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Stalker is a tenno too?


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vor 10 Minuten schrieb FlusteredFerret:

Not a Tenno (nickname for the Zariman Ten Zero survivors).


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But a Warframe like Umbra. Probably has memories of his previous / human life & can act independently.





Well, to be perfectly accurate:

this is only what we think.

We don't know yet, if this is actually true of if it's eventhing entirely different part of the Warframe lore we don't know yet about.

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What we know is that he's some form of 'lower guard'. This might be a Dax role (given his Tenno-like skill I would imagine so), or perhaps a Dax-in-training. We also know he bore witness to the slaughter of the Orokin. We also know he couldn't speak when doing so. So, likely possibilities include either attempting transference into a Warframe and getting stuck like Silvana did, or infecting himself with the Helmith to become a Warframe.

Edited by Loza03
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43 minutes ago, (PS4)Equinox21697 said:

He's a former Dax soldier iirc

Nothing about his origin has ever been stated, Stalkers true origins are still a mystery, its hinted by Hunhow that he (or maybe even she) could be a tenno, one who could have chosen to serve the orokin more completly than the others.


The Low Guardians could have even been a group of Tenno that rejected the ideology the rest of the Tenno adopted and chose to serve the Orokin more fully.


But its up to DE to decide Stalkers backstory at the end of the day.

Edited by Nova73
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1 hour ago, Nova73 said:

Nothing about his origin has ever been stated, Stalkers true origins are still a mystery, its hinted by Hunhow that he (or maybe even she) could be a tenno, one who could have chosen to serve the orokin more completly than the others.


The Low Guardians could have even been a group of Tenno that rejected the ideology the rest of the Tenno adopted and chose to serve the Orokin more fully.


But its up to DE to decide Stalkers backstory at the end of the day.

Hunhow: All you dread-long life, you've waited for this moment... ...but you're asking yourself... Was I one of these wretched things? ...you know the answer. You still hate them... you still hate... yourself.

From what I understand from his codex entry, the Stalker admits to seeing the Big Golden Shank that day, but given his mental makeup, there's no real reason to think that he didn't have his own toga person #353454 to stab and, after that, a memory of his own involvement to repress. Whether the Stalker is a "proper" Tenno, a Tenno who went into training to become a dax, or simply a volunteer for the warframe-trasference program (transference isn't limited to the Zariman kids), there's no difference, although from Hunhow's quote I'd say that he's a Tenno through and through, perhaps with some honours and a post in the Empire, which would explain his fanatical loyalty.

The Stalker has had a custom frame just for himself, even from before he got more stuff from Hunhow, so there's a genuine possibility that the customised Excalibur frame corroborates the hypothesis that he was in fact a higher-ranking Tenno who was (still is) deathly loyal to the empire.

In fact, the similarities with Umbra go so far that I'm willing to think that the Sacrifice was supposed to be the Stalker's backstory instead, which got purged of him from the script and instead introduced a surrogate for Excalibur prime as an admission that the Founders program wasn't really such a great decision in the long run. The basic premises of the Sacrifice are grief and anger, and also an Orokin getting shanked. What I imagine was the "original" sacrifice involved the Orokin loyalist Stalker crawling up to Ballas (a survivor) after the massacre to get a Warframe (or get turned into one) that could exact vengeance on the Tenno at any cost. Ballas, being friends with his gf's dad, decided to pretend allyship (to hide his responsibility) and help him out, and either make him a frame out of another innocent person (without telling the warframe-less stalker) or turn him into a frame as well. The second one lines up with Umbra, and losing your whole world and losing your kid are two things that are as emotionally equivalent as they get if you've got a grain of sanity in you. If the Stalker wanted to get his body augmented with the Helminth strain, in his state of mind the pain to get there would have been a non-price. After that, Ballas refers him to Hunhow to both get rid of this kid who was wasting his time, but also to send a powerful diplomatic gift. Some time down the line in the Sacrifice, the Stalker himself learns that Ballas had in fact betrayed the Empire from within, like a cancer, and that he himself is either wearing an innocent person's living corpse via transference, or that he went through all that pain for nothing. Either way, the decision to shank Ballas and close the loop by killing an Orokin himself (even if that Orokin had committed high treason) with the assistance of a Tenno would have produced an identical ending, except weaker, because by conscously taking assistance from one of the people that he hates would have made him a nonsense field-boss after the quest, and would have suffocated the weight of his character.

Since the Sacrifice as a storyline is spent, we will have to have a Stalker-focused quest sometime later, though the closest we could get to an alpha-version Sacrifice (without compromising good writing) is a potential Umbra-Stalker interaction along the lines of the Umbra screaming "you lost a boss i lost my kid" at him during an encounter. The "unique personframe" coin having been spent too, I suppose that good writing will make us find his cryopod on Lua, where we wake him up, and repeatedly clock him in the face, operator vs operator, until we have another zariman kid blubbering on the floor for the twofold sin of his actions in TSD and constantly talking into a paper cup.

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Just now, DerGreif2 said:

After reading this thread... I should more look in the codex... I am a lore fanatic. Did we also know who exactly Hunhow is? I played all the missions but could not find a direct clue to answer this. Also the man in the wall...

Hunhow is a sentient, the father of Natah. One of the masterminds of the Old War, in collusion with Ballas for Natah's insertion into the Orokin and subsequent Tenno uprising. Basically, he used to be the, or at least one of the big cheeses of the Sentients back in the day.

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per silver grove , The very first tests of Transference probably resulted in some people having their minds permanently stuck into the surrogate body. Which prompts Margulis to make something to keep the remnants from affecting the future users of the tech. but with how ballas and orokin are im sure the did use this permamnt transference on some as a punishment

"These past weeks, I've been secretly testing Transference on myself. I can only survive short bursts - linking to Titania the way only Tenno can stand. I've never felt anything like it. A tortured presence, like an evil ink, staining my mind. But... it worked. I'm going to use this wrong to make right."

 It is likely that Stalker's human operator is trapped in that Warframes body with the original body being lost. The Stalker may have been one of the original test subjects for Transference .


Transference and  link system: 

So what would happen to the operators "consciousness" if their own body was lost while in link to a warframe

 as we understand it  the standard transference works as such

Standard Transference

operator body <neural interface> Surrogate body

this system is best displayed in the movie "avatar"  featuring similar surrogate body manipulation

 with this we can still access the original body and even control the warframe while awake (second dream operator is awake/aware and controls frame from orbiter) 

now let us reflect on a subject of the how an autonomous warframe would be possible

Full Transference( Forced full integration of operator consciousness into surrogate body) 

operator body <neural interface> Surrogate body

this may partially answer the stalker and hunhow discussion in the second dream


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On Monday, November 05, 2018 at 10:00 PM, DerGreif2 said:

After reading this thread... I should more look in the codex... I am a lore fanatic. Did we also know who exactly Hunhow is? I played all the missions but could not find a direct clue to answer this. Also the man in the wall...

Might as well call DK Diamante's as well 


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On 2018-11-05 at 3:31 AM, (PS4)ShatterQuake said:

So lately i've been thinking, at the climax of The Second Dream Quest when the operator were revealed, when Stalker is about to end the both of them but he resisted while looking at his own hand, does this means he knows what he is? What do you guys think?

According to himself he's a "Low Guardian", which are not Tenno

He IS using a Warframe, and suppressed his memories about it because he can't stand the idea that he had to use our weapons to stand a chance against us

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48 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

According to himself he's a "Low Guardian", which are not Tenno

He IS using a Warframe, and suppressed his memories about it because he can't stand the idea that he had to use our weapons to stand a chance against us

Bear in mind, however, Hunhow's dialog contradicts this. It could be that "Low Guardian" could be one of two things. Either A) a self-depreciating title meant to remind Stalker of his powerlessness that day, or B) a military rank, irrelevant to whether or not Stalker is in a similar situation to Rell.

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17 minutes ago, Kerberos-3 said:

Bear in mind, however, Hunhow's dialog contradicts this. It could be that "Low Guardian" could be one of two things. Either A) a self-depreciating title meant to remind Stalker of his powerlessness that day, or B) a military rank, irrelevant to whether or not Stalker is in a similar situation to Rell.

It's hard to imagine orokins making something (him) without golden bits, and considering he sides with the orokin, he probably won't take the golden bits off if he had them. I just assumed the low guardian thing to be a position he used to have before turning/using the stalker. Maybe only he uses the stalker frame after he felt his powerlesness as a low guardian.

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Just now, (PS4)watt4hem said:

It's hard to imagine orokins making something (him) without golden bits, and considering he sides with the orokin, he probably won't take the golden bits off if he had them. I just assumed the low guardian thing to be a position he used to have before turning/using the stalker. Maybe only he uses the stalker frame after he felt his powerlesness as a low guardian.

However, assuming that Low Guardian is a rank, then it makes slightly more sense. In the violent and desperate war against the sentient, the flashy, high-quality materials used to make Primes were probably rare and kinda expensive, the kind of thing you only give to your best. As such, it's likely that, if Stalker was a Tenno Low Guardian that was loyal to the Orokin, he would have probably used a regular frame, while the "High Guardians" would have probably used Primes.

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On 2018-11-05 at 3:31 AM, (PS4)ShatterQuake said:

So lately i've been thinking, at the climax of The Second Dream Quest when the operator were revealed, when Stalker is about to end the both of them but he resisted while looking at his own hand, does this means he knows what he is? What do you guys think?

A warframe, yes. But not a Tenno. Tenno are literally the children of the void and all had a connection to the Zariman.

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For all ya know he rejected the Cryosleep, grew old and then put on his gimp suit, never taking it off. Basically a Tenno kid who never slept and never died.

It would explain why he can happily use any Warframe power rather than just a limited set. All things considered, Stalker's use of warframe powers far exceeds any warframe we have seen, but he doesn't seem as physically adept as a Warframe.

The stalker design is just post Orokin.

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1 hour ago, Kerberos-3 said:

However, assuming that Low Guardian is a rank, then it makes slightly more sense. In the violent and desperate war against the sentient, the flashy, high-quality materials used to make Primes were probably rare and kinda expensive, the kind of thing you only give to your best. As such, it's likely that, if Stalker was a Tenno Low Guardian that was loyal to the Orokin, he would have probably used a regular frame, while the "High Guardians" would have probably used Primes.

Thing is, a "regular frame" in the orokin era would be a prime frame. They didn't have (or i think they didn't) vanilla frames since those are tenno recreations.


Also, they made pedestals and tea cup from gold, as well as their weak af ball sentinels, as well as hundreds of weapon types all of which are pure decoratives. I doubt they don't have any to spare.

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5 hours ago, Kerberos-3 said:

Bear in mind, however, Hunhow's dialog contradicts this. It could be that "Low Guardian" could be one of two things. Either A) a self-depreciating title meant to remind Stalker of his powerlessness that day, or B) a military rank, irrelevant to whether or not Stalker is in a similar situation to Rell.

Keep in mind Hunhow also believes that "Orokin" is a species, not an empire. Don't take his dialogue at face value, his "you hate yourself" speech is thematic, not literal

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  • 1 month later...

I know this is kinda old thread BUT...
Now in Orb Vallis, there's the place called "the pearl" in which we can see this seed, and there's also a few craters when we can clearly see these "orbs" rooted into the ground.
Well, my theory is that Orokin "planted" all their tech and structures. As all of the Orokin towers we see (Unum tower, the ruins of the towers on Venus) are living things. 

So we can assume that prime Warframes are made of the same material as all these structures, this is some other kind of infestation, "pure", golden, Orokin infestation, while everything made past Orokin era is made using the infestation we know now as the present day Helminth. If you look at the Excalibur Umbra's eye, you can clearly see the material (or well, the texture) under it, looks IDENTICAL to what is under the Unum or any other Tower's armor.

My conclusion is: Stalker is made with post-Orokin era infestation, this means he's not prime, and he became a Warframe, or infested after the Empire's fall. What's more, the shadows protecting the Reservoir are the same shadows that Void demon project on us, I think this is where the name "Shadow" Stalker comes from. He may have been possessed by the Void demon, he became mad, he couldn't resist him the way Rell did. Also, we know Arogya Medica can make anyone Void Sensitive... Connect the dots by yourself. And share your thoughts.

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