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So whats everyone up to before fortuna drops?


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1 hour ago, o0Despair0o said:

The graphics are nice indeed.

But gameplay, story, matchmaking and grind are friggin criminal.

I lol'ed

Well played sir, well played



Playing salt and sanctuary with a new build mixed with a little bit of dead cell, reading Paradise Lost (get it, this book is AMAZING!!), working out, dancing to 90's and nightcore youtube videos alone in the room. This is what I usually do in my "me" time or, at least, when I'm not busy working

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Just now, FlusteredFerret said:

Surely you just have to leave a trail of angry forum comments salt behind you and it will die if it tries to follow you?


Since you'd both be immortal, nope, the snail would be able to just crawl through the salt. Maybe finding a way to get it trapped in a jar and finding a way to completely seal it could work?

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9 minutes ago, Fukushu said:

Since you'd both be immortal, nope, the snail would be able to just crawl through the salt. Maybe finding a way to get it trapped in a jar and finding a way to completely seal it could work?

Doh! Forgot the "immortal" bit.

Yeah, just lure it into a trap with some cabbage leaves or something.

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Playing Destiny 2 since it was free. I'm pretty much done with it though. I hit max level, and was working on max light, but... ugh... it's so repetitive.


Ghost: "The Vex appear to be building something."

Ordis Failsafe: "Please wait. Analyzing... (long pause) You're right! They are!"

Ghost: "(grumbles)"

So I'm back to Warframe and have been trying to get Rubico Prime. (among other items, but that's the top of the list atm.)

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