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Everything posted by Marvelous_A

  1. I don't know why DE isn't making another set of evergreen prime weapons (obviously they don't want to do free work and not get cash but still). Braton/Burston/Orthos/Fangs/(Ak)Bronco Prime have been in the prime drop table for years already. It's quite clear some of the Tenno weapons that have no variant are unlikely to ever get a prime if they follow the current prime package pattern. Tonbo, Kunai, Kama, Gazal Machete, Anku, Dual Raza, Nami Solo to name a few. Special mention to Nami Solo because Nami Skyla is already a thing and we haven't even gotten a prime machete yet. There is also Akzani which missed the prime pack because DE wasn't doing prime signature weapon back then, it will probably never get a prime which is sad.
  2. How did it work though? Like how did it affect the actual gameplay mechanic? Because I can't seem to recall the Squadlink affecting my gameplay in that event beyond some talking heads. The progress of the ground team and space team are not interlocked with each other in the slightest possible way. Had never failed a game because the other team f**ked up either. Essentially just 2 teams (assuming these 2 teams are actually related in the game coding at all) running 2 separate game sessions that don't affect each other.
  3. The Squadlink thingy was kinda unnecessary in the first place. I played that event first-hand and still have trouble recalling what it did (only remember you can pay credit and whatnot to aid players on the other side). Pretty sure it can be omitted without harming the main event. I'm positive it's not something like a specific foundation to that specific event because it played literally just like any other typical Warframe content. It was something like linking a Murex team and a ground Team except the "link" didn't really do anything beyond visuals. You got to see the talking head of Tenno on the other side but I don't think it's actually a real-time event (i.e. the game probably just showed you some other random players who were also playing in Scarlet Spear). You didn't get to interact with the other team in any way too.
  4. Honestly I expected a deeper and wider change in the universe post-TNW. Not just some artistic change in map models. Felt like the sentient threat was way overexaggerated in the past decade, in the actual New War the Sentient empire lasted for like 2 hours. Was expecting a neverending conflict and real-time reoccurring Sentient attacks. Turns out the Thermia Fractures on Venus and Ghoul Attacks on Earth actually last longer than the Sentients...
  5. The Tentacle Swarm change idea is pretty nice if they REALLY want to keep this ability. As it stands now it's really useless both as a CC or damage ability. Also I'd really appreciate it if DE removes the puddle ability for good. The Barrage augment should be built-in and gives random element proc. It also shouldn't ragdoll enemies on hit because personally I prefer enemies not sent flying around when they are not dead yet.
  6. While he does a lot of things I don't really consider he's "good"at a certain thing. Especially his armor stripping is unnecessarily complicated and inconsistent for no apparent reason at all.
  7. You can't have "speech moderation" and some other things at the same time. You are currently at the forum of a game that has a profanity filter, that filters "ball".
  8. With Nourish it's pretty good. I otherwise only use it on Loki for sustaining Invisibility,
  9. Yes and he deserves better. He's my new favorite warframe now.
  10. You mean Caliban. Mate didn't even get a single balance patch since release I think.
  11. That's not how you spell SONICOR
  12. I'd be happy if DE does anything for Caliban, some buffs, changes, cosmetics, augments, just something. I think DE just largely forgets he is in the game.
  13. His 4th has the worst casting animation in the whole game - unnecessarily long and clumsy for a potentially very powerful stripping ability. No converging please just magic beam from hand then target explodes, he will immediately be 500% better (and that's not saying much for him), trust me. I think on paper he's a very viable warframe, but he has so many QoL problems. Other than his 4th there is also his 3rd not summoning 3 minions at once. Also his abilities are very hard to mod - in the sense that you literally need all duration, efficiency, range and strength for his abilities to work adequately. Any experienced player knows warframe modding is all about trade-off, and how is trade-off gonna work on Caliban? Too little range his 2nd and 4th are useless, too little duration his 2nd and 3rd are useless, too little strength his 3rd and 4th are useless. Any efficiency under 175% makes him near unplayable from my personal experience because his energy pool is way too shallow to sustain a caster playstyle (and guess what Caliban is a caster and a very energy-hungry one at that). For record, my current build gives him 212% duration, 175% efficiency, 109% range, 130% strength (190% with max Molt Augmented) and in turn his survivability solely relies on his 3rd and Aegis (because his 3rd stops working when you hit shield gate - which is weird AF because this ability is pretty pointless if it does exactly that for a shield focusing warframe, so hopefully the Aegis activates before the overshield and shield are depleted otherwise it's operator spamming to stay alive). The energy is supported by high efficiency and helminthed Nourish and it's just barely enough to sustain my Caliban. If DE doesn't tweak his abilities, he'd require a much deeper energy pool (e.g. 300 at max level) and higher shield capacity to be viable which hopefully the prime variant will help him.
  14. It's an automatic yes from me for ANY Hydroid rework because literally any idea is a better idea than the current Hydroid
  15. I almost failed the mission by dying til the last revive. I totally forgot how the fight works and Nihil is among the worst shooters I've met (the shards miss the platform and fall into the void all the time). Still managed to barely beat him. Just pay attention to the horizontal swings, I think they are the only threatening attack (and it kills you instantly). I did scratch my head about the fact that rolling doesn't work against it because it has been the main method to dodge fatal attacks in the past decade.
  16. Title. Thought it is an incarnon issue but turns out the OG Bronco Prime doesn't make any bullet holes either. Which makes testing the spread pattern very difficult.
  17. It'd be great if circuits reward Pathos Clamps too NGL. Duviri is just as boring as previous plains when you need to grind it a lot.
  18. I hope they fix the Bronco Incarnon and Vasto Incarnon first. They are way too underpowered as the Incarnons go. Bronco is too difficult to charge up for merely 20 shots of ok-ish ricochetting bullets. Vasto is plain weak, while it undeniably deals high damage it essentially has 4 shots (granted it's four 6-shots burst but you often kill with the first shot) and it has cr@p accuracy and ridiculous recoil. You can't even ADS with it.
  19. It's cool I guess but I still prefer actually useful abilities
  20. It's so boring and there's absolutely no variety in these missions. You can't even use Twin Grakata and cosplay Clem in a Grineer mission, seriously why is that? Also Karak, Sheev, Ogris, Argonak, Hind? I surely don't build a Grineer arsenal just for me to use a f***ing Exergis on a Grineer grunt right?
  21. I wish people would understand making ideal challenging content WHILE NOT LOSING WARFRAME'S ATTRACTION is just fundamentally not possible for Warframe. It's easy to make things difficult for players but Warframe arsenal is just way too variable and overpowered to create reasonably challenging content for all sorts of players. Devs would have to homogenize our loadout for that to bring everyone to a similar power level, like Kahl missions and exploiter orbs.
  22. OP didn't get flamed for posting negative feedback tho. He got flamed because he used clickbait title that's statistically not true.
  23. And there's Sonicor and it's not even good. RIP once best secondary.
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