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Everything posted by Voltage

  1. The whole point of Nightwave challenges (and battle passes as a whole) is to create a habit out of tedious and out of the way tasks through a checklist to stay up to date with seasonal content to keep your attention. They are already toggle-able in that you don't need to do 100% of challenges to get to Rank 30. True completionist won't care whether content is in an island or not, they will still do them. Nice to see the return of some old items. I was wondering if it would be possible to reward players with the Bastille color picker? It was only available once in 2013, and the Gamma color picker was reintroduced through Nightwave, hence why I ask. It's the only color picker to never make a return in any way.
  2. This is valuable to bring up though. When Diriga first released, Vulklok matched stats of the Lanka. It was very viable, but deemed too viable and subsequently saw some nerfs.
  3. Another player was having this issue and messaged me in-game about it. I went into my own inventory (which initially loaded fine), and then I proceeded to type into the search bar. I reproduced your bug when typing something in with a space and then deleting the search field text. This is what my screen looks like after deleting text with a space. The game is frozen in this state with nothing in the inventory.
  4. The companion rework isn't done yet though. Part 2, coming later, is planned to address precepts and companion damage. Grant mentioned this on the last devstream.
  5. On the flip side, the Hydroid rework pushes him into the same direction that most new Warframe kits fall into, which can understandably make him feel bland and uninteresting in terms of his mechanical offerings. Hydroid isn't bad by any means, and I'm still agreeing with you on viability, but Warframes for years now have just been the same mechanically, and you're just swapping between "themes". What Hydroid now offers is 100% better than the 1-trick pony he was before, but he's hardly anything unique now (besides the water visuals behind what he brings to a mission), and his 1-trick pony playstyle did see changes. Honestly, the issue OP is having here is more bound to the absolute mess of inconsistent behavior around abilities, CC, and other things. It's the same deal with Overguard on enemies right now. If Hydroid could synergize with Ore Gaze more, then you'd have a proper alternative to the boring nature of Khora, but I digress.
  6. That's why you're encouraged to broaden your available equipment that is viable. It's by design that you don't get the exact loadout you want to use, you get pushed to use other combinations. Granted, I perfectly understand that this pushes alot of people out of their comfort zone, but it does reward players for not just deeming anything non-meta or non-favorite as fodder, and actually punishes the players who do (in a way). I can see the pros and cons. I'm personally one of the players that is heavily rewarded by the randomized loadout system, so it never really bothers me.
  7. That's kinda just the sad state of the game though, and it will never be fixed, even with the timeout. I was just spitballing ideas for a way to let players not get timed out while looking for things in mission.
  8. For sure. Honestly, I feel like they should remove the timeout and fix the core problem that scaling missions aren't as rewarding as the theoretical non-scaling enemy missions. The Fissure booster system could honestly apply to the rest of the game with a cap, and it would discourage players from farming non-scaling missions while still being available for newer players who aren't geared for endurance just yet. Or better yet, they could just have an enemy spawn cap of 1000 for non-endless.
  9. At this point you guys should look into auditing crowd control like you did with healing when addressing Vazarin way back. There are several things that should and should not interact with Overguard. The more the game pushes to "DPS your way out of a mission", the more stale and homogenized builds become, which is a core pillar of what makes Warframe fun.
  10. That timeout is likely to prevent players from farming wave modifiers/enemies without scaling, same for Exterminate. I am not sure if this was added before, after, or at the same time they did this to Capture due to Oxium farms. It's not really nonsense.
  11. The dangerous territory we're walking into with this kind of topic, and I know DE is aware hence the whole feedback thread and communication, is essentially selling account boosts/Mastery Ranks. I know it's in other games, but Warframe has always stuck out for not following those titles. The more monetization strategies that creep in the landscape of modern multiplayer games, the less integrity Warframe has going for it. It's a major strength that isn't being overlooked by any means, but bending it so much will eventually cause it to break. I quoted you to say this because your suggestion is actually coming from a great place and I support the message of reducing the bloat between quests. I'm just not sure if any kind of skip through monetization could help with this without being a net negative for the game. It would be far better for the integrity of Warframe (especially after Regal Aya, Heirlooms, and other things) if the problems players are bringing up here addressed properly and for free instead of as a paid option.
  12. Just because they confirmed the built Forma doesn't mean they didn't adjust the standing costs. There's nothing wrong with being cautious until it launches and then determining max rewards and efficiencies then.
  13. That's my point though. If Smeeta taking a big L for the betterment of the game as a whole and other companions especially, it's the obvious thing to do.
  14. It's not so much that it doesn't work as intended, it's that Smeeta has for years been effectively what Carrier Prime and Carrier were prior. Properly nerfing Charm (along with auditing all other companion precepts) and baking companion precepts innately to free up modding space would dramatically increase the variety of companions. Honestly speaking though, if they really want to open the doors, they need to make Vacuum innate to Warframes themselves and remove that mod from companions too.
  15. Charm should not exponentially stack on itself. It's the same reason you can't just recast Eclipse and get Eclipse squared. RNG based loot discrepancies in squads purely because of Charm has been unhealthy for years.
  16. You can just ignore them like the weekly leaderboards already in-game while those of us who enjoy something to strive for and optimize to play something that actually documents how well you did against others. It's pretty disappointing how far clans have fallen out of relevancy with the sole exceptions being research and an extreme niche in decorating.
  17. For sure. It's hard for me to add to this thread as someone who's been here and played every major quest on launch day all the way back to Echoes of the Sentient (Update 17). For me, the quests have a completely different tone, impact, and influence over how I feel about skipping, especially when I've always met the requirements for every quest as I was around when they released. I personally can't see the benefit in skipping things like The Second Dream or The War Within. I can absolutely see someone looking at all these quests and the requirements and wanting to skip along (because they may not like story missions among other things).
  18. I 100% agree. Even with all the good intentions and understandable reasons to add this feature, to me, the perception I get from this is "this looks bad to offer a story skip" (considering how good some of the quests are) as well as "this just feels like another feature primed for Warframe Mobile." I would love to be proven wrong on my gut feelings, but this just feels like an avenue to cheapen progression to make sure the Warframe Mobile launch has heavy revenue streams on the day it matters most: launch. Regal Aya, "Story Packs", Update Supporter Packs, Heirloom Collections, on top of the normally time-gated content and Prime Access is becoming a bit much.
  19. Oh I'm in total agreement, that's just how it is though.
  20. As if Instagram Threads or any modern game with a battle pass after Fortnite is any different. I always love the "China bad" claim and the "bad" part is the same thing everyone else does. Greed isn't geographically biased.
  21. This is my preferred avenue for this as well, and it's been suggested before (for reference, I know you have comments on these already lol):
  22. Oh this is cool. I would find this super neat (especially as an admin in the Blessing server). I'm still waiting just to get the mission timer in Rich Presence. :(
  23. I merely pointed out how the way it was written could drive someone to read it in that way. Not everyone is a Warframe encyclopedia who knows the years of incidents and ins-and-outs of communication. Both of my comments stated agreement to his response, as well as the blunt honesty and validity of how it was written. I'm also a pessimist, and there's just nothing that will change that. It's rich you quoting me for omitting context when you're grilling my comment by doing the same. If I was purely interested in stirring the pot, I would be OP. Everyone has biases, and that also leaks into the way people read things. That's just how opinionated discussions work. My initial comment eluded to the Blizzard comparison, because that's the kind of thing they stumbled over with Overwatch 2 and Diablo IV topics. They weren't being dishonest there, just pulling the "money and resources are the important part here" card. That's not wrong for reasoning in this context. It's actually likely the most important one. It still stings to read as a player though, especially when it affects a specific Warframe you love using. Your game-breaking issue being shortened to "too expensive, probably not" is frustrating in that position. People playing games and people making games are on opposite sides of the scale. Pablo's response is in that ugly cross-road. All we can do here on the Forums in the context of reporting bugs is to just document them, with detail, and inhale copium that they are fixed before the game shuts down or we quit. There's really nothing else to it. This is precisely why you see me hardly reporting bugs (unless it personally affect my goals with the game), and I stick to the feedback side of things. I'm already well aware of and in agreement with what Pablo just illustrated, and that's why I really don't bother, because I already know that this is how bugs are handled. Feedback is a place where the discussion is purely based on passion and intent to improve Warframe, not a game of darts with how much a black and white issue like a bug is costing the company.
  24. Pity systems just act as an excuse to not improve the acquisition method. We already saw that happen with Archon Shards even though many people pointed it out at launch. I would also argue that if we had stat-locking, people would just come to complain about the inability to improve stat grades, since everyone would go for the same stats on the same weapons, and some lucky players would roll higher magnitudes than others. Such a scenario would alleviate feedback in some areas, but just move the goalpost in others. The Riven situation is tricky because of how long it has been a part of Warframe in its current form. It's really easy to say "screw 'em" to everyone that has invested in the way it is, but that unhealthy mindset eventually comes circling back to something that affects you personally. People jumped on that bandwagon when Primed Chamber released from Baro in 2020, and now look at how Heirloom Collections were received. That isn't a 1:1 comparison by any means, but both situations involved the same mindset in different directions. It's important to consider the ramifications towards the game as a whole when altering these late-game items for availability's sake. Even 7 years after their release, Riven Mods remain one of the only infinite sinks for the player towards equipment besides things like Forma (and recently Archon Shards to an extent). I can see the appeal of making every Riven Mod a stretch goal with a finite grind associated to each one, but at the end of the day, you'd just be taking an end-game enhancement and turning it into just another mod you inevitably "finish" and then don't go back to. Riven Mods are not one-and done content, and that's good for the game as a whole. Whether it is a good system or not varies from player to player, and I definitely agree it needs work, but that fundamental as an infinite sink into equipment should be acknowledged. The right way to go about handling Rivens is not to undermine the roll randomization, but to give players more chances, cut down the RNG involved with getting to the rolling stage, and making stats feel more consistent with each other to have less focus on Disposition and grades. There's several ways to improve Riven Mods outside of stat-locking, but that's the most requested purely because it dramatically pushes Riven Mods towards being a normal mod that just costs a different resource to max out. This is also important to understand. Riven Mods since their launch changed the way trade chat worked forever, and introduced a real purpose to excess Platinum in wealthy inventories. The only reason I've almost stopped trading for Rivens is because of a lack of enjoyment with them and how Riven trading has evolved (or devolved in some ways). They have been a massive motivation for me to farm Platinum to ultimately amass a small collection. Rivens for me offer sentimental value. Even if I do not roll Rivens and just trade, I really like how one-off (or extremely limited quantity) these mods feel on your loadout and exist as one of the few non-cosmetic items that set you apart from other players. It's really fun when you get into new content and can utilize a Riven Mod you own to take a weapon up another notch. I know most people will find that dumb or "who cares", but that's just how I've come to terms with Rivens. They've existed for so long the way they are, and they feel like a unique upgrade the way they are. Making them more accessible really robs the items of that, just like how Primed Chamber being in Baro robbed the item of its sentimental value towards how it was earned previously. I'm not saying "never change Rivens", but I honestly feel like we should only be changing them to give players a more streamlined experience into rolling instead of just trying to undermine the rolling process altogether.
  25. Cross-platform friends seem to be working for me pretty well. I noticed though that in the profile, achievements seem to be syncing incorrectly between clients. Here is @(XBOX)TheWayOfWisdom's profile as an example On his end: On my end:
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