:

Channeling change: Instead of Channeling System, we should have something else called Blade Mode

Ah, I see you're a ,man of culture as well...

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2 hours ago, AlMcFly said:

It's only super-OP with stupid weapons like Atterax or spin-to-win gameplay.  Melee meta is really strong, yes, but the caveat is that you usually need to be within melee range of enemies.  If you are in the middle of a Level 100+ enemy group, they are all focused on you sinking all their fire into you.  Combine that with Eximus units spamming aoe fire, knockdowns, and missile explosions.  You better have some survivability. 

Meanwhile, the teammate doing less damage with his rifle is barely getting shot at as they are 40m away shooting into the group.  

I regularly see groups of players all getting downed at the same time because they try to melee without having the ability to take many hits.  I think melee strength is just fine given the risk.  Only a few weapons and/or mods (ie: Maim Strike) need to be tweaked due to their clear superiority or abuse/overuse.  

If they make melee weaker and I'm standing in the middle of an entire pack trying to down one eximus unit with 20 slashes while his buddies unload into me non-stop, RIP melee.  It would not be fun at all.  

I agree with you, partially because of the reason that I said that Melee should have the damage stamped on from all the versatility. But most melee weapons are so demonic late-game, and I believe that you don’t need all these mods to have fun, I’d prefer to have fun by not using every single compulsory mod all the time, it’s compulsive.

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2 hours ago, (XB1)DeadFall526 said:

Honestly ? Target locking! This would be great for enemies who stand below the belt. Sometimes the align melee to camera doesn't quite work right. Oh and a rework of the channeling and parry system with a pinch of block rework. 

Ehh, I'll take my chances with the current system. I'm not a fan of how the target lock works for archwing melee.

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51 minutes ago, (PS4)recote_marlon said:

I agree with you, partially because of the reason that I said that Melee should have the damage stamped on from all the versatility. But most melee weapons are so demonic late-game, and I believe that you don’t need all these mods to have fun, I’d prefer to have fun by not using every single compulsory mod all the time, it’s compulsive.

Yeah.  I actually like Nikanas and Polearms by choice, so my builds usually are pretty close to those types of meta anyway.  One thing I'll say though is that so much of the meta in those weapons recommend Life Strike for health return.  I had Life Strike in my build for a good month and I DETESTED channeling.  Half the time it wasn't working properly during Chromatic Blade and the other half of the time I couldn't even tell if it had activated.  I also got super annoyed at monitoring my health, waiting for the proper time to activate Channeling, finally activating, only to watch Life Strike not giving me any health back as I slowly die.  I finally said "screw you meta @ssholes", and I swapped it out for Healing Return.  Best decision I ever made.   

On a similar note:  I think whips and weapons like Atterax look goofy as hell and cringe every time I see them used.  I would also get so incredibly bored if I played a CL Dagger build, despite how godly they are.  Meta is great to reference and study, but I will never be a meta-slave playing builds/weapons that I simply do not enjoy for the sake of internet-OP deeps-bragging rights.  

Edited by AlMcFly
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What do I expect to see??

In a perfect world alot of crying and heart ache.  Channeling was a whole other way of modding melee and its being GUTTED.  They could have reworked it into something competitive with crit/combo(or whatever the hell that will become,  dumb sqaure square triangle combat oh boy).  

If the loss of channeling isnt enough to break your heart into a million pieces by the game being dumbed down then the death of crit/combo should... They talked about building your combo but then depleting it by using your strong attacks.  So where before our Damage would go up and up and up the longer we kept our combo going its going to be completely different.  It will go up a little and then bottom out,  up a little and then bottom out...welcome to the rollercoaster ride!   Meanwhile the swarm of enemies isnt taking breaks.  And lets break this down even further................while your damage is bottomed out and your not kiling anything....they are beating and shooting you to death.   We will be taking a massive increase in damage.   In this game your learn very early on that the best defense is a killer offense.  What happens when you cant.   I dont know how they can do things the way they have planned without radically changing the game in terms of spawn rates, spawn sizes, damage..........


Those two things above are grave issues for me so I expect to be very disappointed.  But in terms of easier combos or slam attacks or wall attacks or leaping attacks.   I am all for trying to make those things easier to accomplish and or more rewarding.   


It took forever but I found a video of someone SLIGHTY skilled in the combat of Too Human(360).   I think this could work pretty cool for Warframe.   The thing that made me think of Too Human in the first place is how some of the cutscenes in Warframe show Warframes sliding to targets to take them out.   Too Human's entire melee system was about sliding between targets.  You had no control over the camera.  I guess the right stick was used to just point at the enemy you wanted to attack and your guy would rush over there and start beating in them. But if you slid around between hits you would build a damage bonus/multiplier.  And then at the same time you were also building a hit counter and if you built that up and then used one of your special abilities it would make it much much stronger/bigger.

In Warframe we could hold down Circle and then our stick could stop controlling our camera and let us slide attack enemies.

I still love that game to death.  Just a shame it never got sequels.  Its way more fun than Diablo or the like.   Killer music to although not the stuff you hear in that video.  

But if DE likes slide attacks....theres the one and only king of it.  

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22 hours ago, (PS4)Eluminary said:

I like melee the way it is... I kinda hope to see this go away... I don't even use maiming strike if  the Spin to Win meta is what they want to get rid of and that's the reason for this rework I'd rather then just delete that mod.  Give everyone that has it a legendary core as compensation and be done with it

Personally I don't use it myself because I'm too lazy to be bothered with spinning. 

The problem is that a lot of people paid a lot of plat to get those mods. It becomes a very touchy subject very quickly.


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33 minutes ago, Oreades said:

Personally I don't use it myself because I'm too lazy to be bothered with spinning. 

The problem is that a lot of people paid a lot of plat to get those mods. It becomes a very touchy subject very quickly.


 Hence the compensation of giving everyone a legendary core the main purpose of this rework is to make the mod worthless anyway so it's going away either way.  At least giving out a legendary core you get something of value for its destruction.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Eluminary said:

 Hence the compensation of giving everyone a legendary core the main purpose of this rework is to make the mod worthless anyway so it's going away either way.  At least giving out a legendary core you get something of value for its destruction.

The thing is value is subjective, for some people the legendary core is highly sought after for others it's practically a meme. 


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Heavy attacks should do something special, not just big damage numbers:

Heavy blade/weapons should slam the ground and create a damaging shockwave.

Longswords do something like exalted blade from excal and send out a wave?

Polearms: Idk, I barely use them and don't know what woiuld be awesome to see on it, maybe instead of a "charged attack" it goes into a whirling mode with extended range.

Scythes have lifesteal on it?

Gunblades already have a nice gimmick to their charged attacks.

Pretty much what i can think of right NOW. But it is just a suggestion for possibilities that they can do with it.

Charged attacks shouldn't be generic more damage slow charge attacks, this game is not made for it, it should be something truly usefull. (I actually kinda like the Ground slamming and shockwave trhing that a heavy weapon would have)

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remove slide attacks being the strongest attack, I'm tired of seeing beyblades spinning around the bloody map, people wanted coptering removed because ''it looks stupid and isn't realistic'' well here we have coptering again just minus the ridiculous bonus movement

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They should just adjust the maiming strike/riven mods with that stat instead of reinventing the wheel: I feel the current system is smooth and very enjoyable, other than the spin to win part ofc. Anways, the few clips I have seen of the melee rework looks dull but w/e, we shall see what happens I guess.

Edited by iuki.
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