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Toxic community - where are the good players?


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as a seasoned player, I have basically multiple set of nearly everything, all the mods/frames/weapons and meta weapons, I literally browse in millions of credits and thousands of endo and have no shortage of platinum too. as every other 1000+ hours player should have, just by playing for so long (actually I stand at 1500). therefore, I have absolutely no reason to harass or make fun of other players. many times it happens to be on a particularly hard sortie (sortie 3 kela and lephantis come to mind) with low mr who write "sorry I'm noob" in the squad channel, I answer them to not worry, that a mission doesn't always have to be completed in under a minute and that is funny anyway if not more.

while trading I always keep reasonable prices, often throwing in one or two rare mods for free, things like this. above all I try to be always polite and helpful, I believe in karma and until now I've never been disappointed.

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5 hours ago, (PS4)wulvyrn said:

Thank you.  I respectfully reject your comment the title is trash.  It may be considered as a toxic reply and vendictive attitude towards me. 

I hope you have a better day.  We all learn and strive for constructive criticism.  Failing is a natural part of learning.  I am not perfect nor are most people.

DeMonkey is on point, OP. Your title baits the reader as a pre-existing condition that is contrary to the community’s reputation.

“Toxic Community...Where are the good (beneficient) players?”

 I’m reminded of the opening cutscene to Diablo...a barren wasteland of desolation and corruption as crows pick the eyes of the dead, lol.

Like you are this lone valiant warrior...swimming in a sea of toxicity, desperately clinging to the hope that you might find some small ray of light where there is none.

Entertaining enough to click?  Absolutely

Are your concerns about PC players porting to Switch a good topic?  Absolutely.

Did your title bait with inferred hyperbole? Absolutely. 

Monkey and I don’t even hold it against you.  It just is what it is.



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Its actualy not directly linked to MR but more to the individual.

Yeah some Tenno can be super toxic and some other can not be toxic.

Ive been playing for a little while here is what i saw :

1- Low rank tenno who thinks he knows everything and talk down to all other tenno often brigning "You think you are High MR but you are just a noob" kinda thing

2- Hign rank tenno who thinks he knows everything and talk down to all other tenno often with "I'm high MR and all of you are just noobs" kinda thing

3- Community well known tenno who treats all tenno like crap

4- That guy who attacks you on your english quality and tell you stuff like " You dont know how to WRITE" kinda tenno

5- The Master tenno who tells you "You dont know how TO READ" when you try to help people yep got this one very recently

6- Very low rank tenno who looks at you like you just gave them the world when you basicly just gave them the basic unbroken set of continuity/flow/intensify/serration/energy syphon and they just literaly jump everywhere screaming tahnk you ( i always confuse those asking for a precious Ammo drum and they wonder if it realy worth something btw )

7- The well known tenno from the community who helps tenno and is super kind to anybody

8- The high rank tenno who treat all tenno with respect and is being wayyyyy to serious about things

9- The tenno chatting with others and super fashion frame but never actualy go into missions

10- The tenno who only do trading and always have like 10 set of each prime you are looking for to sell in case you are wondering

11- The tenno who says stupid stuff on regional ( almost forgot that one )

Yeah we see a lot of them but the one who comes the most of the time is : The tenno who says nothing ( no literaly nothing ) do is mission and just leave at the end without a word or sometimes a "GG"


So my point is tenno What happen ?

Personaly ive seen a lot of different tenno but most of it is positive but the rotten apples are always heavyer to be honest.

Best tip do like @MagPrime said and just be the change ^.^ at least you will know at least 1 non-toxic Tenno for sure ! 


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42 minutes ago, trunks013 said:

5-  tenno who tells you "You dont know how TO READ"

Thats pretty much me at least twice a day. But I usualy use "are you f****g blind? look at the X" kinda phrase.

 @(PS4)wulvyrn : your definition of "toxic" may and WILL vary from mine, or any other player. And 99% of the time when people use the term "toxic" it's at most shrug worthy.

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Wew lad.
You should see the COD BLOPS in game chat when someone has some good cheese loadout going.
May I direct you to CS:GO by chance as well?

When put up next to other communities, games like Warframe and Seige have absolutely angelic players. The riff raff is still there, sure, but for the majority it's pretty impressive how the community fosters learning, sharing and rewards good behavior and turns on those who offer nothing more than vitriol and cancerous attitudes.

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Tbh there isn't that much toxicity in WarFrame! I mean like in any online game there will be trolls and cancerous people but generally you'll find them more the harder you look. But here are the types of toxicity that you might sometimes encounter (in high volumes in a short period of time):

Toxicity in Forums:

-people that want nerfs (why nerf something (player-usable things in particular) in a PvE game? Why not just ask for a buff on something else? Nerfs kill game diversity in these types of games and outright don't make any sense!)
-people completely dissing ideas (for endgame in particular). Why would you do something like this for an idea that does not affect your gameplay? Most ideas are just either quality of life changes or just create a mode where people that already enjoy the game don't have to visit and will not miss out on anything vital for this game's progression. Again something that is not on the common sense radar!

Toxicity in Game:

-Leaving a defense 1 second before the timer expires potentially leaving just 1 person to suffer alone through 5 more waves.
-Leeching (Fishing while rest of the team is killing eidelons/bounties/etc.)

There are more types of toxicity to behold but I suppose they don't affect me that much as a player (or at least not that often)
Other than that WF's overall community is where it needs to be - Players helping players!

If you have a problem with something in particular say it! Don't just post a title that bashes on the entire community where we all know is just wrong!

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Most people don't even talk on console.  Region chat is a cesspool filled with edgy kids.  I hardly ever see in game behavior that constitutes as "toxic".  I try to answer any questions I'm asked and I also give away free stuff in trade sometimes.  Most people that actually will talk are pretty cool.  I just have to wonder if people in these topics are doing things to trigger these behaviors.

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On 2018-11-17 at 4:30 PM, (PS4)wulvyrn said:

I hear again and again how great the community is.  Reading the forums and regional on game, the term toxic comes to mind.  Why do people have to be this way.

It will be interesting to see how well the great mr players of PC treat the new switch player base.  Will they be great community representative of the forums and chat?

This is not the barren chat of old nor the old wood where one is either looking for trouble or a good pint!

If you are only looking for a specific thing, that is all you will see.

Good players are all around you. They're on PC, PS4, XB1 and soon there'll be good players on Switch too.


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On 2018-11-17 at 8:30 PM, (PS4)wulvyrn said:

I hear again and again how great the community is.  Reading the forums and regional on game, the term toxic comes to mind.  Why do people have to be this way.

It will be interesting to see how well the great mr players of PC treat the new switch player base.  Will they be great community representative of the forums and chat?

This is not the barren chat of old nor the old wood where one is either looking for trouble or a good pint!

Find a good clan my friend :) Such a good group of people in mine - it's how I got my Loki Prime, Ignis Wraith and more for free. We just help each other out and chat in our discord. I logged on last night to give a clan member some murkrays so he could build his amp.

People have stopped and helped me when I was early game after I met them in a pub, no questions asked just helped me out. I met a guy on a farm in Uranus and he asked me to help him with the Juntction Requirements (those damn caches) and I was happy to do so.

Just find a good community/clan and you'll see there are some great people who play this game.

Edited by (XB1)Clockwork Geoff
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It's only a matter of perspective.

Try League of legends, Rocket league, or pretty much any other popular multiplayer game. Warframe isn't perfect, but it certainly is much better than those when it comes to community. I'd also say Warframe is as good as I would realistically expect on Internet.

I think League of legends is a good game with a great gameplay, but I can't play it because the community is trash. You meet too many entitled idiots who blame anyone but themselves all game long instead of actually playing the game. I've barely seen that on Warframe.

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Am 17.11.2018 um 21:30 schrieb (PS4)wulvyrn:

I hear again and again how great the community is.  Reading the forums and regional on game, the term toxic comes to mind.  Why do people have to be this way.

It will be interesting to see how well the great mr players of PC treat the new switch player base.  Will they be great community representative of the forums and chat?

This is not the barren chat of old nor the old wood where one is either looking for trouble or a good pint!

i have met some indivual, toxic players ingame myself but for such cases there is an ignore list. the majority of the warframe community i know is everything but toxic. i actually wonder...u "hear" and "read" about toxic people...so, have u actually met them urself or did u just copy/paste other peoples stories ? u know, there are 2 sides of a coin. ive seen ppl misbehave ingame and when they received warnings to stop their rude behaviour they tried to turn that knife around, claiming all the others are toxic and rude. i dont know u, i dont know the people from which u "hear" and "read" so no offense intended, but its not always a simple tale of a saint walking into the kingdom of darkness.

u will find some misbehaving people everywhere. compare the warframe community to many others out there and u will notice urself how great the warframe comm is. a minority of toxic players doesnt change that. ignore list and move on~

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PS4 is a nightmare and I think it's because of the age group. Every once in a while I run into a nice group of peeps, but for the most part, it's always some insane douches that think that everyone got on Warframe to watch them play. I have powerful frames and weapons with powerful builds, but I know that there's a time and place to go overboard with it. I would like to move over to PC, but starting over is tedious.

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Met an ultra toxic player today, MR 14, was leeching and literally trash talking. Worst part was when some other squad member started trash talking and it devolved into name calling, vulgarity and talking about each other's mother's privates. I told them to shut the #*!% up but apparently they were unwilling to listen, so yeah. I guess playing too well and doing 50% of the squad damage was a bad idea, since it gives these idiots the free time to debate the sexuality of each other's parents.

Most people are ... neutral and neither nice nor toxic,but there are indeed some very messed up people in Warframe.

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8 hours ago, ClapTrap007 said:

Toxicity in Game:

-Leaving a defense 1 second before the timer expires potentially leaving just 1 person to suffer alone through 5 more waves.

Starting here because that's more valid than the Forums in my mind. 

It's annoying, but unless they did it to intentionally set you up, to suffer, it's not really toxic IMO. The only way that's happening is if I was being carried by the person who bailed. Otherwise its just annoying, and worthy of you screaming "oh come on!" at the screen, but that's about it. 

8 hours ago, ClapTrap007 said:

Leeching (Fishing while rest of the team is killing eidelons/bounties/etc.)

Again, what you see as toxic is more of an annoyance to others. All I need is them taking up the space to increase spawn rates most of the time. That increases drop rates and my loot/xp. Yeah it'd be cool if they pitch in, but "meh". 

8 hours ago, ClapTrap007 said:

Toxicity in Forums:

-people that want nerfs (why nerf something (player-usable things in particular) in a PvE game? Why not just ask for a buff on something else? Nerfs kill game diversity in these types of games and outright don't make any sense!)

What? No. 

If one thing is imbalanced then nerfing that one thing is simpler than trying to buff everything else in the game to match. Only buffing, leads to chronic levels of imbalance across the board. We already see people complaining about that when they demand endgame content 'everything is too easy, there's no more challenge for us'. Which leads us to:

8 hours ago, ClapTrap007 said:

people completely dissing ideas (for endgame in particular). Why would you do something like this for an idea that does not affect your gameplay? Most ideas are just either quality of life changes or just create a mode where people that already enjoy the game don't have to visit and will not miss out on anything vital for this game's progression. Again something that is not on the common sense radar!

Again, no. 

Here's a fact about our endgame community, the only thing they agree on is that they want more endgame content. They don't agree on what it is, on who should be counted as endgame, how to do it, how not to do it. Whenever they get something that counts as endgame, they either start off loving it, or hating it. Then they spend some time learning how to trivialise it. Then they grind the hell out of it, burn out, and go right back to complaining about the lack of enjoyment the endgamers experience. 

It's literally a merry-go-round of self inflicted ennui, in an echo chamber filled with people on megaphones, who can't figure out that they can do things to help themselves. 

The amazing part is when you suggest just not using a cannon to kill a mosquito, they get offended and carp about how hard they worked to get the totally overpowered game-breaking equipment. So... At some point in the min-max process, common sense went out of the window, to make room for +1epeen stats. 

That's the source of the problem. 



1 hour ago, (PS4)supernova_girlie said:

PS4 is a nightmare and I think it's because of the age group. Every once in a while I run into a nice group of peeps, but for the most part, it's always some insane douches that think that everyone got on Warframe to watch them play. I have powerful frames and weapons with powerful builds, but I know that there's a time and place to go overboard with it. I would like to move over to PC, but starting over is tedious.

The chat is the biggest problem. Other than that I haven't seen many toxic players, maybe a handful so far since March. If they're doing all the work because of some OP meta build, the team still benefits once we keep up. 

The only times I've seen people who want me to stand back and let them do the playing, are usually Hydroid on a farm run, which makes sense, and I'll often do it, (but they kill soooooooo sloooooooowly 😧 ). Oh and one truly toxic-af Nidus player who couldn't build his stacks, because he sucked harder than everyone else he was accusing of being the problem. 


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I've yet to see any toxic behaviour in region chat. Mostly people trying to trade, recruit or spamming silly memes. Or asking "when Baro?"

I feel like I'm missing out here...


As far as the forum goes, I wholeheartedly agree with DeMonkey. Its largely a pretty good place to be. Far better than some I've been on *cough*worldoftanks*cough*

Only a few overly sarcastic / condescending or downright rude types that I've seen so far. Hardly amounts to a "toxic community".


Seriously OP - if you think the Warframe community is toxic, you haven't played enough online games yet.



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2 hours ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

The only times I've seen people who want me to stand back and let them do the playing, are usually Hydroid on a farm run, which makes sense, and I'll often do it, (but they kill soooooooo sloooooooowly 😧 ). Oh and one truly toxic-af Nidus player who couldn't build his stacks, because he sucked harder than everyone else he was accusing of being the problem. 


You don't how many times I wanted to make this thread: PSA All Hydroid Players - Others Do Not Exist to Serve You!


PSA All Nidus Players - My Galatine and My Sarah (EDIT: Saryn) Flips Off Your Second Ability!

I literally will stand around a Nidus in survival for the first 5-10 minutes, let him kill all the enemies to get his stacks, even provide energy and you know how most of them thank me? They continue to follow me around and use their second ability to TRY to keep me from getting kills. My Galatine don't got no time for that mess!

Edited by (PS4)supernova_girlie
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28 minutes ago, (PS4)supernova_girlie said:

I literally will stand around a Nidus in survival for the first 5-10 minutes, let him kill all the enemies to get his stacks, even provide energy and you know how most of them thank me? They continue to follow me around and use their second ability to TRY to keep me from getting kills. My Galatine don't got no time for that mess!

If they're having trouble building the stacks then it's because we're all killing too quickly. And that means that Nidus isn't absolutely needed, yet. By the time we get to that point, they'll have no problem with stacks. 

Regarding the second part, that's not really a problem, so long as we're in affinity range and everything is being killed quickly. That's my problem with Hydroid. Sure they're getting kills, but if me and my shadows are doing the job faster and my desecrate-despoil is boosting the drops, we're going to have a bad time, because we're going to be doing our thing, you can help or stand around. 

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