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Akvasto Prime recoil is weird.


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Why THAT much recoil for the Prime variant of the Akvasto?

It´s the first Prime weapon that has changed so drastically in usability (afaik) over its regular version.

The regular Akvasto is a blast to use, but the Akvasto Prime is so anoying in comparison.

I think at least for now, I´m gonna stick to the regular Akvasto and pray that DE changes this awful recoil.

I mean, if I wanted recoil I´d use the Aklex instead.

Also, both the visuals and the reloading animations are better in the regular Akvasto. But that´s just me. 

Edited by Fenrys_Delta
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The tennis version is a mass produced version so weakened and reducing the recoil. Remembering that these guns are now single handed so recoil is logically expected. You can always mod to reduce it. Recoil is not something DE has a history of reducing 

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5 minutes ago, Loviam said:

The tennis version is a mass produced version so weakened and reducing the recoil. Remembering that these guns are now single handed so recoil is logically expected.

Lore is not a good excuse for clunky mechanics on weapons that are inconsistent with their previous versions.

5 minutes ago, Loviam said:

Recoil is not something DE has a history of reducing 

Shrine of the Eidolon: Update 22.12.0



  • Decreased recoil while aiming

Prisma Tetra

  • Decreased recoil while aiming


  • Decreased automatic recoil


  • Decreased recoil while aiming


  • Decreased recoil while aiming


  • Recoil decreased while aiming


  • Recoil decreased while aiming


  • Decreased recoil while aiming

Vasto Prime

  • Reduced aimed recoil

As you can see, although rare, Digital Extremes does touch the recoil of weapons; both Primaries and Secondaries.

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So it's almost literally happened once in 5 years. When it was done in a MASS respec of majority of the guns in the game

And it's not clunky. If something hits like a truck when it is that size it makes sense for it to kick like a bull when held in 1 hand. And the tenno versions aren't "previous versions" they are downgraded versions of the weapons. 

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4 hours ago, Fenrys_Delta said:

Why THAT much recoil for the Prime variant of the Akvasto?

It´s the first Prime weapon that has changed so drastically in usability (afaik) over its regular version.

The regular Akvasto is a blast to use, but the Akvasto Prime is so anoying in comparison.

I think at least for now, I´m gonna stick to the regular Akvasto and pray that DE changes this awful recoil.

I mean, if I wanted recoil I´d use the Aklex instead.

Also, both the visuals and the reloading animations are better in the regular Akvasto. But that´s just me. 

don't listen to them, OP. you're not the first to do a thread on the messed up recoil, but you need to do it in Weapon feedback. where DE will see you, and the others i've guided there, so they can change it. it's awful and a prime version shouldn't be harder to use than a weak version. it should be an upgraded version, period. nothing else, no compromise.

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It used to be the other way around - the single handed versions would kick like a mule despite being braced with the free hand, while the dual wield versions gently nudged the camera.

I mean, I get that the AKVasto prime isn't a fantastic prime weapon... it's okay... but it has to come with some drawback against the vasto prime, and slightly less accuracy and slightly slower reloads aren't much of a tipping point.

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12 hours ago, Fenrys_Delta said:

Why THAT much recoil for the Prime variant of the Akvasto?

It´s the first Prime weapon that has changed so drastically in usability (afaik) over its regular version.

The regular Akvasto is a blast to use, but the Akvasto Prime is so anoying in comparison.

I think at least for now, I´m gonna stick to the regular Akvasto and pray that DE changes this awful recoil.

I mean, if I wanted recoil I´d use the Aklex instead.

Also, both the visuals and the reloading animations are better in the regular Akvasto. But that´s just me. 

Aklex has a lot more recoil than single and that's to be expected when holding it with one hand instead of two. 

Simple as that, don't like? Use single vasto.

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2 hours ago, (PS4)cdzbrbr said:

Aklex has a lot more recoil than single and that's to be expected when holding it with one hand instead of two. 

Simple as that, don't like? Use single vasto.

We´re not comparing the recoil between single and dual, here.

We´re comparing the Prime Akvasto with the regular one.

The Akvasto Prime has way more recoil than its regular variant.

I mentioned the Aklex (Prime) because it has more damage than the Akvasto Prime with about the same recoil, if you use Steady Hands.

With the added benefit of 4 more bullets in the magazine.

I was waiting for so long for a prime version of the Akvasto, but now that it´s finally here, the recoil is kinda anoying.

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18 minutes ago, Tricky5hift said:

Lol why is recoil even an issue?

You're not using these guns to snipe people.

The recoil should be perfectly manageable for mid-close range targets.

It´s an issue because it´s inconsistent with the regular version of the Akvasto.

The usability is off. I can´t use the prime the same way I use the regular one. Which yes, is meant to mid to close range.

And yes, I´m sticking to using the regular Akvasto, for the time being.

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1 minute ago, Fenrys_Delta said:

It´s an issue because it´s inconsistent with the regular version of the Akvasto.

The usability is off. I can´t use the prime the same way I use the regular one. Which yes, is meant to mid to close range.

And yes, I´m sticking to using the regular Akvasto, for the time being.

Geez if you really have trouble using these guns at mid-close range you probably should stick to beam weapons lol.

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33 minutes ago, Tricky5hift said:

Lol why is recoil even an issue?

You're not using these guns to snipe people.

The recoil should be perfectly manageable for mid-close range targets.

When i was leveling my Akvasto Prime I didn't have any issues shooting the Vallis reinforcement beacons ~100m away so IMHO the recoil is plenty manageable.

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IMO The recoil doesn't really both me. But for consistency sake AkVasto Prime's recoil should match that of Vasto Prime's.

Because using Vasto Prime with one hand while duel wieldng it with a Glaive for example, it still doesn't have anywhere near the recoil AkVasto Prime does.  Doesn't make any sense otherwise. 

Edited by (XB1)RDeschain82
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2 hours ago, Tricky5hift said:

Geez if you really have trouble using these guns at mid-close range you probably should stick to beam weapons lol.

Geez, if only you´d notice that I DIDN`´T say I had trouble using it at mid-close range at all.

What I DID say was that the weapon can´t be used like the regular Akvasto.

You have to use it more like the Aklex Prime and that feels just "wrong".


2 hours ago, SilentMobius said:

When i was leveling my Akvasto Prime I didn't have any issues shooting the Vallis reinforcement beacons ~100m away so IMHO the recoil is plenty manageable.

I don´t have any issues either. But it´s easy to hit a shot if you take your sweet time aiming for it.

Yes, the recoil is manageable and yes, I know you could use Steady Hands to mitigate it.

But if I´m gonna waste a mod slot to bring the recoil down, its potential dps will be practically in the same level of the regular Akvasto.

Or, you know,  just use the Aklex Prime and get more damage and a slightly bigger magazine.


We waited a long time for this weapon, it´s just sad to see its potential being held back by this weird recoil.

Edited by Fenrys_Delta
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3 minutes ago, Fenrys_Delta said:

Geez, if only you´d notice that I DIDN`´T say I had trouble using it at mid-close range at all.

What I DID say was that the weapon can´t be used like the regular Akvasto.

You have to use it more like the Aklex Prime and that feels just "wrong".


I don´t have any issues either. But it´s easy to hit a shot if you take your sweet time aiming for it.

Yes, the recoil is manageable and yes, I know you could use Steady Hands to mitigate the awful recoil.

But if I´m gonna waste a mod slot to bring the recoil down, its potential dps will be practically in the same level of the regular Akvasto.

Or, you know,  just use the Aklex Prime and get more damage and a slightly bigger magazine.


We waited a long time for this weapon, it´s just sad to see its potential being held back by this weird recoil.

don't forget to bring more people into the weapon feedback thread, to make sure that the most people possible voice their disapointement about that awful thing. everyone you know, that stuff.

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10 hours ago, Fenrys_Delta said:

We´re not comparing the recoil between single and dual, here.

We´re comparing the Prime Akvasto with the regular one.

The Akvasto Prime has way more recoil than its regular variant.

I mentioned the Aklex (Prime) because it has more damage than the Akvasto Prime with about the same recoil, if you use Steady Hands.

With the added benefit of 4 more bullets in the magazine.

I was waiting for so long for a prime version of the Akvasto, but now that it´s finally here, the recoil is kinda anoying.

To me, it's very clear that the outlier is the regular akvasto and there're a couple reasons:

- At one point, people started to question the ak treatment, pointing out to how the single counterpart would become obsolete after ak was released.

DE slowly but surely started to make them sidegrades leading to the point we have now. A reload, bullet count, recoil, fire rate, difference, as it should be. 

Akvasto is the oldest or second of the bunch, meaning it was one of these obvious upgrades to what should be a sidegrade, so much so that the debate concerning that specific weapon remains today, even after prime.

The whole debate started on akbronco prime release, just so you get an idea of how old we are talking about here.

A bit of 'awareness' on DE's modus operandi will give you the answers you seek.

Sense between akvasto p and regular? None, akvasto is from a time when things made even less sense.

It's perfectly balanced today, imo. 

If you want any form of logic, i'd ask for a nerf to regular akvasto's recoil

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