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Everything posted by SneakyErvin

  1. What are you even talking about? No, no one is getting stomped on while "using" the loot. Do you think I'm talking about BPs? I'm talking about everything we spend time farming to use in various systems of the game. Things where kill rate matters alot for loot yield in a run. I'm using it quite constantly. To reroll rivens, to try new shard combinations on frames I play, revisiting frames I play less since we now have access to shards, unbinging those shards if the frame/build turns out unfun and so on. So when I farm I want to get the most out of it so I can just sit down and experiement as much as I like when I like. Same reason I farm a massive amount of forma each PS, so I can experiment and "waste" forma on weapons I really wanna try. For you maybe, but that is up to you. For me, no. I enjoy the aspect of making things as efficient as I can based on my own standards. Same deal IRL, if I take something on it should be done properly and efficiently. The quote also only considers players of a certain type. For me the fun is improving and optimizing, so I cant optimize the fun out of the game for me. So if you dont want to risk ending up with people not sharing your view on how the game should be played, dont jump into public. I'm fully aware that things may not always align with good efficiency, but I also accept it when I join public for certain modes. I wont get upset if I join an archon hunt disruption and someone starts a conduit without being able to handle it while everyone else is busy elsewhere. If it fails it fail and we lost some time, but that also goes with what can happen in public. Same deal with hasty players in excav and so on. In the end I freely clicked that join button.
  2. And that is the whole thing that makes it not so legendary. You need pretty specific crit in order for it to give any real impact to a build, which not only requires a limited amount of melee weapons, but also removes certain options elsewhere in your build, further streamlining it into being made just for that arcane. You can for instance not carry Avenger to improve your secondary or primary at the same time, since that also throws your crit for the melee into a mess for the arcane. With the combo arcane, yeah it enables alot, but in most content you need to dedicate a skill in order to utilize it, because the chance for most things to survive and enable parazon is small. While you dont need BR to reach 200%+ crit, you still need it to reach near 100% with the weapons that can make use of the arcane, since Sac Steel isnt reliable enough, while on a weapon with too much crit it gives you too much crit on your HA side of the build. So since you already need BR, there is little reason to grab a lower crit weapon just to use that arcane instead of simply using another arcane along with BR on a higher crit weapon. It isnt like reaching 12x combo is hard on its own and maintaining it. You practically trade a focus school for an arcane, or an already universal weapon for the pseudo frames that also brings you the stats you want for a stat stick. It also does nothing for Tennokai, since those are already free.
  3. I get your point of reasoning but it just doesnt make sense based on the Orokin plan. Hear me out. Their plan was to maroon the sentients in Tau through void poisoning. If the path to Tau was safe then the sentients could take that same route back when they figure out the gate would kill or damage them. That wouldnt exactly maroon them since they'd have a safe option and then a fast dangerous one. Plus the solar rails make use of the void, so wouldnt it make sense if they were placed in regions of void between Sol and Tau?
  4. Suer they have, and that has zero to do with what resources should be spent on in the game. You seem to not get at all how companies work and how different budgets are distrubuted. Not to mention that the resources on that convention center are regained through the sale of tickets etc. a) Yes they do, since it also serves a marketing purpose for both DE and the games(s). b) No, but it also comes from a completely different part of the company budget. It is also not a free event for the public. I mean, atleast get some clues before you start yappin.
  5. It was a sickness that eventually rendered them barren, to be stranded and die out in Tau as an intended design flaw. Correct they traveled to Tau as they built the rail, they did this going through the void since that is what the rail is ment to do, enable void travel. This is what poisoned them. Which made them realize that as with everything else the Orokin would eventually also end up destroying Tau. So they took the chance and used the rail to travel back to Sol, which apparently worked and did not kill them as intended. The thing that isnt clear is if the void poisoning actually stops them from procreating, since I really cant find a mention of that. It was ment to kill them though, or stop them from coming back to Sol. But we know Natah is created later on. So it likely doesnt stop their procreation, which also explains how they can build more in preperation for their second attack. Here. Detron Crewman Synthesis.
  6. No really I havent. I'm making this about release time for PvE, which is what would be impacted as people from one project is moved to another. Which ties into time and resources. Convention Center rented to host a convention that provides news for the whole community. Or do you think Tennocon is only a cosplay contest when it is really uhm just a single rather short segment overall?
  7. Why not make it mandatory and simply 2 toggles to the focus screen for the Drifter that simply says "Drifter" and the other "Dax" with an activation bar similar to the schools? Would we be able to swap between free augment and limited extra arcane when we like? As in being fully restricted to either or on all configs but with the ability to swap to the other if we like to completely alter our builds. Re-doing the test would be acceptable aswell. Sorry but I just cant see this. Let's try and make an unpopular mode more popular by including unpopular modes as modes for the unpopular mode. I honestly think the only chance for conclave if a rework was to be made (which I dont support at all) would be something that slow the pace down. Like Corpus versus Grineer at Vepo and Kahl pace with limited weaponry and completely modless. Like uhm bite sized "Battlefield" or "Call of Doodie" without vehicles and taking place in a laser tag venue instead of a small city or massive mountain range. Yup. And maybe Atlas too as you mentioned. I'm just afraid that they'll break the part of him that currently work well, or lol, well I'm afraid they'll break his Landslide, since they cant really break anything else. But if you can guarantee me Landslide will still be solid and the rework would only improve the other 3 skills, like making Rumblers useful without the need to use Nourish, and the wall section doing something and petrify getting improved we can add him to the list aswell! Good ideas overall except for the conclave part which you'd have a hard time convincing me with no matter what most likely. 1+2 gets big 👍 from me cos they seem interesting. And #4 is pretty much spot on with a sensible list of frames that could use a rework. I have no personal rework list aside from Caliban heh so I'll get behind yours. edit: typo fix
  8. Sign me up for a toggle, I dont really care if it means I'll miss out on every single possible boff provided by a player. I hate wisps, volts, revenants, single element weapon buffs and all other forced S#&$ I dont want.
  9. But lol, we know that Frame Fighter is a 1 person project, it has been stated time and time and time again by DE in various stream when talking about Frame Fighter prior to and after it getting released. You also exaggerate what I say. This has nothing to do with DE economics, it has about what spending resources on one thing will do to something else that needs the same team. Also. Are you now saying they should add BR, while at the same time bringing up Overwatch? I mean, you clearly dont have a general clue about PvP overall to begin with. BR alone in WF would not work, since it is limited to a maximum of 8 players. BR relies on a large amount more than that. It also doesnt have maps to support it. So now you are talking about massive unreasonable undertakings. Do you even conceptually know what BR is? How it works, what makes it work in those games, what would make it not work in WF etc? Lets sum it up a little. BR relies on a quite an amount of players and quite large maps. It also relies on randomly generated pick up gear aswell as an ever shrinking "safe zone" where the combat takes place. WF current gives us access to frames in PvP, which wouldnt work in BR due to their abilities. They tried ability based BR in Black Desert, it dies quicker than the Dodo since it just didnt work. And that was a game where PvP was the main focus everywhere. The closest we could get to anything in WF would actually be arena shooter Overwatch style PvP, but even that would be hard due to the practically limitless movement in WF when having access to Warframes. It is easy to say "do it!" when you dont even have a conceptual idea of what differentiates modes and games currently on the market. You said earlier "little TLC" and now you are here presenting full on reworks and overhauls and additions. Which is it? "little TLC" or completely reworks and additions with new game modes maps and system? Practically, are you looking for "little TLC" or a completely new game?
  10. "Golden Spear" is explained in the Erra quest. It is Lotus being confused at the time as Erra implies and then Ballas references the Spear and informs Lotus that the orkin are gone. The second fleet would also not be the "Scarlet Spear", we are the "Scarlet Spear", the members of the operation fleet set up by Little Duck to counter the sentient attack. And while the recent fleet moved slowly it doesnt mean they arent infertile. All of the sentient were afflicted when they traveled to Tau to begin with, that is why they came back the first time because they hated the Orokin for using them as disposable mechanicals to settle Tau and build the rails. The first fleet came through the rail gates they were ment to build between Tau and Sol, the same rails the Orokin used during the war to attack Tau as described in one of the synthesis target entries iirc. We go through the game reactivating rail because they were shut down in order to block intersystem travel during the old war, since the Orokin had access to railjacks while the sentient didnt, so the sentient had to rely in intersystem sub FTL travel. While the rails linking to Tau were destroyed.
  11. Just wanna point out a few thing. This number alone, 620,000, is huge and would have a huge impact as you point out, however, it doesnt stop there even since you actually underestimate the numbers. The reason for this is because you forgot to account for the peak showing concurrent players and not a total. So in reality those 62k players would be refreshed and replaced several times over throughout the 24h of a game day (from reset to reset of dailies) based on the avarage playtime of a player. So lets put this into persepctive while using a few avarage numbers. I'll just use an avarage steam number of 45,000 players here. Ontop of that lets exaggerate the avarage playtime and set it at 3 hours. In reality the avarage is likely closer to something like 45m-1h per day. So that means we have 45,000 concurrent players that play 3 hours in a sitting. This results in the concurrent number being replaced 8 times across a game day since 24/3 = 8. So then we have 45,000 x 8, which means we have 360,000 unique active players passing through the game on Steam every single day. Then we multiply this by the avarage trades, which you placed at MR10 or well 10 trades. This means 360,000 x 10 which lands us at 3,600,000 active auctions per day on an AH just from the Steam players. And since the game has a couple of million unique active players passing through the game per day in total across all platforms we are in reality looking at something like 20,000,000 auctions on a daily basis if an AH would be added. All due to the ease of use that such a system would add. This without account for potential people returning just in order to dump items on the AH "just incase" they get back into the game to play and want a plat buffer obtainable by utilizing only the AH daily. In the end the people thinking an AH can work in WF are not really realizing why AHs work in other games. Those other games do not have their whole population share a single AH market. Those that do are often in utter and total chaos with horrible economies. Not to mention what can be sold and how the game systems work overall with rarities etc. that allows for certain items to retain high value. Practically everything in WF aside from rivens would be common items, so there would be a massive abundance of them meaning they'd practically have no value if easily traded through an AH. This is also without considering how DE would handle these absurd amounts of item auctions when the game isnt an MMO. Should we then get dedicated auctioneer servers that we upload the items to? Even though we cannot get dedicated servers to avoid host migrations and S#&$ in regular gameplay? Or should players just be able to list sales and the buyers be required to wait until those players are online again? Those listed items would still need some form of persistant server where people can browse adds etc. aswell as automatically mark things as sold and so on.
  12. Why? Those builds improve my loot yield and the loot is what I'm farming, so obviously I want as much as possible when I farm no matter if I do it solo or in multiplayer. If you are there for the intrinsic rewards you have the choice to make premades since the game isnt based around the subjectiveness of the intrinsic rewards. For me the intrinsic reward is improving my builds to farm loot more efficiently and then using that build as I farm. I'm very much all about the efficient farm, I havent said otherwise. What I said was that I have no problem stopping and dropping that efficiency on the fly if someone asks for something out of the norm, or if someone goes down and needs to get picked up etc. Since I joined a random group where those things can happen. And chances are high the people I match up with share the idea of wanting an effective farm, since it is the norm of these games. Hence why they jump into random groups instead of premades, since they know the outcome is most often fast, so no need to take the time for a premade in order to increase the efficiency of their farm. Uh "may be", no lol they are. And that rocket surgery tells us that bringing those builds will gain us the most loot since the kill rate will be guaranteed to be very high and the clear rate fast. Killing several demos in no time, activating and keeping excavs safe quickly, slaughtering enemies as fast as they can spawn in survival, clearing waves ate high speeds in defense etc. If you want a slow and tedious session, or a low killrate survival for less loot, do so in a premade.
  13. But it is, since it is like calling real life PvP since real life practically works like open world PvP in games. You never know if you are going to get run over walking to the store or run into a nutjob on a real life "ganking" spree. So everyone is into PvP by default. It would also claim that fashions shows are PvP etc. The problem is that conclave doesnt need a little TLC, it needs a massive overhaul for it to become popular. Many do not play it simply because they dont enjoy the WF movement in a PvP setting. Some dont play it because it relies too much on hitscan weapons that remove a layer of skill. Others dont play it because they dont like small scaled PvP or tiny arena combat. I'm a person that got severly bored with Overwatch since it was so streamlined and "small", I prefer Battlefield or Alterac Valley type of PvP, or the dangers of the open world on a PvP server. Frame Fighter is a 1-man spare time project, hence why it gets fragments added because that person decides to do it in their spare time. So if someone at DE really wants to do something for conclave in their spare time that would be on them and I would have nothing against it, since it is their own personal time. And atm I cant see DE dedicated anything to PvP due to the history and data they have. They did afterall end trials since it was having too much upkeep, same deal with solar conflicts that would be too much of an undertaking to fix. If PvP hadnt already been given several attempts at improvements I wouldnt be against it. But when you've tried as many times as they have already it is imo time to just cut the losses and simply leave it there as is while doing minimal work to it i.e just making sure frames and new weapons eventually end up there. They would, since there isnt a dedicated PvP team at DE. So resources would need to get moved from one thing over to conclave in order to work on it. It doesnt really matter which teams would get reduced, it would impact PvE releases at that point. And since there is barely any activity in conclave it would be hard to accept the mode getting worked on yet again. If the mode actually had a decent playerbase it would be different, but it doesnt have that.
  14. I would really not consider that wide use when you need a certain amount of a stat to make it useful. Wide use would really be something like Exposure, which practically works on all weapons since the only requirement is the use of skills to keep the buff up. The difference between the Atomos example and the arcane is that the Atomos doesnt have addition options in the mods to really compete with increasing crit and thus benefitting from that perk. The arcane has competition that is easier to utilize while not limiting you in your mod selection or choice of weapon. A legendary should be better in order to have the status of legendary. I mean in your example you need to go to lengths to get the same as you would with influence on a far more specific weapon aswell. If you want CC utility influence would still do it better and only require decent status on the weapon. While duplicate+exodia may allow you CC, influence would still do it at up to 29m depending on the weapon you pick, your combo does it at 6m or so. And if I need CC it is likely versus the guys 20m+ away, not those that will get hit by my melee anyways. I'm not saying Dupe doesnt have its uses, I'm questioning the legendary status of it due to the massive niche. Same with the initial combo count arcane, which limits you to a build that can actually expose an enemy to finishers on a regular basis. Which makes me question how DE reasoned when they decided to make those two arcanes the legos and not influence and exposure that are far more universal due to their small limitations.
  15. Ah so you speak for everyone even though the person I replied to felt it worthwhile to bring up such a thing? So clearly some people do care about those things. And who the hell implied I run around and misbehave and get upset if I get repremanded? No one. Also, saying "nobody cares" clearly means you do care, since you made the effort to post "nobody cares". You simply care the other way, making it a needle poking your eyes and frustrates you. My point is, these days people get upset and hurt over anything, including the most normal use of words. Not to mention the large amount of double standards for many of those people. And people apparently also get upset over people mentioning their upbringing, to the point where they need to comment on it. Cheers, or as we say in sweden where I'm raised, skål! Oh noes, childhood references!
  16. It's a thing with their frontal assets that block them from getting a proper grip on you.
  17. Yeah same, turned off here aswell and not bothered. Not from the 60s myself, but grew up with hardened parents and grandparents as a child of the 80s. These days people get offended by the most silly S#&$. edit: If someone called me an idiot I'd probably go "oh so you're the one who has been spying on me!".
  18. None of that really matters and quite obvious 2024 stats wont be available when we are currently in may of 2024. Usage is still usage and you can strack in back to uhm 2020 and she sits as high or higher in usage position. And if we go about it the correct way, the frame overall (prime+normal) has higher usage than Saryn, Titania and Mesa, and nearly tied with Khora during 2023.
  19. Could be. Honestly I'm 100% against banning for any word said when there is a bloody profanity filter in the game that people actively need to turn of in order to see "bad" words in the first place. And if the bad words arent in the filter, the player shouldnt get banned imo, the filter needs to have the word added at that point if seen as bad. My personal reply to anyone reporting a player in a game where a filter exsists would be "why did you turn off the filter then?" and then just move on.
  20. It is indeed odd. I remember in the olden days we usually just ended up with a broken nose or a blue eye when conversations escalated quickly.
  21. The bolded part isnt at all true. The game rewards you for pushing your kps/kpm, since you get rewards faster by either killing more enemies in endless, or blitzing through one-and-done missions. There is never a reward in going slower than possible. WoW is a different kind of game since it has no incentive to jump into "low" level content, because the rewards there are quite literally useless to you. But it doesnt restrict you from going there is someone you know needs help or if you just want to help people in general to get through it faster. If all levels were rewarding you can bet your ass on people doing with the most effective builds to farm that, just as people actually do in WoW when farming materials to level new crafting etc. And of course sticking to a single build in WF isnt always desired and no one says otherwise. However, reducing your efficiency is never incentiviced. There is zero downside to going with a build that kills as fast and efficiently as possible while swapping the rest to fit the task at hand. Go to disruption with the highest possible dps and Kullervo for instance, then swap over to Frost with the highest possible dps available to do excav. Both result in high efficiency for the individual modes and there is no incentive whatsoever to reduce the dps. Yes sure, the game works great playing alongside someone. But you are completely ignoring PuGing, where there is nothing whatsoever pre-planned and communicated. So while you wanna play organized with someone else, there is no guarantee for that combination in a PuG. If I knew I was always running with a rev or a wisp or whatever, then my builds would compeltely neglect certain parts since the synergy would cover that. But in a PuG nothing is guaranteed, so of course I will bring what I bring for solo so the outcome and efficiency is the same as solo, otherwise there would be no reason to do anything in multiplayer. Why would I jump into something that suddenly rewards me less and is far slower? No I jump into a mission and do what the majority does. And I guess you havent done EDA with all the various variables that can and will remove certain parts you might rely on in a build that results in people getting downed and dead at times. A place where enemies also do not die to a sneeze in every mission etc. The mode where playing alongside eachother with maxed out builds actually is a thing. The mode where some might have a slightly worse week than you and might rely more on others than someone else in the group. And that bolded part wasnt clear enough when ressing someone through an Angel kill was mentioned? What #*!%ing mode did you think I was talking about where that is a thing aside from the only content in the game where that is a thing? Why? Because the game is designed that way. If I could get relics from 3 other players when playing solo I would play solo. And I join public archon disruptions since it speeds things up, because we are 4 players then with 4 conduits and 4 demos, all being able to cover each direction for simultaneous key insertions etc. And it is the same with EDA, since it is faster and allows me to focus my build options to a more specific portion of the 3 missions. And the game only vanishes if you are horribly built. I've played quite a decent amount of public recently and our groups have had more than enough good builds yet everyone has had something to do. It's an exaggerated myth that high potential builds rob others. For the love of all that is unholy, I mostly play melee these days with nothing in my kits to nuke with aside from my melee weapon. And there is not a moment where I dont have something to do/attack. Right now I run around with either Hate or Dual Fang, along with a Burston Prime Incarnon soley for it being useful with Amalgam Serration, so I can achieve some nice movement speed bonuses (especially with Hate) and then Grimoire for utility. This all when playing either Kullervo or Dante as weapon platforms. Which allows me to maintain sick kps when playing solo (since everything comes to me), and it leaves plenty of room for others in groups aswell, while also allowing me to pick up the pace if needed. Then when doing EDA I'm more concerned just supporting my group than dealing damage, so prioritize that incase specific missions pop, like defense or the assassination. If kindness and respect is the name of an asteroid heading for Earth I fully agree. The world is currently at a point where it would do us good if Surt steps onto the field and plunges his great sword into dear mother, so we can all bathe in the sea of flames and eventually get washed away by the tide. The lucky few that survive could then maybe make something better.
  22. That double dip is long gone and the only thing the exodia shares is that it deals some AoE damage. But how they work are widely different. And the base stats still need to shift in one direction for Duplicate, since you still need the same stats unless you've missed the mechanics of the arcane completely. So the options arent really wider, they get more narrow even. Look at the arcane. It requires you to produce a crit in order to work, so skipping BR is a no go. The arcane really only suits a build on a weapon with a sweetspot crit that can achieve 100% crit or very close to it with BR maxed. You will never be able to give up crit if you want to use this arcane. On weapons with higher crit you could potentially skip BR and go Sac Steel to hit 100%, but at that point you also screw over your HAs, since their crit would suddenly be too high to trigger the arcane. You can potentially try and gamble and build for 150% crit, since the dupe hit can oj crit, but it is unreliable since you can end up dealing no dupe hit at all aswell since your first hit might also produce oj instead of yellow. So I cant see the universal use in it, which also makes me question the lego status of the mod in comparison to exposure and influence.
  23. And like I said, that isnt how it works, since the people making cosmetics wont do anything for conclave aside from... you guessed it, cosmetics. Then if those cosmetics are only obtainable through conclave, well then DE would lose out on money on those cosmetics. DE would need to stop playable content development from the PvE part of the game to make playable content changes to conclave or PvP in general. That really doesnt matter, since it still adds up to roughly 1 improvement/rework every 3 years, or 1/2 if they did a 5th pass on it for whatever. While most PvE modes have gone with zero improvements since their release. They are far beyond the point of salvaging the mode since it would very likely need a full blown rework or have a completely new mode added with far more balanced gameplay options. But that would also be a huge undertaking and not sure to succeeed, which might mean it is just another failed 5th attempt. And no, the dignifying part would be DE accepting that maybe PvP isnt their thing and not the interest of the playerbase either. I really dont think they have any devs that are really in the know-how regarding PvP. And no, dont go and say "duh but they did UT!", since that part is no longer at DE, and havent been for a long time. Part of those were part of Epic when Epic made BR for Fortnite, since even the Epic devs realized they didnt have the know-how to make PvP for their game on their own. And happy PvPers are no more likely to spend than the PvEers that are happy. And if DE starts focusing on PvP, there will be plenty of PvEers that end up not so happy. If this was a new idea for the game there would have been sense in testing the waters, but they have in the end tried several times already with poor success each time, and plenty of troubles to go with it, to the point where one mode changed fundamentally and then got shut down permanently. And lol, how exactly would that work? PvP exclusive skin but somehow it would uhm raise money aswell? Not to mention we have uhm 57 frames and not even a universal skin for PvE. Do you mean a skin (or well attachment) sold for cash that can only be used in a specific part of the game, with barely any current community that they can hope will buy it? Do you really think people would pay for something so limited when people barely did conclave during tennobaum for the free rewards tied to it? Nope, I'll never agree on it due to how small that part of the community is and how much they've already gotten. They aswell as everyone else also have the whole rest of the game to play, so will benefit from whatever is made for core WF. And if there are some players that only play WF for the PvP they are even fewer to even consider. I dont think I've read anything so ridiculous in my life.
  24. Yes, and that isnt norm for these games, and that seems to upset you. It isnt a reasonable thing to expect in arpgs for instance, but you want it to be. I also wouldnt stop killing just because you might want "fun", since that would be where pre-mades come in, or solo play since you are going against the norm. However if you asked due to needing something I wouldnt mind stopping if it wasnt absurd. There is also not any savior complex, it is just playing the game the way that is most common. So asking does need to happen if you arent playing the common way in a public group. Since people arent mindreaders. What you consider needed for the content being done. If I head in and want most loot possible with me at the end, those considerations regarding what is needed might vary widely, just as how long you think is reasonable to stay. I also know what I build for, since I build to fit my goals. If I go into a mission and want maximum loot yield I wont settle with a build that can pull off 1.8 kps if I can bring one that grants me 2.5 kps since that results in a massive loss of kills/loot per minute, rotation and hour. And things getting hairy isnt what I build for, it is about efficiency since I play and enjoy the farming of the game. So your fun isnt the same as my fun. Your fun both robs me of fun and rewards if I am to follow it. So when you ask others to cater to and consider your fun, you ask others to give up their fun in addition to the efficiency and rewards they might seek. While all you give up when you end up with the norm is your idea of fun. You arent giving up time and rewards. Easy enough? Yes. But we arent talking difficulty here, we are talking about giving up that die hard approach you accused me of having. You also look at it a oddly with your constant need to demonize (or is it sanctify) by calling it "savior complex" and "benevolent guardian" etc. No it is simply just regular gameplay manners if you ask me. And what is odd with them needing my help? It is quite obvious that they do, since there is no self res in the mode. So if someone gets downed and die, someone would need to res them with an angel kill, so if that someone is me, I'd do it. I'd hate to end up with you in a group if you find these common sense things "benevolent guardian" or "savior complex" actions. I dont even expect a thanks to these actions, since they are just part of regular group behavior imo. I do however thank others, because it would feel odd not to for some reason. Like... how #*!%ing selfish are you when you nitpick these things and try to demonize them?
  25. Huh? Why would you uhm need to pay 5x forma, and arcane and an adapter to access the new scaling system? Yeah with the current system. But they also said that they are going to change that for mobs, so the armor rating in relation to DR will scale differently between 0-2700/0-90%. So we will probably not look at 64% DR at 80% armor removal in the new system, or 47% at 90% removal. In addition to this they aim to make armor more relevant on all armored enemies and not have the rice paper butchers in contrast to the 50m thick reinforced concrete Heavy Gunners.
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