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Let's Talk: Content Drought - What DE can learn from this


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27 minutes ago, CoolDudeMcCool said:

I'd like more spontaneity with basic missions. Running a Corpus Capture mission just for Grineer to bust in looking for the same person and having to mow them down, that would be cool. Of course, that might be a pain for people who don't have a lot of time, so maybe objectives like this could be entirely optional. Capture the target and book it, or take the time to wipe out a horde of Grineer for additional rewards. Maybe a sabotage mission, but it turns out that what you're destroying could be valuable. Destroy it to keep it out of some faction's hands, or fend them off and wait for pickup.

It's something that shows very subtly during some invasion (Corpus VS Grineer) missions. You board in a Corpus vessel, and sometimes suddenly there are tons of Grineer soldiers dropping in inside some cool capsules... only to stand there and do nothing. Then there is that whole "use the grineer canon to get yourself into a pod to invade a Corpus ship. It's really, really nice in concept, but the excecution is "meh" and should it get more polishing it would be much better. It needs to be rewarding as well. It needs to be more than just a tiny little detail added to SOME invasion missions. 

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I dont really mind with DE taking their time to make a bg update and leave us with content drought for several months, and when the update came it brings so much content and quality to the game.. but what i’m concerned until now, they’re so focused on fortuna, forced themselves to give us filler that feels half-baked and half-thought, and up till now im not really sure about what fortuna brings except k-drive and kit gun.. 

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7 hours ago, (PS4)ImTheOx said:

this content drought topics are getting so anoying.. 

It's an opinion and everyone has the right to them.

...Where the rights stop is when that opinion gets to be the overriding narrative that everyone else has to either agree with or risk being made villains for not doing so.

So, now, the portion of the community that doesn't agree is misguided for not doing so. The community is clearly "holding us back." and something is clearly "wrong with them".

Now folks who hold that opinion are victims and folks with dissenting opinions (of any kind) are bullies.

Every drama needs a hero, victim, and a bad guy... and we all love stories where the victim bravely battles back to become the hero.

Simply put, the real issues stopped being constructive when they became dramatized to suit a narrative.

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1 hour ago, Nitro747 said:

It's something that shows very subtly during some invasion (Corpus VS Grineer) missions. You board in a Corpus vessel, and sometimes suddenly there are tons of Grineer soldiers dropping in inside some cool capsules... only to stand there and do nothing. Then there is that whole "use the grineer canon to get yourself into a pod to invade a Corpus ship. It's really, really nice in concept, but the excecution is "meh" and should it get more polishing it would be much better. It needs to be rewarding as well. It needs to be more than just a tiny little detail added to SOME invasion missions. 

I've noticed the capsules recently and thought they were cool and should definitely get more attention, but I think normal missions getting a bit more spice could be neat. Even if we keep faction v faction stuff special for invasions, we could have more variety in missions. Heck, maybe we can have the syndicates show up. If you're allied, then they request assistance in whatever objective they're doing, so an optional objective pops up. If not, it's just a normal "We don't like you so we'll try to gut you like a fish now".

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The bigger issue is probably not the rate at which they release content, it's the replayability of the content. I think that DE is under the impression that when they release something, people will have fun running it hundreds of times. This is not the case. Mindlessly playing the same mission 100 times for that 1% reward is how Warframe operates. Its also why players have such harsh burnouts on WF.

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6 hours ago, Vox_Preliator said:

I'm not sure where I suggested that Kuva survival or Onslaught was anything else, I was pointing out they didn't need to be, or should be, anything else and were what were asked for.

You have not suggested that, it was part of OP's response where you said "to you everything is something else"

I honestly dont have any problems with gamemodes in their core resembling another but they have to be significantly different to make sure this similarity is not that obvious.

6 hours ago, Vox_Preliator said:

Er, nothing?  How about nothing?  Would that really be more interesting than integrating story and gameplay to show that Umbra still retains a will?

For 2 year i have listened to various theories and ideas on what umbra is, they were the supposedly upgraded variants of the frames we have made with the technology of this age.

Instead we got a nice story (i dont say it was bad) and a frame who's speciality is that its a basic specter. I would rather have for example when using umbra excalibur the guy who was used up for building him narrating our missions with a passive what sometimes make your frame move on its own for example lets say that a bombard rocket would hit you from the behind but instead your frame takes out his ult and as quick as lightning reflect the shoot away from you like some auto-dodge.



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Just curious; are the moderators merging all Content Droughts threads with my main one if so make sense just a little confused as comments seem disjointed but anyway

@Nitro747 kinda agree with some of your points but not all. And I find the way you constructed your feedback well even though more exaggerated I have no problem with a little passion. I have to disagree with matchmaking changes I think that what game is missing in my opinion is ability to set yourself as guest(never host); I have met many players myself included(when I am not at home and at university I have unreliable internet so would rather not host) find this option to be useless as mentioned by another user above. Overall like some of the ideas.


And just a side note: I think personally I don't mind people disagreeing on topic of content drought and saying they are content with the current release so far this year like I said everyone is entitled to their opinion what I am fully against is berating someone else because of their views. I had a very stimulating debate with someone on the opposing side to myself and hearing his thoughts which were fully against my own but said in a respectful was something I fully enjoyed reading and debating against and I feel irregardless of the opinion we should respect one another and debate peacefully. With that really enjoying the different views opinions and feedback on the matter its been rather enjoyable for me personally to read through all the posts even though some find them tiring now.

With that Martian out.

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I want to lift on table something, that has been bugging me as long as i have played Warframe. I'm talking about Leaderboards..
You may think, that this is something, that doesn't have anything to do with content drought, but i thing it's just that and big time.


Because everytime i look at my achievements in leaderboard it looks like this:

34e3ce5970c1704fe177dd3309b5b837-full.jp image hosting

It's so BORING even thing trying to do new record, because after a week, it will be wiped out. Breaking old records is something, that keeps me and very likely many other enjoying the repeat, that Warframe is so good at.
Lack of this system literally KILLS all the will to try and do the new best shot, because why the hell would anyone do it, if he/she can't feel good about his/her personal records after a short while, because for sure SOON THERE WILL NOT BE ANYTHING ANYMORE?

I get the idea of weekly records, but what i don't get is why there is NO Monthly, Best Of The Year and Best Of All Time?
As a side note: Why the hell there is title "Weekly"? It's like they forgot to add the rest.

IMO, this is something, they should address ASAP, because it should have existed at very beginning of the Warframe game. It's basic, that Warframe has been missing way too long. Making these "lists" would increase friendly competition astonishingly a lot. That's what i believe. (I hope, that this is already with the thing with the K-Drive. But probably.. i shouldn't hope too much of it.)

Edited by Ryuurik
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2 hours ago, Ryuurik said:

I want to lift on table something, that has been bugging me as long as i have played Warframe. I'm talking about Leaderboards..
You may think, that this is something, that doesn't have anything to do with content drought, but i thing it's just that and big time.


Because everytime i look at my achievements in leaderboard it looks like this:

34e3ce5970c1704fe177dd3309b5b837-full.jp image hosting

It's so BORING even thing trying to do new record, because after a week, it will be wiped out. Breaking old records is something, that keeps me and very likely many other enjoying the repeat, that Warframe is so good at.
Lack of this system literally KILLS all the will to try and do the new best shot, because why the hell would anyone do it, if he/she can't feel good about his/her personal records after a short while, because for sure SOON THERE WILL NOT BE ANYTHING ANYMORE?

I get the idea of weekly records, but what i don't get is why there is NO Monthly, Best Of The Year and Best Of All Time?
As a side note: Why the hell there is title "Weekly"? It's like they forgot to add the rest.

IMO, this is something, they should address ASAP, because it should have existed at very beginning of the Warframe game. It's basic, that Warframe has been missing way too long. Making these "lists" would increase friendly competition astonishingly a lot. That's what i believe. (I hope, that this is already with the thing with the K-Drive. But probably.. i shouldn't hope too much of it.)

This have to do with content drought indeed because the biggest reason why players are feeling the drought is that DE stopped releasing "what keeps the game moving" AKA new frames, guns, etc and now we are left with the rest of the game. And little by little players are realizing how there is a MOUNTAIN of unfinished content. Things that they released in pre-alpha state and NEVER touched again. Things that really don't matter. And that's one of the biggest complaints that is being made in all these "content drought" threads: DE keeps pouring content like crazy (not anymore lol) but they never decided to polish whatever they have already released, making said content become dead and a literal joke inside the game.

Think about it, we could be playing clan vs clan Lunaro tournments, we could be doing actually decent Archwing missions, we could be fighting on clan wars, we could be fighting on PVP, we could have had a brazilion of bug fixes that makes some stuff literally unplayable, we could have more modern maps (some maps are still as old as 2013), we could be playing actually different missions in each planet instead of every capture mission playing literally the same way we play since Earth node 1. But nope, here we all are, stuck speedruning the same void fissure missions to farm, I dont know, ducats, hoping Baro will bring something nice, or just playing sorties and then logging out. What DE prefers to do instead is discharging more and more content that we will never touch again and they will never care about after its release. Greatest examples of recently: 1- Kuva Fortress, a gigantic, complex and beautiful tileset that has ZERO reasons for any players to go there; it took them 2 years to realize that earning Kuva in the KUVA Fortress would make sense so what they do instead is a rehashed version of a survival mission. 2- Iron Wake. It is just that Steel Meridian room we all find inside every relay ever, except it looks cool; but the ONLY use you ever get for that is to talk to an NPC once or twice and that's it. They spent hours, days making that place, adding detail... for it to be thrown away. :clap:

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First off, cut DE some damn slack. They have been slaving away working on a ton of new content and all you "veterans" (makes me ashamed to be in the same group as you people (i have nearly 1,300 hrs)) can do is complain and complain when the game has already given you several thousand hours worth of stuff to do and possibly thousands more. You can bet your ass a bit after Fortuna drops they will start picking up on the regular content (which fortuna looks like it will have loads of content). Also developing new story, locales, items and frames takes time to do and isn't an instant thing. These are regular people just trying to do their job and make content they enjoy making and all you can do is blast them to oblivion because "lack of content". Maybe if y'all didn't go as hard as you can to grind everything out in the first day/week of content release and paced yourselves you would actually have more to do. Just think about that 🙂

I hope you all have a wonderful day regardless of your anger.


P.s. I love every little thing they add and can't wait for the mainline this week 🙂

Edit: Also the game is far from dying as there are more average players then there ever have been and it's been sitting in the top 6-7 most played games on steam for several months now.

If a moderator has a problem with the thread just delete, move or lock it. Doesn't bother me 🙂

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3 minutes ago, (XB1)archlion227 said:

I haven't met anyone who complains about lack of content but that's me people who think there is lack of content can go play destiny2


Its a youtuber thing. A few guys makes a video for views, people regurgitate what they see to forums and reddit to make them seem well informed. Its good practice for the real world though.  

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but grinding new Powercreep Stats doesn't really make for content. it makes for anything i do in the game getting easier, but i'm still doing the same things now as i was in 2013.
you know what i really liked about Plains? Fishing. it was something different. aside from the many Bugs that Fishing still has it's a breath of fresh air.
Hunting on Venus sounds like it might be interesting. hoverboard tricks might be interesting. i was really hoping for procedural dungeon caves with Plains to go along with the Mining to make it more interesting(infinite procedural caves, the deeper you go the better the Mining is, Enemy resistance along the way that also goes up, good opportunities for new Enemy Types as well). it would be so great but alas Mining is pretty thin on interesting Mechanics.

Bounties was nice on paper except they're literally more repetitive than normal Missions are.

yeah, i don't have much to do in the game. because eventually you get all of the Stats even if you cared little for them, and then you really have nothing to do. long before i had collected all of the Stats i was still looking for more to do than go from A to B and shoot some things along the way. the things we shoot are just really simple and insignificant, especially due to our overblown Stats.

what am i supposed to do? i'm playing Warframe here and there and also playing dozens and dozens of other games. just kinda hoping for something to do in the game. i don't care about farming Stats because we have never had anything to DO with those Stats other than make what we already play less interesting.
new Warframes and new Guns is only a tiny sliver of content. experiment with the way it works and say "well that's kinda neat" and then log back out. because you're still going to be doing the same things in the game.


there's your counter counter counter post/discussion.

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1 hour ago, (XB1)archlion227 said:

I haven't met anyone who complains about lack of content but that's me people who think there is lack of content can go play destiny2


so the devs themselves can go play Destiny 2 since they admited themselves that there was indeed a lack of content?

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9 minutes ago, Legion-Shields said:

I don’t understand how it’s possible to think the game is in a content drought when we just had a boatload of news dumped on us at Tennocon about a million things that are coming our way, on top of the game always having more content than it ever has before with each successive content update. 

They showed us stuff, but we haven't really seen any of it. There is a lot coming, but some people are tired of what is currently in the game. 

10 minutes ago, Kyronz said:

the game came with operations and alerts...they went cold turkey on both....why?

I do miss the tactical alerts and the operations. Even the pyrus project was too lazy. I wish it was a community driven event. 

10 minutes ago, Kyronz said:

Just after DE sold out, they dumped operations....and adopted a slow roll content release....DE wants the game to be static...and they have spent the last 3 years doing that.   

I don't agree with this though, I prefer big updates with new stuff. (although, I would also like some improvements to the current systems) I think the pace of the game will go back to the way it was once they pause on the ambition and streamline the way the make open areas. They can't always try to make bigger areas every year. When they do that, they would probably some time to make better events. 


With that said, I don't really play warframe often nowadays, but I still have fun whenever I do. There is a lack of content, but the way I see it, it's just more time for me to spend on other things. I have other games to play and warframe is still my go to game whenever I want to feel like a god damned super powered killing machine. I'm sure people will always find something to complain about and that's just the way things are. I'm just happy that it hasn't brought down DE's faith and dedication to their community.  

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1 hour ago, Giveup12 said:

Maybe if y'all didn't go as hard as you can to grind everything out in the first day/week of content release and paced yourselves you would actually have more to do.

Because everyone needs to play at a slow poke pace, right? Some people like being efficient with their time, instead of dragging their own progression. Most content in the game doesn't even take that long... The longest grind I've seen so far was focus, pre-eidolon.

Steve himself admitted there's a lack of content.

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Thing is weve had pretty good. Its only been a few months since The Sacrifice, its almost like the community forgot they finally got Umbra Excal, and look where that hype train lead, to people using him for a week and going right back to there go to frames. 

Drought maybe, but look at everything they are working on....we wont be lacking in content in the future.

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3 hours ago, Giveup12 said:

People can be angry at me all they want. I give no damn.

Then why make the thread? I suggest you read you alias and do what it says, people don’t change by reading half-assed repetitive meta complaint that tell them to ‘think positively!’ and happy thoughts, stop trying to do something, in a few weeks this won’t be an issue, and DE doesn’t care about either opinions 

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