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Think it's possible for an MR 18 to hit MR 25 before Fortuna hits?


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1 hour ago, Dhrekr said:

can you give us the number of Warframes and of weapons that you plan to completely master in this month and a half?

Alright, done.

That's about... 205 things that I have to max, if I counted correctly. I'd estimate that 40-60 of those are already in reach or already built.

I'm totally gonna be fine! No sweat, no pressure.

44 minutes ago, Xydeth said:

why would u care about that number ? when ur MR16+ u are not restricted to anything anymore be it a riven or whatever. any higher MR only has a minimal benefit that's not really important to rush for. besides that its just a number, nothing else.

I understand your concern. I hate numbers as much as anyone else, and I hold pure skill in high regard, but there's a certain charm in participating in what I like to call Competitive Grinding.

People watch Path of Exile and League of Legends all the time, and what are people always doing in those games? Grinding! Plus, the streamers themselves always keep it interesting, too.

Ultimately, I genuinely hope to entertain some people with my struggle. So, I think that every week or so, I'll come back to this thread with a progress report. Ought to be fun.

First goal: Figure out an estimate of how much plat I can earn every week. This'll be part of my first progress report.

Second goal: Estimate the cost of every Prime item and other exclusives, so that I have solid, visible goals to work towards.

(I am SO going to crash the market price of that item I'm gonna be grinding...)

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24 minutes ago, Rhino-netlost said:

I hate numbers as much as anyone else, and I hold pure skill in high regard, but there's a certain charm in participating in what I like to call Competitive Grinding.

Warframe is more about collecting than grinding. 😛

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2 hours ago, Rhino-netlost said:



2. Maybe after Fortuna hits, I can earn the first Kitgun out of everyone in the game if I'm enough of a speedrunner.


If your making this thread, that is evidence enough that #2 will be impossible for you.



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I would suggest making an excel sheet of crafting mats and craft times, then trying to que as many things as possible up in crafting. unless your rushing witch will cost you a lot. maxing out something takes less time then crafting it usually, even more so if your runing a booster, so your going to need to build a stockpile of things and then more or less cascade your comeltion time to be at or arond the time you finish maxing the last for max efficiency.


In the 5 years iv been playing I have made it to master rank 23 without trying for it. I just build and paly what I want usually. frames should be your first concern also, plus finishing the start chart.


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4 часа назад, Elenortirie сказал:

to be honest that doesn't sound really like a difficult goal to make - you'll get bored to the hell and back tho prolly


and will grow to utterly hate hydron

That's why I used Draco pre-nerf only on occasions like really weak weapons to master fast and started to use Hydron only from 21-23 rank now and only because I just had to put a huge amount of formas asap (was making umbral builds and prepared to Eidolon hunt). Other than that I try to skip cheesing like it because it kills big portion of fun - killing enemies the way I like and achieve goals on way doing it.

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11 hours ago, Rhino-netlost said:

Alright, done.

That's about... 205 things that I have to max, if I counted correctly. I'd estimate that 40-60 of those are already in reach or already built.

I'm totally gonna be fine! No sweat, no pressure.

Well! 205. That means you'll want to master... between 3 and 4 items, including the hard-to-farm ones and the hard-to-master ones (such as the amps).

I think I'd have a heart attack after one week, but more power to you if you want to try! I wish you good luck, no matter what 😉

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vor 14 Stunden schrieb Rhino-netlost:

Yes, I am that MR 18. Since the release date is slated to be in 'Autumn,' I'm guessing Fortuna will come out in early September or, if I'm lucky (and I usually am) it will come out in October.

Getting ALMOST EVERY ITEM in the game and grinding it all to max rank sounds pretty stressful - especially since I don't buy plat with real money! - but hear me out. I have a pretty optimized plan that I've laid out for myself:

0. Be good at the game.

0.5: Seriously. Since I want to multitask as much as possible, I will be bringing non-maxed, non-potato'd weapons and warframes into a lot of missions so that I can earn affinity with them, no matter what they might be. I'll have to be able to use a variety of different guns and warframe abilities effectively. A 30-Day Affinity Booster will be needed, as well as a lot of apologies to give to my teammates for showing up with the lamest weapons.

1. Primarily farm plat. There's no simpler way of getting a Vaulted Prime set than with plat. There's also the need to get Resource Boosters for certain resources - though I suppose that I might be able to finish farming those by having a week dedicated to Cryotic and Oxium.

2. Start building Formas, Mutagen Masses, Fieldron etc. ASAP, to use them all up in the Foundry when the time comes. I'm already doing this, of course, but I will most likely need to purchase the Forma Pack a few times to make sure I'm covered. Last I checked - inaccurate now, though - I needed 34 more Formas to complete my collection of clantech.

3. Syndicates are unnecessary, as farming platinum covers them nicely - however, doing Cetus is required. Thankfully I'm already rank 4 with both Cetus and the Quills, thus I only need to procure the resources to craft the Amps and Zaws.

4. Excavation Fissures. When it comes to multitasking, doing these endlessly is by far one of the most interested. Cryotic? Check. Relics opening, prime parts being collected? Check. Affinity boosts? Check!

5. Have the devil's luck. I just got Despair to finish my Stalker collection, I know several veterans with vaulted relics that I can pester, and I got Khora over a month ago in only 6 runs of Sanctuary Onslaught. All I could ask for at this point is getting the Machete from the daily login bonus and having consistently-crazy luck with my favorite plat-farming method.

6. Be public about this challenge. Publicity means fame and fortune, especially from donations. This maximizes growth, profit, and grofit. Therefore, FOLLOW ME ON TWITCH. MY USERNAME THERE IS 'rhino1004.' FEED ME. GRANT ME STRENGTH.

7. Use the third-party markets to always advertise my spare goods, such as duplicate Prime parts. This counts as multitasking, which is necessary for reaching my deadline.

8. Do not have a life. Having a life is detrimental to playing Warframe. Always play Warframe. Do not stop playing Warframe. Warframe will be my new life. (Fortunately, accomplishing this last part is easy, as I am already devoid of anything resembling a normal life.)

So, what do you guys think? Is it possible to hit such a milestone in such a short period of time? MR18 to MR25? Starting from broke, then working up - all ingame?

If I'm missing any optimizations for my month-long workout plan, let me know.

Don't force this on yourself, dude. By the time Fortuna releases, you might be fed up with the game from all this strain, not to speak of the effects on your personal life...

At the moment, the biggest advantage of being MR25 I see is having a higher maximum for daily standing. Including syndicate missions and collecting medallions, I can get around 60k daily for both my allied Syndicates (a small but steady platinum income).

Higher standing obviously will help with leveling Venus faction too, but is 7,000 extra standing a day really worth the mess?

Just play the game as much as you enjoy it and have something to level along. That's sufficient enough.

0. Being bad works too.

0.5 - what a lame plan. Whatever you do, have at least one tool to contribute to the mission, be it a warframe skill or a weapon. Don't go for Grand Leech Auto. Use Vazarin for increased affinity range, that helps a lot.

1. The best way to generate platinum is trading but that will take a lot of time, getting to know the prices and demands, watching the trade channel and sites like warframe.market. Some enjoy it as a game of its own, but you're spending most of the time staring at text walls. Not my cup of tea. Even if you're just selling your void loot, it will take its fair amount of time, 3rd party sites or not.

2. If you have a smartphone, use the Warframe app, it allows to manage your foundry too.

3. I wouldn't neglect Syndicates. Max em out. Even if you don't go for Syndicate missions, you can generate 18k Syndicate points on the fly atm. That's 30-40p each 6 days for selling a 100k syndicate weapon.

4. not if you bring your level 1 warframe with all its level 1 weapons while having other equally dedicated players along...

5. Good, I don't know you.

6. No fame, no fortune. No freebies. Why should anybody really care? Best of luck.

7. Have cortisone ready, you soon will feel a bit itchy

8. Haven't seen a dead player play the game, lately.


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Manny ppl bashing MR25 for having no life or saying that it has no point to go beyond 13-14.

Sure it does not mean you are better or anything but when there is new weapon i would like to test it out. I get it , max it play with it and if i dont like it i dont use it anymore. 

From my point i dont understand how can someone in Warframe, game full of diferent options, just stop and say i am good..i dont want to test new stuff i will just play with what i have until i die of boredom. 

And of course ther ARE benefits of beeing high MR. With fortuna comming you will benefit from higher daily reputation cap. And wont have to wait as many days to progress.

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With enough money and time of course you can. Should you? I have no idea. I am MR 25, soon-ish 26 but I do not see a particular benefit from it other than bragging rights if you care about that kind of thing. I don't. It is just a number next to my name saying I have done everything thousand times over.

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18 hours ago, Rhino-netlost said:

Is it possible to hit such a milestone in such a short period of time?

if you put the effort in, and have the plat to rush builds, then sure. I would say you'd be rushing into things though, too much to properly enjoy the game you're playing. there's no major rewards for being highest MR, it's more of an E-peen thing than anything. but hey, it's your choice, do what makes you happy.


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Sheesh. There are so many people that think I'm insane. I thought that this would be like if I said that I wanted to climb a mountain - sure, thousands of others have climbed the same mountain before, but everyone's still going to climb that mountain, because it's there!

Y'know, I've never heard of somebody accusing actual would-be mountain-climbers of chasing after something useless. It's always cheers and smiles.

Anyways, what I want to know, is: How can there be so many people saying that I'm going to ruin my Warframe experience? After over 100 days of hardcore playtime and gathering the most unique and powerful equipment, including tasty rivens for crazy weapons, I can already beat the highest-level content with ease, if I so choose to bring my best. In my mind, I've already 'beaten' Warframe in terms of combat effectiveness - and that's the part that I liked about it the most! I have nothing left in the game to 'ruin' for myself!

If I genuinely like the game, but I've already essentially beaten it, then what do I do next? Like, what if I hate Fashionframe? What if I hate Furnitureframe? Capturaframe?

What if I just want to experience all of Warframe? With the whole 'war' part as the main attraction?

Seriously, it's odd. Everybody is so welcoming when it comes to joining Warframe, but once you're actually here, they don't want you to push the game to its limits! Apparently, you're 'supposed' to crack open a beer and just play it for an hour or two a day. Eugh.

If that's truly what the 'real Warframe experience' is, then I challenge DE to put in a mastery limit. There's already a limit for Standing, Mastery Rank Up Tests, and Focus, so why not mastery itself, too? You're not SUPPOSED to grind, right? Let's put a cap on resources, even! Limit how many Polymer Bundles you can grab in a single day!

You want a Kavat cloning machine? That'll take 30 days, assuming you grab Alloy Plates to the maximum each day! You want to grab Corrupted Mods from the Derelict? Well, you only get up to 10 mods a day at your current mastery rank, so if you want all the Warframe mods there, you better roll the dice well!


Look. Taking a look at Warframe through the lens of a mechanically-oriented game designer, it's a game about grinding, trading, waiting, and buying plat.

So, to my detractors: Please understand that for some people - hell, most people, yourselves included - the 'waiting' part is a dirty blemish that they just have to trudge past, not a feature.

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12 minutes ago, Rhino-netlost said:

Sheesh. There are so many people that think I'm insane. I thought that this would be like if I said that I wanted to climb a mountain - sure, thousands of others have climbed the same mountain before, but everyone's still going to climb that mountain, because it's there!

Y'know, I've never heard of somebody accusing actual would-be mountain-climbers of chasing after something useless. It's always cheers and smiles.

Anyways, what I want to know, is: How can there be so many people saying that I'm going to ruin my Warframe experience? After over 100 days of hardcore playtime and gathering the most unique and powerful equipment, including tasty rivens for crazy weapons, I can already beat the highest-level content with ease, if I so choose to bring my best. In my mind, I've already 'beaten' Warframe in terms of combat effectiveness - and that's the part that I liked about it the most! I have nothing left in the game to 'ruin' for myself!

If I genuinely like the game, but I've already essentially beaten it, then what do I do next? Like, what if I hate Fashionframe? What if I hate Furnitureframe? Capturaframe?

What if I just want to experience all of Warframe? With the whole 'war' part as the main attraction?

Seriously, it's odd. Everybody is so welcoming when it comes to joining Warframe, but once you're actually here, they don't want you to push the game to its limits! Apparently, you're 'supposed' to crack open a beer and just play it for an hour or two a day. Eugh.

If that's truly what the 'real Warframe experience' is, then I challenge DE to put in a mastery limit. There's already a limit for Standing, Mastery Rank Up Tests, and Focus, so why not mastery itself, too? You're not SUPPOSED to grind, right? Let's put a cap on resources, even! Limit how many Polymer Bundles you can grab in a single day!

You want a Kavat cloning machine? That'll take 30 days, assuming you grab Alloy Plates to the maximum each day! You want to grab Corrupted Mods from the Derelict? Well, you only get up to 10 mods a day at your current mastery rank, so if you want all the Warframe mods there, you better roll the dice well!


Look. Taking a look at Warframe through the lens of a mechanically-oriented game designer, it's a game about grinding, trading, waiting, and buying plat.

So, to my detractors: Please understand that for some people - hell, most people, yourselves included - the 'waiting' part is a dirty blemish that they just have to trudge past, not a feature.

Why do you even care what those people think? Like someone said here: "you do you" and f**k the rest. It's your game, your experience.

If your goal is to burn yourself out of the game, go right ahead. Don't wait for validation, just do it...

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8 minutes ago, Rhino-netlost said:

It would be nice if anyone was able to listen to a word I say, just once.

Dude, like I said in that same post, it's your game, your experience. Were you hoping to get validation? Let me tell you a secret, my friend: you don't need it.

Having said that: completing what you want to accomplish in such short amount of time comes with the risk of burning yourself out of the game. If that is the price you are willing to pay, then knock yourself out. No one is stopping you. From your OP, I say you already have a pretty good idea what you need to do. Just go do it and don't wait for someone outside yourself to tell you it's ok.

If you need further motivation, find a "just do it" Shia LaBeouf animated gif and loop it nonstop while you play. It might not help much, but it sure as hell is funny...

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