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Why the game dose not have good PVP yet???


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Or maybe DE and Warframe keep doing what works for the game. PvE.
If people want to play PvP, they can play another game. And if they want to play PvE again, they can come back to Warframe.
What is wrong with people these days wanting every game to offer everything?

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Because DE realizes that for most of us if we want to be exposed to a hyper-stressful environment where you compete with people who have spent decades practicing the same skills to crush all competitors, then get trash-talked about your inevitable defeat, we could just go searching for a job.

Or for some of us, just go to work, which ends up mostly being the same thing.

I'm being slightly facetious but Warframe isn't a PvP-focused game and its base game mechanics are a very poor fit for PvP gameplay. It'd be like demanding a PvP mode for the RTS AI War.

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16 minutes ago, OSsam said:

the game has great potential for PVP but we are seeing nothing for it the Pve is great and all but dude it became boring after a while .

so i really hope the pvp in warframe well get a buff.

What's wrong the with the current PvP? What would even be changed without making it play entirely differently from what Warframe is now?

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Because the playerbase mostly want to play godlike against stupid AI and not wish to challenge themself against other players. Not all of us like the pvp or pve but the majority of this game is pve oriented because the devs pushed the game to this side.

Also for a good pvp they need to play their game and rent dedicated servers so the conclave could be playable. On pvp the timing is matter so if you lag as hell then your fun is spoiled but if you have option to play on a server where your ping is moderate then you have chance to beat others for fun.

Another reason is the weapon and frame balances because these are balanced for pve and a lot of abilities just one shot kill other tennos so the conclave only could be played with no abilities and with dedicated weapons there so you have the same chance as others. Skill matters there.

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1 hour ago, TinFoilMkIV said:

What's wrong the with the current PvP? What would even be changed without making it play entirely differently from what Warframe is now?

That is the big mystery, isn't it?

All the PvP players say Conclave is awful / not worth bothering with, but don't seem to have any ideas about what they WOULD like to play...although there has been a recent spate of threads asking for some kind of Battle Royale mode...


Edited by FlusteredFerret
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3 minutes ago, (XB1)Cubic Clem said:

Because the people yelling for it can't even spell. So de doesn't even try.

Maybe we should direct them to the head of Costumer Care. Guy by the name of Raj Ramesh, last I checked.

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How about a pass on the old stale "death match" PVP and instead they introduce side by side PVP like what Bungie released with teams fighting the Ai to out score each other...or Indiana Jones Death Races..Jets and Motorcycles from GTA..only using K-Drives and Darygns...maybe pull a Evolve with a player controlled mega Juggernaut...I am personally sick of the same old PVP game modes..so maybe for once somebody makes a PVP match PVE players might actually have fun in..rather than one more PVP game you can find in any game these days that just runs PVE players off, which is 97% of the Warframe player base...

Edited by (PS4)FriendSharkey
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1 hour ago, xXRampantXx said:

Because the number of people who want it isn't large enough for it to be worthwhile to dedicate development resources to it.

And this is the reason that DE's attempt at pvp hero shooter failed (Amazing Eternals).   It didn't have the numbers of desired players to even sustain itself. So they pulled the plug while it was still in closed beta before it went the way of LawBreakers. Making pvp these days in this over-saturated genre is just not wise; it's a high-risk waste of resources. Definitely not worth it in a watered-down tacked-on pvp mode. It was an impossible uphill battle since its inception.

It has to be mindblowing since day 1, otherwise just don't bother. It will never get the traction it needs to take off. The conclave we have now is like 3 years old after other previous failed "attempts" at Warframe pvp. It's not going to magically do a 180 and become a Fortnite killer ..... in a fortnight.   *ba-dum-tsss*

If you enjoy it for how it is now, enjoy it. It's not going to be better.  
If you don't enjoy it, look elsewhere in the huge pile of pvp games out there.

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I would probably say a self-fulfilling prophecy.

DE adds Conclave. Initial interest eventually falls off due to gameplay being off-putting to many longtime WF players due to them being used to PvE power levels and suddenly being thrust into a different situation - a fair first response I suppose, especially given the very twitch-focused gameplay. Some players take it up and start getting good. DE sees that Conclave isn't that popular and doesn't put as much work in to take it to its full potential - a notable point is matchmaking is never added. The people who do like Conclave become better at the game over time, obviously. New players join and try out Conclave. Not having the same expectations as players during its original release, you'd think they'd be more receptive, right? Wrong - they get immediately powerstomped by the gods of the mode by virtue of there being no matchmaking, with the majority feeling disheartened. 

DE sees this and doesn't develop Conclave. Players keep getting better. It gets harder and harder to get into. Fewer and fewer players can get into it. DE continues to ignore it.

Basically, I think Conclave could have a role in Warframe as a variety flavour - something different to break up the grind.  But DE is understandably hesitant to nurture it and this causes it to slowly drift further and further apart from the rest of WF. If they did decide to probably priority number 1 is matchmaking. Like, seriously.

Somebody who can headshot another person with a bow across the map whilst both players are moving at full speed in opposite directions should not be in the same game as an MR 0 player who literally finished Vors prize five minutes ago.

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17 minutes ago, (PS4)FriendSharkey said:

How about a pass on the old stale "death match" PVP and instead they introduce side by side PVP like what Bungie released with teams fighting the Ai to out score each other...or Indiana Jones Death Races..Jets and Motorcycles from GTA..only using K-Drives and Darygns...maybe pull a Evolve with a player controlled mega Juggernaut...I am personally sick of the same old PVP game modes..so maybe for once somebody makes a PVP match PVE players might actually have fun in..rather than one more PVP game you can find in any game these days that just runs PVE players off, which is 97% of the Warframe player base...

TLDR: "DE should jump into the new bandwagon and give us Lunaro 2.0: Electric Boogaloo"

No, keep those things away from warframe, you can already find them in other places after all.

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2 hours ago, ----Legacy---- said:

TLDR: "DE should jump into the new bandwagon and give us Lunaro 2.0: Electric Boogaloo"

No, keep those things away from warframe, you can already find them in other places after all.

Lunaro died because players asked for a version of Rocket League using Warframes..instead they got some obscure 90s desktop game nobody remembers except the Devs...I rather them experiment what was listed above since normal conclave is dead... or just delete Conclave and turn the assets over to the new Obstacle course in the dojo and let the player base tinker around with PVP on their own...

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5 hours ago, OSsam said:

the game has great potential for PVP but we are seeing nothing for it the Pve is great and all but dude it became boring after a while .

so i really hope the pvp in warframe well get a buff.

Because the vast majority of players don't want it.  We've had FOUR iterations of PVP now and each is a failure.  That is not because PVP in itself is bad - it's because the Warframe community collectively doesn't want it.  

Only a small minority of players play this niche content.  One of the most appealing things about Warframe is that it's one of the only primarily PVE focused massive online games out there... most other major titles split their focus evenly, or go pure PVP .... well this is the game for the pure PVE/co-op players.  

Edited by (PS4)lagrue
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