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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. If you're talking about Efficient Beams and Bursting Mass, those are supposed to show up in the store this time around. Exposing Harpoon and Wild Frenzy, two other long missing augments, are already there this week. If you're thinking of cosmetics or the like, there are some other things that could be old on this list, I'm not sure: Nightwave Emblem Nightwave Sigil Nora Stencil Wolf of Saturn Six Glyph - Bright Wolf of Saturn Six Glyph - Dark WOLF (Scrawl) Saturn Six Scene Emissary Emblem Emissary Sigil ANCIENT (Scrawl)
  2. What SP Grineer DR increase? Are you just talking about the original 2.5x SP enemy bonuses?
  3. I don't recall any hint that DE was going to make any old mods exilus, although it would make sense to do so. If not right away, because they're focused on tennokai, then eventually. I expect more power to be concentrated in the new arcanes. If any old melee mods are converted to exilus, they're hopefully more things like Dispatch Overdrive and Body Count and less things like Primed Reach.
  4. Shortly after this post was made, SoyNegativo spontaneously combusted. They are survived by a keyboard and monitor, slightly melted and smelling of burnt tofu. They shall not be forgotten. At least until WitW drops and we get that sweet arcane transmuter and so on. But DE, how many more players must implode into their constituent particles, physically and cosmologically unable to wait any longer for the official announcement?
  5. I really can't think of anything that would impact your perception of enemy damage or tankyness. As far as how to mod for tank goes, I'm not the best person to give advice. But if you weren't using shieldgating before, there's no overwhelming need to switch over now. Not that you need to stay away from it either--it's still more than viable, and will be there whenever you want to experiment with it. The biggest changes by far have been with pets, which ones are used, and how they're modded. Although again, anything that was working for you before should still be totally fine. It's just that more pets are viable and they have a lot more performance available once you get the bond mods.
  6. I'm hoping for the 8th. The end of the day on the 7th is asking for trouble from a player support standpoint, and doesn't seem ideal from a hype perspective either. They've got to still have some lingering trauma from the Empyrean release, haven't they? If it weren't for the maybe-hints that were dropped, I'd think the 14th was most likely. A few days of hotfixes, and then they basically shut down until early January. edit: oops, I was looking at the wrong calendar month. The 8th is a Friday. Not impossible they'd release that day, but not likely.
  7. What does "recent updates" mean, like going back how far? There haven't been any recent--what I'd call recent, anyway-- changes to armor or damage fomulae. Armor mods were changed recently, but this didn't affect enemies directly.
  8. If so, it'd be a better look if they treated correcting that problem as part of the overhead for making crossplay "Crossplay".
  9. I'm still not following the reasoning. Is it because people who'd started on Console would have felt bad? Hopefully there's something more to it I'm not grasping, because otherwise...lol. Anyway, it seems to me like Founders should have their gear available regardless of crossplay platform, and anybody who transferred back then and lost their Founder gear should get it back.
  10. It's up now, so Naroxas44 was correct, as is generally the case.
  11. I'd say the notorious Grineer regular unit with Alloy is the Bombard. But the wiki has a list here: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Damage/Alloy_Armor?so=search
  12. That seems like the most obvious intent. If the range isn't too high, or it has some other limitation I haven't imagined beyond energy cost , it won't step on the passive as much. Maybe his 4's synergy with rad status scales with the number of statuses. That would make the passive more interesting, since the pylons might be limited to one application per second. Do you find that damage meaningful? I use rad a lot, but maybe I haven't paid enough attention to that component. My impression is that the aggro disruption is very useful and the damage enemies inflict on each other isn't a factor. At least in the content I usually play.
  13. Tiltskillet

    Web bugs

    Try clearing your cache if you haven't already. That solved the problem for me on Firefox.
  14. I don't know what kind of suggestions you're looking for. You posted a thread in Weapon Feedback titled "Grinlok Ammo" about reducing the Grinlok's ammo pool, and now you're wanting what, exactly?
  15. Crap, I knew my reputation as a keen meta slave who wants to take all the challenge out of the game was going to come back to bite me some day.
  16. Play with Talons and no other weapons in Steel Path. Ammo problems and sweet bliss. If you want something for the Grinny that won't take 45 minutes of tapping the fire button, you may be out of luck. You could cut the ammo in about half with a very specific riven, but that'll still leave it with so much that running low would still be quite tedious, afaic.
  17. Pshh, why would Grinlok just give away reserve ammo to those weapons for free? An exchange of ammo for some of their damage though . . . Just force yourself to wear a silly hat if you go below 450; pinch yourself mildly hard if you hit 400. And so on, all the way down to doing a shot of chocolate tuna juice milk while plucking a nosehair if you run out.
  18. Not a math wizard, but if you want to minimize the recoil there are mods for that. Stabilizer or Deadhead by themselves will help a great deal. If you can get to 100% or more recoil reduction, it will negate the recoil on Trumna entirely. Maxed Stabilizer and the Deadhead arcane are 110%. Your other mod options are rivens, Vile Precision, Twitch, Reflex Draw, and Gun Glide. I don't recommend Vile Precision because of its negative RoF, or Gun Glide because it's conditional on sliding and only a ridiculous 20%. Twitch and Reflex Draw are temporary buffs on weapon switch, so not ideal. However these are general buffs, so you have the option to use Reflex Draw on your sidearm and still benefit your Trumna, and/or stack them. I wouldn't really recommend a -recoil riven, but if you find one with other useful affixes for cheap it might be an option.
  19. Technically more procs. Although the game will lump together multiple bleed procs from a single damage instance into one damage popup. You'll still see the number of bleeds on the enemy status bar and the damage increase per popup. Probably worth mentioning that Internal Bleeding / Hemo bleeds don't stack with natural or HM bleeds this way. They just give an additional chance at a bleed rather than a chance at additional bleeds.
  20. Cutest eximus! I adore them, except when they roll over my toes. Ouch! That's just a visual glitch. I think one Sonar cast covers the whole Roller.
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