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I feel like melee is severely underpowered and slightly useless.


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13 hours ago, AzureScion said:

Just going to let out my one-bits opinion about melee weapon types. I feel like this weapon is severely underpowered. I find it difficult to utilize melee weapons to deal considerable amount of damage to Hydron-level enemies with melee weapons no matter what weapons/frames I use. Some of the stances feels stiff, wonky, and either plants you into one spot so by the time you finish your combo there are no enemies within range or has too much mobility to even hit anything. Yes I only have limited amounts of melee mods (staple ones like damage, crit chance, crit damage, range, elemental damage, etc and I even have condition overload) but that's also the case for all other weapon types but the others prove to be quite devastating even with whatever mods I have.

Some people suggested me to use whips like Atterax. I did not like it. Even after putting a catalyst and 2 formas in it, it still got outperformed by my other non-catalyst no-forma guns. Spamming E plants me in one position until the combo ends. Sliding attacks also feel weird and too gimmick to be used effectively. 

Most people that destroys with melee weapons has tweaked to death, very powerful Zaw weapons with Maiming Strike on it, which I consider very hard to get at my current position in the game. I'm also in no position to acquire a Zaw weapons because Plains is just too heavy for my computer to handle.

So is this what melee has become? Use Zaw+Maiming Strike or be useless? If so then what's the point of the countless other melee weapons that we have? I don't use melee weapons 80% of my missions (Unless I'm playing Inaros but then again the melee weapons are just there to regain health back with finishers) and I do just fine. I consider melee weapons to be a cosmetic item now, only there to make your frame looks a tad bit cooler. At this point I might just unbind my E from the melee attack trigger because why melee if you can destroy more enemies with your Plasmor or Staticor?

I love close quarter combats but I don't like how melee weapons work in this game.

What do you think of the current state of melee weapons?

I would suggest you try Rapiers, Blade and Whip, and maybe even Tonfas. All of those weapons are pretty broken as long as you use the Stance. Nikanas and also powerful if you can perform their combos correctly. Most weapons need an updated stance but they are in no ways bad. I can kill a level 120 heavy gunner in a few hits with my Rapier Zaw or my Jat Kusar. You probably don’t have them set up properly to do the most amount of damage. 

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22 minutes ago, (XB1)Skiller115 said:

Well y'all must have gotten something new because on console they are still garbage and I have never seen anyone use machete outside of leveling them up as well as their rivens being worth less than compost heap

They're the same on all platforms, most people just don't know and don't try because of the stigma.

Edited by rapt0rman
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You sir, you dont have idea of how to build melee weapons. Not an opinion, it is a fact.  

Have you tried Naramon focus (power spike) and combo duration? I hate maiming strike, and my damage can go much more further than using it. 

Before blame the world for being so ugly, clean your eyes so u can appreciate it as it really is. 

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55 minutes ago, (PS4)godlysparta said:

I would suggest you try Rapiers, Blade and Whip, and maybe even Tonfas. All of those weapons are pretty broken as long as you use the Stance. Nikanas and also powerful if you can perform their combos correctly. Most weapons need an updated stance but they are in no ways bad. I can kill a level 120 heavy gunner in a few hits with my Rapier Zaw or my Jat Kusar. You probably don’t have them set up properly to do the most amount of damage. 

Exactly. I was horrible using Nikanas, but learned the combos and my vision of them changed completely. Some people just want to press a button and destroy the world. Well, thats not how the world works.

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Meanwhile I'm over here Enjoying a lot of melee weapons vs level 100+ enemies, for different purposes.

Orthos Prime = level 300+ heavy gunners, go search youtube


Fang Prime = Up to level 100

Tonbo = Almost as good as Orthos Prime

Volnus = holy sh** that's nice

I could go on, but I won't. Sometimes melee seems too strong, stronger than many non-melee weapons.

It all depends on how you build it, with or without forma. And some, like Orthos prime, can carry you throughout the entire game.

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14 hours ago, Mr.SpookSpook said:

Melee is one of the strongest weapon class in game. Just go on YouTube and look up some guides...

Not melee, but Blood rush + Maiming Strike + Riven combo, that makes pretty much any melee weapon far too overpowered.

When any primary/secondary pistol has crappy critical strike, that's it. No mod nor riven can save it from being crap. And unless it has great status chance, the weapon is doomed to be nothing more than cannon fodder material. 

When melee has crappy critical chance - it doesn't matter. BR + MS will elevate it to handle level 200~content with little to no issue. 


It's not melee weapons that are strongest, but 2~ mods that are unbalanced to infinity and beyond.


But to be fair, even without those 2 mods, there are several melee weapons that also are unbalanced simply because DE doesn't want them balanced. Every weapon class has few of those weapons. Add on top of that brainless riven dispositions on top of already strong weapons (Gram anyone?) and then you get some serious monsters capable of cutting lvl 300 bombards in half. I know dispositions are connected with weapon popularity, but Imo something's definitely wrong with this system.

Edited by deothor
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12 hours ago, (XB1)Cubic Clem said:

You act like every stance does that, which is untrue. Also: git gud. I always hit my targets..

A lot do... more do than don't.

You want great combat mechanics try kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning.

Edited by DanteYoda
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12 hours ago, Iludra said:

I'm going to argue that melee is severely overpowered and very useful, but that depends on your playstyle. Experiment with different weapons and you may find a melee option that works well with how you like to play.

If you don't like how stances force you into silly animations, try Ninkondi with its awesome quick melee that slaps all the enemies around you with an elemental proc of your choice. It melts everything up to sortie 3, and that's even before you put Condition Overload on it. No Blood Rush or Meme Strike required whatsoever. There are other melee weapons with their own advantages, so just keep trying different things.

The range is terrible..

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5 hours ago, (XB1)Skiller115 said:

Well y'all must have gotten something new because on console they are still garbage and I have never seen anyone use machete outside of leveling them up as well as their rivens being worth less than compost heap

A proper Gazal with condition overload can utilize the most status effects possible on any weapon for a single player. 

Up to 6 or more status at a given time. With Dijinn it has incredible cc and outrageous damage. Dijinn's stinger has poor status but actually causes toxin 100% so there is a 7th if you utilize it properly. So Gazal is capable of +420% damage applied after all other damage is scaled. 

Now..  I haven't finished my build yet, but I've out dps players using top tier weapons just with Heatsword having the additional fire status. 

That fire and CO make Heatsword top damage (before critical chances) and I chuckle when people appreciate Broken War. 

The only reason I haven't finished Gazal is because I'm really hoping it gets primed. Both the single Kama and Nami solo have been skipped. Gazal is now first in line hopefully paired with Prine Dijinn. 


But one thing, I find it much easier to control melee on console vs PC. Much easier to hit things off screen. 

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7 hours ago, deothor said:

Not melee, but Blood rush + Maiming Strike + Riven combo, that makes pretty much any melee weapon far too overpowered.

When any primary/secondary pistol has crappy critical strike, that's it. No mod nor riven can save it from being crap. And unless it has great status chance, the weapon is doomed to be nothing more than cannon fodder material. 

When melee has crappy critical chance - it doesn't matter. BR + MS will elevate it to handle level 200~content with little to no issue. 


It's not melee weapons that are strongest, but 2~ mods that are unbalanced to infinity and beyond.


But to be fair, even without those 2 mods, there are several melee weapons that also are unbalanced simply because DE doesn't want them balanced. Every weapon class has few of those weapons. Add on top of that brainless riven dispositions on top of already strong weapons (Gram anyone?) and then you get some serious monsters capable of cutting lvl 300 bombards in half. I know dispositions are connected with weapon popularity, but Imo something's definitely wrong with this system.

Ah come on .. all you do is hate on Blood Rush and Meme Strike and dont even mention Condition Overload. Dont know what mr you are, but it seems you don't know much about what you are talking about.



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Condition Overload or Maiming Strike, if you dont have atleast one of these, it means off meta or the weapons doesnt have good stats to gain benefit from it which equals to "its not strong enough".


If Melee 3.0 nerf any of these, obvious there be uproar

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11 hours ago, IllogicalLogic420 said:

Meanwhile I'm over here Enjoying a lot of melee weapons vs level 100+ enemies, for different purposes.

Orthos Prime = level 300+ heavy gunners, go search youtube


Fang Prime = Up to level 100

Tonbo = Almost as good as Orthos Prime

Volnus = holy sh** that's nice

I could go on, but I won't. Sometimes melee seems too strong, stronger than many non-melee weapons.

It all depends on how you build it, with or without forma. And some, like Orthos prime, can carry you throughout the entire game.


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On 2019-01-21 at 2:41 AM, AzureScion said:

I am MR 13 and still struggling to find a nice melee. My last favorite was the free Broken War and Dervish but other than that what I've tried basically felt weak.

are you in a clan? if so get the guandao and farm lua spy for blood rush as that melee is one of the best, and at only MR 4 makes it a very good starter weapon (berserker or Valk is recommended as it is a tad on the slow side for later content but it still holds its own) 

most zaws will work if built crit (the base stats are enough to go for a CO blood rush build) the problem is you will want some of the mandatory mods such as primed pressure point, primed fury/berserker, drifting contact,  blood rush, and Condition Overload.  not all are required at one time but it is recommended that you have at leat 2 of them at any given time.  also very few melees work as viral slash weapon (some do but not all)  you will need to build for the faction you are fighting.  I have a blood rush zaw that when I get the combo counter to 2.5 handles LV 90 grineer with little problem (orange and red crits, at 3.5 it is only red crits + it can still run a CO build when used on Valk).  also if you are running a frame that wants to melee or are doing a melee build I suggest investing in narromon as it has massive melee benefits.  

the thing is just like the guns melee as a few things that are extremely good and many that are not.  

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8 hours ago, XenMaster said:

Condition Overload or Maiming Strike, if you dont have atleast one of these, it means off meta or the weapons doesnt have good stats to gain benefit from it which equals to "its not strong enough".


ill fix this

Condition Overload or Blood Rush, if you don't have at least one of these, it means off meta or the weapons doesn't have the stats to gain benefit from it which equals to "it's not strong enough".

now if you need Blood Rush then you can farm it from the Lua spy vault for about a 10%  drop chance in vault 3.  

you never need Meming strike and it should not be recommended as unless you get a drop form an acolyte it can only be acquired by plat a plat, on the other hand, CO and Blood rush can be farmed.  

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On 2019-01-21 at 2:49 AM, NekroArts said:
  • Existence of Maiming Strike - bad idea.
  • Stances - too many combos with too many different inputs.
  • Combos from stances - some will feel clunky while others will feel favorable. What troubles me about them is that you'll get stance(s) that is a mix of both resulting in favoring one combo over the rest.

The only reason why a melee would feel underpower is because it has poor critical chance and status chance. Assuming you have Blood Rush, when modding a weapon for crit it must have at minimum 20% critical chance; for status, must be somewhere between 15% - 20% at minimum.

the first three will be fixed in melee 3.0 based on dev statements and shown gameplay (don't know about meming though I know the devs want it nerfed into the ground though I want it to apply to aerials instead of slides)

the minimum base crit for a Blood Rush melee is 15% 
for CO the value is similar although you will want >30% on BR+CO build and likely >50% on CO only builds for the final status chance. 

all zaws can use a CO blood rush build with base stats (18% each) but can only do so if you use the crit status neutral or +crit links

Edited by spirit_of_76
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34 minutes ago, spirit_of_76 said:

the minimum base crith for a Blood Rush melee is 15 for CO the value is similar although you will want >30% on BR+CO build and likely >50% on CO only builds

The problem with a minimum of 15% crit chance (assuming Blood Rush alone with no mods like True Steel) is that the highest you can go on most mission is 77% (2.5x combo multiplier; minimum 45 hits). The next tier, 3.0x, is reached after 135 hits resulting in 89% - a number you usually see in endless missions. With a 20%, when you hit the 2.5x multiplier you achieved 102%.

The number of weapons with >30% status chance is low compared to those >15%-20% and in the group of >30% only a few are actually favorable to use.

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8 minutes ago, NekroArts said:

The problem with a minimum of 15% crit chance (assuming Blood Rush alone with no mods like True Steel) is that the highest you can go on most mission is 77% (2.5x combo multiplier; minimum 45 hits). The next tier, 3.0x, is reached after 135 hits resulting in 89% - a number you usually see in endless missions. With a 20%, when you hit the 2.5x multiplier you achieved 102%.

The number of weapons with >30% status chance is low compared to those >15%-20% and in the group of >30% only a few are actually favorable to use.

Depending on if the build can afford the slot, True Steel/Sacrificial Steel gives 15% crit melees the boost they need for Bloodrush, as BR scales off your modded crit chance. That was how I kept my OG Gram competitive (along with a good riven) before Gram Prime came along.

That said, crit weapons can still be viable sub-100% crit, just not optimal, which is why 15% is just, well... the minimum.

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53 minutes ago, NekroArts said:

The problem with a minimum of 15% crit chance (assuming Blood Rush alone with no mods like True Steel) is that the highest you can go on most mission is 77% (2.5x combo multiplier; minimum 45 hits). The next tier, 3.0x, is reached after 135 hits resulting in 89% - a number you usually see in endless missions. With a 20%, when you hit the 2.5x multiplier you achieved 102%.

The number of weapons with >30% status chance is low compared to those >15%-20% and in the group of >30% only a few are actually favorable to use.


the status is a final status chance, not base. base status chance depends on how many status mods you use and the stance, as many stances have innate status procs.
I see 3x even in the 2.5 min of eso after about a minute also for most melees you don't need the 3x multi for non-endless missions not that I don't agree but the absolute minimum is still 15% granted 20% is far better and 30%  is better still but not necessary.  also, a CO blood rush build does not need the full stats of the other builds pure builds

Edited by spirit_of_76
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