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What Do You Want From Warframe?


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i want to continue just playing the game and not worrying about what i dont have. i welcome any fixes and changes with an open mind. Its a game i expect nothing so when something new comes i am happy to indulge in it.

its a blank slate approach i wish more people had. i think people would enjoy the game more.

however host migration is probably my only eyesore.

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I want Warframe to have a acutal and good tutorial system so people don't freak out when they see the modding bench and leave warframe thinking it's to complex. Currently it's up to current/veteran players of Warframe to guide newer players and the whole guides of the lotus program clearly hasn't had the desired affect of helping new players. I never used them nor did I ever mange to find one when I actively sought help over a year ago. Without Randomsurge who at the time still wasn't a WF partner. I would of left the game a long time ago and never looked back, for the second time. 


I've helped guide a few players sense then in some area's but i've seen at least 6 different twitch streamers play warframe for the first 20-25 hours then ditch it. 

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1 hour ago, Makunogo said:

i want to continue just playing the game and not worrying about what i dont have. i welcome any fixes and changes with an open mind. Its a game i expect nothing so when something new comes i am happy to indulge in it.

its a blank slate approach i wish more people had. i think people would enjoy the game more.

however host migration is probably my only eyesore.

I figured Fortuna was going to be plains 2.0 and I feel I'm right in that sense. They even are delaying orb fights/heists much like the final two eidolons were. No one who plays Warframe is seeking to not enjoy Warframe after all, not that i'm aware of anyways. 

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I want a PvE competitive mode, maybe even a direct PvEvP component with some extreme modifiers to promote diversity, limited revives, a way for the opposing team to influence the  other (stalker mode or smtn) and a leaderboard so all those "vets" can stop shouting "No Endgame". With some corresponding rewards like 1/10 of a riven per loss and 2/10 per win and some seasonal skin rewards and no matter what game type/modifiers you have, you earn Kuva per minute/excavation/kill...

Or just let me fly in space.

Edited by Ver1dian
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A Banshee rework and an endgame that's actually an endgame, instead of another dumbed down instawin gearcheck would do for now.

Maybe some new good loot, since most of the best plat farms lost their value because of overabundance, maxed out prime mods, prime parts, Ayatans, Acolyte mods are barely worth anything, something new worth farming.

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I have one or two things that I would like to see even if I doubt it would actually happen.

1. Inaros passive to scale with enemies.

2. More in depth lore and interactions with the syndicates (syndicate wars beyond randomly sending death squads against tenno?)

3. Merchant escort/raid missions between relays/planets (i.e. escort ships between relays via the tenno built solar rails and defending against grineer/corpus/sentient/infested attacks. or raids where you command a dojo built railjack to attack grineer or corpus convoys for supplies.

May have more later but that's just what I'm thinking at the moment

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15 hours ago, Kaotyke said:

Warframe should be what the devs envision it to be. Just wish they would not just leave old mechanics that need revisit to collect grime before looking at them again...

Better Archwing, but that is coming with Railjack.

I... am really tempted to say "add lootboxes" just to see if it triggers a Bursa. But I will probably get boxed in by everyone and robbed of my loot.

If I had the gear I would personally build a Bursa...or better yet an Ambulas...to track you down and give you a jolly good probing, for even mentioning loot boxes. :angry:


Anyway, back on topic, I would like to see DE fully explore and develop all the lore and character / faction back stories that have so far only been sketched out in quests and codex entries. I feel if they did this, they'd have enough material for quests, events and maybe more open worlds for years to come.


Edited by FlusteredFerret
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12 hours ago, Aldain said:

I'll do you a solid and be supportive but honest instead of overly critical.

1. I could see this on either Orb or a later overworld, and technically we have that already in the form of Eidolons and...whatever the hell Orb is has/will have.

2. -intense drooling, tempered by realization that it would be a bit hard to work out but would nonetheless be amazing-

3. I....don't know what you're talking about here so I'll just move on.

4. This is where I might say....this is a bit too resource intensive I think, I'm all for the PvP being better for the PvP crowd but this seems a but...unrealistic.

5. I'd like to see this as a quest objective or a Halloween event idea.

6. I'm just a MR10 scrub so I can't provide Arb input sadly.

7. Interesting, but HEAVILY resource intensive, plus we would need to see how Railjack performs before we start with applications of this system.

Overall good ideas, ambitious, but mostly grounded in some form of reality (aside from the PvP aspect imo, but I guess anything could happen).

This has been Aldain and the "Not everyone on the internet is an overly cynical clemhole" service, thank you for your time.



4. Created by players for the players...


side note: this was the only clean version I could find..since it's never this easy of a run and everyone usually ends up screaming and yelling profanities when the Killball is right on them....but also note all the rocks and assets used by the player who made the map..the video is goofy and does no justice to this game mode when you have 16 players running it...but one player used what was given to them in forge world and the community made years of content to be shared between players...PVP in Warframe could really use something like this...because the player base given the tools might come up with something that takes hold and makes clans and dojos something of interest for the competitive crowd let alone the PVE players who would come up with Indiana Jones and side by side PVP/PVE play like death races and so forth...



Edited by (PS4)FriendSharkey
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1. Rework Vauban and other frame like volt

2. Rework almost every Warframe passive ability

3. Remove mods that is not needed (who is the world would use rifle aptitude)

4. Endgame

5. Rework the bounties and gives us reward that is meaningful

6. Rework PvP

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1. An auction system of some sort where people can put things up on sale or trade for a limited time. Just so that players don’t have to spend excessive amounts of time on trade chat

2. An Umbra archwing, and the option (emphasis on option) to remove the scarf if players want to

3. A k drive skate park for those who want pull off cool tricks without being shot down

Other than that, I enjoy this game 

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17 minutes ago, (XB1)SilverSurferGuy said:

2. An Umbra archwing, and the option (emphasis on option) to remove the scarf if players want to

I imagined an archwing with a scarf the size of a syandana, a scarfwing, that would be a weapon to surpass Metal Gear.

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There is a lot of variety now, but sometimes I get stuck in a rut and can't think of anything really wildly different from what I regularly see in Warframe. Perhaps the game can borrow some mechanics/elements from game types such as roguelike, or roguelite, in order to create content very exotic/unique to warframe. Or a metroidvania style area/system as well for something very fresh.

I can link the two terms for anyone curious. I use Giantbomb website if that's okay.




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-I want this game to be less AoE spam while afk fest

-I want Vauban to have some defensive skill to make him somewhat tanky, when the rework will come. Like, replacing one of those useless mines with some sort of drone that gives him scaling defensive capabilities.

Why? Because it grinds my OCD's gears to see him esthetically so tanky buy so squishy statistically.

-For the Amprex, Ignis Whatever, Arca Plasmor and Staticor to be nerfed into the afterlife and even there, get nerfed again.

I honestly feel stupid whenever I take the time to aim with other weapons. Why would I ever want to aim if these weapons can clear entire rooms just by clicking fire and lazily hover the camera on the generic direction of the enemies?

-Melee 3.0

-For stamina to make it's return into a fully fleshed out concept, effectively giving those mission that we see now days as a useless waste of time (spy?) a reason to exist.

Speedrunning is not fun, and it sure doesn't make justice to the amount of time and effort DE itself took to code them.

Of course this is just one of the reasons why I'd like stamina to be back, but I'll stop here because I'm sure I've already triggered some people here xD








Oh, and for Mesa and Octavia to be nerfed.

There, I said it. Sheesh, I feel better now.




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With as much as I whine (OMG! I just admitted I whine in public) Warframe already exceeded my expectations. As a rule, I dont play shooter style games. I've been playing for about 4 years.

The big one for me would be a retro thing to bring back the "Who can go the highest/" competition between clans. It was never a sanctioned or 'in the open' competition. But every day people would look to see if they were at the top of the leader board and try to outdo each other's clan. A beginning level selection for friends only missions would suit that to a T.

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A better archwing/skywing system with more integration with the rest of the game. 

Pets 2.0. I want to use that kubrow mod set so hard but it's a huge hassle now. 

Some kind of higher tiered, instant access content for higher end players so i don't have to bore myself fo death for an hour to get to the good stuff. 

A kind of always-in-demand content like Rivens i can sink my teeth and time into. 

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I would like a more MMO feel to the game with the open world areas like POE and fortuna. That way the game doesn't feel so disjointed. It will also keep people active long enough to reach the second dream and being hooked to the lore of the game. 

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I would like to see in this game:

  1. Normal auction.
  2. New interesting PvP modes. With a different gameplay, and with a learning curve more acceptable to new players than a Conclave. Grineer vs. Corps, something like the old "Dark Sectors", and the mode of the space battle, etc.
  3. Significant and interesting endgame. An elite version of the star map (or even just planetary bosses), scaling enemies in these missions immediately from the 100th level. Some sort of raid. Adding new missions and new enemies. Here you can bring many more options - the main thing is the idea of the endgame itself.
  4. New cinematic quests. This is a strong point of the developers, both in plot and in technical execution.
  5. Answers to the questions that have now accumulated in Warframe, in these cinematic quests. Too much has already accumulated questions and logical inconsistencies in the plot, despite the fact that the plot itself is very good.
  6. It is time to change a "mission commander". Much time has passed since Natah (Lotus) departure to mom.
  7. It would be great if the operators finally matured.
  8. More diverse and valuable reward in missions. And less grind for them. Generally - less grind in the game.
    In my humble opinion, it just kills interest.
  9. Less new warframes - more new missions and new enemies. With one exception - if DE adds a Stalker warframe with a good cinematic quest that reveals his secret (in the spirit of "Sacrifice") - that would be fine)
  10. A little more intelligence for the enemies. And more danger. Mobs are now like defenseless children, with a few exceptions.
  11. Improved physics of flight Archwing.
  12. The ability to immediately remove the "pink cyst" for those who are not going to use it. Not that it was so important - but annoying trouble.
  13. A good tutorial in the Codex for new players. Seriously, there is a certain paradox - the game be focused on beginners - and at the same time does not give them any information about the game itself. New players are forced to spend too much time on the wiki and you-tube to more or less understand the game. As a result, many simply give up. Warframe, in my opinion, has problems with retaining both - new players and veterans. There is no good textbook and information for beginners, and there is no endgame for veterans.

P.S. I am sorry for my english - this is not my first language.

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On 2018-12-16 at 8:20 PM, Sorkheff said:

I also am not a fan of not being able to pick the type of fissure mission I'd like to do (due to random mission availability)

First time on the forum, just wanted to piggyback your idea since i like it so much. Not only more accessible Fissure missions but possibly a slightly higher reactant drop. I feel bad when someone isnt fast enough to grab all the reactant before the timer runs out even though theyre still putting in the effort. I have to actually slow the mission down sometimes for other people and thats just a lose lose situation.

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