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Reworks: what would you like to see?


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Hey there,

Various Warframes have been reworked, tweaked and changed throughout the years - some with minor changes (Nekros and Vauban) and others with greater changes (Excalibur being the original and mag, etc).

Of this year so far,
Vauban, Chroma and Wukong are on the chopping block.

For Chroma and Vauban at least, they have a common thread for each.

- dragon mode.
- combine two and three (perhaps a charge system like Inaros' 4?).

- a turret (as any good engineer should have).
- removal of bounce (put it in the same grave as super jump... I am old enough to remember using super jump and getting stuck on the one tile set...).

As for Wukong, I am unfamiliar with his legend so I would prefer to see those who are familiar with him to do a good work concepting a rework or tweaks to him.

What would you like to see added or changed to the above mentioned frames?

Are there any frames that need another look over?
My thought here is that Revenant needs another look but that is because I think he needs to be more like an Eidolon than where he is now.

Perhaps to dove tail this;

Are there any single abilities/powers that need another look at?
Trinity's well of life is a good example.

Thank you for reading,


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This is a list of the rework/re-visits I would do for most warframes in alphabetical order;


1st Ability:

·       If you hold the ability, you have the option to make two things happen. Either the elemental mods you have on your melee weapon will be inflicted onto enemies but only base elementals. If you have two elementals equipped, it will proc either one.  Same thing applies If you have all four elemental mods equipped.

·       Or by having no elemental mods equipped it`s damage will double however if you have only one elemental mod equipped, the damage will split e.g. toxin & slash.

·       If you aim it at an enemy, both shurikens will seek out that enemy.


2nd ability

·       Increase the stun duration to 4 sec.

·       Enemies that enter the smoke will have a 6 sec stun duration and be more susceptible to damage.

·       The smoke will last for 10 seconds and can be increased by duration mods


·       Using 1st, 3rd and 4th abilities on the smoke victim will increase the damage dealt by any damage source.

·       If you use any ability while you`re invisible, enemy bodies will disappear.


3rd ability:

·       Make ash able to teleport through windows.

·       Make ash able to teleport to enemies in the air.


4th ability

·       When activating the ability, it will start instantly.

·       Pressing the ability will bring you into the animation, holding the ability will send clones out to kill instead of you.

·       Ash will continually kill the enemy until its dead.

·       If you want to cancel bs press the ability again.

·       Enemies that are red can be killed by players.

·       Make bs able to kill as many enemies that are within the radius of the enemy he`s aiming at.

·       An indicator is shown of the number of enemies that are going to be killed by bs.


New bladestorm augment:

Each enemy that is killed from bs will leave an x on the ground which will give Ash and allies increased attack and running speed which can stack up to 30%

·       The indicator of this I shown on the top right of the screen.


Fix: Make Ash be able to teleport in and out of the same grates instead of just one direction.

Fix: Sometime ash isn`t on the enemy or he is unseen when using bladestorm.

Fix: Make the “clones” look like him instead of looking like a hologram.




1st ability

·       Increase the dash range from 15 to 20m and can be increased by range mods.


2nd ability

·       When aiming at the rock-wall with it becomes see-through.

·       On deactivation it will shoot like a fast projectile instead of a slow roll.

·       Holding the ability will display a range indicator for aiming at enemies and on release will shoot the rock wall instantly.

·       If Atlas or allies stand near it, he will receive 30% status chance in a 20m radius. 50% status chance if shooting through rock-wall.

·       Synergy: Using your 1st ability on the 2nd will break it into rubble. When picked up, it will produce a glowing aura (colour based on energy colour) around atlas which will make him and the team 20% resistance to elemental procs for 20 seconds.


3rd ability

Fix: When visually stacking armour, make it to where the rubble builds up symmetrically on Atlas instead of only on one side or get rid of visual rubble build up. (having it on one side looks ugly to me)

Fix: When equipped with the shikoro helmet and his head turns it looks flat.

·       Synergy: If you pick up rubble after picking up rubble from 2nd ability, it will increase elemental resistance up to 75% and increase duration by 3 seconds. (only for atlas)


4th ability

·       They can now charge at enemies.

·       Then now have the option to stay in one place or run around.

·       If they are staying in one place, they acted like auto firing turrets.

·       Synergy: If you use the 3rd ability on rumblers, their attack damage will double.



2nd ability

·       Make it able to see enemies through walls.


3rd ability

·       Make enemies have a slower reaction time noticing you, dead bodies or alarms.

·       Reduce range from 20m to 12m. (This makes it good for using melee)

·       Show the radius of the ability.

·       Put an indicator above enemies’ head to show how quickly they will be alerted by seeing you. (like stealth games)



1st ability:

·       Increase the range from 10m to 15m.

·       Make it do continuous damage (like beam weapons) instead of damage a second.

·       By holding the fire button, you will increase its range, damage and cone spread.

·       Increase range when adding range mod to be more noticeable.

·       Fix: Elemental stream sometime not showing the right colour.

2nd ability: Options

·       Whatever element chroma has equipped (toxin) will be added forced onto the weapons you are currently using or Increases status chance on weapons by 30%.


3rd ability:

·       Increase damage on all abilities.


4th ability:

·       Can be cast in the air.

·       Give you an option for it to move around on its own. Damage is increased but it won`t do any cc while on the move.

·       Fix: At the moment the range of the elemental stream is visually short.



1st ability:

·       Decrease charge speed.


3nd ability:

·       Shooting through it will have 100% chance to proc fire.

·       Anyone or anything within the fire ring will receive 60% damage reduction. (flames are so hot it melts most of the bullets)


4th ability:

•                Each enemy affected will start off taking very weak fire damage but then after time the damage will increase.

•                Get rid of range decrease.



Passive: instead of getting 10% of energy or health make it half of what you pick up e.g pick up 50 health gives you 25 energy. (I feel like it will make this passive better)

1st ability:

·       When switching forms, you get the buff permanently.


3rd ability:

·       Make it synergise with 1st and 2nd ability.



Passive: Increase the percentage of damage and attack speed bonus to bladed weapons from 10 to 15% (his passive at this moment is not noticeable)


3rd ability

·       Make enemies affected by this more valuable to slash procs.

·       Make the ability bypass obstacles.


4th ability:

•                Get rid of mini 2nd ability. (waste of energy)

Fix: Put Excalibur`s energy channel glow back the way it was like nyx`s.

(the way it is now is just ugly)



Passive NEW: Enemies attacking at frost will be slowed down by 20%



1st ability:

·       Increase cast range from 10 to 15m



1st ability:

·       The pounce damage does 400 damage and can be increased by strength mods.


2nd ability:

·       Instead of a healing radius, make it a link that has a range of 30m which can be increased by range mods.

·       You can deactivate the ability without needing to aim at the enemy.

·       If three enemies are affected close together in a 10m radius with each other, it will increase the range by an extra 10m.

·       Enemies within 30m will have a 40% chance to run away in fear of the health syphoning target.


3rd ability:

·       When your health reaches two, you will be invulnerable for two seconds.

·       The amount of energy you receive is affected my strength mods instead of efficiency mods.


4th ability:

·       When floating in the air, it is separate from the floating from using weapons.



3rd ability:

•                Allies that kill enemies inside the radius with weapons will receive energy.



Passive NEW: Melee slam attack has a 50% chance to sent out a water wave that’s knocks enemies down and slows down the recovery rate.


1st ability:

·       Increase the charge speed time.


2nd ability:

·       Press button again to stop moving instead of using 3rd ability. (It`s a waste of energy)


4th ability:

·       Increase the charge time.

·       The appearance of the Kraken will last until the ability duration runs out.


2nd and 3rd ability synergy fix: Enemies are not dragged with you when you move.




·       Increase the damage of enemies when reviving while he is in his sarcophagus over time. Aiming at head will increase damage x2.

·       Change it to a wave to capture multi enemies instead of one.


2nd ability:

·       Holding the ability will pull multiple enemies.

·       The time of sand shadows` duration is 20 seconds and can be increased by duration mods.


3rd ability:

·       The more energy is lost the faster he moves. Also having more energy can also increase the speed of it.


4th ability:

·       In the delay between the cast and it seeking out enemies, you can use the reticle to swipe aim the enemies you want to trap.

·       The spread radius can be increased by range mods.

·       Make ability able to strip armour by 50%.

·       The more enemies trapped the more damage it does.

·       Synergy: if you use 1st ability on enemies affected, it will spread to other enemies.

·       When enemies are killed the scarabs will form into a pile for enemies to walk into for 15 seconds.



1st ability:

·       You can access consumable gear wheel on the wire.


2nd ability:

·       Decrease the speed of the controllable projectile. (because of close and tight rooms this will be an improvement. I like the ability, but the slower speed is still too fast.)

·       Decrease energy cost while in use.

·       When using the glaive after it make contacted the enemy, make it stay on the path instead of bouncing off enemies.

·       Let enemy location be shown on the map while in use.

·       Make the doors open when projectile goes near them.

·       This ability can be used on the move.


3rd ability:

·       Make it also have a 70% chance to unlock lockers, disable alarms without hacking and make her able to dismantle traps. In this state, she is not affected by traps while disable them.


4th ability:

·       When using 4th ability you’re able to use your melee weapon moves to attack and preform finishers.

·       This ability can be used on the move.



·       All abilities have an increased cast time.


1st ability:

·       Make it more visible to see by the chosen energy colour.

·       When used in the rift (passive) enemies will join you.


3rd ability:

·       You can use this while in the rift.


4th ability:

·       Make it more visible to see when in the rift.



1st ability:

·       When cast, make it immune to damage for five seconds while absorbing damage. Depending on the damage stored it will be converted into health for more survivability.

·       When casting, holding the ability will make the decoy move within a 10m radius.

·       When shooting, enemies will be affected by 100% impact proc making them stagger.


3rd ability:

·       After switching with the enemy, loki will be invulnerable for three second.

·       Make loki always face the enemy he switches with.


4th ability:

·       Enemies weapons will explode dealing 200 damage and can be increased by strength mods.



Passive NEW: When 100 of her shields are depleted there is a 40% chance that she will release a magnetic pulse the pushes enemies back in a 15m radius.



Passive: Make dual wielded sidearms have 20% reload and one handed sidearms have 20% fire rate instead of the other way around. Unequipping a melee weapon will increase her movement speed by 15%.


1st ability:

·       When converting damage, it has ten extra shots instead of one.

·       If you kill an enemy before you reach your max damage, you will get one extra stack.


1st and 3rd Ability Synergy: The damage you stack up will increase the reflection damage on you 3rd ability as long as you don`t use up the charges.



2nd ability:

·       Glowing booby traps have a 100% chance to charm enemies when active which will set off the traps by them interacting with the traps. (this will make it useful and all tile sets) However if enemy sees you the charm is broken)

·       it works on grineer sensor bars which procs radiation when enemies walk through it. Allies that walk through it will receive status immunity for 10 seconds

·       It works on open crates and lockers to where it tethers enemies to it for 10 seconds

·       Make dead bodies be a booby trap also.

·       (Synergy) In the light it will increase explosion damage x2 and in the dark it will double the blind duration.



Passive: Make nekros receive 10 health within 15m when enemies are killed.


1st ability:

·       An enemy affected by this will be susceptible to damage and deal less damage.

·       Enemies affected by this will visually be transparent that’s shown as an indicator.

·       Using this will cause a small ragdoll.


2nd ability fix: In interception, enemies will still hack the terminal instead of running away.


4th ability:

·       After animation is done, make them have 5 seconds of invulnerability being able to absorb damage that when the duration is done, they will do more damage to enemies.

·       Make there be an indicator above their head to discern them from enemies.



1st ability:

·       Decrease energy drain form 5 to 2sec.

·       Increase duration to 15 sec.

2nd ability:

·       Make it seek-out enemies in range.

·       When enemy affected explodes, the flames will spread to enemies in a 10m radius.

3rd ability fix:

·       Make the ring go over his head and under his feet instead of through it.

·       Increase cast speed.


4th ability:

·       When duration runs out there is no animation and it does not disrupt nezha`s movements.

·       Increase cast speed.




·       Enemies with a grappling hook will also be knocked down.


1st ability:

·       Instead of it inflicting slash damage it will proc impacted damage which will have a 100% stagger affect. If the particle hits the same enemy again it will knock them down.

·       The more enemies it hits the more the damage increases.

·       If you hold the ability it won`t seek out enemies but instead can be used for damage reduction however status procs will consume particles.

·       Damage reduction will not disappear until all particles are gone.


3rd ability:

·       If and enemy walks into it on the opposite end it will send the back to the direction its pointing at (this is good to put in doorways)

·       You can shoot through the worm hole which will convert into explosions in a 10m radius.

·       Make the worm hole bigger for multiple enemies to walk through it.

·       (Synergy) her 2nd ability can pass through it.


4th and 1st ability synergy:

·       If an enemy under the effects of molecular prime is damaged by the 1st ability it will cause a chain reaction by knocking enemies down in a 15m radius. (if the enemy is not killed off by the 4th ability)




(adding to the re-visit)

Passive: Make it 50% chance.

1st ability:

·       Since it’s all about controlling the enemy It should do more than just fight for you. The controlled enemy can hack alarms off for you and if there are traps around (electric trap, magnetic door barrier) it should be able to disarm them. (or add it to the 3rd ability)

·       Make it to where you can either make it stay in one spot or follow you.

·       (augment) deactivating the ability will kill the enemy which will spread to other enemies in close range, attacking each other for half the duration.


2nd ability:

·       Make it debuff all eximus units.

·       Make there be an indicator showing that the affected enemies have the debuff.

·       Make it hit multiple targets instead of one.

·       (synergy) Using it on the 1st ability can buff its survivability and receive a speed buff.

·       Make it to where you either use it on the same enemy to debuff it more OR it can`t be used on the same enemy so it will target enemies that`s not affected by it.


3rd ability:

·       Just to make it more useful you can make them do the idea I put on the 1st ability bulletpoint. To add to this, they could also make them fight enemies, run away in fear and lay on the ground brain dead. (there will be a percentage of each of them preforming those actions)


4th ability:

·       Make sure the passive deactivates when using the 4th ability.

·       Make it move at the same speed as jogging.

·       It pulls aggro from enemies and are hermitized into moving closer to nyx in a 50m radius.

·       You can use weapons inside it to add status effects to the absorption damage, but you can`t shoot enemies through it, adding status effects will also includes melee weapons. 

·       Whatever enemy is shooting at nyx will be affected by the explosion no matter the distance. Enemies in close damage range will take damage and enemies outside that will receive a knockdown and the status affects from weapons.

·       (Synergy) You can cast other abilities while using 4th ability.

·       (Synergy) If you use the 2nd ability, when deactivating the 4th ability, the debuff will spread to enemies the survive the blast.

(Me personally I would get rid of this ability and replace it with a new one)



Passive options: Give oberon his old passive back but teammates can kill enemy companion or increase companions’ movement speed by 30% 100 and pets have an unlimited instant revives.



3rd ability:

·       When you miss a beat the percentage doesn`t go down but instead says at the current percentage you’re at. (This means you can make music instead on making a flat note for convenience)


·       You only need to perform the actions three time to the beat in sync before you get the buff.



·       All abilities will have a casting speed increase.


1st ability REWORK

Revenant shoots a laser beam from his hand dealing damage to enemies. Holding the ability will shoot out the lasers continuously.

·       If the enemy is still alive, it will be vulnerable to elemental attacks by 30%.

·       After holding the ability, it will drain energy until you deactivate it.

·       If the enemy dies, it will leave behind an energy pillar where enemies walking near it will take damage and energy projectiles will seek out enemies damaging them and making them vulnerable to elemental attacks.

·       Warframes that stand on the energy pillar will receive 50 over-shields.


2nd ability:

·       It has 15 charges and can be increased by strength mods.

·       The tendrils are visually on both arms instead of only on one side.


3rd ability:

·       When dashing through enemies, you will get base 30 heath and shields back.


4th ability:

·       Using it will consume 10 energy a second and 15 to increase damage.



Passive: If the shockwave indicator touches the enemy it will knock them down instead of you having to land ontop of them. This can also be triggered when doing a weapon slam.



(adding to the re-visit)

·       Decrease all ability cast speed time.


1st ability:

·       Instead of them rag dolling, make them just hover in the air.

·       Killing enemies will drop a health orb. When picked up. It will send out health regeneration giving her and allies 10 health a second for 5 seconds.


Synergy: if you use the 2nd ability on an enemy affected by the 1st ability, they have a 50% chance to drop energy orb.


·       (augment) When adding status damage to enemies, when the affected enemy is killed, it will spread to nearby enemies.


2nd ability:

·       All buffs will have 75% effectiveness.

·       The range of enemies affected should be in a 50m radius.

·       Thorns – the damage reflection should be 1000+ to make it useful. This can be increased by strength mods

·       Full Moon – it should also increase companion’s and butterfly’s movement speed.

·       Holding the ability should give you the option to choose what buff you want.

·       When cycling through buffs, enemies that will give you the buff will glow by her chosen energy colour for 5 seconds.

·       Enemies should get either a damage debuff or a health debuff.

·       Buffs should be absorbed into her no matter the distance.

Synergy: dust & thorns applies to 4th ability butterflies.


3rd ability:

·       Each enemy affected will increase the range by 2m to a cap of 10m.

·       The enemy affected will stay stationary in the air.

·       You can shoot at affected enemy loading status damage into it depending on what mods you have on your weapons. The butterflies and the explosion will release the damage. Visually loading fire damage will show the butterflies and enemies on fire and will show an fire explosion.


4th ability:

·       While using 4th ability, make the other ability cost half the energy.

·       Get rid of zero gravity. When you stop, she stops instead of it keep on moving, it’s very annoying. (include this in archwing)

·       When it comes to movement, she should move as smoothly as it she was on the ground or better.



Passive: Trinity can also revive allies by aiming at them no matter the distance and will take three seconds instead of four seconds.


1st ability:

·       This ability gives trinity and allies armour instead of health.

·       This ability can be cast multiple times.

·       Each shot gives trinity and allies 10 armour, killing an enemy gives 50 armour and killing an enemy in one shot gives 100 armour.

·       The duration of allies keeping the bonus armour is the same as the duration of the ability.


1st, 3rd and 4th ability synergy:

·       If trinity shoots the enemy while using the 3rd or the 4th ability it will increase her survivability.



1st ability:

·       She has two hook lines instead of one

·       They are used as a whip in a multi-hit combo.

·       The 1st strike is with her left hand which does impact damage, the 2nd strike is with her right hand which does puncture damage and the final strike makes her leap forward doing a front flip which does slash damage and a ragdoll to multiple down.

·       Holding the ability will pull enemies towards her.

·       Increase the pull speed.

·       Reduce ragdoll on pulled enemies.

·       Can be used in the air and on the move.

·       (Synergy) 2nd ability can increase its attack speed.

·       (Synergy) 4th ability can increase its damage.


2nd ability:

·       Can be used while on the move.


3rd ability:

·       Using the ability will cause a small rag doll but if used while having no shields, it will stun enemies opening them to finishers.

·       (Synergy) Using this while using 4th ability will increase its damage.


4th ability:

·       You are invulnerable, but you can`t heal yourself. (in my opinion you don`t need both just one)

·       The longer the ability is on the more energy it drains should be taken out.

·       Give her a new stance where her claws are mostly used.

Fix: When pulling off stances its hard for auto track enemies.

Fix: Energy claws are not visible in animation on Valkyr prime.



1st ability:

·       Make them have 100% stun proc on a normal cast.

·       Reduce the charge time to 1sec instead of 3sec.

·       Reduce the shock time to 1sec.

·       Make one tesla shock two enemies instead of one.

·       Holding the ability will slowly move the tesla in the direction you’re facing and double the duration. (This is good for enemies at a distance hiding behind cover)

·       The more you spam it the less energy you use which stacks up to 75% less energy.


2nd ability:

·       (NEW) Tether- Replace tripwire with a trap that tether enemies to it slowing down their movement. (tripwire is fun to watch but ultimately useless) It will slow a maximum of 5 enemies.

·       All traps are seeker traps that seek out the nearest enemy to it. (this makes it better of enemies with guns)

·       Bounce will continue to seek out enemies until the number of bounces run out.

·       Increase shred and concuss range to 10m when triggered and on detonation.

·       Shred will permanently strip enemies armour.


4th ability:

·       Increase the range from 6m to 12m.

·       After ability ends it will set off a blast proc explosion knocking enemies down.

·       It can now be deactivated.

·       All abilities will land where you are aiming at instead of an arch throw.


1st & 4th

·       If you throw your 1st ability in the 4th ability it will shock every enemy sucked in doing more damage.


2nd (concuss & shred) & 3rd ability

·       If you throw concuss in the 3rd ability while there are enemies held up, it will make enemies outside it shoot enemies affected by it making you less likely to be get shot at if you or your allies are inside 3rd ability and the effect will last until the 3rd ability duration runs out.

·       Throwing shred in there with no enemies in it will shred most of incoming enemy fire making you receive a 70% damage reduction if you or your allies are standing within it and the effect will last until the 3rd ability duration runs out.


2nd (bounce & tether) & 4th ability

Throwing one of the grenades into the 4th ability will perform different results;

·       Bounce will ragdoll all enemies after explosion or on deactivation.

·       Tether will slow all enemies` recovery speed and movement after explosion or on deactivation.

·       Shred will strip all enemies armour during 4th ability activation.

·       Concuss will affected all enemies after explosion.

·       If you throw 2 different grenades in the 4th ability, the last one will take priority over the 1st on you put it previously.

Environmental trap synergy

If you throw your 1st ability onto/near a trap it will override it which means you or your allies will no longer be affect by the trap but will instead affect enemies.



Passive: You can only release the stored-up damage on enemies not on crates or environmental objects.


1st ability:

·       Using it in water will increase its damage.



Passive: The more enemies he kills the longer the range on his melee weapons.

·       You will have 5 seconds to kill an enemy before it resets.


·       All abilities can be cast on the move.


1st ability

·       Increases the range of the ability cast to 20m with a 10m radius when knocking enemies down which can both be increased by range mods.

·       Holding the ability will cause a 360 swipe to knock multiple enemies down which will also do damage.

·       You can only cast the ability if you target an enemy.

·       Pressing the ability will not ragdoll enemies but instead will either damage them or knock them down.

·       It can also open enemies up to finishers.


3rd ability REWORK

Wukong plucks hairs off his back to produce two clones of himself that will fight with him for a short duration. Upon death the clones will multiple itself all together spawning four clones.

·       It will either use the melee weapon that you have equipped, or it will use primal fury however If you cast it while using guns, the clones will fight with melee weapon.

·       Clones can use whatever stance you have in your melee weapon and stance from 4th ability.

·       The clone’s survivability is based on wukong`s health shields and armour.

·       The damage the clones do to enemies will depend on power strength and melee mods.

·       (Synergy) You can increase it survivability by using the 2nd ability before you cast the 3rd ability. The invulnerability phase on the clone will only work once. 

·       (Synergy) The clones range attacks will be the 1st ability. There is no limit on reach.


4th ability

·       Decrease the attack speed of the first two swings in the stance. OR give him a completely new stance.

·       When blocking enemy damage, it will store up the damage and then can be released by preforming a slam attack.

·       (Synergy) The stored-up damage from blocking can also be used to boost the damage and the striping chance of the 1st ability. Using 1st ability on a surface or an enemy can bring you closer to it.


Fix: When preforming the animation, you can`t see the staff. (this has been like this ever since he was released)

Fix: Make the growing range of the melee weapon noticeable and effective.



Passive NEW: When in the air she had 50% damage reduction.


1st ability:

·       Increase contact radius to 7 meters.

·       Deactivating it will halt her movement.

·       You can now turn in different directions.

·       Decrease the charge time for hover.


4th ability:

·       Increase pull radius to 15 metres.

·       Make tornados seek out enemies.

·       Synergy: when using the 2nd ability, it will increase its range by an extra 5 metres.

·       Increase the speed of controlling them.

Edited by (PS4)Vexx757
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 The Heat status effect needs a buff or possibly a rework. Ember, who has a decent kit, isn't that fantastic a Frame because of how limited Heat is as a damage type. It needs love. Base elements shouldn't be bad.

Dual Daggers are a virtually valueless weapon type. They need a ton of love.

Machetes exist. Holy crap. They need help.


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I've put some thought into Limbo so...

1: Players who's attacks 'interact' with rift-bound enemies get a 15 second buff that enables them to roll into the rift for a max of 30 seconds - they can roll out as usual. The Riftwalk portal is updated to provide this same buff and actually face the direction of the riftwalk. Limbo's cannot interact with it.

2: Enemies in the other plane to the player have 50% transparency and an aura effect consisting of the players energy colour and a little bit of the Rift's black and white so it still exists if the player turns their energy to black.  That part can be seen through walls by Limbos outside the rift, helping people playing Limbo to track stragglers in the rift. When in the rift, the transparency (but not the other effects) applies to enemies outside it and enemies inside the rift have the aura but are solid. You can also pass through enemies in the opposite plane in much the same way projectiles do. This helps to convey the 'other dimension' aspect better for players.

3: Banish can be held to act like the original version - switches a single target between planes. This version has double the range of the base cone banish, facilitating various assassin-esque playstyles like sniping for Limbo.

4: Banish now has a visual indicator of its range - when tapped for the current cone it produces a visible energy wave that helps Limbos judge the distance they effect. Right now it's quite indistinct. In a similar fashion, the range of Rift Surge's radial banish is indicated in the same way.

5: Rift Surge has a new ability on top of its ability to draw enemies in without leaving. Damage from any source on a Rift Surged target will cause a moddable 25% of that damage to surged targets on the opposing plane. Enemies that die this way spread two surge effects through the same plane for 100% the remaining duration. This further enables players outside the rift to affect enemies within it, and makes Rift Surge a more team-friendly ability. It also produces the possibility for some slightly crazy setups where a Limbo with decent power strength and a strong enough weapon could spread mass DPS chaos whilst not affecting teammates negatively. 

6: Not really a change on Limbo himself, but more enemies like the OV Hyenas that can ignore Stasis at higher levels please? Even if a cataclysm/stasis bubble is only 98% safe to AFK in, it'd force players to actually have to, well, play with Limbo. This would hopefully encourage more active Limbos.

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6 hours ago, Phyrak said:

- a turret (as any good engineer should have).
- removal of bounce (put it in the same grave as super jump... I am old enough to remember using super jump and getting stuck on the one tile set...).

My suggestion is to not have a turret as if it is useful he will be an AFK frame or it will be useless

My suggestion is to make him like zephyr a weapons platform. But while bird frame works best as an assaulting CAS frame (pair with the Lenz for high altitude bombardment of the enemy positions) Vuban should be the French fort designer that he is named after, a bastion of defense and the breaker of sieges.    

1: mine layer - lay a series of devastating traps or fire offensive grenades to impede the progress of you foes.  Uses the exalted weapon of an exalted sentinel,  (hold to change from defense to offense when the activated point where you want the mines, grenades will travel in an ark based on firing angle. 

Mines - short activation time but have powerful crowd control abilities
Tesla- see greener electric traps
Bounce- is now a bouncing betty dealing guaranteed slash pocks
Shred- perinatally damage armor and shields leaving weak points in enemy defenses
Gas- lay a trap that uses poison gas and aerosols to weaken and confuse an enemy.  (can proc radiation, toxin, add viral)

Grenades - more immediately useful but are designed as a stop-gap measure to prevent you from being overrun due to the propellants they cost more than mines do.

Molotov cocktail -create an AoE of fire the burns enemies alive
Heap- use a shaped charge to penetrate and enemies defenses (deals finisher damage)
Thermite- burn enemies with a fire so hot it corrodes their defenses, (will work similarly to spores but will instead use heat damage and deal corrosive procs)
Flair- blind and mark all enemies' along this munitions path

2: vortex- create a maelstrom in space-time that draws enemies in slowly crushing them- augment increases loot drops form vortex (is focused on ammo and energy) you can only use 2 safely. 

3: Maginot line- build a fortification against the enemy in a 25 degree by 10m radius arch with room for a frame to walk on the top of ( radius is controlled by power strength and arc angle is controlled by range)
augment: (Bastille) transforms the Maginot line into repelling bastille)

4: Sentinel Overcharge- increases the power of the exalted sentinel's precepts and provides the effects to all teammates in double affinity range this is a channeled ability (scales off of power strength and other standard channeling mods)


Exalted sentinel (Jean 'de Arc) this sentinel does not have a targeting precept but instead supports the squad with Ammo, health, and shields.  During overcharge, it provides an over-shield with built-in DR (strength of these abilities are based on frame mods).  If jean 'de arc dies she can be instantly revived for 100 energy by using overcharge and


The sentinel weapon (Calamity Jane) and is classed as a launcher weapon.  It has no stats on its own and is not used outside of mine layer because it is a stat stick for some of the damage based grenades and mines.  Each grenade will have its base stats calculated in the arsenal screen when modding this weapon.


All naming is to keep with the French, defensive warfare theme.     

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1 hour ago, SenariousNex said:

Removal of all abilities that buff gun dps in any way.  Unless you want Chroma meta in literally any real boss fight.

I would not do this in its entirety but instead, change the extent and method of buffing so that you don't have the Chroma Rhino boss metta by making the buffs, not stack (or stack poorly) and by improving how the buffs are distributed will make it more profitable to only have one DPS buffing (commander) frame. 

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6 hours ago, Loza03 said:

I've put some thought into Limbo so...

1: Players who's attacks 'interact' with rift-bound enemies get a 15 second buff that enables them to roll into the rift for a max of 30 seconds - they can roll out as usual. The Riftwalk portal is updated to provide this same buff and actually face the direction of the riftwalk. Limbo's cannot interact with it.

2: Enemies in the other plane to the player have 50% transparency and an aura effect consisting of the players energy colour and a little bit of the Rift's black and white so it still exists if the player turns their energy to black.  That part can be seen through walls by Limbos outside the rift, helping people playing Limbo to track stragglers in the rift. When in the rift, the transparency (but not the other effects) applies to enemies outside it and enemies inside the rift have the aura but are solid. You can also pass through enemies in the opposite plane in much the same way projectiles do. This helps to convey the 'other dimension' aspect better for players.

3: Banish can be held to act like the original version - switches a single target between planes. This version has double the range of the base cone banish, facilitating various assassin-esque playstyles like sniping for Limbo.

4: Banish now has a visual indicator of its range - when tapped for the current cone it produces a visible energy wave that helps Limbos judge the distance they effect. Right now it's quite indistinct. In a similar fashion, the range of Rift Surge's radial banish is indicated in the same way.

5: Rift Surge has a new ability on top of its ability to draw enemies in without leaving. Damage from any source on a Rift Surged target will cause a moddable 25% of that damage to surged targets on the opposing plane. Enemies that die this way spread two surge effects through the same plane for 100% the remaining duration. This further enables players outside the rift to affect enemies within it, and makes Rift Surge a more team-friendly ability. It also produces the possibility for some slightly crazy setups where a Limbo with decent power strength and a strong enough weapon could spread mass DPS chaos whilst not affecting teammates negatively. 

6: Not really a change on Limbo himself, but more enemies like the OV Hyenas that can ignore Stasis at higher levels please? Even if a cataclysm/stasis bubble is only 98% safe to AFK in, it'd force players to actually have to, well, play with Limbo. This would hopefully encourage more active Limbos.

you have found a way to buff the QOL of limbo to a point where he could be OP I feel that the UI/visual changes would bet the most helpful especially change number 2.  

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i like warframe for weapons but  I also enjoy good skills and warframe has great weapons .

but there is lack of good skills i mean good like ussefull in all situacions etc. and augments are good reward but syndicates are weird.

some augments are like how to skill has work without him 

Mag -Greedy Pull   gives  Mag's  Pull the ability to attract pickups towards herself. is this worth a mod slot ? 

so I would love to see the modifications of the skills , new mechanics of abilities and less bugs

+ remove some augments and add  THE augments that rly change skills etc.

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3 minutes ago, spirit_of_76 said:

you have found a way to buff the QOL of limbo to a point where he could be OP I feel that the UI/visual changes would bet the most helpful especially change number 2.  

Thank you! Glad somebody likes my ideas.

On the note of OP-ness Maybe. That Rift Surge buff MIGHT be too much. But at the same time it'd have quite the start-up and really rely on lots of enemies, as well as diminishing returns since after a while you'd start losing instances of Rift Surge to spread damage to. And that's assuming you're bringing in Targets not affected the surge and then Rift Surging them, not using the existing surged targets - if not, since it relies on the effects starting duration you'd have an upper limit on how long you could use this method for. And it'd probably still be slower than something like Peacemaker or Spores, and you'd need a hefty amount of power strength to make it work well - and/or overkill targets by a lot. Though it'd synergise with Limbo's Rift Surge augment really well.

Past that, all this is just QoL. It doesn't particularly expand Limbo's influence into any new areas - the Banish change just makes him slightly better at the whole 'guerrilla warfare' thing he can do already and the QoL just makes him a bit more team-friendly overall, at least from what I can tell.

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41 minutes ago, (XB1)Cubic Clem said:

DUDE! I'm finally at the bottom holy hell.. I already forgot what I wanted to say..

-breaks through roof with a shovel-

...What year is it?

Regardless I'd like to see Vauban be addressed ASAP, with a shout-out to Wukong who needs kit synergy BADLY.

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The only thing Vauban needs is better 2 abilitie ,all that 4 things are useless and slow to cast them,keep only one thing that does it all,bounce,for example squad mates that use bounce get some kind of buff,enemy's get armour reduction,and if I recast it creates a explosion that blinds or knock down ,just imagine the possibilities of a augment for Vauban second abilitie


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Vauban rework proposal:

- buff his passive: extra armour for allies is nice, when it's a decent amount. 50 armour is the equivalent of wearing Tinfoil against bullets. at least 200 extra armour would not be unbalanced, as squishy frames would not become tanks immediately, but it would do something.

- Tesla needs a LOT more damage if DE want to make it an offensive ability. have the Teslas chain between each other and deal increased damage when an enemy steps between two or more Teslas. another option would be to just make it an AoE grenade like Sapping Osprey Orbs, but emitting constant lightning over an are instead of energy. Teslas could also be made to supercharge allies if stuck onto a player; granting them additional electrical damage or even replenishing some energy.

- Minelayer needs to be scrapped as it is too convoluted, and none of the current grenade options are useful beyond very particular stuations. they need to be replaced with an ability that is better against hordes, because that's what warframe is: a horde shooter. I'm thinking it could be replaced with either a turret ability for suppressive fire, or a protective AoE that is laden with mines, spikes and other assorted traps, acting as a defensible point for the Tenno, and possibly granting buffs as well. teslas deployed within it could also deal more damge or have increased range.

- Bastille needs to have the bug fixed and offer some kind of protection against ranged attacks: ti works great on infested, but enemies shooting into the Bastille can sill wreck Vauban and his allies. i'm thinking perhaps give it a stasis field that freezes projectiles, or at the very least slows them to a crawl. 

- Vortex is pretty sound mechanically, but could be buffed. it might be interesting to make it a dual mode power, deploy the Vortex to suck in enemas, then press again to go from singularity to explosion, and send enemies flying, kinda like Nidus' Larva but with an explosion follow-up. the damage from the explosion effect upon deactivating Vortex could scale with the health taken from enemies caught in it, so the more enemies you pull in, the more damage you deal to them when you hit them with the explosion. this way Vortex can CC and also dispose of weaker enemies, as any ult really should.

- buff passive

- more tesla damage/ sapping orb style constant AoE instead of proximity based.

- scrap minelayer, repalce with powerful turret or new defensive power.

- fix bastille and grant it protection from ranged attacks.

- buff vortex and/or allow the player to S U C C enemies, then blast them away. damage and CC rolled into one.

I'm also gonna put this in #Feedback, see if I can get some support for this: I think it would make Vauban a lot more powerful and make him more than just a CC specialist: he's a tactician, a tactician should have a wide and varied kit. he basically needs to be like Batman: a gadget for every situation. 



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For wukong.

1 becomes a sweep in front with the bow.

2. Is a sort of aoe blind. Maybe a buff for you and team.

3. You become a dark figure emanating smoke. Hard to see in shadow. Pretty much hitting the stealth kills.

4. Stays the same.

Defy folds into his passive,  you stack the combo meter. If you die with a 3x combo it takes the combo instead of you dying. Would need a cool down (so your not actualy invincible.)

Wukong's spirit is mischief but hopefully this would give him more synergy.

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I have a few Ideas for some Frames.  

Oberon increase health at rank 30 to 400 (Oberon Prime has less health that zephyr prime and that is sad)

zephyr:  add improved aim glide (greater duration and range of speed) to the passive along with feather falling
changer her one so that you can hover in the air for a longer time frame (this means starting in the air instead of just on the ground)

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8 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

- buff his passive: extra armour for allies is nice, when it's a decent amount. 50 armour is the equivalent of wearing Tinfoil against bullets. at least 200 extra armour would not be unbalanced, as squishy frames would not become tanks immediately, but it would do something

that is no longer his passive he now has more damage to cc'd enemies.  

9 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

- Tesla needs a LOT more damage if DE want to make it an offensive ability. have the Teslas chain between each other and deal increased damage when an enemy steps between two or more Teslas. another option would be to just make it an AoE grenade like Sapping Osprey Orbs, but emitting constant lightning over an are instead of energy. Teslas could also be made to supercharge allies if stuck onto a player; granting them additional electrical damage or even replenishing some energy.

making them like the grineer shock traps would be nice.  they don't need damage but they need to actually proc the electric staus effect for them to be useful

11 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

- Minelayer needs to be scrapped as it is too convoluted, and none of the current grenade options are useful beyond very particular stuations. they need to be replaced with an ability that is better against hordes, because that's what warframe is: a horde shooter. I'm thinking it could be replaced with either a turret ability for suppressive fire, or a protective AoE that is laden with mines, spikes and other assorted traps, acting as a defensible point for the Tenno, and possibly granting buffs as well. teslas deployed within it could also deal more damge or have increased range.

he is a defensive frame based on a French military engineer while I agree that the current mines are crap I feal that Minelayer as a defensive utility is still good but it will need a total Overhaul.  personally, I would move it to his one get remove trip laser and bounce.  Make shred work like a banshee sonar or Oberon's 2&4 combo.  then add an aoe Rad proc/nullification to prevent enemies form buffing each other.  I would also add a set of grenades that have area denial, information gathering, and some damage to the ability as well.  

20 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

- Bastille needs to have the bug fixed and offer some kind of protection against ranged attacks: ti works great on infested, but enemies shooting into the Bastille can sill wreck Vauban and his allies. i'm thinking perhaps give it a stasis field that freezes projectiles, or at the very least slows them to a crawl. 

there was a stopgap fix made to the ability by having it pulse ones ever so often to remove enemies from Bastille

22 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

- Vortex is pretty sound mechanically, but could be buffed. it might be interesting to make it a dual mode power, deploy the Vortex to suck in enemas, then press again to go from singularity to explosion, and send enemies flying, kinda like Nidus' Larva but with an explosion follow-up. the damage from the explosion effect upon deactivating Vortex could scale with the health taken from enemies caught in it, so the more enemies you pull in, the more damage you deal to them when you hit them with the explosion. this way Vortex can CC and also dispose of weaker enemies, as any ult really should.

what it needs it its wanky math updated.  it scales logarithmically with range not linearly.  


Did you miss the recent Vauban buffs that they did, while it was not a lot 2 of you points were way out of date and are no longer relevant or were fixed in some manner?  

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Passive: commander - increases the strength of squad abilities by 10% when squadmates are in affinity range (this is multiplicative)

1:  Elemental curse - cast a curse that procs an enemy with a status effect
charging lets you change the elemental type

2: Elemental Ward - cast a ward against an element around you
This ward buffs allies against the elemental type and adds that element to their damage with its own stats chance, the element is dictated by the element of Elemental curse

3: To the last - his current 3 but it calculates additional damage after the full damage equation
It now uses a base of +50% damage capping at +125% damage.
It will also include a flat armor buff similar to how Oberon's works (+ % armor is useless for most frames)

4: Summon the dragon- works the same way as his current 4
uses the ignis wraith as a base for an exalted weapon,  
the base element is decided by the element of Elemental curse and is snapshotted at the time of casting

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1: Minelayer - lay a series of devastating traps or fire offensive grenades to impede the progress of your foes.
Uses the exalted weapon of an exalted sentinel,  
hold to change from minelayer to grenade launcher when activated point exactly where you want the mines, grenades will travel in an ark based on firing angle.

Mines - short activation time but have powerful crowd control abilities

Tesla- see greener electric traps
Bounce- is now a bouncing betty and deals guaranteed slash procs
Shred- perinatally damage armor and shields leaving weak points in enemy defenses
Gas- lay a trap that uses poison gas and aerosols to weaken and confuse an enemy.  (can proc radiation, toxin, add viral)

Grenades - designed as a stop-gap measure to prevent you from being overrun.
due to the propellants used they cost more energy than a mine.

Molotov cocktail- a fire AOE that burns enemies alive
Heap- use a shaped charge to penetrate an enemies defenses
deals finisher damage
Thermite- burn enemies with a fire so hot it corrodes their defenses,
will work similarly to spores but will instead use heat damage and deals corrosive procs
Flare- blind and mark all enemies' along this munitions path

2: vortex- create a maelstrom in space-time that draws enemies in slowly crushing them
you can only use 2 safely
Augment - increases loot drops form vortex (is focused on ammo and energy)

3: Maginot line- build a fortification against the enemy in a ½ pi radians by 10m radius arc
with room for a frame to walk on the top
radius is controlled by power strength and arc angle is controlled by range
augment (Bastille) transforms the Maginot line into repelling bastille

4: Sentinel Over Charge- increases the power of the exalted sentinel's precepts and provides the effects to all teammates in affinity range this is a channeled ability (scales off of uses power strength and other standard channeling mods)

Exalted sentinel (Jean 'de Arc): this sentinel does not have a targeting precept but instead supports the squad with Ammo, health, shields, and information.  
During overcharge, it provides an over-shield with built-in DR
the strength of these abilities is based on frame mods (see vinnary).  
If Jean 'de Arc dies she can be instantly revived for 100 energy by using overcharge

Sentinel weapon (Calamity Jane): it is classed as a launcher.  
It has no stats and is used as a stat stick for some of the damage based grenades and mines in minelayer.  
Each grenade will have its base stats calculated in the arsenal screen when modding this weapon.

All naming is to keep with the French defensive warfare theme.

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  • Hold to pull yourself to the enemy, quickly hit melee for a claw finisher
  • Deals 50% finisher damage
  • Scales with range and power strength and duration (range finisher damage and time for finisher respectively)
  • Augment lets you chain the finishers as you will jump off of the enemy not touching the ground If you perform a finisher


  • Gives % of base armor instead of buffing armor %
  • Can be recast for 25 energy to slow enemies
  • Casting animation now conserves momentum and no longer prevents movement

Spectral rage

  • Paralyzes enemies in a 15m by 25 degrees cone for 2.5 sec
  • slows enemies in a 15m radius for 10 sec
  • Scales off of range, strength, and duration (for a maximum slow of 70%)
  • No longer stops you but is still a 2 handed animation 


  • Crit is decreased to 45%, with a 3x multiplier
  • Status is increased to 15%
    • Augment now changes Hysteria completely
    • Hysteria drains 2.5 energy per second base and no longer increases drain
    • Hysteria provides 75%-125% of current armor Damage reduction up to 90% DR  as DR (applies to shields as well)
    • Hysteria no longer has recoil   
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