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Proxy Rebellion Feedback


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I completed the Defense mission on the second try, Interception and Survival on the first. I haven't bothered to do the second Defense. I'm stating this up-front so it's clear that this isn't a salt-thread.


Defense 1: I found this mission to just be tedious. Enemies didn't spawn en masse, they trickled in. The biggest threats were, of course, the Hyena pack members and Energy Leech Eximi. Used Frost for Try #2, and finished it easily...though it took far longer than I feel it should have.

Interception: There weren't enough enemies to keep me from achieving domination for almost the entirety of all three rounds, even when I stopped to fight a Hyena. I used Nidus, with a Sobek that has both Shattering Justice and Acid Shells.

Survival: The only reason I almost failed this mission is because there weren't enough enemies spawning to keep the Life Support up. At times, I used all available towers, and then literally just sat and closed my eyes until I heard things happening again, because there were absolutely no enemies or life support containers, so nothing to do. I used the same build as the Interception.


I am not going to do the second Defense, because I didn't enjoy the first or feel challenged in any of these missions.

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42 minutes ago, RandomXZ said:

Went solo in all three...Can't complete survival because spawn rates are too low.

I soloed all 4, the survival was incredibly close, I must've got lucky, got down to 3% at one point but scraped by, not sure if this kind of survival was intentional but I'm not all that keen being honest, prefer to be overwhelmed by massive hoards to eking out on a few dribs n drabs. ☺️

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Not only bad spawns, but also having to do it for 20+20 waves defense + 3 interception waves + 20min survival was boring as hell. And the first 3 missions i got teamed with only MR12 or lower that basically just died and activated life supports while at full.

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Defense: Way, way too long. 20 waves of the same without anything in between is simply boring.

Interception: Meh, I'm used to old sorties, not too bad, if a bit bland. 

Survival: Way too few spawns to go around. Need more things to kill there. 

New players will definitely appreciate the rewards, tho, so at least that's good. 

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Defense - tedious in all honesty, wasn't hard (I basically carried team) just felt like it was taking too long to do as there wasn't much to do.

Interception - slowva, hardly saw an enemy the entire mission

Survival - never going to be an issue at that level, had plenty of air, but it felt boring because there wasn't much to do again (lacking enemies)

Defense 2 - went faster than the first one but wasn't exactly 'fun'

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First defense was a joke for me. Nuked the map with Saryn, Helios scanned the Hyena things, great.

Interception, I think I saw 4 enemies per round. Captured all points and stood there because there wasn't a challenge for other points. 3 rounds seemed like a bit overkill, however this was my first tactical alert and I don't know how the other ones went in the past.

Survival, I failed the first couple timed. Not because I died. There wasn't enough enemies to drop the support things and the capsule itself was slow. Many times I was under 10% when one finally dropped. 281 I believe was the number of enemies I killed in a 20 minute survival. That's way to low even being solo for the time it took. 

So, the first three I soloed, it's just the time of gamer I am. I got the main thing I wanted. The Reactor/Catalyst blueprint. I probably wouldn't use the sigils even though I tried a couple times to do it. Just to have it is the only reason I tried. 

However, combined with energy leeches and being hit all around. I'm over trying to get the 4th set of rewards haha. I got down to 10 waves left I think or around there. 1 revive left, so I just left. The "level 30-50" seems a bit off unless this is like the last section of the void type leveling. Granted defense is one of the few mission types that I don't like and I avoid if I can. Especially when it's 20 waves. I rarely do the 10 wave defense missions for an alert to put into perspective of me not enjoying it. Just something about baby sitting a pod for multiple waves while enemies slowly trickle is meh 😛 I can solo Onslaught easier than this last mission.

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Some SIMPLE feedback.

Premise: Distract the enemy while another Tenno operative raids the ‘ship’ for supplies.

The have shut off life support.

Now, having done so, they don’t have any reason to do anything else, just wait for us to die.

oh! But emergency life support capsules are being sent in.

So? They’ll live an extra minute. Same difference. Why send any of our forces in to get destroyed?

Ohhhhhh! The Lotus (emulation) send us in, and sends enough life support for an extra minute.

Oh well, yeah but she’s counting on enemy proxies to come trying to kill us (because they’re just too impatient to watch as we suffocate from the (holo) Lotus’ extra minute worth of air), so that by getting destroyed they can try to HELP us by dropping personal life support modules which they don’t need (being robot PROXIES and all). 

So it’s kind of expected that with LIFE SUPPORT being SENT IN, that shutting off life support systems wasn’t enough, and then the enemy has to send in its own units, which by killing we can pick up their personal life support modules from. 

Strating to get an idea yet, that getting sent in to a situation where it’s known that life support capsules will be needed to counter the easy action of SHUTTING OFF ALL SYSTEMS to let us suffocate, and then not sending the life support capsules, is basically being sabitaged by whomever is supposedly running the operation. 

Oh but it’s supposed to be a challenge.

Sorry, but if the challenge of providing some rationalization, no matter how seemingly absurd or ridiculous, for why the mission is being undertaken can’t even be invented for the “tactical operation,” well, it’s just sort of demoralizing. Not to fail and learn, and improve until getting it right. That’s not demoralizing. 

It’s just assault on reason which comes from the premise having been so sketched and recycled, and then deliberately strained to extend difficulty, that the result is a premise which is too difficult to even wrap the most imaginitve of thinking around the acceptance of which says, If this is the level of consideration and thought which is really being put into the development of what is to come, I can think of less disheartening ways to waste brain cells.

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Feel like the Topic Poster about it mostly (still did every single mission...)

Mission one Defense: 20 #*!%ing waves... really now? 20 Waves? ..... Defense is already boring like it is but 20 waves? Specially if its a chain mission and you still have to do the others afterwards?

Mission two Interception: 3 rounds was allright, but seriously? It wasnt feeling any different at all from any other corpus interception mission

Mission three Survival: Took Nekros with the Recource farming build and even with that DID had trouble keeping life support up in the end and needed to use a few towers later on. Without Nekros could imagine causes trouble... then again 20 minutes? REALLY?! Was tidious...

Bonus Mission Defense: AGAIN 20 Waves? (insert barf animation here...) Even with Frost this time was a little bit harder since my team seemed to dont give a damn about my warnings to kill bursas and Hyanas FIRST so they dont shut down my Globe rendering the Objective without protection, while THE ENTIRE TEAM died over and over and over just because they came in very poorly prepared and also didnt thought about that it COULD be that im right about destroying the Bursas and Hyanas first...?! They were mildly said.... not usefull (and yes i was angry enouth to even tell them, that is what happens if you have to do 2 times 20 wave defense missions, turns out the worst in you)


The Event idea was a nice one, but sadly have to say.... it could have been done a lot better.

For example make it 10 waves but add some unexpected enemys in some of the waves, like maybe a nice Ambulas suddenly. Or like more Bursas.

Interception was allright but sadly not to different from any other interception

Survival for 20 minutes? Yeah i dont know.... little bit to long and boring on the long run. Still was nice that the life support even with Nekros was getting very low at the end.

Last defense mission? Was already heading to the right direction, was a little bit harder. Still 20 waves.... please a little bit shorter

Maybe different missions? Little bit more story instead of just "Here, have some missions" ?


What i would imagine a REAL proxy rebellion to be like:

Lotus sending you (or whoever) to an unusual distress call of a corpus ship which is not under attack by Grineer or Infested and you are to figure out whats going on. You arrive at the ship finding lots of corpses and destroyed machinery, you investigate and on some point of the mission you suddenly see how Corpus Crewman get slaughtered by their own proxies and begin to realize the Proxys are rebelling. You clean up that ship from the rebelling Proxies and extract.

Back to your Orbiter you hear about more distress calls from all over the system from different sources, Corpus as well as Grineer as well as colonys beeing attacked by the rebelling Proxys. You are to temporary ally with the Corpus and Grineer and defend them against the new threat that could cause a potential danger to all colonys still left over with civilians and other innocents.

On one of the interception missions you figure out one of the origins of the transmissions you intercepted. You are to infiltrate the facility and collect as much data as possible to find out the source of this uprising of the proxys. You figure out the origin after you had to get ALL 3 Data Terminals informations.

You are to find the rebel proxies factory and make sure it cant produce any new ones anymore.

There is one mission left, the real source of this uprising, a proxy that was infected by a virus and can spread it to other proxies still needs to be shut down. (Assassinate mission of, well any typical Assassinate targets your had encountered before just with different resistances, health, armor, shields, damage and maybe even attacks)

Threat Eliminated and Origin System is save again, good job Tenno.

(Or at least something like that without spending to many recources and time on creating something entirely new just for a short event, like recycle some missions and units and maybe just add a few more voice lines here and there)

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22 minutes ago, vSHAD0Wv said:

Did any one else have drop problems? Like no energy orbs dropping?

I noticed that in both the defense maps.  After the first 10 waves, no more energy orbs dropped anymore. Only ammo.  I thought this was done by design.

My Mesa peacemaker build modded for radiation (which all bots are weak against) made the defense maps a walk in the park. The hyenas never got a chance to even get closed to hit us with their aura procs. 2-3 hits kill them. I pretty much carried the defense missions. And yes, it was boring.

Interception did indeed have few enemies. I just dropped bastilles and trip wires all over the place then sniped enemies from my capture point.

Survival I did with Ivara.  Stayed invisible the whole time while using my silenced Tigris killing enemies as they walk in a perfect line through chokepoints. Our life support never dropped below 70%, we had plenty of enemies spawning.

I did all the above in random pub sessions. In all of them two players were MR13-16 and one MR4-6.  The former did fine on their own, the latter obviously couldn't do anything since their starter weapons were too weak. At best they got like 3 kills in :tongue:

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I'm pretty disappointed by this rebellion, not only because of the small density throughout the missions, but also because they're not using the full extent of their arsenal. It's a plus that they're using all members of the hyena pack this time instead of just the NGs, and we need to take it a step further: How intense would it be to have a raptor show up on that open sky interception mission to lock down the map with heavy bomber support, or have ambulas dropped off from two dropships at a time?

Also we didn't see any rattel swarms or the other bursa types, which was also odd.

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did all 4 random group style and had little issues aside from boredom (barely any enemy presence in interception).

survival had plenty of life support despite the group splitting up spawns at times.

First defense was really easy due to random group make up, second defense was a bit more rough as the energy draining hyenas messed up our re-castable defense abilities.

All in all, a long haul of missions that were not immensely engaging but had some elements of fun.

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20 waves defense? 20 min survival? In my opinion 10 and 10 are boring enough, for the 2 most boring game mods of the game. Only the occasional appearance of a hyena was spicing up a little bit the pace. An event like Razorback armada is far more entertaining, it may be short but it demands for knowledge of the game mode and true collaboration

Edited by DebrisFlow
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