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Warframe's communal hate against Destiny (and Anthem) should = calm down


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As I've indulged into the community more and more I've noticed that the players have a huge hatred towards Destiny and even Anthem which is a game that hasn't even released.  I can easily understand just simply not liking the game and preferring Warframe, but what the Warframe community does just adds more toxicity and makes us all seem like hateful fanboys who bash any game slightly similar.  A lot of the hate seems incredibly shoehorned, regardless of what the original thread is, someone will find a way to randomly incorporate Destiny into the discussion just to hate it.  It's essentially everywhere, YouTube, forums, official WF media, in-game chat, and some even go as far as to go onto Destiny's media to hate and that makes our community seem childish and toxic.  I think we need to cool it with the desire to feel superior, I have almost never run into a Destiny player who openly despises Warframe with a passion.  The oddest thing is, aside from being Sci-Fi looter shooters, all 3 of these games are structured completely differently.

Edited by RealHeftyTrout
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Destiny deserves hatred for their disgusting monetization habits. I bought into the hype of Destiny 2 and got the full 100 dollar edition as a preorder, I was under the impression I would get all the DLC. What shipped was a mostly barebones unfinished game, and to get back into it I'd have to go drop at least 40 dollars. No. Not doing that. You can blame Activision for gutting Bungie, but they're one in the same now, so forget them both.

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Vanilla Destiny was OK. Changes made during fallen king sucked. I never bought Destiny 2 because all I needed to know that it was going to suck was when they broke the news that shaders would be ONE TIME USE. Ya, not running a hard mode raid every time I get new armor.

And even PRO PLAYERS acknowledge the newest raid in D2 is too hard for most players.



I'm a casual PvE player, what really burned my biscuits with Destiny was back in the taken king they made rewards for "going to the tower" in trials of osiris better than hard mode raid rewards.

Bungie controlled Halo from Halo: CE - Halo Reach. If you look at those games you'll see that while they had a campaign the PvP multipayer was the true end game, especially in Halo 3. Bungie likes the try hard,  hard core PvP game style.

Warframe by far leans toward the PvE. Hell, Conclave is crickets, tumble weeds, etc.

I play for fun. Bungie made Destiny feel like a second job. So they don't get my money. Warframe is fun for me, so DE gets my money.


Anthem, I'm interested in it and if it's good I'll play it.


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Every game has these vocal groups, if anyone wants to look at one and assume said people make up the majority of the fandom then it's their problem.

Even the Destiny playerbase has this group who also have it out for Warframe. Anthem will certainly gain the exact same group if it hasn't already.

This isn't an issue with Warframe or it's community, or any of these communities, it's simply how people are when they're passionate about something (or they just enjoy causing drama).

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5 minutes ago, Parzii said:

Destiny deserves hatred for their disgusting monetization habits. I bought into the hype of Destiny 2 and got the full 100 dollar edition as a preorder, I was under the impression I would get all the DLC. What shipped was a mostly barebones unfinished game, and to get back into it I'd have to go drop at least 40 dollars. No. Not doing that. You can blame Activision for gutting Bungie, but they're one in the same now, so forget them both.

I do agree with you that D2's business model angers me.

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Warframe and Destiny are two different games by two different developers.

One cannot be determined to be objectively better than the other. It is all subjective opinion.

If you're a hard core try hard PvP person you'll probs dig Destiny. If you want a game to feel like a game and not a 2nd or 3rd job you'll probs like Warframe.

Edited by (XB1)Dredd1973
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3 minutes ago, trst said:

Every game has these vocal groups, if anyone wants to look at one and assume said people make up the majority of the fandom then it's their problem.

Even the Destiny playerbase has this group who also have it out for Warframe. Anthem will certainly gain the exact same group if it hasn't already.

This isn't an issue with Warframe or it's community, or any of these communities, it's simply how people are when they're passionate about something (or they just enjoy causing drama).

Yes, this is something that happens with every gaming community.  I've been a part of plenty but I've just never really seen any that have as much of a conjoined hatred towards is supposed "competitor".

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4 minutes ago, Sajochi said:

I still don't get why people make a big deal over the "Warframe VS Destiny" thing. Perhaps I'm getting old, still believe in enjoying what you enjoy and leaving it at that. 

I feel like people get validation out of thinking that their game is the best of the bunch- thus their time is best spent. Vocalizing this just further boosts their ego. I've bashed other games before; not in a terribly offensive way but I'd always find something to tell friends I didn't like about their games because I would always be playing the less popular version among the people I knew. 

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We hate on Anthem because it’s being made by EA, and we all know EA doesn’t learn. They’ll find some way to fill it with monetization that brings the gameplay to a grinding hault.

Destiny 2 deserves the hate because they took a $60 game and tried to get more money out of people through lootboxes and micro transactions.

EA doesn’t deserve our money and neither does Activision. And they don’t deserve our respect either.

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Just now, RealHeftyTrout said:

Yes, this is something that happens with every gaming community.  I've been a part of plenty but I've just never really seen any that have as much of a conjoined hatred towards is supposed "competitor".

Well Warframe was relatively unique for the longest time and Destiny was the first, most direct, comparison to it.

Plus if you consider the opinions some people have towards Destiny (such as the ones people are posting here) you'll find a lot of people have decisive stances on the game's quality, which extends beyond Warframe's community. That plus people "fanboying" is never a good combination.

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that's an interesting metacomplaint when what i generally see instead, is Destiny people constantly comparing it to Warframe.
i think what you're talking about has nothing to do with Players of any particular game.

8 minutes ago, (XB1)Dredd1973 said:

If you're a hard core try hard PvP person you'll probs dig Destiny. If you want a game to feel like a game and not a 2nd or 3rd job you'll probs like Warframe.

that would be quite curious to say, when while Warframe has lots of XP bars to fill in a few minutes and to leave until the next day.... it wasn't always that way. but Destiny was that way to begin with.


2 minutes ago, trst said:

Well Warframe was relatively unique for the longest time

er, Aesthetics and Player Movement are the two things that Warframe really stands out from the pack with vs the rest of the Industry, the rest of the game pulls from many past games and tropes.
the vast majority of the game is not exactly unique, but that's not necessarily a bad thing or a problem.

Edited by taiiat
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12 minutes ago, (XB1)Dredd1973 said:

One cannot be determined to be objectively better than the other. It is all subjective opinion.

shady monetization business, lootboxes, stripped content from the original game, rigged EXP system, rigged EVENT system that makes it ( litterally, it has been verified ) to get all the event items, forcing you to cash in to get them all... one of the worse developers ever ( Bungie/Activision ) that tries to hide their S#&$ty bullS#&$ until busted, doing damage control to not look like A******s, try to keep their lootboxes while illegal ( or was it EA? anyway both are S#&$. ) and argue that lootboxes aren't "gambling" to make sure it doesn't get labelled as it and that they are forced to make their game +21...

then we have Warframe. beloved game made by loving developers, that ACTUALLY want to learn from their mistakes, that say the truth when it's needed "one of the developers said about one thing they made "scrap, i've made a slot machine, need to take that out of the game" . with balancing, that try their best for a community not always easy, and thousands of hours of game time life...


....i am PRETTY SURE that one of the two game here can objectively be determined as "better" , looking at everything.

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Its a common thing in gaming. League vs Dota. Fifa vs PES. And also not limited to games but between hardware as well. XBOX vs PS, Nvidia vs Shiet red card. Its a recurring theme and something thats probably connected to age of players, or rivalry and competitiveness thats the backbone nature of video games.

Not saying it can't be changed or if the worlds a better place with or without it but think its more of an unavoidable culture.

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42 minutes ago, RealHeftyTrout said:

I think we need to cool it

You might want to take a quick gander in the mirror before posting something like this.

To me, the games could not be more different. Anthem is yet another superficially similar, but ultimately different game.

Comment on the stupid people making those threads on youtube, reddit, the forums, whatever. Don't pull this metacomplaint garbage and essentially shout into the void. We have to do nothing. You need to do whatever it is that you think you need to do.

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That's the answer though.

54 minutes ago, RealHeftyTrout said:

The oddest thing is, aside from being Sci-Fi looter shooters, all 3 of these games are structured completely differently.

The fact that they're all sci fi looters is more than enough to compare them by. Not a completely accurate comparison but chances are they've heard of those games since they might fill a similar niche and scratch the same itch as Warframe.

I don't see it mentioned all that often but I also don't spend as much time in public/region chat either, so I can't speak to how much of an issue this actually is in WF. However I don't think the hate is unwarranted by a long shot. Maybe you can ask them to justify their hate, and while I won't go out of my way to hate on either I can tell you right now why they deserve the criticism:

-Destiny was handled so poorly it's laughable, there's plenty of online media resources and game review channels that have covered their journey into Destiny 2 and it's quite clear that whatever Bungie's doing is no longer of their control and at the complete mercy of Activision's bottom line. Even without Warframe as a reference it's quite obvious what a scam that whole experience is given how strong it could've been after the original Destiny

-Anthem is being produced by EA, a household name for shady game design and monetization choices. I'm always the "wait and see" type but by no means do I think throwing Anthem shade this early is inappropriate, especially after the disastrous way they handled the Battlefront reboots.

Edited by Beartornado
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5 minutes ago, Beartornado said:

-Anthem is being produced by EA, a household name for shady game design and monetization choices. I'm always the "wait and see" type but by no means do I think throwing Anthem shade this early is inappropriate, especially after the disastrous way they handled the Battlefront reboots.


Been searching up a bit on Anthem.and yeah it being produced by EA is not the most welcoming sign, but is confirmed that there will be no loot boxes and all microtransactions are for cosmetic purposes which does shine a ray of light on it. Never saw much about DLC so I can't really say how that'll go.

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1 minute ago, RealHeftyTrout said:

Been searching up a bit on Anthem.and yeah it being produced by EA is not the most welcoming sign, but is confirmed that there will be no loot boxes and all microtransactions are for cosmetic purposes which does shine a ray of light on it. Never saw much about DLC so I can't really say how that'll go.

One of the main issues there is that there's micro transactions in a premium game that we'll already have to shill out 60-120 dollars for. Even if they're just cosmetic, (Why are they even in a premium game to begin with?) the avenue is there for EA or Bioware to change it in the future. I don't hold my trust those companies and I fully expect nothing good to come out of it in the long run. I'd like to be wrong, but you know how EA is.

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