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Got enough knockbacks there, fortuna?


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oh yes, knockback/down galore and in some bountys, oh my dear god, i was running around in a sea of nullifiers, so much fun to be had on the whole, i was using nezha/rhino to avoid the knocks but got nullified, totally forgot about atlas having that passive.

Edited by Methanoid
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5 hours ago, Flandyrll said:

All this speaks more about the players than the game at this point. People have gotten too used to lazy gameplay.

I disagree. There is nothing challenging about being pinballed to death with no recourse to stop it once you are in it. With the only answer in this thread so far being... play Rhino. There are other frames out there that people like to play...

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7 hours ago, Dallyoop said:

I disagree. There is nothing challenging about being pinballed to death with no recourse to stop it once you are in it. With the only answer in this thread so far being... play Rhino. There are other frames out there that people like to play...

If I told you that not everyone experiences the same problem, where is the problem then? I don't find myself compromising on anything. I've been running my Bounties with Frost and I've had Sure Footed equipped way before Fortuna but I don't really get hit by knockdowns that often anyways.

You either change what you're doing now that's placing you in your current situation, or you don't change what you're doing and use Rhino/Nezha to bypass most of the problem. Once again, it speaks a lot about what you're doing when the only solution you see is to try to negate a mechanic. Considering that this is the first week of the update, if this was really that big of a problem, we'd see much more feedback but looking at the replies on this thread, you can see it's really just a small group of people who are placing themselves into bad situations out of habit and then getting angry that what they were doing before is not working now.

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2 hours ago, Saravind said:

honestly i just started to use the tenno more... void dash away let my frame bounce to infinity and beyond

then shoot into the group with the bouncing amp shot

That’s actually a good point.  I think you can operator out even in stun states.

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i love how i get knocked down  while im knocked down  midair  , endless cycle of knocking  , good  thing i got 2000 armor  1k hp  primed flow and quick thinking 


but ye its crazy sometimes i get knocked   down like 4 times mid air before i even get to touch the ground  dunno how them physics work but its a thing 

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3 minutes ago, aswitz87 said:

Well poo.  DE just trying to make life difficult.

i  blame players


most the missions i failed is because low  level players  join in and then try to rush everything    while struggling   and ignore the  wanted system  , they cry about robot spiders and stuff coming nonstop unaware of the 4 red flashing dots  and even then wont stop for a second to lower it 

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3 minutes ago, Retepzednem said:

i  blame players


most the missions i failed is because low  level players  join in and then try to rush everything    while struggling   and ignore the  wanted system  , they cry about robot spiders and stuff coming nonstop unaware of the 4 red flashing dots  and even then wont stop for a second to lower it 

I’m surprised.  I haven’t been able to get to a level 4 before someone pops the beacons. Makes things take too long for my taste.

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I laugh when I'm concentrating on calling for an animal, only for a random MOA to walk up and donkey kick me.

And then I laugh again when I'm K-Driving past a base, and one of those spinning wheels or turrets mag procs me off of it.

And I laugh some more as some Corpus dude mercilessly teleports to me like he's Raiden and beats me to death.

By laugh, I mean cry.

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3 hours ago, Retepzednem said:

i  blame players


most the missions i failed is because low  level players  join in and then try to rush everything    while struggling   and ignore the  wanted system  , they cry about robot spiders and stuff coming nonstop unaware of the 4 red flashing dots  and even then wont stop for a second to lower it 


I don't know how it goes outside my time zone/region, but in most public bountry I joined this weekend, the MR is average 20. 

Suffice to say that in such teams, the alert level never rose above 2 star and bonus is 90% expected.

In fact at MR 24, there were a couple of times i'm the lowest MR in the team. The amount of overkill and efficiency in such a ultra death squad is such that exactly as we complete the last stage of the bountry, someone has already landed at Fortuna to take another set of bountry. 😎


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Endless cycle of death 🙂 I like the new challenge and so far we have 3 different frames you can use to avoid this totally:

- Rhino

- Nezha

- Loki (Range, Disarm)

Im sure ppl will find more Warframes to work with. I could imagine a Range (Shooting Gallery) Mesa to jam their weapons and leave them dumb for example.

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I mainly use my IDGAF lazy Inaros with the augment for scarab Armor. While the tenno pin ball results in me having to refresh the 4 more often than once every 15 min, it also gives hp every Time an Enemy tries to Knock me down so i dont mind it that much

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I said it before, and I'll say it again. Outdoors there's very little problem since there's plenty of room to evade. I only have a problem with it indoors, and even then, I could argue it's balanced out with the fact that indoor fighting lets you avoid the mini-boss fights.

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I love the CCs of the enemy units. No joke. And I play Zeph only in Orb Vallis. The key word is: strategy. I started using handspring and enemy sense and have to say: it works. You have to heavily control all of your actions. Wrong move and you get pinballed to death. That's not artificial difficulty that's called a challenge. People have to adapt and like other people say need to learn that movement is important and that you maybe should not fight in close corridors vs a horde 😉

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15 hours ago, aswitz87 said:

That’s actually a good point.  I think you can operator out even in stun states.

I think you require player agency to switch to operator.I recall mashing it while knocked down by an eidolon. Not 100% sure though could use a confirmation.

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what is all of complaining about stagers and stuff? Oh, wait I am an Oberon and I permanently stand on my carpet to avoid all of the status effects.  I can't use any other frame there due to the magnetic effects and lack of consistent enemy spawns.  I tried Gara but never had enough energy to do anything, and my Valk needs a lot of enemies to murder to maintain the buff.  I hear the zepher is good because of all the CC she has + her 3 negating anything that is not melee or an explosion.  


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