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Everything posted by (PSN)Sentiel

  1. That said, it might need a Riven which I imagine are extremely expensive. Ha! I bought mine for 20p when everyone thought the weapon is junk. The reason it might need one is because Sentient Surge takes up a slot and it has very low base damage, so it needs something to address that, which ideally isn't Hornet Strike. I highly recommend rolling Punch Through as well. It makes it easier for the main beam to kill and activates tendrils faster.
  2. Caustacyst has innate Corrosive, it's the only melee with it afaik. This is important because if you want to use Melee Influence, you need to have Electric on your weapon, and Caustacyst is the only weapon which allows you to have Corrosive and Electric at the same time. You can further add Viral to it either through mods or through Nourish. Regardless of the way you do it, you should end up with a weapon that does Electric, Corrosive, and Viral. Just in case, I'll explain Melee Influence. It grants a 20% chance on Melee Electricity status procs to spread elemental Melee status effects to enemies within 20m for 18s. The next step is to use two Emerald Shards that add extra Corrosive stacks to reach full armour strip. If you combine all of the above, you end up with a melee weapon that's constantly Armor stripping all enemies in a 20 meter radius while also giving them Viral and Electric. It doesn't end there. It also does radial blind on every heavy attack, Tennokai included, and it also does a long range wave attack on every heavy attack that leaves behind a sludge that does Corrosive damage. I don't know about any bugs with Burston but it's among top 3 Incarnon Genesis weapons, so it's definitely worth it. It's nothing special in design, just extremely rapid fire shots with small AoE. As for Torid, it's main benefit is that it doesn't require headshots to charge, which especially with bosses are sometimes impossible. I've used Ocucor for years. When everyone was running around with Kuva Nukor, I already fell in love with Ocucor and used it to clear everything on Steel Path except for Eximus units. Sentient Surge just made it better. My original build required passive reloading by holstering it for a few seconds so I don't lose the tendrils. It also had Vigorous Swap, so the damage was comparable with how Ocucor is today. Sentient Surge gives you 20% of your clip back from reserves upon a kill (so you can still run out of ammo). It allows me to hold the fire button for the whole mission, as long as there are enemies to kill (and there's no Wisp with Haste Mote).
  3. Primary weapon: Burston or Torid modded for Radiation damage. I use this for bosses and Murmur. Secondary weapon: Ocucor or Tenet Cycron modded for Corrosive + Heat or Viral + Heat (depends on whether the frame has Nourish or not). I use this to kill 99% of all enemies. Melee weapon: Usually Innodem for the passive Sprint Speed boost. Some frames have Ceramic Dagger for instakill heavy attacks (Kullervo) or Caustacyst for AoE wiping. All have Life Strike and Tennokai to be used as a backup healing method. Bonus mentions. Archgun: Imperator Vandal modded for Radiation. It's a backup antiboss weapon in case my primary weapon runs out of ammo. Companion: Verglas modded for Cold with around 45% CC and Hunter Munitions. It provides Cold crown control via Shivering Contagion, buffs my primary weapon through Primary Frostbite, and provides Reinforced Bond buff (+60% Fire Rate). It also clones itself thanks to Duplex Bond, which when paired with Nourish and Contagious Bond creates four Sentinels strong enough to take on Steel Path enemies.
  4. Limbo doesn't really need a rework, his abilities are ok as they are. It's the Rift that needs a rework. Or rather, it needs a slight change. I understand it's designed to be fair, so it blocks weapons from allies and foes alike while letting through abilities of both parties as well. Since Limbo is the one in control of the Rift, he should be able to determine what it blocks and what it doesn't block, so Rift shouldn't block our weapons, just enemy weapons. That alone would make Limbo a more useful and desired frame. I can imagine someone saying it's not balanced. Well, nobody cares, especially not DE, because as long as Mesmer Shield exists, balance in this game has been lost and any arguments from our side are pointless. In fact, this would be less OP than Mesmer Shield.
  5. I'm not asking for a rework, I wouldn't dare, but there's a few inconsistencies or bugs between what's happening in the game and what the ability description claims. This is mainly aimed at Effigy. Aside from it's mediocre DPS performance, there's two issues with it. 1. Effigy is not stationary and it does in fact slowly, very slowly, hover around with no clear destination. It's not going after enemies, it just hovers away from the spot where you use it. What a horrible sentry. Please make it behave, DE. 2. Effigy's ability description states: "Chroma turns his pelt into a massive sentry that strengthens nearby allies and engulfs enemies in elemental attacks." No matter how much scouring the internet I do, I cannot find how does Effigy strengthen nearby allies. I was expecting it to spread Elemental Ward or/and Vex Armor buffs around it, which would be pretty cool and worth the horrendous 10 energy per second cost, but it doesn't do anything of the sort. In fact, it relies on Chroma staying near it to share the Vex Armor buff to deal at least somewhat noticeable damage.
  6. Put Primary Blight on it and it will become absolutely delicious.
  7. All I want is a change or an augment that would make it so Redline can stay active forever, similarly to the treatment Gyre received, because having to recharge the battery every 60 seconds isn't an enjoyable gameplay loop.
  8. I suppose DE makes the new Warframes requiring the players to engage in the current endgame content on purpose to promote the said content, give veteran players something to do, motivate others to reach that part of the game, and to promote Platinum sales (which can always be used to acquire the latest stuff immediately). Imagine the requirements of getting Saryn as a new player. You have to clear the great majority of the Star Chart to reach Sedna where you can farm her from the boss. While the farming itself is more straightforward then most of the new Warframes, it still requires a lot of time and effort to reach that stage. Also, there were always annoying to farm frames in the past as well. Harrow, Nidus, Equinox, Ash, just to name a few.
  9. Incarnon charging is utterly unbalanced across the board. The most glaring examples are Torid and Boar. Torid charges off of anything and everything, even a level 1 enemy will give me a third of bar on a body shot, whereas Boar specifically needs to hit something extremely tanky to the head to get even a little charge. What's even worse about this is that Boar's Incarnon was made to be a crowd dispenser and is useless against single targets, so you should be able to charge it quickly and use it as your main attack mode to clear off the weak enemies until you run into a tough enemy it can't handle where you would revert to the normal mode to kill it. There is a working dynamic in this which is invalidated because Boar charges the slowest out of all Incarnons (perhaps paired with Strun), where I get only a tiny, barely visible charge for headshoting a lvl 200 Steel Path Grineer. You can't have a Incarnon that specifically needs Eximus or a Boss to charge. That's silly.
  10. Assuming we have a game that can cause such problems with Sony's hardware and Sony themselves claim the hardware is not at fault, it would mean Sony didn't properly perform their cert testing on the update which introduced this issue. If both sides claim they're not at fault then it should be thoroughly investigated. Naturally, the side at fault would be against that and will try to sweep the issue under the rug. You won't get any traction and exposure to counter that here, so I would suggest going to a unaffiliated platform like Twitter, where both Sony and DE (and other Devs whose games can be affected by this) have the same visibility. Try to get the attention of both parties and expose the problem publicly, perhaps by involving someone influential, such a famous streamer, who can help you raise the awareness of this issue. That said, I strongly suspect it's Sony's fault because they a responsible for the hardware and it's also their responsibility to make sure the software they officially release for that hardware to be harmless to it. I would also not take their customer support too seriously. I had many dealings with them in the past and they were always slow, uncooperative, and borderline incompetent.
  11. While I do not suffer from this issue, I am grateful to you for directly addressing this concern. Would it be possible to make it into a sticky thread in the PlayStation section to make players aware it's not Warframes fault?
  12. Goodbye Topaz Shards. It's been fun till now but it's time to hit the bin for you.
  13. I'm using Secondary Encumber on Tenet Cycron, Kuva Nukor, and Ocucor. It works wonders on beam weapons that target multiple enemies and you gain huge buffs from the status Galvanized mod like this (forgot it's name sorry). I don't know about it's cooldown but it reliably makes the enemy debuff icons look like they encountered a Final Fantasy VIII Malboro. Not to mention everything dying in unspeakable ways shortly afterwards.
  14. At first I was like "YOU LEAVE MY NYX ALONE!" but then I realized you're right. Also, kudos for not forgetting Caliban.
  15. Fractured Blast and Equilibrium have me topped up all the time. It's a great combination and works well with Dagath's passive. I need the strength to buff the Blast. Once I have spare Azure Shards, I'll give her Precision Intensify instead of Primed Flow. As for using health, I figured this combination of mods + her passive would make for great healing through Orbs alone, which is true so she doesn't need further sustain.
  16. I have no idea how to build Dagath, I even asked around and haven't received a satisfactory answer. So, what I did was to go the way if brute force. It's probably super wrong but it works and it's comfortable to use, and that's what matters the most to me.
  17. This sounds so silly it's actually possible with DE. I'm trying to make a Blast+Radiation weapon and Gaze seemed like the ideal choice but the random aesthetics combined with the wear and tear make it too ugly to use regardless of it's performance.
  18. They're ugly! Just let me put the Oscira skin on them or make a new one and I'll gladly pay for it (assuming it's not even uglier than the default kitgun look).
  19. You have to do the whole thing from scratch. Also, the sequence is new, so whatever the previous 'owner' used to defeat the Lich won't work anymore.
  20. I find it pathetic, the complaints that is, because it doesn't affect me while playing Titania at all. If I have a Volt in the squad, I'll just toggle off 'sprint' (if you can call it that while flying) and that's it. Regardless of my opinion about the complaint itself, the request to have QoL buff toggle added is valid. Even if I don't have a problem with this particular scenario myself, there are many who do and I support their right to remove such annoyance.
  21. Why is it always Titania players complaining about Volt? I swear I see a new thread on this topic at least once a week. DE might as well cave in already and give us the option to select which buffs we want to be affected and which not. All buffs, not just the movement related ones because once you sort out Volt for Titania people, Chroma people will start to complain about DR and Overguard. We'll just move from one painpoint to the next.
  22. Sobek is strong already and has it's own augment. I get why they went with Strun and Boar, which made them strong and relevant, and while Sobek is now among the weaker shotguns thanks to that, giving it a Incarnon Adapter would either make it OP or thr Incarnon would be lackluster. Then again, DE doesn't give a damn about proper balancing, as can be seen with Torid, so why the heck not. Let's go for it!
  23. Support frames are very useful yet they are indeed in a poor state not because we can easily kill everything with our weapons but because we all mod our frames to be self sufficient, with a lot of frames who don't need support at all, and also because you don't see the benefits you provide to the team. Furthermore, if there is a frame we cannot make self sufficient, we just don't play it at all instead of relying on support from our team. You can't provide much support to frames like Wukong, Revenant, and other nearly immortal frames. There are frames which don't work together at all, so they can't provide any support to each other. Imagine you take Hyldrin expecting to help your team by providing shields and your end up with Inaros, Nidus, and Kullervo. That said, Hyldrin won't have much use for the healing Nidus and Inaros provide either. Even worse issue are cases where your support actually has a negative impact on your allies. Chroma might not appreciate damage reduction from Gara, Nezha, or Citrine. Wisp can easily ruin your ammo economy. Volt's Speed seems generally disliked, at least here, because it makes it difficult to navigate the maps. Styanax won't appreciate turning invisible by Ash, and so on. Lastly, except for very vague and inaccurate stats like how much energy/health you recovered, which do not take into the account going over the limit of what a frame can receive and doesn't work for all abilities, you don't see anything else, like how many status effects have you prevented, how much damage have you reduced, how much shields have you provided, etc. So, even though you can be incredibly helpful, the game doesn't tell you about it in any way. This makes you feel redundant to your team.
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