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Shoot cameras, not windows.


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Seems like a recent trend where everyone I join in a random public match runs through every damn camera on a map, especially Corpus tilesets and instead of shooting cameras, they're shooting out windows. Everything to lock the map down and slow down gameplay while they dance nartas in the friggin' endzone like they're cool AF. I had a player do it today on a rescue fissure mission, and he sat at the extract, alone, waiting for everyone to catch up. I could have sworn from the way this person played that they were new to the game, but surprise! MR 25! It doesn't get anyone out of the game faster if you're the only one at the end after taking elevators by yourself, jumping in front of every camera (and I mean, seriously, they aren't hard to avoid), and then blowing out windows behind you. 

If you see a camera, avoid the beam. If you trigger the beam, shoot the damn camera. If you see windows, don't shoot them. If you blow out windows, fix your mistake and find a panel to crack the lockdown. Don't take elevators by yourself, especially if your squad is literally right behind you. These things are Buttwipe Moves. 

Trolls. This is the only explanation. Surely nobody's that bad at the game at MR25, right? I'm a hair from MR26 myself and it's not like any of these are new game mechanics to me, five years into the game.

Edited by Bob_Harbeck
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10 minutes ago, Bob_Harbeck said:

Trolls. This is the only explanation.

It's not the only explanation. Think about it logically. Windows are just absurdly easy to break. Half the frames in the game can do it with abilities entirely by accident and every frame can do it unintentionally simply by doing parkour moves. Even enemies break them regularly. So it's not that people are doing it on purpose, they just don't care anymore, because the window is probably going to break anyway. There's also no point shooting or avoiding cameras because a) their field of view is much wider than the visual effect suggests and b) they don't do anything worth the effort of avoiding because you can just roll through door lasers.

As for going ahead of everyone, that's not trolling, that's just people being a bit impatient. Welcome to Warframe. People like speed.

Edited by AdunSaveMe
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It is race OP! As mr26 I know very well how to avoid cameras and stuff,but i do not want to.
I want to slow others down so I'll be first,i have stopwatch on my phone and i count how much longer does it take you to come to the extraction.
The less time it does take you,the more of man you are.
If you are for example 30 seconds behind me,i add you to ignore list and will pretend that you do not exist,because you do not...to me.

In survival it is urgently important to find extraction instantly and just stand there for whole match,some monsters will spawn and attack you,shoot theyr heads with lanka so your damage will be above 50%. That is another measure of manly and pro warframe player.
images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSEU5l4OOsi5-_rc5TL-fsSHOOT WINDOWS NOT LINUX

Edited by ---Merchant---
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1 minute ago, (PS4)XxDarkyanxX said:

I sneeze and these god forsaken windows break down.
You'd think that space window would be able to withstand me just casually passing through the room without exploding into a lock-down.

Good thing none of the other windows are "reinforced", or the Corpus would be in permanent lockdown.

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windows break easy as hek though, especially with abilities and AoE weapons going off, and it's not always us: stray enemy lasers can break the glass too. you have to avoid going anyhwere near the windows at all to guarantee you won't get a lockdown. dunno who the Corpus get their window from, but they either need to relook at the definition of "reinforced, or stop throwing poor people/broken Proxies/anything else they can find at the windows in their spare time. give the Crewmen an actual form of recreation and they might stop cracking windows while off duty!

besides, this is what can happen with randoms. we all make mistakes, it's easy to forget where cameras are, and nobody likes waiting for that one slowpoke (who ironically is often a Volt or Loki) to reach the lift from about 5 rooms away because they got too caught up killing instead of following the objective.




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What, I'm supposed to believe the Corpus are some multi-billion-trillion credit owning corporation that they cannot invest in simple 'unbreakable' windows?

0/10 literally unplayable

No but seriously, its kind've ridiculous that they haven't been retroactively replaced even though Grineer themselves have windows that are also unbreakable.

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1 hour ago, AdunSaveMe said:

As for going ahead of everyone, that's not trolling, that's just people being a bit impatient. Welcome to Warframe. People like speed.

Anymore, my main frame is a Volt Prime with 320% power strength and the arcane storm helmet I crafted five years ago. I like to go fast, and I have spent plenty of time sitting at the end waiting for everyone to catch up. I won't do that by jumping through cameras, taking elevators by myself, or turning around and blowing out windows in rooms I've just run through (I've seen this). It's this build I was using today when my frustration finally hit a point where I had to gripe about it. 

I don't have the problems blowing out windows that I guess some people seem to have, but I agree they shouldn't blow as easily as they do. I have a few frames I use a maxed Toxic Flight on that seem to blow windows from absurd distances that don't seem to effect enemies. 


The windows are less annoying to me than people jumping through every single damn camera, though. 

Edited by Bob_Harbeck
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il y a 6 minutes, TylerFreeman a dit :

What, I'm supposed to believe the Corpus are some multi-billion-trillion credit owning corporation that they cannot invest in simple 'unbreakable' windows?

0/10 literally unplayable

No but seriously, its kind've ridiculous that they haven't been retroactively replaced even though Grineer themselves have windows that are also unbreakable.

They were too busy investing in teleportation technology, forgot windows and comfortable space travelling was a thing.

On the other hand, grineers are windows fanatics, they have one in every god darn room in one form or another.

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1 hour ago, TylerFreeman said:

What, I'm supposed to believe the Corpus are some multi-billion-trillion credit owning corporation that they cannot invest in simple 'unbreakable' windows?

0/10 literally unplayable

No but seriously, its kind've ridiculous that they haven't been retroactively replaced even though Grineer themselves have windows that are also unbreakable.


Budget Cuts. Too expensive to make, so they had to switch to a different material.

Edited by (XB1)calvina
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I was unaware that cameras slowed people down so much. From the wiki and personal experiences, they do not cause any lockdowns or more/stronger enemies or anything to slow you down except for the laser beams. Additionally, the laser barriers that block doorways can just be rolled through so barely any time is wasted unless you’re mid bullet jump and can’t chnage direction for whatever reason. I really don’t see any issues with cameras except for spy vaults ofc. The only real complaint is that it’s annoying but I wouldn’t say it’s slowing you down much.

For windows, I think it’s safe to say that they’re a joke. They cover so much of the tile and has so little health that it’s almost impossible to not hit them. Even enemies can break them (I think). Can you be sure that you weren’t the one who broke the window or an enemy that was shooting at you broke it?

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I can't even look at a window funny without the ship going into lockdown because they're broken.


Also lol, if you think I'm gonna slog slow af through a level just so you don't feel bad about how long it takes you to get to the end you're sorely mistaken.

Ain't nothing in that level that I need. Ain't nothing in that level I wanna see. Ain't nothing in that mission I wanna do. 

I don't care that it takes you forever to get to the end anyways. The second I make it to extraction I'm looking at S#&$ on my phone.

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3 hours ago, Bob_Harbeck said:

Seems like a recent trend where everyone I join in a random public match runs through every damn camera on a map, especially Corpus tilesets and instead of shooting cameras, they're shooting out windows. Everything to lock the map down and slow down gameplay while they dance nartas in the friggin' endzone like they're cool AF. I had a player do it today on a rescue fissure mission, and he sat at the extract, alone, waiting for everyone to catch up. I could have sworn from the way this person played that they were new to the game, but surprise! MR 25! It doesn't get anyone out of the game faster if you're the only one at the end after taking elevators by yourself, jumping in front of every camera (and I mean, seriously, they aren't hard to avoid), and then blowing out windows behind you. 

If you see a camera, avoid the beam. If you trigger the beam, shoot the damn camera. If you see windows, don't shoot them. If you blow out windows, fix your mistake and find a panel to crack the lockdown. Don't take elevators by yourself, especially if your squad is literally right behind you. These things are Buttwipe Moves. 

Trolls. This is the only explanation. Surely nobody's that bad at the game at MR25, right? I'm a hair from MR26 myself and it's not like any of these are new game mechanics to me, five years into the game.

MR is only number and then this is common problem in every platform and every corpus mission

There is 2 reason they hit windows 

1. Trolls

2. Slide attack accidentally hit window

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I admit to occasionally hitting an exploding barrel because i want to pop open all of the loot cans and kill any nearby cameras, and as a consequence breaking a window. When I do this, I hack a console as soon as possible. I also head for the consoles if someone else breaks a window.

As for why they're so brittle, well, if a Corpus boss has a choice between spending money to make the inside of his ship safe for people to do their jobs in and enshrining that cash as Sacred Profit, which do you think they will do? They are capitalism running wild and free without anything but a pack of psychic space ninjas to hold them back, and we are frankly usually stabbing the wrong end of their pay scale for any of these profit-obsessed wankmuffins to even care. 🙂

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A thread about cameras and windows? Ok... that's new.

I think they are a cool gimmick and DE should add more of that. It makes the map feel alive. Sure some people break the windows but mostly by accident or for fun. I love break some windows because... why not? It just slows down the mission by a few seconds mostly.

Edited by DerGreif2
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For a moment i thought i am in a Rainbow 6 siege forums.


I shoot windows, all the time, just so i can show off my l33t hacking skills afterwards.

Those cameras? of coz i don't shoot them, how else to show off my fashionframe to my enemies?

Edited by SaltyKelong
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