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Everything posted by Voltage

  1. Because Railjack missions are always in the same session, you can chain Smeeta Charm procs between Void Storms. :)
  2. I agree with the rest of your post, but wanted to explain this specifically: This is because these permanent challenges replaced existing ones, so not making them recoverable would mean a Nightwave reputation nerf for many players. When DE made these recoverable, they did so by making every occurrence of this challenge unique with a roman numeral (and a different challenge ID). "Challenge":"/Lotus/Types/Challenges/Seasons/Weekly/SeasonWeeklyPermanentCompleteMissions12" https://content.warframe.com/dynamic/worldState.php
  3. Voltage


    This was asked a very long time ago, and the response was The Steel Path. DE wants players to be compelled to actually play real missions to work out their gear.
  4. Cool! I'd be a bit weary about using this tool, as well as using caution as chained failed redemptions may lead to a temporary suspension from redeeming codes (atleast, that was the case in the past).
  5. Yep. It's the classic "just short" system where you always feel compelled to make a second purchase just to get one more item. That's the same reason TennoCon digital tickets give 1x Regal Aya. It's the "first one's on me" strategy to get you to make a second purchase.
  6. I asked for this the moment we got Sevagoth. sad Equinox noises
  7. I'd love to see Equinox receive Sevagoth tech so you can properly utilize both forms in a mission by modding both Day and Night separately with different builds.
  8. Whenever I read comments like these, I just assume it's written out of envy towards those who simply know how to trade. "Easy plat" is any item in the game that you understand pricing and demand for. It's really interesting that there's a common perspective to look at players into these kinds of items in this manner, but the comments are always written in an obnoxious manner to oppose this labeled crowd of individuals that represent a minority on a spectrum of all kinds of players. I'm not going to change your mind on how you feel about Riven traders, but the barrier to entry has never been lower, especially with free tools like Alecaframe and Altair. You're free to make this "easy plat" yourself.
  9. My point is that popularity influences disposition, but innate weapon mechanics are what influence player choice. You could have had Kronen Rivens at .5 dispo the entire time the weapon was out, and I'm sure you would have still had that period of excessive popularity. All Disposition does is punish players who are interested in using Rivens but aren't always slotting the most meta/groll stats available for that weapon. This is coming from someone who only owns a Riven if it's worthy as a "collection" Riven as that's the only reason for me to use my Platinum and set my gear apart from other players. There are very few weapons nowadays where a Riven makes an exceptional difference over not having one. There is so much power creep that has honestly pushed Riven Mods aside in various cases for most players. They're still there and still "good", but the diminishing returns we have going lately with some bonuses (like Critical Chance or Base Damage) is absolutely out of control. Removing Disposition and letting weapons all hover around a predicted stat range won't break the game, and the absolute worst case scenario is that it further highlights the mechanical oversights that DE has been neglecting for years now.
  10. Nerfing a Riven disposition in the hopes of balancing the relative power is like when DE lowered the percentages of Roar and Eclipse in Helminth thinking that would influence player choices more when they subsume an ability. Spoiler: it didn't.
  11. Because Ohma released with Sovereign Outcast the year prior to Kronen Prime's release and Tonfas hit twice on slide attacks. Kronen Prime also offers a parkour bonus. It's the same reason Telos Boltace was used so widely after Stormpath was added and the previous passive was obliterated. Kronen Disposition was high because of base Kronen (pre-Titania Prime Access), and it slowly went down as people used it (with the help of content creators pushing it) for the effectiveness it offered. The only reason Kronen Prime fell out of favor was because of Praedos, not because of its Disposition decrease. You're also forgetting the Glaive buffs that were added which overshadowed "typical melee" usage. I've been following Disposition "lore" since before we had Riven Disposition. It's been missing the mark since it was proposed as a Dev Workshop 7 years ago.
  12. Relative weapon power and popularity has never had anything to do with Disposition. The only cases where Dispositions fed into the problem of an innate mechanic was percentage based melee range through level geometry, additive melee critical chance on slide attack that stacked with Blood Rush, Multiplicative base damage to exponential Condition Overload, and the massive spike in strength from 100% status chance on Shotguns (namely 92.5% SC Rivens for Mara Detron and 120% SC Rivens for Kohm). The reason players make posts about it every time is because they've never been a beneficial mechanic towards weapon balance. DE also just embarrass themselves when they nerf weapon dispositions that were used solely as a stat-stick or for an augment (Pseudo-Exalted weapons, Amalgam Furax Body Count, Amalgam Ripkas True Steel, etc.). The spike in usage and power for Ocucor and Torid are from a powerful Nightwave augment and the Incarnon Adapter system. Nerfing the disposition on either of these weapons does absolutely nothing to influence player weapon choices and only hurts players who don't own the absolute meta stats. Reducing disposition only tightens the available stat rolls worth slotting, and doesn't benefit anyone. Prime Access weapons and other new variants have been dead on arrival for years for players who care to use Rivens, because there is just no point unless you are slotting Rivens worth 4-5 digit minimums which only add a tiny power boost to an existing weapon family. The only reason Incarnon Genesis popped off with Riven Mods so well is because unlike Primes, they were boosts to existing weapons, so they retained their Riven Disposition. If Torid Incarnon was a Torid weapon variant, much less people would be caring about Rivens for it, yet the usage of it would be exactly as popular as it is now. In your hypothetical, the house is on a cracked foundation, the roof is always taking in water, and you have termites.
  13. Removing Disposition still accomplishes "what they were originally intended to do" without punishing players for wanting to use new weapons or adding needless maintenance for DE staff every Prime Access. I wouldn't be so conclusive. You didn't mention that Rivens would become instantly useable on new equipment, make new variants feel like direct upgrades for Riven users, stats would become much easier to balance and more streamlined as predictable bonuses with relative expected performance gains, and players would not feel coned into a "meta set" of stats because the Disposition is so low that there is no room for more niche stats. I would also agree that players should be given more ways to manipulate what they have as far as weapons and stat magnitudes/grades go. I suggested some years ago the possibility of allowing players to unlock a Riven and the weapon used to unlock the Riven would dictate the weapon family (i.e unveiling a Rifle Riven on Daikyu means it only chooses from bows as a pool). The other thing they could do is guarantee a weapon family when transmuting (4 different Tonfa Rivens gaurentees a Tonfa Riven in return that isn't one of the weapons you just transmuted). Increasing or decreasing stat grades would also be nice as an extra layer of investment. Void Relics didn't exactly "fix" that problem, and neither did Prime Resurgence. We're over halfway to 1000 unique Relics, some of which were only available if you were playing during Specters of the Rail and had keys converted.
  14. That's because the latest flavor of AoE is Thermal Sunder and Torid Incarnon. The goalpost moves over the years, but it's always been the same AoE spam, completely disregarding Ammo. Cool, so do most weapons with how much power creep we have. Sporelacer isn't an overtuned weapon or "too strong" for having battery mechanics. I have Rivens for Tombfinger, Sporelacer, and Tenet Cycron.
  15. This is a nice idea. Add it to the long list of "nice to haves" for Fissures.
  16. The entire point of Nightwave was to replace alerts. Waiting years to get an augment recycled (like what happened to Efficient Beams) is pretty dumb. And yes, most augments don't do much, but augments like Sentient Surge and Efficient Beams are staple to the weapon and vastly alter weapon performance.
  17. This is a really poor suggestion to trading, but it feels like this suggestion comes from a place of having no idea how Riven trading has worked for the last 7 years. We have trading filters, so if you're overwhelmed by chat, you can tune it to your liking. I personally like seeing every message so I can cherry pick the good deals. If you don't like that some people earn thousands, tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands from Riven trading, you're free to join them. It's also not even that crazy, because at the end of the day, Platinum already lost its value once it's in-game since you cannot convert it back to real money. I just treat them as rare Credits. They have no use unless you plan on spending it. :)
  18. WTB Specific Tombfinger Riven Mod (CD, Toxin, PFS, -Neg) This Riven Mod must have: (+) Critical Damage (+) Toxin (+) Projectile Speed (-) Harmless Negative
  19. Kuva Bramma still spams with one of, if not the worst ammo economy for AoE weapons. Ammo was trivial before those changes and remains trivial after. Battery weapons are strong, but not that strong. The only time people "abused" battery weapons was for oversights in their firing behavior (Shedu for example).
  20. I had something like this happen the other day. I didn't actually complete the trade, but after ~5-10 minutes, the Platinum was added and the item was removed. I chalked it up to cross-save server bugs.
  21. It's used for shooting things through terrain/hitboxes/etc. such as Eidolon Limbs, Profit-Taker pylons, and other similar cases.
  22. Zenith is a staple weapon for its infinite punch through gimmick, and Sigma and Octantis was pretty good until new weapons powercrept it. Azima has always been the "weak" one. The point of the login rewards is to encourage you to continue playing (since it takes 3 years to get everything out of it).
  23. Mastery Rank merely depicts a relative power level. It's the same reason Lato Prime and Skana Prime have Mastery Locks. I'm not sure how moving the weapon would solve anything.
  24. Title. This has been mentioned before (The most publicity likely from @TheKengineer on his video here). Fixing this would bring Blast into a niche yet helpful space of benefitting stealth play and stealth Affinity farming (as an alternative to Elite Sanctuary Onslaught, Hydron, and other "nuking" Affinity farms).
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