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MOAnimation Design Contest [Winners Announced]!


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Would love to see a dramatic play dead animation.

The moa would let out a small cute screech or other fitting sound, raise one of it's legs as if grasping for something and then flip on it's back, all dramatic and lay dead on the floor ONLY to quickly raise it's head for a moment to check and see if we're looking at it before flopping back dead quickly and recovering after a few more seconds.

If you've ever seen any videos of dogs playing dead, those were my inspiration.

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Not sure if anyone else in this thread has suggested it, but;

1. Moa is startled by something, perhaps something like Ordis's "Background Radiation Is a Riot!" transmission, where you don't understand the joke.

2. Moa falls onto its back and begins kicking its legs in the air, moving its 'head' piece a bit as though it is laughing.

3. Moa stops  'laughing' and looks around for a moment.

4. Moa jumps back up onto its feet as though nothing happened, returning to its idle animation

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After a knockdown or particularly heavy hit, a MOA could shake its parts a bit to check that everything's still in place: first it shakes one leg, then the other, then its head before popping itself back upright to continue aiding you in your mission!

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In response to the player's wave emote, I'd like there to be a chance that when the Moa returns the wave, it will raise its leg so high that it will teeter for a moment on its remaining leg, before falling over... it should then quickly scramble back to its feet with either an embarrassed shrug, or somehow convey an "I totally meant to do that" attitude.

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After clearing all enemies:
1. Moa lifts right leg and extends it forward, doing a pinching motion with the left and back claws, mimicking holding a tea mug.
2. Moa holds animation for half a second, before raising the imaginary cup of tea upwards a bit, signaling a cheer/salute.
3. Imaginary tea cup is then lowered a bit, before Moa mimics drinking from it.
4. After the imaginary drinking has been done, Moa lifts head and looks towards the sky.
5. Moa throws imaginary tea cup away/gently places imaginary tea cup down, before returning to idle state.

Something like this (look at Charlotte - the blonde one):




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I'm seeing this in my mind's eye:

(From starting position)

-MOA raises it's leg to stand like a flamingo and holds pose (approx 2.5-3 seconds)

-MOA starts to tilt from imbalance, but quickly catches itself by standing back on two legs.

(Return to starting position)


Edited by (NSW)MaskCovert
Little extra clarification.
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While the Moa has no Shields, partial Health damage, and is Reloading in a stationary position, it raises one leg to frantically try to speed up the reload process, poking at the gun parts rapidly with some matching clinking sounds, then banging on the side of the gun right when it is about to fire again. This will add a sense of sense of urgency to the Moa in a heated battle. (May add visuals later!)

Edited by LegendaryNeurotoxin
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