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Sony’s announcement can lead to potential crossplay for all consoles (xb1, ps4, nintendo switch)


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9 hours ago, NyxSilence said:

When do you actually "face off" with anyone outside of conclave? You don't. Also, lets not forget a TWITCH SHOOTER on ALL devices is first to do this and IS SUCCEEDING. So this argument doesn't wash.

You misunderstand.  It's not even an argument against crossplay.  I'm saying crossplay doesnt matter to me, just account sharing.  Most my friends are on a single platform, so i dont need crossplay.  Id rather be able to keep my progress across all platforms than just play with other platforms.  I want to keep all my goodies while playing on the Swtich rather than starting over.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)SteveOMatic said:

You misunderstand.  It's not even an argument against crossplay.  I'm saying crossplay doesnt matter to me, just account sharing.  Most my friends are on a single platform, so i dont need crossplay.  Id rather be able to keep my progress across all platforms than just play with other platforms.  I want to keep all my goodies while playing on the Swtich rather than starting over.

Have you played sea of Thieves? That whole thing is crossplay with Xbox One and PC and you can swap between the two and it's the same account that you log into for every single one. The way you're saying this is extremely convoluted and just because some people only want to play on one system where there are people like me who has a PlayStation and Xbox and a PC to play all this on the point is that you should be able to be on PC and match make with both PlayStation and Xbox all at the same time. Sure you'd be able to use your PC account on Nintendo switch if you wanted to but you're literally arguing the same thing that has already been done and they're currently doing. Crossplay is crossplay is crossplay is crossplay.

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Those who said that crossplay would never happen should start eating their words, letter by letter, with a wasabi tube on the side. Never say never.

Warframe's crossplay might not happen in a couple of months or even a couple of years, but it'll happen. It's just a matter of time.

"The Times They Are a-Changin'"...

Edited by vvhorus
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hmm the way i see it working is all the consoles (ps4 xbone swicth) would have some manner of cross play while the PC platform behaves as normal the test monkey for what ever DE makes and we pick it for bugs and then it comes to you guys while i would be nice to play with console people (specially some of my GF's freinds who i wanna poke fun at) but if that was done the bugs would be spread over a much larger area and in my mind do more harm then good 


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6 minutes ago, vvhorus said:

Those who said that crossplay would never happen should start eating their words, letter by letter, with a wasabi tube on the side. Never say never.

Warframe's crossplay might not happen in a couple of months or even a couple of years, but it'll happen. It's just a matter of time.

"The Times They Are a-Changin'"...

well that raises the question what do words and letters taste like now THAT is the real question but you can see my post above this one for my thoughts on the cross play with PC 

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2 hours ago, NyxSilence said:

Have you played sea of Thieves? That whole thing is crossplay with Xbox One and PC and you can swap between the two and it's the same account that you log into for every single one. The way you're saying this is extremely convoluted and just because some people only want to play on one system where there are people like me who has a PlayStation and Xbox and a PC to play all this on the point is that you should be able to be on PC and match make with both PlayStation and Xbox all at the same time. Sure you'd be able to use your PC account on Nintendo switch if you wanted to but you're literally arguing the same thing that has already been done and they're currently doing. Crossplay is crossplay is crossplay is crossplay.

Sea of Thieves didnt interest me much, but I have a buddy who was trying to get me to play. 

Honestly, i probably shouldnt have brought up account sharing in a crossplay thread lol. My bad.  The two are separate items that the WF community have been clamoring for.  I just want account sharing way more than crossplay.

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We need this crossplay, i want to use my good ol obsidian excal umbra teaming up with a jade excal umbra on a 1 hour index


Now we need new exclusive operators outfit for each console, lets go DE!!! Obsidian operator suit and Jade operator suit. 


Edit: i can imagine how sick the captura session would be. 

Edit 2: now we can truly sing :We all lift "Together". 

Edited by (PS4)ATreidezz
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5 hours ago, (PS4)SteveOMatic said:

Honestly, i probably shouldnt have brought up account sharing in a crossplay thread lol. 

To be fair I am kind of against the entire phrase account sharing because that brings in a whole slew of problems including but not limited to people sharing the same account rather than you personally just logging into Warframe like you would do on PC. If they made it so you would have to login to Warframe itself in order to get online and play Warframe I'm fine but this one touch nonsense that console already has currently needs to be done away with in order for this thing to actually be streamlined so that way there's not 4000 accounts running around and 3000 of them could be solved by making 1000 people own the rights to put it on four different devices. Sony has this thing on their actual main website where you have to register a device and say that it is in fact yours in order to verify content on it and I feel by serial number and Mac address you should do the same thing for Warframe so that way there's no Shenanigans of trying to login multiple times to get Rewards and other crazy nonsense that people have done (example: anything that was ever tried or talked about by RevXDev). What you're talking about is essentially the same thing you would just have one account and you would log into it from any device. 

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4 hours ago, (PS4)ATreidezz said:

Edit 2: now we can truly sing :We all lift "Together". 

However the cringe is real but you're not wrong. Eve online kind of made a recruiting video sort of like that where four different people had four different jobs in real life that did for different things within inside the game. 

Maybe something like the switch owner is constantly on the move and they're traveling from country to country just constantly so their internet is crap so they depend on the PC user in San Francisco to host any and all games that they play and I know a really good healer on PlayStation 4 and they need a tank from Xbox that they met at the bar or something.

Edited by NyxSilence
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I'd kill to play my MR25 account on PC since i'm on PS4 and if sometime down the line we could play the same account between PC/console that would be a great day indeed.

the economy on PS4 is about as up and down as a rollercoaster and to me is hard to gauge what things are worth with peoples skewed view on value.

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This is just something we all want and need. It will help fix the issue that is the ps4 economy. It will allow me to play warframe when im at a friend's house or on break at work... However the version mismatch is a huge issue from pc to console. It can be avoided by having pc players wait until the update is verified on the consoles but there's going to be those few who don't care about the console players and want the content now rather than later. That is the real issue in cross-play.

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On 2018-09-27 at 2:22 AM, Vandole said:

The news I've read included PC as well. Is that false? Crossplay sure would be nice but I feel the economy on consoles would be trashed. PS4 plat is much more worth compared to PC.

They'd have to completely change the market for plat and tennogen. It would be way more work than it's worth 

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  • 1 month later...

I don't understand these arguments that, because the PC build is currently ahead of consoles, cross platform play between consoles and PC won't work. How is Fortnite able to do it and sustain its player base? A lot of posters in these types of chats don't seem to be thinking clearly. There's evidence from other games that it will work. 

Also, Sony opening its doors to cross-platform play might mean that they've figured out that it'll either not hurt them financially, or will more likely be a boon to their bottom line. 

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The reason PC+Consoles would not work is because updates have to pass Sony/Microsoft approval before being released on consoles, while we on PC do not have to wait at all.

Sadly until that border os crossed, only console crossplay could hopefully happen. It would mean a lot for console Warframe players and your plat/trading economy.

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13 minutes ago, (PS4)Villain000 said:

I don't understand these arguments that, because the PC build is currently ahead of consoles, cross platform play between consoles and PC won't work.

How is crossplay supposed to work when say a group of players have a weapon, frame, or stat changes, or even bug fixes, that simply is not on the consoles.
Take any of the kitguns for instance, neither XBox or PS have them yet...so what happens when a PC player with kitguns joins a game with XBox and PS players?

If the versions of the games aren't in lock-step then crossplay can't happen because one side simply won't have things that the other side does, or changes to stats/movement/whatever.  They just aren't compatible in the least.

You can't have crossplay when one version has gear that simply doesn't yet exist at all in the other versions.

17 minutes ago, (PS4)Villain000 said:

How is Fortnite able to do it and sustain its player base?

Because Fortnite keeps the versions the same regardless of what platform you'replaying on...which simply isn't feasible for DE to do.

Mainly it would require putting a hold on any PC update until its ready to launch on the consoles...which would mean buggier releases for everyone.  Take for instance when ghouls first launched.  The Inbox message crashed a large amount of players leaving them unable to play the game as the first thing the game did was open the inbox for the message upon logging in.
Took DE a few hours to fix it and the problem was resolved.
Now think if consoles got that patch, the fix would have to go through a patch certification which would take days.  This would leave the game unplayable for days until the fix got through.
Or what about when War Within launched?  There were crashes during that quest near the end...and you couldn't abandon the quest leaving the game utterly unplayable.
Again DE was able to fix this in hours because there is no patch certification for PC.
And again if this was on all consoles at the same time then the game would be left in an unplayable state for days until the fix got through certification.

That's not good for anyone.

PC is a testbed essentially for updates.  We catch a ton of bugs that never make it to the consoles, and some of the bugs are utterly game breaking.

Putting PC patches on hold so that consoles could keep up simply isn't feasible for Warframes development cycles.

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En 26/9/2018 a las 12:39, Sean dijo:

Definitely agree that it's not something controlled by DE.

I should have worded it better in that I'm meaning "It would be nice if Microsoft/Sony/Nintendo added an opt-in branch....", and if there was such a thing it would have large text detailing the risks of "experimental" and "non-certified" updates.

Certification cost money (gives money to sony) ... so no , sony never gonna let DE do that .

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

I see.  You mean fixed pricing from DE.

No, I mean that there is a lot more plat on PC in relation to the player base, than there is on consoles.

The result is that you pay more plat for things, because plat is worth less.

Think it as real currency. You would pay $1 USD for a coffee, whereas for the same coffee you would pay 0.75 British pounds.

That's because British pounds are worth more than USD.

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For months I've advocated for this, including the fact that even if PC can't/doesn't want to it still doesn't stop console-only crossplay, and the biggest obstacle was Sony. Most people said stuff like:

  • It'll never happen;
  • De said no eons ago;
  • Sony is stingy and greedy.

So now... DE stated that they were looking into it, Sony has had a change of heart. A small one but still a great step in the right direction. Called it. Don't be too negative when you can't be sure about the future. I'm even willing to bet, realistically speaking, that we might have this by the time next gen arrives. Let's hope it arrives, even if not imediatly.

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52 minutes ago, Yagamilight123 said:

Certification cost money (gives money to sony) ... so no , sony never gonna let DE do that .



You quoted a months old post to only say something obvious and unrelated to what I said.

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