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Everything posted by (PSN)slightconfuzzled

  1. I quite like the combination of the Decree which has a chance for AOE Toxin on headshots, the Status Spread chance Decree and a few of my favourite, traditionally single target weapons, or accuracy focused weapons. Weapons like Kuva Chakkhurr, Sybaris, Exergis. Even using the Drifter and Sirocco. Can feel great nuking enemy groups as Drifter by landing a good headshot on a dense enemy group and watching them explode. Granted in Steel Path you need a few stacked Decrees for the Damage buff. Baruuk with a lot of the melee and power Decrees is obviously quite stupidly powerful and broken. Ditto the Stropha and other gunblades, and certain Melee Decrees because I think many of them were created with most melee in mind, but Gunblades being the way they are... Lavos is also quite crazy fun with a bunch of Status Decrees. Oh and the one which heals on Status infliction? Even harder to die now. Same with Citrine. There are a few even more specific combinations and synergies I am fond of, but am a bit sleepy so can't think of them exactly. A few weapons with the Fire Rate increase Decree can get pretty spectacular. The ability to roll and reload as well? I wish there was a Warframe with that ability.
  2. Ah yes, that sounds like Thrax enemies. They can make Zariman Mobile Defence pretty tough. My general advice? Make them the number one priority to kill. If that means that you have to adjust your build or load out a little, might be worth it. For example, there are a few Warframes, like Vauban, Mag, Nova, Khora, Mesa, Gara, that are great in Mobile Defence, because they can CC/Crowd Control most of the normal enemies, which basically lets you ignore them. You can't CC/Crowd Control certain enemies as much or well... Like Eximus, and the Thrax enemies, some who have those heavy scythes, but if you can temporarily ignore most of the other enemies, you can then put much more focus on them, and killing them as priority number 1. Some of their attacks also home in on players, so if you can learn and recognise those, you can use this to lead them a bit away from the Mobile Defence, but also they might just head towards that as a priority, in which case you just need to kill them. Another tip, is that their spectral form attacks, can be interrupted by your Operator. I don't just mean at the end when you destroy their physical body, but that attack they do where they split into copies and do a magnetic laser attack. That can do a lot of damage, but you can reduce that by attacking them with your Operator, which makes them do less damage, or no damage, if you can hit all of them fast enough. Some other considerations. The Bounty versions can be more difficult too, depending on the modifier. There is one modifier where they don't want the Mobile Defence to take any damage, and that can be super tricky because keep its shields up to prevent that... can be tricky. Without knowing which Warframe and weapons you might be using, may also be a bit harder to diagnose issues, but something for you to consider as well. Could be potentially easier if you are willing or can swap around a bit. Though some players prefer having a main, which is understandable too. I also assume you are doing this solo, which can be tough, getting some help from others can help, team work and all that. It is quite tough for a lot of people though, good luck in the mean time though! Feel free to tell us what Warframe and weapons you generally use? Maybe someone else can give more specific advice!
  3. Staticor Incarnon: I mean this is basically the Hadoken gun, so an Incarnon version, should basically make this a super Hadoken or like a Gohadoken gun. So the Incarnon form, should throw out three of the same charge shot. Fast charged type, followed by two more fast charge types, but a charged version, will also send out two more charged up versions. The charged versions should also be homing, and a bit slower but with a bigger AOE, and if you are airborne, you should get Incarnon Charge efficiency, letting you fire more. (Body shots to charge) Twin Kohmak Incarnon: Should borrow a bit from the Furis incarnon. Change it to being beam like, with the idea being, that the weapon is now firing so much with so much spool, that its no longer shooting bullets, its just generating a tremendous amount of energy and heat. So make it a dual beam weapon, close range beams, very thick and wide hitboxes though, and if you hold the trigger down, the hitbox shrinks but extends and becomes longer reaching. So if you are close to a lot of enemies, you hold tap the fire button a bit, but if they are further away, hold it down to get them. Almost like the spool is so aggressive that its almost uncontrollable and unwieldy at first, but after a sec, becomes this refined hyper dual laser. Lots of Incarnon charge, but burns quickly if you hold it down. Talons Incarnon: So this weapon already has an alt fire function, and thats still the case, unless you get to max Incarnon charge. Then it transforms, and for this, I think the Incarnon form shouldn't be too different, because with this weapon, you would be forced to stay in Incarnon mode, and the alt fire function should still work the same... so you couldn't press it again, to exist out of Incarnon form. Thus... the Incarnon form, should be a straight upgrade and similar. Incarnon form will make it silent, and homing. Then when it explodes or is manually detonated, it creates additional instances of damage points in a rough radius. Which then themselves create additional explosions, which then also create a third wave of wider spread, smaller damage instances. Sort of like staggered cascading Shrapnel mini explosions. Incarnon Charge of around 30 and... thats also your limit on how many you can throw before they all detonate. Do you want to spread out 10 across a large room to injure a whole bunch of enemies for medium damage? Or do you want to throw all 30 on a single enemy, you really hate? Quartz Incarnon: Incarnon turns this into a mini pocket Zeus. Let it shoot deep, heavy sounding thunderbolts that pierce and pin enemies, and give it a wide Nataurk like hitbox and projectile size. Then when it does hit enemies, give it a mini AOE effect on point of impact, which inflicts lightning innately (as well as whatever you mod for). Each shot will also trigger the weapons reload mechanic, which gives some AOE type effect around you, but since you aren't reloading, its more of a general electrical AOE. Also, for no real reason, let alone any practical reason, each time you fire the weapon, insert a loud deep, thunder cracking sound effect and maybe even a large deep man whispering the word "Thhhunnnndaaaaaarrrrr craaaaccckkkaaaaahhhh". Why? Because it would be hilarious and give the weapon identity. Fusilai Incarnon: Since this weapon got the misfortune of not getting a Prime version... Its Incarnon version, basically just up the multishot to ridiculous degrees, and make it so you are throwing like 30 of this weapon, but give it a wide horizontal emphasis. Like.. now you aren't just throwing glass spinning knives, you are throwing large glass, spinning scythes. Like thats the actual animation as well, these oversized, horizontal glass spinning curved scythes, that will cut and slice anything in its way. Sort of a bit like the Paris and Dread Incarnon, but not as much damage, just way wider and more of them. Like the increased amount should overall mean a lot of damage, but the weapon should be as much a pleasant visual spectacle as much as it is powerful/potent. Plus the weapon will be more effective thrown at head level if the enemies are in an arc of sorts (well unless you have punchthrough equipped). Give it a slight homing effect towards enemies heads too. Make them faster too in Incarnon form (as well as the general buffs Incarnons typically get.) Marelok Incarnon: Much more multishot, more recoil, more damage, more innate punch through. Slower reload. Much more damage and multi shot to overcompensate though. Its animation I believe is intended to invoke a scene from Terminator 2, and it is pretty cool, so play up that fact, where its almost a little bit frustrating to reload slower, but the upsides are worth it, because of the bigger damage/satisfaction. Normal mode will be buffed, and this can be one of those Incarnons where the normal form, is better for most trash enemies, and you save the Incarnon for Acolytes or Archons or bosses, etc.
  4. Could this be a misunderstanding of statistics and probabilities? Also, just to be super clear, I don't mean that in an insulting way, I personally struggle a lot with statistics and probabilities myself, and I also find that most people in general can slightly overestimate how well they understand statistics and probabilities. So I personally consider them deceptively complex. Also to be clear, I am just being general, for all I know, you could be extremely proficient and an expert with statistics and probabilities and odds, making an observation about others flawed ideas/perceptions. In which case ignore me. If its the former, then there are a very users I know who are great with numbers that will probably chime in, and explain in way that might hopefully make sense, if they haven't already. I'll try my best, but I admit and acknowledge I might be repeating or saying something you may already know and understand, I might be wrong and way off, and so on, disclaimer, disclaimer. Based on what you are suggesting, the variable I think worth emphasising, is the ability in a Rad group, to pick from others. Also, in this context, 34% is quite a lot higher than 10%. I know in some other contexts, that may not seem like that much... Also, and I might struggle a bit to communicate this... but odds don't have memories, which you seem to understand already, (a radiant relic is still always 10% per run) which is accurate and I am not implying otherwise, but then there are like odds, for uh averages? Probabilities of occurrences? Like flipping tails 9 times in a row, doesn't make it a certainty that heads has to happen on the 10th flip, because the odds get stacked, its just that across a number of people flipping coins, its going to be relatively rare for say... the majority of a large number having 10 million flips all be tails. I have to use an extreme and somewhat silly example, because I don't have a good intuitive understanding of such things. The way I understand it though, is that in a Rad share, the probability of not getting a rare reward gets rarer and rarer faster than if you are solo. I think. I may be wrong or misunderstanding something important. There is a pretty detailed Wikia page with a lot of related math over Relics, and I know enough to understand some of it, but also there is a lot that makes my brain hurt. You might be interested in it though. The way I generally understand it at current, is that its just far more effective and efficient to rad share. If you run solo Rad, its not that you can just run say 4 times as much to get the same reward, but increasingly much more overall. Mind you, its not like that stops me, half the time I do Relics I am solo, I have a huge stock pile of Relics, and most of the time aren't trying to actually get anything specific. When I do want something specific, its usually brand new Prime items just releases, and so I PUB, which is still not as good as a Rad Share however, I'd make an educated case, that around release, there are generally more people running the same sort of Relics I am, usually, so that can help a bit.
  5. Thanos would pick Nekros feet most likely. Or Yareli. Since sometimes he imagines Death as a young goth looking girl, well Nekros is all about Death and Yareli probably seems like the most young girl looking, optics wise and relatively.
  6. Its inherently subjective. Its a bit like the Japanese kids tale The Enigma of Amigara Fault and the Western Romantic Horror story, Goldilocks and the Three Bears. The effectiveness or value of the foot, can depend on the preference or tastes of the person observing the foot. What might be too big, small, hot or cold for one person, may be the right or perfect fit for another. "This is my hole! Foot! It was made for me!" That being said, if one is to try and force an answer, an objective answer, well the answer lays not with the toes of any Warframe, but obviously a tie between Cephalon Suda and Kaeli.
  7. You are under no obligation to read anyones posts, nor do you have to apologise. Its fine. Just consider that you yourself have made long posts in this thread replying to other people. So if you want people to read your long replies... well naturally, some of their replies will also be long. So what does it say to someone who expects others to read their long posts but doesn't want to read the replies? Also for someone that didn't read a reply, you do oddly go on to respond to some of it. Also, no, I don't think its wrong. Empathetically, my response explained how it doesn't matter what I personally think, but explained why the system is set up how it is, and how some of your examples are flawed in premise, but also why they might have merit elsewhere. Also, if you think this will be the last time you come to the forums why? Did you interpret hostility or something? If so, I apologise, but also, please don't assume hostility where there isn't any. That in itself can be a type of hostility/negativity. So it sounds like you are just generally frustrated and potentially passive aggressive or? Which is fine if thats how you feel, but that doesn't necessarily mean your points will be factually sound. Like again, you yourself acknowledged you don't know much about how fake video game money works. At some point in the past, neither did I, I learned, you can learn too if you'd like. Given your behaviour patterns so far, I am a bit skeptical. You seem to pick up on hostility from others, but don't seem that concerned if you may come off as antagonistic or hostile yourself. So you might be the type to write such a response, and then check back later, out of curiosity, to have some sort of validation, or something else. Which again, no judgement, and you do not have to be concerned with my time. I enjoy posting in the forums, and talking about Warframe. I do it in my small exercise breaks. Wether others read what I write isn't necessarily important, as self expression by its self can be good for a person. So I get another satisfaction just writing what I think. So all good! If you do leave though, take care and all the best!
  8. Yes there is one best solution, but DE are too cowardly to put it in. All you need to do is make converted enemies moan weirdly when allies shoot them. A lot of people will find that very awkward and embarrassing. So much so, they become more discerning and careful about shooting and attacking converted enemies. Of course some players might then also be encouraged to shoot such converted allies for the awkward moaning... Hey, I won't judge, but then the solution to that, is that if players shoot at converted enemies excessively to get such reactions, their player names will go on a hidden list and then matchmaking will seperate and put all those people together, and all the awkward embarrassed people in a different group/matchmaking instance. Easy! Next!
  9. Hello, welcome to the forums and welcome back to the game. Personally, when it comes to selling Rivens, I'd say one of the biggest factor is how much time and investment does someone want to put into selling. Like are you going to sell in Trade Chat or go to a specific website and post a listing? Are you after fast Plat, or the most Plat you might be able to squeeze out of a Riven. Are you selling the Riven just for profit (as in, you don't care about using it at all, versus you think its good and want someone to offer how much you think it would be worth to you). Like the thing about Rivens, is that you could post in Trade Chat "XYZ Riven for 200p", and no one would care, but then a week later, type that same thing and get a buyer in 5 seconds. Its also not completely random either, and there are websites we you can track and look at general Riven sales, I think Semlar is a good website for such things. You could try and use that for a price check of sorts. Again though, sort of depends on other factors. Like myself? I am kind of lazy, and impatient, I would rather sell Rivens fast and cheap, even if I know I could technically get better offers if I had more patience, used a website to list the Riven, and wait a few days or weeks. I personally have more than enough Plat though, think most Rivens are overpriced, and so sell cheap for certain other reasons. Then again, the reason I generally have a decent amount of Plat, is because I had a friend I would give Rivens to, they would sell the Rivens, and their attitude was the complete opposite of mine, they would barter and spend a lot of time and energy trying to get the best profit of it, looking for buyers who really really wanted that specific Riven and stats. Its a great Riven, great negative, not perfect. Daikyu has fans, but eh, its not like the most popular weapon, bows in general in Warframe, bar a few exceptions. If I had to guess for example, I imagine Nataruk Rivens in general would be more popular. Having a quick look at Semlar, the range of sold prices differ quite a bit. Which my guess is, that its not the kind of weapon, you can just list and get a whole lot of people wanting to spend hundreds of Plat on straight away, but... if you are patient, and willing to wait, or invest, as in list or post frequently, you may... You could also try another tactic as Tiltskillet already mentioned. Its possible in the future we might get a random Incarnon or Prime Daikyu. If you have only just returned, you might not be aware, of Incarnon weapons, but basically they dramatically reshaped the prices of many many Rivens. So thats one thing to consider. I'd give Semlar website a look around. Don't use it as an authoritative or anything, just note and compared some of the documented sales so you have a loose frame of reference. Plus also consider how much effort/energy you want to invest. Again to use myself as an example, I don't really like hanging out in Trade Chat, so I'll list prices to encourage people looking for a good deal for themselves, because that means less time wasted for me, which I personally value more.
  10. What should happen is the game should slow down, twirl upside down, and then play Gravity Squeeze until you defeat Malice.
  11. Cowardly and weak suggestion, why should we settle for a mere Vomvalyst for a companion? We should get an actually fully formed and sized Hydrolyst companion. I mean we can capture them, I have captured 100. That way, we can do a Mars Grineer Capture mission... and the sky turns dark, and it starts to rain green energy, and the Grineer have no idea whats going on, and then everything darkens as they see a giant shadow, and then my Warframe bullet jump from in front of that shadow, as me and my Hydy the Hydrolyst pet companion, saunter through the mission. Or on Corpus Ship Exterminate, you look outside the windows into space, but the Corpus just see a giant floating Hydrolyst (too big to fit on that tileset, but occasionally he can get a limb through a window or something?!?) Need to farm Profit Taker? Orowyrm? Well why not bring your own Kaiju to the fray? Its not like people are going to switch off Smeeta or Panzer Vulpaphyla anyway. (Just to be clear, I am not actually saying the suggestion is weak or cowardly, an actual Vomvalyst companion would be dope.)
  12. You can't always just take for granted that people will just blindly believe or take your words for facts. Like did you know not only is Warframe declining but all video games are, and they have been since 1950. This is the worst 7 decades of gaming ever, and not only are people quitting, but they are turning to cannibalism. However... I have the solution to all this, and its that Warframe needs to add giant sexy bunnies with cute feet. Do you believe me? My source is Trust Me Bro. DE and Warframe as a product/service should always be aiming to do better, by default, but you know what could also be doing better? Fan and player criticisms, identifying problems, distinguishing between their own niche personal issues and larger and broader player base issues, and proposing solutions and ideas. Nightmare missions to Steel Path would be fun? You mean to you? To others? Maybe, but a lot of players also wouldn't care. Nobody plays Circuit for fun? You talk about "dead game modes" like Syndicates but want to add more via Steel Path because you claim they are fun? To be clear, none of this is personal either and you are valid for having opinions and preferences, but having those isn't the same as being competent or skilled in actually identifying issues with a game, understanding or knowing (and distinguishing) what other players in general and more specifically find engaging, interesting, and fun, and thats important as far as analysing weak areas of a game, and potential solutions and ways to address them. Which should be important for all of us to generally consider, because one of the fastest ways we can undermine ourselves and our own ideas, is to make claims that seem so lacking, people will inherently struggle to take our claims seriously. Which can be a shame, if a few of your points have some merit or substance. Also there is no "we", Warframe players and fans often have different interests, preferences and priorities, phrasing criticism like we are some sort of hive mind, just sounds like a individual who is overcompensating for their own personal wishes and desires but framing it as if its something the community wants. There is only really one single issue the entire Warframe community agrees on, and thats that all Warframes should be sexy bunnies with cute feet, covered in oil, well that and maybe less bugs on launch too, but I am not talking about myself, its definitely all of us, we, the Community that is requesting this. If this happened no one would ever quit. Warframe wouldn't die, like it is now. Apparently.
  13. Ah that sucks to hear. I'll try do some tests with the Eidolon Bounty later, given conflicting reports.
  14. Ghoul Bounties don't count anymore? Was that an actual change they made, or well you know, DE being DE and unintentional stuff happening? Yeah the PT bounties were my go to.
  15. Yep exactly. Running the three easiest stage Bounties is a pretty fast way to get it done. Though having a favourite Bounty for whatever reason, whether it be Eidolon Culls isn't bad either. I imagine the Bounties have actually seen a small bump in player activity considering Furax Wraith is a reward there and also a new Incarnon, and probably a few people having to obtain the weapon again (like myself).
  16. Yes sure but like I mentioned, there are other issues that can come to play. Like extracting too early, potentially being in a squad and a delayed connection at an important moment and something not registering, etc (as in many more potential reasons that even I am ignorant of) again, I am not calling into question what you did, I am talking about the many different reasons and ways something might not register.
  17. It should count, but AFAIK the silly or potentially annoying part, is the challenge doesn't count the same bounty type, unless you wait a day. There can be some other minor issues as far as trying to get them to count, like to do with loading or if you are in a group vs solo, being too fast to extract and so on. I've gotten the challenge complete just by doing Eidolon Culls, but across different days. Granted I also soloed them, removing the odds of other issues arising. Also for the Fortuna one, if I was lazy I would just do the uh... I can't remember the exact mission, but one of the Profit Taker associated quests. The one where you have to steal a data pad and can be done in like 2 mins if you are fast. I would just do that same Bounty on 5 different days.
  18. Ehhh, I mean the thing specifically, is that its decent, and can only get better with time. I don't personally know enough about this kind of Nikana (single) to say much, but I can't imagine this weapon staying at its current Disposition, so eventually it should be buffed, so you could hold on to it and it'd probably be good. Also if you weren't aware, AznvasionPlays has a pretty in depth video on Syam that you might be interested in. I'd just generally recommend it if you are interested in Syam.
  19. If it helps? I think the reason why some posters are bringing this up a lot, is because of how and why people make generalisations. For example, I have met a few Warframe players, I could say were a bit annoying. Annoying because of how they used their powers. I remember one specific Frost player who had massive range, and put all his max amount of bubbles everywhere, obscuring the rest of the squads ability to do DPS. Now in this particular case, it was someone using Frost for the first time and being a bit unsure. A different player got pretty annoyed at them though. I was friendly and talked to them though, it wasn't the worst situation ever. I couldn't say their initial actions weren't a bit annoying though, in general. I have played with hundreds of other Frosts that were fine or great even. So for myself, personally, I couldn't make any sort of claim, that "Frost mains are annoying", and I could even personally say "most Frost mains are annoying", because in my experience, that wouldn't actually be true, one out of hundreds is a pretty small minority and percentage. However hypothetically, even if that number was say 60 Frost players? I wouldn't necessarily personally know if those players were all actually Frost mains, they could be new, unsure, or they could actually just be trolls, whose are insincere, and even on top of all that, I know Warframe has millions of player accounts... Personally, I couldn't say that "all Frost mains suck" even if I legitimately believed a majority of those I personally encountered were annoying. So on one hand, a part of your message seems all about tolerance, acceptance, inclusivity, and having a modicum of respect for your fellow players and their choices, and enjoying the game, but on the other hand, its almost a hilarious juxtaposition of "but not Limbo players tho' those dirty rat bastich don't wash their hands, kick em to the gutter". Like there is also a difference between having a dislike for a character/frame and their kit and people who main that character/Warframe. Like in my my personal experience, Limbo is probably my least used Warframe, I don't really like them much either, but like I said in an earlier reply, a lot of the Limbo mains i have met on these Forums, are some of the most helpful, friendly, chill, people around. I am not familiar with your thread and the Limbo players who rushed in devoted to defend him... Just... is it possible to consider, the issue isn't necessarily with them? That it might be with you and how you extend, generalise and associate negative things? Like what Warframe do you personally main or which has your most playtime? Anyway just my two cents, I don't think people are talking about you having preferences, just your framing. Like as one reply pointed out, generalising and harbouring hatred for certain players just because they happen to play one specific Warframe, seems a bit odd, whilst also addressing the issue of meta players (not saying that is what you are specifically doing, but the impression someone could have). Hope that makes sense. Take care.
  20. Yeah that sucks and is super frustrating, sorry that happened. I had something similar when trying to unlock a Riven. I can't remember the exact limitations, think it may have been taking damage, but basically everything was going smoothly (I was Ivara) until a Syndicate Assassination death squad showed up. Next attempt, Stalker showed up, and then the third attempt, I got struck by Lightning. There is a Ceres Grineer Tileset that will occasionally have lightning, and you can get struck by it. Literally, randomly got struck by lightning and failed my challenge for the third time .I mean, a part of me thinks it was so absurd it was funny but get, I sympathise with your situation,
  21. Not knowing is totally fine, but for someone that acknowledges you don't know a lot, well, you make a lot of claims no? Which again, no judgement, just... Oh and you should feel free to say stuff, just, you might want to put your understanding into context. If that makes sense? Like you know depending on how deep you want to take the discussion, and the context you want to cover, all money is "fake", right, but that can get pretty complicated fast. Anyway DE's currency, actually exists in such a way, where people creating alt accounts, can, actually mean they are losing. I'll get to the moral/ethical aspect later. In some financial systems, certain ideas exist, to help promote/encourage growth/profit. One basic concept, is spending value to generate value. Or spending money to make money. Its why sometimes promotions give away freebies, why you can get samples, why when you sign into Warframe you get starter Plat. The idea is, by giving you some free starter Plat, you can experience making a purchase, and thus get first hand experience making such transactions. That familiarity and ease, can make you more likely to make future transactions, though, if you spend all your starter Plat, you'll have to try find other ways to get Plat. I assume you follow to this point yes? Well that 50 free Plat isn't arbitrary. Its "fake" so DE could give you 500 million Plat no? Hypothetically. Well sure, but then you wouldn't have the same incentivises to spend actual real money to get their Premium currency and you could just buy everything in their store. However, some people don't actually like that feeling. Of just... getting so much all at once. Some prefer doing something, and feeling like they are rewarded something for their efforts. Then some people can also enjoy getting items, by paying for them too, and combinations as well. A lot of free samples and promos and ideas like them, aren't, intended for the same individuals benefit, but to trade value, and make up for it. A really cynical and insidious example of such exchanges, could be a drug dealer giving away addictive drugs for free to a potential new customer. Its not that the drug dealer has an infinite supply of drugs, they can just give away freely. They are taking a risk that by giving away some small freebies, they can get a paying customer out of the exchange. Riven Slots for example, cost 60 Plat, but if you just create more Alt accounts, you never have to pay that Plat. Rivens can also sell for 100's and 100's of Plat too, so having a means to stockpile and trade Rivens can become rewarding to an individual, but operates as a loss to DE, who require such transactions to continue existing. Ethically and morally there is a lot that can gotten into, so much so, well I could say a lot. DE uses a FTP model, which... Like there is a reason why in some places its age restricted game up to ages 17, M, has 18+ tags in some places too. Legality wise and business wise, it makes sense for them to have the policies they have, and likely a lot more thought and expertise has been poured into such ideas by them, than most players. Just factually, a person with alt accounts, can exploit the system and lose them money. It might just be that you personally are unfamiliar with why/how. Which again is okay, just not really the best platform to use as far as giving satisfactory reasons or explanations to such systems.
  22. Definitely a possible issue yeah, I can see that. That may have been what I experienced as well, and it becoming a stage option just a coincidence. I also did read from some others that doing a few optional quests on that island also made the Warden show up. With Warframe it can sometimes be hard to identify the exact cause or solution much of the time ha.
  23. I basically just predict them and do the fast tap version through them. Everyone can be a bit different, so this may not be a good method for you unfortunately, but for myself, practice helped a lot. At first it was a bit tricky, especially since the orbs can move up and down depending on what the Void Angel is doing, but I really did find after a few to a dozen attempts, it became a lot easier. One other possibly tip, is that you can chain your Void Slings too, and sometimes, depending on the Orb placement, it might actually be easier to Void Sling up, to be on a more even horizontal parallel to the Orbs, so you don't have to worry about angles as much. Also at the stage I am at, a lot of this is just automatic, but I'll try and be more conscious the next time I do this, to see if there is anything else I might do. Also, perhaps try using the Void Sling more in normal missions, and just mess about and experiment? You can get more of an intuitive feel for distances and angles, without being in a high pressure situation, so you can sort of just practice enjoying the movement, and some of that may transfer to this task? I mean assuming you don't already do that, since you may, and there may be other factors creating difficulty. Good luck either way though, and I will post later if I think of anything that might help.
  24. Clan members? What part are you not sure about? You can't see an issue? Or you can see the issue, but you personally disagree? Since the two are very different things entirely. If you disagree, sure, feel free to, but regardless to DE, this is something that is an issue for them. Basically its all about sincerity. It is possible to have alt accounts, and to try and have a new player beginner experience, and many players can do that, however... There's doing that, and then there is "I personally see no issue with account trading because it must take work, so when I make a new player account, whats wrong with me trading some Plat and Rivens to my main huh?" in which case, that may get you banned. Again, significant difference. If you aren't sure though, or genuinely can't understand the difference, then yeah, maybe take precaution. Ultimately its about transparency and sincerity and also of course recognising the game has its rules. Some people think "but how can DE know its not two brothers, so maybe I can use that as an excuse for shady stuff" but there are ways to distinguish. Thinking the rules are wrong or restrictive is valid as well, but thats an entirely different matter as far as awareness/understanding versus agreeing/disagreeing.
  25. Thats super weird. Just to get some potentially obvious issues out of the way, just in case... If you are in the right Emotion/Spiral, you know you can just visit the Island Kullervo is on, and talk to the Warden to start the fight? Well, in Duviri Experience I mean, that won't work in Lone Story. I have read that some people have encountered an issue, where if their run starts too close to the timing that a new Spiral would roll over, even if they are inside a Spiral that should work, they sometimes can't find the Warden to start the encounter (so hypothetically you are in Anger, but 5 minutes until Joy). Basically as long as you are in Anger, Sorrow and Fear and Joy and Envy aren't about to start, you should be able to fight Kullervo. He might not pop up as a stage though, but you can visit the island and trigger the fight. There were some occasions, I did everything right, but Warden wasn't there... but usually thats because the very next Stage of my natural progression stages, included that as an objective, funnily enough. My main point is, that there shouldn't be any RNG involved outside of Spiral/Emotion timers. As in you don't just have to hope its an official stage (unless again you are doing Lone Story specifically), so much better to do the Duviri Experience which will let you do it as a side activity. Also if you can handle it, the Steel Path version will give you a bit more of the resource you need from fighting him. Hope that helps, feel free to ask any follow up questions etc and good luck!
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