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Can We Stop Catering to New Players?


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On 2018-11-21 at 2:34 AM, LupisV0lk said:

Yes, i'm totally the elitist wanting DE to not only alienate but outright deride a rather large section of potential and current players to pander to a small "veteran" base.

Oh wait:

Here you are, captaining the shortbus and proving my points in one fell swoop.

Good job on continuing to avoid elaboration. Just quote people and pretend you're the winner!

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Orb Vallis Excavation missions now spawn Excavators that will equally match player count, with the exception of a full squad of 4 players where only 3 Excavators will spawn. 

Well, are we going to make everything more easy and boring now slowly?

So did people actually complain about it or was DE just afraid they might demand too much from us players?

I liked it with 5, didnt see any problem with it, havent seen 1 excavator die in many many bounties....


But serious question without bad intentions or so, are there any people here who really disliked it with 5 excavators?

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20 minutes ago, DreisterDino said:

Well, are we going to make everything more easy and boring now slowly?

So did people actually complain about it or was DE just afraid they might demand too much from us players?

I liked it with 5, didnt see any problem with it, havent seen 1 excavator die in many many bounties....


But serious question without bad intentions or so, are there any people here who really disliked it with 5 excavators?

Well I've only done them solo so far and only get 2...easy enough to defend. Would have thought 4-5 would be a breeze for a full team...

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On 2018-11-27 at 12:36 AM, Padre_Akais said:

That's basically how we got what we have now iirc.

Whatever players can call "endgame" will be obsoleted in 6 months...Same as it is in any other game.

Fortuna isn't even fully rolled out and people are already complaining about lack of content, lack of endgame, etc.

That's ignoring the fact that if you ask 10 players to describe "endgame" you will get different answers due to how subjective the term is.

Endgame tends to be a unicorn for gamers imo.


Eh...I haven't seen much (realistic) considered discussion myself. Just a few off-the-wall ideas that DE would probably never take seriously, combined with a lot of whining about how there is no challenge in the game.

I was thinking more along the lines of proper brainstorming, to try and find some areas of agreement and build from there, instead of just casually tossing ideas into the forum, with little or no thought about whether they would actually be practical or not.

You're right that everyone seems to have a different opinion, so reaching any agreement could be tough...but it would be nice to see a bit more coherent thought, given that it seems to be such as big issue for so many players.

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9 hours ago, FlusteredFerret said:

I was thinking more along the lines of proper brainstorming, to try and find some areas of agreement and build from there, instead of just casually tossing ideas into the forum, with little or no thought about whether they would actually be practical or not.

You're right that everyone seems to have a different opinion, so reaching any agreement could be tough...but it would be nice to see a bit more coherent thought, given that it seems to be such as big issue for so many players.

It's happened...a lot.

The sad fact is, as you noted, this game is made up of a number of different factions thought-wise and they frequently tend to be at cross purposes.

Stuff like level-sync or mission difficulty sliders...Tech that exists in the game now but is not made available to the player for use directly would help some of the problem (but not all of it and wouldn't address the needs of the players bashing on lvl 300's for fun and profit much at all) have very vocal factions opposed to it because they want other stuff done instead.

Take that example and Apply it to everything.

...That's Warframe.


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6 minutes ago, FlusteredFerret said:

I think @nerfinator6 just did. :laugh:

Saying things like that is guaranteed to generate a load of "why should we have to?" posts. 

ah a good old forum dumpster fire well its 2:30 am i got no were to be tomorrow guess ill watch it for awhile 

still happy for the day i chose to just stop caring about meta and optimization in builds and just ave fun granted i still go to the Codex Astartes for metas then go from there on my own answer the basic how does it work then toss the boss back on the shelf and go about my business  

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I'm just waiting for orb mothers to be released and everyone to realize DE also made those even more newbie friendly compared to eidolons lol. 

I honestly think a part of the issue is that vets with all their gear maxed out and new to mid level players still working on their incomplete builds end up playing and farming the same content, missions, etc. We all need to go to the exact same nodes when new frames, gear, primes and content get released. Then that content needs to be balanced to the newer players to be able to complete it and vets just find themselves fighting lvl 20s to farm the newest frame. There should be an alternative to this, an "elite" Star Chart like others have suggested in various threads here. Sure, would split the player base, but I think the pros would outweigth the cons. DE wouldn't need to try to balance enemy and content for all players of all levels anymore. If they don't want to add endgame content aimed _only_ for geared out vets (ESO and Arbitrations were both compromises, let's be honest), they should at least make these two "difficulty" tiers. One regular Star Chart and another that is lvl 100-150+

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On 2018-11-14 at 9:26 AM, Arc2199 said:

I don't want to play warframe till then if it's just going to be so easy 😞

I bet 2k plat that you did not even played thru the whole star chart.
We can see that you just started playing this year and 1 year is not enough to make you a vet or endgame viable anyways....
Plz don't spread negativity with the quotes like the 1 mentioned here.
If you want to get blasted go do some survivals untill you reach 3 hours.

Edited by 180Degree
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2 minutes ago, DreisterDino said:

Only because it took you several years to become "endgame viable" doesnt mean it takes that long for everyone 😀

You can't be playing for 6-7 months and then come in here and start complaining about things you don't know enough about, let's be well minded here.
Same goes for you btw (No offense or pun intended)

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8 minutes ago, White_Matter said:

I think it is not a matter of won't, but a matter of can't.

Warframe isn't designed for endgame. Devs need to do a complete overhaul to be able to make the game challenging and more appealing for vets and I highly doubt they'll ever do it.


They are trying but they need a good direction to make every1 happy.
Problem of this amazing company is that they try to please everyone and i mean EVERYONE...
That's just never going to work out. So i rather have them doing things their way (And that is by suprising us with 100% holsterspeed mods ROFL xD)
then trying to make every crybaby online happy for 2 weeks untill they start crying again ._.

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1 hour ago, 180Degree said:

I bet 2k plat that you did not even played thru the whole star chart.
We can see that you just started playing this year and 1 year is not enough to make you a vet or endgame viable anyways....
Plz don't spread negativity with the quotes like the 1 mentioned here.
If you want to get blasted go do some survivals untill you reach 3 hours.

Seems like you lost that 2k plat then. When are you going to hand it over?

Also lmao you're seriously lacking if you think 1 year is not enough time to reach "endgame".

Also why the ever living #*!% would I want to waste 3 WHOLE HOURS of my life to feel a bit of challenge ? Even then there won't be even any diversity in that challenge. Just the same old rubbish enemies scaled to higher numbers.


As for the 2k plat , Iet's see if you are a man of your word or something lesser.

Edited by Arc2199
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1 hour ago, White_Matter said:

I think it is not a matter of won't, but a matter of can't.

Warframe isn't designed for endgame. Devs need to do a complete overhaul to be able to make the game challenging and more appealing for vets and I highly doubt they'll ever do it.


This...so much this.

I've said it myself a few times. Warframe is story / lore driven and isn't generally designed to have exclusive "hardcore" content.


I still feel there could be a way to give vets a challenge and DE have made a few attempts in the past, including the recent Arbitrations...but for whatever reason they didn't prove popular.

However any "endgame mode" needs to be separate from the main story / quests etc. so that new and less capable players aren't excluded from important pieces of content.


Interesting to note that even the players clamouring for endgame content don't seem able to agree on what it should be. So if even they don't know what they want, its hard to see how DE are supposed to know.


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22 minutes ago, FlusteredFerret said:

I still feel there could be a way to give vets a challenge and DE have made a few attempts in the past, including the recent Arbitrations...but for whatever reason they didn't prove popular.

The reason is that DE didn't go all the way. Arbitrations was a half measure, a compromise. No revive was a bold and interesting move, bravo on that. But then the starting level was nerfed before release, 60 is barely above Star Chart and lower than sortie/flood. Most ppl seem to agree 80-100 would have been more appropriate for "vet" content. On top of that enemy scaling is slow af, much slower than in regular missions. In Arbitrations enemies are lvl 280 when in regular endless they'd be 1.5k at that same point.

Starting lvl 80-100, normal enemy scaling and 5 min rotations, maybe a little more variety in the rewards, and I seriously doubt so many ppl would have been disappointed by it. 

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1 час назад, 180Degree сказал:

We can see that you just started playing this year and 1 year is not enough to make you a vet or endgame viable anyways....

4-6 months is enough


If you want to get blasted go do some survivals untill you reach 3 hours.

It's hard for me to imagine a more useless pastime. 


You can't be playing for 6-7 months and then come in here and start complaining about things you don't know enough about, let's be well minded here.

No, it's you cannot advise others what they can - and what not. Especially with your ideal of the ultimate game - a three-hour bullet jump in one mission.

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5 minutes ago, --END--Rikutatis said:

Starting lvl 80-100, normal enemy scaling and 5 min rotations, maybe a little more variety in the rewards, and I seriously doubt so many ppl would have been disappointed by it. 

Oh I wouldn't be so sure about that. Some peoples have the amazing ability to be disappointed by anything. 😁


Heck take a look at this one being disappointed in content that hasn't even been released yet:

2 hours ago, --END--Rikutatis said:

I'm just waiting for orb mothers to be released and everyone to realize DE also made those even more newbie friendly compared to eidolons lol. 

LOL 😂 Can you imagine what that must be lik.... Wait a minute.... I guess you can. 😐

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