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Everything posted by Gaxxian

  1. He means that Nekros shortens a LOT the grind, so people buy less resource boosters. Thats the theory, at least xD
  2. Yep, this one: https://hypothermia.cc/tools It helps a lot when you aren't sure about your best options to increase your survivability.... More armor? More hp? That web calculator helps with that :P
  3. Yep, its sad, but it seems like DE each day care less about, you know, actually working into WF :( Each day there are more gamebreaking bugs and they keep piling without any work done on them D: But well, thats another topic ^^!
  4. For example, this would be the EHP from the build i posted:
  5. Effective Hit Points. That mean hit points adding any dmg reductions and miscellany that adds more survivability. To know my EHP, I use this online calc sometimes: https://hypothermia.cc/tools
  6. Tbh i don't really need more augments... with Despoil i have plenty rn. I use a decent Str + Range build with stupids amounts of armor, and I barely need to use his Shadows to add survivability (I subsumed his 1 with Gloom, that also helps a LOT). This is my build: My problem with nekros comes in the shape of those Eximus shadows. They shouldn't have the original colors, and just be in white/grey as their eximus abilities effects, because they make sometimes very problematic to tell between them and the real ones. Other than that, i think that Nekros is gold and doesn't really need any rework right now.
  7. Except if your loot get bugged and you lose it for no reason. It happens: +1 month later, still no support answer and when they answer they will probably tell me that they only recover relics.
  8. Surprised that nobody mentioned Kuva Ignis.
  9. Sometimes, but a lot of times no, they aren't refreshing their own buffs, but they are trying to "help" you. How do you know that? Because it wouldn't be the first time that i receive a Volt speed buff while im playing Titania, i look at it and i see +20s left, so i backflip to remove it. And half second later the Volt recast the buff. Again. And again. And again. Each time that i "lose" the buff. Maybe they are trolling, or maybe they are just ignorant players that are trying to be "helpful". But in any way its a giant problem since you cannot remain baclfliping the whole mission unless you want to end into some Tenno circus or something. This S#&$ is why i went from being main Titania to not playing her at all. Volt being a noob frame and being everywhere doesn't help either.
  10. That S#&$ is what makes Naramon mandatory if you want to play with melee. It makes the whole system untenable if you aren't using Naramon or you aren't wasting all your dmg with MULTIPLE +combo duration mods. Imagine that other schools were equally mandatory to make their fields works in-game... I prefer that tenno schools remain as a buff, not as a game-changer.
  11. Supposedly, the Exilus slot purpose is to make the weapon feel better. In other words, to customize the experience. Thats why you can add +projectile speed, +max ammo or ammo mutation on them. Because those mods change the weapon feeling (without changind, directly, the dps). Magazine size and reload speed mods are 100% inside this category. They are purely used to make the weapon feel better. 99% times you get more dps using another mod, but some weapons just are miserable without them (somebody would use a Tigris without reload speed?). They affect dps in long term (even it not so much as it seems, tbh), because you can sustain better your attacks, but not more than a +projectile speed that lets you hit more often or that directly increases your dmg over distance, and even then, their main attractive is making a weapon comfortable to use. Also, we would have more options for Exilus. Rn its just ammo converter OR +range/proj. speed. Vigilante Supplies if you don't really need nothing but want to boost DPS (that one is WAY better increasing DPS than any +magazine or +reload mod). Thats it. So, I 100% support this idea.
  12. Sadly they don't had time to work into this bug. They had sooo much work to do, and now they are 100% working in patching LoS.
  13. No In the sense that does negligible dmg anyway. It does a 50% of the BASE DMG (that means, without the Strenght buff that gets the weapon, so, its not just 1/2 the dmg of the one that you use, but MUCH worse) and Wordwarden ALSO ignores multishot mods (not just the fire rate ones). So you are, effectively, wasting mod slots. If you aren't using the real Noctua, i would recommend to use elemental and + status mods, so at least can spread status around.
  14. And don't forget to repeat all those steps again several times because you keep getting 25-28% kuva weapons xD
  15. I'm sure that they are working hard to fix LoS issues /s +1 I find the Glaxion pretty ugly and weird looking ^^! Tbh, having the possibility of doing a Tenet Amprex or Tenex Exergis, idk why they went to the most boring one... Oh yes, because they planned to buff cold status, eventually, so they want to add weapons with cold base dmg meanwhile.
  16. LoS is trash, and they are ignoring the problem again. They said that they were working, but at this point it doesnt seem to be true, tbh.
  17. Not sure about the problem... Its the mod not working well to you or its just a missunderstand about the mod purpose? The mod adds +90% Strength into your 4th ability and ONLY into your 4th ability. There is no other condition to it, it works all the time.
  18. Seems like you are working SO hard to finish LoS changes.... but maybe you could patch it someday, just to show us how hard are you working on it.
  19. How are going the LoS changes? Everything ok? What about Dante? Still no answer? Any?
  20. To be fair, even stats seen in launch can be changed a week later. Remember how they "changed" Dante after release. So, i would take anything we see with a grain of salt.
  21. Before i saw the video, i knew that it was a Protea xD Yep, thats Protea. And yes, people seem to wanting to troll with energy colors. Idk why DE lets them and doesnt reduce the brightness.
  22. Same as they take 2 years to fix any minor thing that could fix in 15min. Lazyness lack of priorities and working all over the place with no rythm.
  23. Nop. Using a example: When (lets say) around 95% their EHP comes from Armor. If you remove Armor, then you just need to clean that 5% remaining EHP. If they change it so around 50% their EHP comes from Armor. Then, removing that Armor means that you still need to clear a 50% EHP left. This will be, effectively, a Corrositve nerf too.
  24. Idk... you are somewhat right, but that sound to me like a DE issue. Ideally, players shouldn't have to be silent just so DE don't make bad decisions/be unprofessionallly lazy.
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