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What's the advantage of Hydron over Helene?


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I always see people mentioning Hydron when speaking about MR. But what I've tested is that Hydron gave me less MR points than Helene did.

In 5 waves I've earned maybe ~21000 points playing in Saturn, Helene versus ~18000 in Sedna, Hydron. All time was with constant Affinity Share.

Did I something wrong or I don't know. But why Hydron when Helene exists?

UPD: Both are 'Defense' missions.

(sorry, English not native)

Edited by 8ubb13
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7 minutes ago, FuryAdcom said:

None, Helene does give more affinity than Hydron.

Is just that people like being carried or sonething, probably. I don't know the reason either anyway.

Not quite accurate. The reasoning is because of both enemy density and shared affinity range. Because xp gains work off of how many players are within affinity range of each other, with a larger map you can potentially miss out on shared affinity gains per wave. The amusing part is that with a well organised team the affinity gains from doing interception missions are actually higher because the enemies spawn infinitely instead of a fixed amount per wave. It requires everybody staying together in 1 spot and a dedicated dps that will receive a low amount of affinity gains but it's what used to happen for power levelling on Draco.

For frame levelling the fastest method by a very long way is still buddy sharing in Adaro.

Edit: nvm I'm thinking of the Sedna interception map lol which is actually than both Hydron and Helene for affinity gains.

Edited by Zilchy
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They're practically the same thing. Just starts at a slightly higher level in Hydron. 

I'd like to see more varied interception maps, especially for grineer. This map...is just boring and too small for the mission type. 

On the plus side, both are great when it involves syndicate interceptions or defenses, since it's trivially easy to find and pick up the widgets. 

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Saturn Grineer Asteroid Base Defense is an even more cruise control version of Sedna Grineer Galleon Defense.

the Tile that Sedna uses is more conducive to keeping within XP Range without having to burn a pile of Flares, and due to the size is easier to accelerate the Waves which is the main limiter to XP gain in Defense, that it is Wave based.

that plus that Sedna is a higher Level Mission... assuming that the Players are capable of Killing Enemies, just overall makes the Sedna option have more capability to be efficient, of these two choices.


besides, XP sharing has more nuance than just being within sharing Range. that's only the first step.

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5 minutes ago, SordidDreams said:

So what are the next steps?

it depends on who is trying to Level things in what Slot - whether you should be Killing things yourself with Abilities or Weapons, buffing Allies to soak Shared, whether a Weapon Slot(s) are best left empty, Et Cetera.
all depends on what the Players need.

Edited by taiiat
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44 minutes ago, 8ubb13 said:

I always see people mentioning Hydron when speaking about MR. But what I've tested is that Hydron gave me less MR points than Helene did.

In 5 waves I've earned maybe ~21000 points playing in Saturn, Helene versus ~18000 in Sedna, Hydron. All time was with constant Affinity Share.

Did I something wrong or I don't know. But why Hydron when Helene exists?

(sorry, English not native)

technicly based off of the math and assuming the same amount of enemy spawn hydron give ever so slightly more affinity than hydron however the lower level and easier nuking makes Hellen the better leveling spot.  
more to the point they don't have enough difference that you will rank a weapon in 5 waves less so both are just as fast.  

Edited by spirit_of_76
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3 minutes ago, spirit_of_76 said:

technicly based off of the math and assuming the same amount of enemy spawn hydron give ever so slightly more affinity than hydron however the lower level and easier nuking makes Hellen the better leveling spot.  
more to the point they don't have enough difference that you will rank a weapon in 5 waves less so both are just as fast.  

No because you're overall gains will be less because they're both defense missions. So naturally the mission with the higher level enemies will be more efficient if you can kill them pretty much instantly. This is why interception maps are far superior, they have limitless spawns governed only by your kill speed, the old trick was to capture 2 points and contest a third to the point where you were 1% ahead of the enemy. So you would win 100% to 99% thus ensuring the round lasted for as long as possible without failing the mission. A dedicated DPS would wipe the map constantly while the other 3 bathed in shared afffinity and levelled up incredibly fast. All this being said, if you have a mate you play with constantly, Adaro is your best bet and waaaay faster than Hydron, Helene or anything else. How long does 10 waves of Hydron take? Around 10 minutes or so? Yeh no thanks, pass.

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In terms of actual affinity you can't just stop at round 5 because mob level determines what variations will appear.   If you go to round 10 you will see that Hydron does beat Helene.  In theory, with an affinity booster, you can max a single weapon in either use case.  However...if your goal in life is not to AFK weapons to 30...Hydron actually allows you to "play the game" and still hit that mystical 30 in 10 rounds.  

Edited by Chappie1975
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il y a une heure, 8ubb13 a dit :

I always see people mentioning Hydron

Consider the loot table too. Helene rewards are meso and neo relics when Hydron gives you neo and axi relics. At higher level if you have to farm affinity, you might as well do it by earning more interesting things. 

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4 minutes ago, Zilchy said:

No because you're overall gains will be less because they're both defense missions. So naturally the mission with the higher level enemies will be more efficient if you can kill them pretty much instantly. This is why interception maps are far superior, they have limitless spawns governed only by your kill speed, the old trick was to capture 2 points and contest a third to the point where you were 1% ahead of the enemy. So you would win 100% to 99% thus ensuring the round lasted for as long as possible without failing the mission. A dedicated DPS would wipe the map constantly while the other 3 bathed in shared afffinity and levelled up incredibly fast. All this being said, if you have a mate you play with constantly, Adaro is your best bet and waaaay faster than Hydron, Helene or anything else. How long does 10 waves of Hydron take? Around 10 minutes or so? Yeh no thanks, pass.

I never said it was the best method. that is araro and a polearm for frames and ESO for weapons (takes only 5 min to max a single weapon) .  also defense it the easiest method and the most pubable.

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39 minutes ago, (PS4)Onder6099 said:

Afaik, gaining XP from kills doesn’t depend on lvl of enemies but on their composition. Heavy units gain more XP, f.e.: Heavy Gunner and Nox 500, Eximus 450-500 while Butcher 50 only. Reason why, for me, is leveling till wave 5 dumb.

the xp gain depends on enemy faction, type, and level although the level difference is smaller than say faction or type differences.  hence why hellen and hydron are so close in exp acquisition.

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1 minute ago, spirit_of_76 said:

I never said it was the best method. that is araro and a polearm for frames and ESO for weapons (takes only 5 min to max a single weapon) .  also defense it the easiest method and the most pubable.

Pubable yes, easy well that's debatable. Berehynia is an interception map on Sedna and the affinity gains there are far greater for minimal effort.

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9 minutes ago, Zilchy said:

Pubable yes, easy well that's debatable. Berehynia is an interception map on Sedna and the affinity gains there are far greater for minimal effort.

I have found that map to be very hard if you are not packing the right kit (i have only done the mission as a fissure though so losing frame buffs was a constant problem)

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20 minutes ago, spirit_of_76 said:

the xp gain depends on enemy faction, type, and level although the level difference is smaller than say faction or type differences.  hence why hellen and hydron are so close in exp acquisition.

1k lvl Heavy Gunner gives you same XP like 20 lvl HG, 500. Lvl of enemies encourages you to become stronger and slightly effects when Heavy units start to spawn. OP XP difference can be easily 6 Eximus from Syndicates and as @Chappie1975said the difference is barely visible until, let’s say wave 10, when first Noxes start to spear.

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)Onder6099 said:

1k lvl Heavy Gunner gives you same XP like 20 lvl HG, 500. Lvl of enemies encourages you to become stronger and slightly effects when Heavy units start to spawn. OP XP difference can be easily 6 Eximus from Syndicates and as @Chappie1975said the difference is barely visible until, let’s say wave 10, when first Noxes start to spear.

you are wrong but the difference is small as scales with a square root. see the equation form the wiki 
 Affinity = Enemy Base Affinity × (1 + 0.1425 × Enemy Level0.5)
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1 minute ago, stormy505 said:

it really just comes down to:

A) do you want orokin cells

B) do you want axi relics

ESO is a better leveling place but you need a level thirty frame. 

well, that depends on who do you bring, and are you cancerous scum, it ruins the location for farming and focus when half of the team leaves at room 3 and now you have no energy or buffs because host migrations suck.  
also, it is neo relics no one at hydron goes more than 15 waves Hellen on the other hand often goes 20 (great if you are leveling 2 items without a booster).  

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